Human Resources Management
Midwifery Workforce Management and Innovation
Prepared as a background document for “The State of the World’s Midwifery 2011,” this paper focuses on three overarching aspects essential to midwifery workforce management: managing entry to the workforce, managing stay in the workforce, and managing exit from the workforce. [adapted from author]
- 1054 reads
Already We See the Difference: Strengthening District Health Workforce Leadership and Management in Uganda
Participants in the Human Resources for Health Leadership and Management Course in Uganda share some perspectives on a program designed to help them address health workforce challenges at the district level. [from publisher]
- 1072 reads
Flexible Work Practices in Nursing
This brief outlines the concepts of flexible working practices, which are being promoted by governments, employers and unions as an important element of efforts to recruit and retain skilled employees and to improve the deployment of available nursing skills. [adapted from author]
- 1120 reads
Health Workforce Activity: Engaging Health Workers to Improve Performance, Productivity, and Retention
This survey tests the use of employee engagement concepts in United States Agency for International Development-assisted countries to measure and improve health worker performance, productivity, and retention. [adapted from author]
- 1602 reads
Aligning and Clarifying Health Worker Tasks to Improve Maternal Care in Niger: the Tahoua Region Human Resources Quality Improvement Collaborative
This report describes pioneering work where quality improvement methods are being applied to strengthen human resources management and performance at the facility, district, and regional management levels to improve maternal care in Niger’s Tahoua Region. [from summary]
- 1149 reads
District Health System Reorganization Guideline from a Managerial Perspective
These guidelines are Rwanda’s official guide to the management of a functional district health system and were designed as a daily guide for the duties of the district health team. It traces key roles and responsibilities of each team member. [adapted from foreward]
- 1536 reads
Systematic Review of the Links between Human Resource Management Practices and Performance
This publication assesses the results from a wide-ranging series of systematic reviews of the evidence on human resource management (HRM) and performance. It assesses evidence on use of HRM in the UK and fidelity of practice implemented and considers evidence for the impact of HRM practices on intermediate outcomes, which can impact on final outcomes, such as organisational performance or patient care. [adapted from abstract]
- 2521 reads
Health Facility Committees and Facility Management: Exploring the Nature and Depth of Their Roles in Coast Province, Kenya
This article explores the nature and depth of managerial engagement of health facility committees at the facility level in two rural districts in Kenya, and how this has contributed to community accountability. [from abstract]
- 1713 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Lao People's Democratic Republic
This review describes the current state of health leadership and management capacity and issues that affect management performance at the district level in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. [from summary]
- 1790 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Solomon Islands
This report describes the current health management and leadership capacity and issues that affect management performance in the Solomon Islands. [from author]
- 1698 reads
National Policy on the Management of Public Hospitals
The aims of this policy include: ensuring the appointment of competent and skilled hospital managers; providing for the development of management accountability frameworks; and ensuring the training of managers in leadership, management and governance. [adapated from author]
- 2139 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Timor-Leste
This review describes the current situation of health leadership and management capacity in Timor-Leste. [from summary]
- 1318 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Fiji
This review describes the current situation of health leadership and management capacity at the sub-divisional level in Fiji. [from summary]
- 1472 reads
Human Resources Mangement
Human resources management (HRM) focuses on people - how they fit within a health system; how they are hired, trained, paid, and supported; and how they can be most productive. This CapacityPlus Issue Brief focuses on how can we strengthen the systems health workers need to function effectively. [adapted from author]
- 1804 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Papua New Guinea
This review describes the state of health leadership and management capacity in Papua New Guinea. [from summary]
- 1352 reads
Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Cambodia
This review describes the current situation of health leadership and management capacity in Cambodia after its efforts to rebuild its health system following years of conflict that decimated the country’s health infrastructure. [from summary]
- 1948 reads
Strengthening Human Resources for Health to Improve Maternal Care in Niger's Tahoua Region
This brief outlines a collaborative to improve health worker performance and improve the quality and efficiency of maternal care services by building the capacity of local management and health workers to implement sustainable improvements in maternal care provided in Tahoua. [adapted from author]
- 1699 reads
Strengthening National and Subnational Departments for Human Resources Development
The purpose of this guide is to support the strengthening of existing, or establishing new, human resources for health development departments at the central and subnational levels.
