A Partnership Model for the Training and Professional Development of Health-Care Staff in Low-Resource Settings
The model of “health partnerships” or “twinning” between hospitals or health-care training institutions in high-income countries and those in low- or middle-income countries (LMIC) has a role to play in addressing global deficiencies in the quantity, quality and accessibility of human resources for cancer control. [from abstract]
- 1125 reads
Human Resources for Health Issues in Kenya: Constraints and opportunities from a recent baseline survey
This paper summarizes the outcome of a rapid baseline survey and reveals critical gaps in the policy framework for HRH as well as resource constraint that must be addressed through additional budgets and better articulation of health workforce issues beyond personnel emoluments. The study shows the need for civil society organizations to join hands with development partners, Faith based organizations to advocate and support implementation of specific measures to address well documented HRH challenges. [from introduction]
- 723 reads
Human Resources for Health in Six Healthcare Arenas Under Stress: A Qualitative Study
Research on “human resources for health” (HRH) typically focuses on the public health subsector, despite the World Health Organization’s inclusive definition to the contrary. This qualitative research examines the profile of HRH in six conflict-affected contexts where the public health subsector does not dominate healthcare service provision and HRH is a less coherent and cohesive entity: Afghanistan, the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Haiti, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Somalia. [from abstract]
- 520 reads
Exploring the Influence of the Global Fund and the GAVI Alliance on Health Systems in Conflict-Affected Countries
Global Health Initiatives (GHIs) respond to high-impact communicable diseases in resource-poor
countries, including health systems support, and are major actors in global health. GHIs could play an important role
in countries affected by armed conflict given these countries commonly have weak health systems and a high
burden of communicable disease. The aim of this study is to explore the influence of two leading GHIs, the Global
Fund and the GAVI Alliance, on the health systems of conflict-affected countries. [from abstract]
- 458 reads
Optimizing Performance and Quality
Optimizing Performance and Quality (OPQ) is a stakeholder-driven, cyclical process for analyzing human and organizational performance and setting up interventions to improve performance and quality or build on strengths and successes. The OPQ process is a seven-stage process to builds capacity within an organization to recognize and address problems or performance gaps on an ongoing basis. [from resource]
- 722 reads
The Drivers of Universal Health Care in South Africa: The Role of Ideas, Institutions and Actors
This paper outlines the opportunities and challenges posed by the proposed NHI [National Health Insurance] reforms in South Africa. It begins by explaining the country’s current system of health care provision including its human resource structure, functions and cost implications. It then summarizes the deficits and limitations of the current two-tiered health system and discusses what NHI is trying to achieve within this context and how it hopes to address the problems. [from summary]
- 680 reads
Community Participation in Formulating the Post-2015 Health and Development Goal Agenda: Reflections of a Multi-Country Research Collaboration
While the Millennium Development Goals focused on redressing extreme poverty and its antecedents for people living in developing countries, the post-2015 agenda seeks to redress inequity worldwide, regardless of a country’s development status. Furthermore, to rectify the UN’s top-down approach toward the Millennium Development Goals’ formulation, widespread negotiations are underway that seek to include the voices of people and communities from around the globe to ground each post-2015 development goal.
- 575 reads
Does Involvement of Local NGOs Enhance Public Service Delivery?: Cautionary Evidence From A Malaria-Prevention Evaluation in India
The study observed the impact of an experimental supportive intervention to India’s malaria control program by location on the individual level. There are various possible reasons that account for the observed divergence across districts. [from abstract]
- 608 reads
Fragile and Conflict Affected States: Report from the Consultation on Collaboration for Applied Health Research and Delivery
Fragile and Conflict Affected States present difficult contexts to achieve health system outcomes and are neglected in health systems research. This report presents key debates from the Consultation of the Collaboration for Applied Health Research and Delivery, Liverpool, June, 2014.
