Human Resources Management
Checklist for Review of the Human Resource Development Component of National Plans to Control Tuberculosis
The checklist described in this document has been developed as a tool to assist those involved in a systematic review of the human resource development component of the NTP. This component is often referred to as “training.” In this document, the term training is used in a broader context than the more traditional interpretation of the term, where training refers to organization and implementation of training courses. Training in this document is often replaced by the term “HR development” to stress the need for a broader and more long-term approach within NTPs. [from introduction]
- 12620 reads
COPE for Child Health in Kenya and Guinea: an Analysis of Service Quality
This report presents the results of a longitudinal, quasi-experimental study evaluating the introduction and use of COPE and the resulting changes in service quality in two countries, Kenya and Guinea. At the end of a 15-month period, providers’ attitudes, providers’ ability to solve problems, service quality, and client satisfaction were assessed at eight intervention sites and at eight matched control sites, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. [author’s description]
- 2133 reads
COPE Handbook: a Process for Improving Quality in Health Services, Revised Edition
COPE, which stands for “client-oriented, provider-efficient” services, is a process that helps health care staff continuously improve the quality and efficiency of services provided at their facility and make services more responsive to clients’ needs. COPE provides staff with practical, easy-to-use tools to identify problems and develop solutions using local resources, and it encourages all levels of staff and supervisors to work together as a team and to involve clients in assessing services. Through COPE, staff develop a customer focus, learning to define quality in concrete terms by putting themselves in their clients’ shoes.
- 2164 reads
Facilitative Supervision Handbook
The handbook includes descriptions of the facilitative approach to supervision and the roles and characteristics of facilitative supervisors in involving staff in the QI process, leading staff through change, creating a nonthreatening environment, and helping staff use data for decision making. [publisher’s description]
- 4314 reads
High-Performing Reproductive Healthcare Facilities in Kenya: Why They Exceed Expectations
This report summarizes findings from Phase 2 of a two-phase case study to determine why certain reproductive healthcare facilities in low-resource settings perform better than others. The study examined the characteristics, behaviors, and coping strategies of high-performing reproductive healthcare facilities in Kenya, exploring elements of resilience and factors influencing performance.
- 2109 reads
Health Worker Motivation in Africa: the Role of Non-Financial Incentives and Human Resource Management Tools
There is a serious human resource crisis in the health sector in developing countries, particularly in Africa. One of the challenges is the low motivation of health workers. Experience and the evidence suggest that any comprehensive strategy to maximize health worker motivation in a developing country context has to involve a mix of financial and non-financial incentives. This study assesses the role of non-financial incentives for motivation in two cases, in Benin and Kenya. [abstract]
- 6908 reads
What Makes a Good Employer?
This document summarises underlying evidence and issues related to good human resource management (HRM)in the health sector with reference to: (a) indicators of performance and measurement of nursing outcomes; (b) performance issues related to individuals and teams; and (c) employee engagement, commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). There are two key themes: What are the interventions and indicators associated with good HRM outcomes, and how can these be measured? [author’s description]
- 9701 reads
Framework for Purchasing Health Care Labor
Health care labor is central to managing and delivering health services. Because recruitment and retention policies are key issues for purchasers, gaining insights into labor-purchasing mechanisms may permit them to be addressed more effectively. This paper is intended to provide a brief introduction to health care labor purchasing and the mechanisms through which it can have an impact on the delivery of health services and on health system performance. A framework is developed to foster understanding of health labor purchasing mechanisms. [abstract]
- 1998 reads
Nursing Staff Dynamics and Implications for Maternal Health Provision in Public Health Facilities in the Context of HIV/AIDS
This study aimed to document nursing staff dynamics in maternal health services, and to explore the factors associated with these dynamics. We have used the term nursing staffing dynamics to encompass a range of human resource processes including staff turnover, absenteeism, average length of stay in a facility, vacancy rates and workload. The study was carried out in Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces in South Africa. [author’s description]
- 3887 reads
Workload Indicators of Staffing Need: a Manual for Implementation
The Workload Indicators for Staffing Levels was created to provide a rational method of setting the correct staffing levels in health facilities, taking into account the the wide local variations which are found within every country, such as the different levels and patterns of morbidity in different locations, the ease of access to different facilities, the patient attitudes in different parts of the country to the services provided, and the local economic circumstances. This Manual sets out all the activities which are necessary in order to design and implement the WISN Method in a country.