- 2036 reads
Nursing Human Resources Planning and Management Competencies
This document describes core competencies related to human resources planning and management. It reflects the context of the challenges faced by the health sectors and the nursing workforce globally, and the important role played by nurses in managing and leading teams of highly skilled health professionals, in providing leadership in the provision of service delivery and care, and contributing at the highest levels to the ongoing development of a health care system that can deliver key improvements in health outcomes. [from summary]
- 10475 reads
Competencies Tools
This is a digital collection of health competency tools. The Competence Search tool enables you to search the database for specific health worker competencies. The Health Functional Map is another tool to help you find relevant competences based upon the Skills for Health, Health Functional Map, and covers all of the functions that are needed to deliver effective health care services. The Self Assessment tool enables assessment of your own abilities against competences in lists/profiles. The Team Assessment tool enables a skills mix analysis of your team.
- 2154 reads
Using Performance and Quality Improvement to Strengthen Skilled Attendance
This report documents how the use of performance and quality improvement (PQI), a technique for achieving desired performance at service delivery sites and within communities, has helped to improve skilled attendance, and shares some lessons learned about how best to use PQI in safe motherhood programs. [adapted from aouthor]
- 7667 reads
Human Resource Management: the Missing Piece of the Puzzle
This brief presentation provides an overview of the importance and impact of human resource management in addressing the health workforce crisis.
- 2782 reads
Retirement Intentions of Dentists in New South Wales, Australia
Predictions on the growing shortage of the ageing Australian dental workfoce are based on the retirement trends of previous generations. This study attempts to determine the retirement intentions of today’s older dentists. [adapted from abstract]
- 1328 reads
Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers
This handbook brings together effective practices in leadership, management, and governance. It includes effective practices in key management systems that all work together to improve health. [from preface]
- 2797 reads
Realist Evaluation of the Management of a Well-Performing Regional Hospital in Ghana
This article uses the realist evaluation method to determine the effect of human resource management on hospital performance using a regional facility in Ghana.
- 2036 reads
From Staff Mix to Skill Mix and Beyond: Towards a Systemic Approach to Health Workforce Management
This review describes evidence about the benefits and pitfalls of current approaches to human resources optimisation in health care. It concludes that in order to use human resources most effectively, health care organisations must consider a more systemic approach - one that accounts for factors beyond narrowly defined human resources management practices and includes organisational and institutional conditions. [from abstract]
- 6268 reads
WISN Toolkit: Toolkit for Implementing Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) to Improve Health Workforce Planning and Management in Decentralized Health Systems
The Toolkit is adapted from the WHO WISN Manual. WISN has traditionally been in a top down approach with limited success, particularly when applying it within the context of a decentralized government system. It was recognized that a more innovative approach was required to implement the methodology successfully at decentralized levels. [from author]
- 9936 reads
Who Are Health Managers? Case Studies from Three African Countries
This report outlines a rapid descriptive assessment to gain an initial understanding of the management workforce for service delivery in Ethipia, Ghana and Tanzania and to test selected criteria for assessing managers as part of the health workforce. [adapted from summary]
- 2486 reads
Assessment of Human Resources Management Practices in Lebanese Hospitals
The objective of this study is to assess the perception of HR managers about the challenges they face and the current strategies being adopted. The study also aims at assessing enabling factors including role, education, experience and HR training. [from abstract]
- 2638 reads
Competency Gaps in Human Resource Management in the Health Sector: An Exploratory Study of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
This study was designed to document the role and experience of health professionals with significant responsibility for human resource management (HRM); identify the challenges that these health professionals face; identify additional skills and knowledge needed by these health professionals to address HRM challenges; solicit recommendations for changes in pre-service and in-service HRM training. [from summary]
- 4518 reads