Evaluation du Programme d'appui à la Médicalisation des Aires de Santé Rurales au Mali
L’évaluation avait pour but d’apprécier la pertinence, l’efficacité et la viabilité de ce programme de médicalisation, notamment des stratégies développées pour attirer et maintenir les médecins dans les zones rurales. [from resource]
- 520 reads
Making Health Care about People: Applying People-centered Care Principles to Family Planning Improvement Work in West Africa
The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a new strategy on people-centered health care that places a strong focus on the re-orienting the health system as a whole, including the importance of engaging community and patient groups. ASSIST principles of people-centeredness are complementary to the WHO strategy, particularly with respect to coordination and continuity of care, information, and the micro-level interactions between a client and the health care service delivery team that promote or hinder people-centeredness.
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Scholarship Ceremony at the Gao Nursing School in Mali
To help make it possible for nursing and midwifery students to continue (or begin) their training, CapacityPlus provided 204 financial scholarships to the students most in need. On December 18, 2013, the school hosted a ceremony to award scholarships to recipients—who comprise 37% of the student body—and to receive new equipment and supplies
- 551 reads
Quality of Care, Risk Management, and Technology in Obstetrics to Reduce Hospital-Based Maternal Mortality in Senegal and Mali (QUARITE): A Cluster-Randomised Trial
This article assesses the effect of a trial multifaceted intervention to promote maternity death reviews and onsite training for health workers in emergency obstetric care in referral hospitals with high maternal mortality rates in Senegal and Mali. [adapted from summary]
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Community Health Workers Save Children in Mali
This 7 minute video presents the issues of HRH in Mali and a program to train community health workers to provide life-saving services in the hardest-to-reach places in Mali. [adapted from publisher]
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Devolution and Human Resources in Primary Healthcare in Rural Mali
Devolution, as other types of decentralization (e.g. deconcentration, delegation, privatization), profoundly changes governance relations in the health system. This article assesses the key advantages and dilemmas associated with devolution such as responsiveness to local needs, downward accountability and health worker retention. Challenges of politics and capacities are also addressed in relation to human resources for health at the local level. [from abstract]
- 4636 reads
HRH Country Profiles
The HRH country profiles serve as a tool for systematically presenting the HRH situation, policies and management. They are expected to help to monitor trends, generate regional HRH overviews, provide comparable data between countries and identify points for focused action in countries. They will also serve for a comparison of countries’ responses to similar HRH challenges.
- 3713 reads
Implementation of the Learning for Performance Approach at the Gao Nursing School in Mali: Final Report
This report documents the efficiency of the Learning for Performance approach in the implementation of new pre-service reproductive health/family planning and child health training modules aimed at local health technicians working in Northern Mali. [adapted from introduction]
- 1998 reads
Role of Community Health Workers in Improving Child Health Programmes in Mali
In rural settings, the promotion of household and community health practices through community health workers (CHWs) is among the key strategies to improve child health. The objective of this study was to assess the performance of CHWs in the promotion of basic child health services in rural Mali. [from abstract]
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Building Capacity to Save Women's Lives in Mali
The Capacity Project partnered with the Ministry of Health and other organizations to perform a pilot study to demonstrate the efficiency and the safety of matrones using active management of the third stage of labor with skilled birth attendants who were authorized to perform the practice and assessed factors that could affect their ability. [from author]
- 1794 reads
Appropriate Training and Retention of Community Doctors in Rural Areas: a Case Study from Mali
While the recruitement of rural doctors is steadily rising, there is concern about their long-term retention. In response, an orientation course for recently established rural doctors was set up in 2003, based on a training needs assessment. This paper draws lessons from this experience, focusing on processes and mechanisms operating in the relation between training and retention in rural practice. [adapted from author]
- 1870 reads
Focusing on the Essentials: Learning for Performance
There is increasing consensus that training programmes should focus on know-how instead of know-all. IntraHealth International’s Learning for performance: a guide and toolkit for health worker training and education programs offers a step-by-step, customizable approach designed to develop the right skills linked to job responsibilities. Using Learning for Performance yields more efficient training that focuses on what is essential for health workers to do their jobs and on effective learning methods.
- 3322 reads
Impact of Self-Assessment with Peer Feedback on Health Provider Performance in Mali
This study sought to better understand how to sustain provider compliance with standards, using local (Mali) standards (on care for fever and structural quality). The intervention had two parts: a self-assessment instrument that providers used weekly to assess their performance with a feverish client and a review of that performance by a colleague who had observed the consultation. The study found that when used regularly, such an intervention can have a significant effect on compliance.
- 1813 reads
Match Between Motivation and Performance Management of Health Sector Workers in Mali
In Mali, operational research was conducted to identify the match between motivation and the range and use of performance management activities. The study showed that the main motivators of health workers were related to responsibility, training and recognition, next to salary. These can be influenced by performance management (job descriptions, supervisions, continuous education and performance appraisal).
- 3783 reads