- 12499 reads
Likely Benefit of Using Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) for Human Resources Management in the Health Sector of Bangladesh
This study demonstrates how Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) can be used as a human resources planning and management tool for improving decisions at all levels of health services about the provision, allocation and deployment of staff. [from abstract]
- 7337 reads
Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms
This report has been prepared by the International Labour Office as the basis for discussions at the Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms. It reviews the impact of health sector reforms on health workers and the implications of changes in employment and pay, labour relations, working conditions and terms of employment on the general performance of health systems in the light of the links between health policy, human health and the economy. [preface]
- 6031 reads
Importance of Human Resources Management in Health Care: a Global Context
This paper addresses the health care system from a global perspective and the importance of human resources management (HRM) in improving overall patient health outcomes and delivery of health care services.
- 94347 reads
Ghana Case Study: Staff Performance Management in Reforming Health Systems
This study seeks to describe the existing systems for measuring and monitoring staff performance in the clinical setting and covered public and para-statal hospitals in Ghana. [author’s description]
- 4385 reads
Strengthening Management in Low-Income Countries
This brief note focuses on the management of sub-national [health] systems and services. It provides a simple framework for analysing current mangerial challenges; it summarises what is known about effective approaches to improve management and what returns from investing in these can be expected, and it outlines some directions for action by the international community. [from author]
- 2010 reads
Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Management Guidelines
The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist Member Countries in strengthening the management of their nursing and midwifery workforce and, through this, to assist in strengthening health care delivery and strategies for improving health. In particular, they aim to assist Member Countries by assisting them to effectively manage nursing and midwifery issues, including the problems of continuing shortage and maldistribution of nursing and midwifery personnel along with an inappropriate skill mix. [from introduction]
- 3282 reads
Match Between Motivation and Performance Management of Health Sector Workers in Mali
In Mali, operational research was conducted to identify the match between motivation and the range and use of performance management activities. The study showed that the main motivators of health workers were related to responsibility, training and recognition, next to salary. These can be influenced by performance management (job descriptions, supervisions, continuous education and performance appraisal).
- 3783 reads
HR High Impact Changes: An Evidence Based Resource
This document is designed as a resource to support the 10 High Impact HR Changes as outlined in “A National Framework to Support Local Workforce Strategy Development.” These include: support and lead effective change management; develop effective recruitment, good induction and supportive management; develop shared service models and effective use of IT; manage temporary staffing costs; promote staff health and manage sickness absence; promote job and service re-design; develop and implement appraisal; involve staff and work in partnership to develop good employee relations; champion good peop
- 2922 reads
Australia's Health Workforce: Research Report
Australia is experiencing workforce shortages across a number of health professions despite a significant and growing reliance on overseas trained health workers. The shortages are even more acute in rural and remote areas. It is critical to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the available health workforce, and to improve its distribution. This report describes the Australian government’s objectives of developing a more sustainable and responsive health workforce while maintaining a commitment to high quality and safe health outcomes. A set of national workforce objectives are also proposed.
- 3638 reads
What Difference Does "Good" HRM Make?
