Climate for Evidence Informed Health System Policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda Before and After the Introduction of Knowledge Translation Platforms: A Structured Teview of Governmental Policy Documents
There is a scarcity of empirical data on African country climates for evidence-informed health system policymaking (EIHSP) to backup the longstanding reputation that research evidence is not valued enough by health policymakers as an information input.
Herein, we assess whether and how changes have occurred in the climate for EIHSP before and after the establishment of two Knowledge Translation Platforms housed in government institutions in Cameroon and Uganda since 2006. [from abstract]
- 540 reads
Initiatives Supporting Evidence Informed Health System Policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda: A Comparative Historical Case Study
There is a scarcity of empirical data on institutions devoted to knowledge brokerage and their influence in Africa. Our objective was to describe two pioneering Knowledge Translation Platforms (KTPs) supporting evidence informed health policymaking (EIHSP) in Cameroon and Uganda.
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Challenges to Implementing a National Health Information System in Cameroon: Perspectives of Stakeholders
The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the NHIS by documenting experiences of individual stakeholders, and to suggest recommendations for improvement. We reviewed relevant documents and conducted face-to-face interviews (N=4) with individuals directly involved with data gathering, reporting and storage. [from abstract]
- 1078 reads
Health Sector Strategy and Economic Development in Cameroon: History, Challenges and Perspectives
There are complex and multisectoral interdependent relationships between health systems
and economic development in Cameroon that have been barely described in literature. Having analyzed these challenges, the author of this capstone proposes many policy alternatives to the Ministry of Public Health.
- 776 reads
Medicine Sellers' Perspectives on Their Role in Providing Health Care in North-West Cameroon: A Qualitative Study
This study used in-depth interviews to explore perceptions of medicine seller roles among a restricted random sample of 20 medicine sellers in North-West Cameroon. Interviews and analysis explored self-perception of their work/role, community perceptions, skills and knowledge, regulation, future plans, links with the formal health system and diversity among medicine sellers. [from abstract]
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Uncovering High Rates of Unsafe Injection Equipment Reuse in Rural Cameroon: Validation of a Survey Instrument that Probes for Specific Misconceptions
The main objective of this study is to assess the extent of unsafe injection equipment reuse by health workers and potential for blood-borne virus transmission in Cameroon. [from abstract]
- 674 reads
Medicine Sellers' Perspectives on Their Role in Providing Health Care in North-West Cameroon: A Qualitative Study
This study aimed to contribute an understanding of medicine sellers’ motivations and perceptions of roles in rural and urban North-West Cameroon as providers of first aid care, which is complementary rather than competitive to formal providers. [adapted from author]
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Cameroon Mid-Level Providers Offer a Promising Public Health Dentistry Model
This study reviewed Cameroon’s experience with deploying a mid-level cadre of oral health professionals and the feasibility of establishing a more formal and predictable role for these health workers. The authors anticipate that a task-shifting approach in the provision of dental care will significantly improve the uneven distribution of oral health services particularly in the rural areas of Cameroon. [adapted from abstract]
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HRH Country Profiles
The HRH country profiles serve as a tool for systematically presenting the HRH situation, policies and management. They are expected to help to monitor trends, generate regional HRH overviews, provide comparable data between countries and identify points for focused action in countries. They will also serve for a comparison of countries’ responses to similar HRH challenges.
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Cross-Country Review of Strategies of the German Development Cooperation to Strengthen Human Resources
Recent years have seen growing awareness of the importance of human resources for health in health systems and with it an intensifying of the international and national policies in place to steer a response. This paper looks at how governments and donors in five countries: Cameroon, Indonesia, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania, have translated such policies into action. [from abstract]
- 2657 reads
High Impact of Mobile Units for Mass HIV Testing in Africa
Despite the usefulness of voluntary counselling and testing centres implemented in Africa, their limited capacity does not allow for vast testing of the general population. Therefore, in order to increase the number of individuals tested for HIV with the aim of enhancing the scaling up, we developed a strategy based on bringing the healthcare package much closer to the people, by using mobile HIV testing units. We herein report the Cameroon experience of mobile HIV testing unit strategy, demonstrating its effectiveness in reaching a great number of individuals, including those without usual access to HIV testing facilities. [abstract]
- 2717 reads
Migration of Health Professionals in Six Countries: A Synthesis Report
This report presents findings of a study on the migration of health professionals in Cameroon, Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The report provides detailed information about migration patterns and numbers, reasons for migration, effects on the quality of health care and the policies being undertaken in the respective countries to reduce outward migration. [from executive summary]
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