Despite the limited, but growing, evidence base on the impact of HRM on organisational performance in other sectors, there have been relatively few attempts to assess the implications of this evidence for the health sector. This paper examines this broader evidence base on HRM in other sectors and examines some of the underlying issues related to “good” HRM in the health sector. [from abstract]
- 2244 reads
Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool for HIV/AIDS Environments: A Guide for Strengthening HRM Systems
The HRM-HIV Tool provides organizations with a participatory, rapid assessment tool for identifying an organization’s human resource management status and making concrete plans for improvements within HIV/AIDS environments. It has been used with both public and private organizations in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. The tool conforms to principles of participation and self-determination that guide all of MSH’s training and technical assistance activities. [author’s description]
- 4056 reads
Functional Job Analysis: Guidelines for Task Analysis and Job Design
This guide is designed for managers, supervisors, educators, planners, and evaluators. Its purpose is to discuss ways to improve decisions that affect how human resources are used to provide health services. Improved decisions require up-to-date and detailed information about three components of human resources for health: (1) the workforce, (2) the work performed and (3) the work settings. This guide discusses how to establish an information system that links these three components to form a unified model of human resources planning, training, and utilization. [from overview]
- 53037 reads
Assessing Your Organization's Capacity to Manage Finances
This issue of The Manager offers financial and program managers—from headquarters to the service delivery level - reasons to assess their financial management systems and a method for performing this assessment. It introduces FIMAT, the Financial Management Assessment Tool, a step-by-step process and instrument for rapidly assessing budgeting, accounting, purchasing and other financial systems. It describes how managers can use their assessment results to develop detailed action plans that can be incorporated into their organization’s annual operation plans. [from author]
- 2929 reads
Preparing Nurses for Facility Management: Policy Brief
These briefs are primarily intended for directors and managers of community- based health care programmes—whether working within ministries of health, international donor agencies or non-government organizations. This brief takes up a number of likely questions about the management functions of the nurses in charge of small, local health facilities:
- How prepared are “nurses in charge” for carrying out administrative and management functions?
- How should they relate to the new management committees?
- What additional training do they need?
- What are the lessons from the Kwale project—lessons about the training of nurses—that can be applied elsewhere?
- 1970 reads
Human Resource Management (HRM) Rapid Assessment Tool for Public- and Private-Sector Health Organizations: A Guide for Strengthening HRM Systems
The Human Resource Management (HRM) Assessment Tool offers a method for assessing what an organization’s Human Resource Management system consists of and how well it functions. The HRM Assessment Tool helps users to develop strategies to improve the human resource system and make it as effective as possible. It can also serve as a basis for focusing discussions, brainstorming, and strategic planning. It is designed to be used in public and private-sector health organizations.
- 15578 reads
Creating a Work Climate that Motivates Staff and Improves Performance
This issue outlines the connections between work climate, employee motivation, and performance. It describes how managers can assess the climate in their work group and shows how they can use the results to make changes in leadership and management practices that will motivate their group to do the best work possible and improve results. [editor’s description]
- 9077 reads
HR and New Approaches to Public Sector Management: Improving HRM Capacity: Workshop on Global Health Workforce Strategy
This paper examines why building HR capacity is important to effective health care reform, assesses the existing evidence on HR capability in the health sector, and draws out lessons from existing practice. Developing HR capability requires investing in the training and development of both HR specialists and line managers/professionals with staff management responsibilities. It is vital that any investment in specialist HR capacity evaluates the different ways to deliver the HR function. To be effective the HR function must develop both an operational and a strategic HR capacity. [author’s sum
- 3678 reads
Potential Implications of Hospital Autonomy on Human Resources Management: A Thai Case Study
Using Thailand as a case study, this paper aims to explore the potential implications of integrated health system intervention. Within the Thai context, it is argued in this paper that autonomy of a network of public providers, rather than autonomy of individual hospitals, should be encouraged if management of health manpower is to be optimized. [from abstract]
- 3735 reads
Human Resources: Managing and Developing Your Most Important Asset
This issue discusses human resource development, its components, and its critical role in improving organizational performance. The accompanying supplement, the Human Resource Development Assessment Tool, is designed to help a public or private-sector organization identify problem areas in the organization’s HRD system and develop an action plan to address them. [editors’ description]
- 3490 reads
Polio Eradication: Mobilizing and Managing Human Resources
This paper reviews the strategies for polio eradication, summarizes the skills and number of people required for their implementation, outlines the approach used to mobilize and manage these human resources, and discusses the impact of this approach. [from introduction]
- 2052 reads