- 563 reads
Strengthening Health Centre Committees as a Vehicle for Social Participation in Health in East and Southern Africa
Social participation in health systems has been a consistent element of post-independence health policies in east and Southern African (ESA) countries and central to primary health care (PHC). The Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET) 2007 Regional Equity analysis highlighted that social participation and power are key for equitable health systems, and for reclaiming and using resources for health. [from introduction]
- 589 reads
Is the Alma Ata Vision of Comprehensive Primary Health Care Viable? Findings From an International Project
The 4-year (2007–2011) Revitalizing Health for All international research program supported 20 research teams located in 15 low- and middle-income countries to explore the strengths and weaknesses of comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) initiatives at their local or national levels. Three different reviewers synthesized each final project report through qualitative analysis to gauge equity in access, community empowerment and participation, social and environmental health determinants. {adapted from abstract]
- 573 reads
Goal Setting and Knowledge Generation through Health Policy and Systems Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The importance of health policy and systems research (HPSR) and its role in aiding health system reforms has been increasingly recognized in recent years within the World Health Organization (WHO). An assessment of the 71 WHO Country Cooperation Strategies (CCS) that are publicly available and were published in English in 2012 was completed to determine the extent to which HPSR goals are incorporated at the global level. A review was then conducted using a Medline database search to determine the number of articles published by countries with HPSR goals. [from abstract]
- 519 reads
Private Sector, For-Profit Health Providers in Low and Middle Income Countries: Can They Reach the Poor at Scale?
The bottom of the pyramid concept suggests that profit can be made in providing goods and services to poor people, when high volume is combined with low margins. To-date there has been very limited empirical evidence from the health sector concerning the scope and potential for such bottom of the pyramid models. This paper analyzes private for-profit (PFP) providers currently offering services to the poor on a large scale, and assesses the future prospects of bottom of the pyramid models in health. [from abstract]
- 573 reads
Connecting People to Improve Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs
This document examines ways in which three of these communities of practice supported by MEASURE Evaluation have worked to close knowledge gaps and increase engagement among M&E practitioners. These case studies provide an opportunity to examine networks operating to improve health information systems at the national, regional, and global levels. [from introduction]
- 477 reads
South African University Practitioner Partnership to Strengthen Capacity in Social and Behaviour Change Communication
The following case study describes and reflects on a partnership between a southern university, the University of the Witwatersrand, and Soul City Institute to establish an academic, competency-based social and behaviour change program serving Southern Africa. [from author]
- 584 reads
Successful Polio Eradication in Uttar Pradesh, India: The Pivotal Contribution of the Social Mobilization Network, an NGO/UNICEF Collaboration
This article reports on a successful partnership to improve access and reduce family and community resistance to polio vaccination in India. The partners trained thousands of mobilizers from high-risk communities to visit households, promote government-run child immunization services, track children’s immunization history and encourage vaccination of children missing scheduled vaccinations, and mobilize local opinion leaders. [adapted from author]
- 703 reads
Networking between Community Health Programs: A Case Study Outlining the Effectiveness, Barriers and Enablers
This research explores the factors that facilitate and impede community health network activation, framing, mobilisation and synthesis.India was selected as a case study as it represents a fertile context in which to explore community health networks given the diversity and density of community health NGOs and the dependency of the health care system on such providers. [adapted from author]
- 725 reads
Strengthening Human Resources for Adolescent Health in Sri Lanka through Health and Education Sector Collaboration
This study found that intersectoral collaboration would ensure effiecient use of current health care workforce to improve the provision of health services and information to adolescents. [adapted from author]
- 673 reads
Clinical Pharmacy to Meet the Health Needs of Tanzanians: Education Reform through Partnerships across Continents (2008-2011)
The article describes an international collaboration that helped a Tanzanian school of pharmacy to move from preparing graduates who dispense medicines to preparing pharmacy practice leaders attuned to patient-focused, team-based care in hospitals, and education and surveillance in communities. [adpated from publisher]
- 688 reads
Partnering on Education for Health: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and the University of California San Francisco
This article outlines and reviews a multi-university partnership to address the health workforce crisis in Tanzania by enriching health professional education. [adapted from author]
- 632 reads
African Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative
This article describes the African Health Regulatory Collaborative for Nurses and Midwives, a four-year initiative to increase the collaboration among national stakeholders and help strengthen the capacity of health professional regulatory bodies to reform national regulatory frameworks, and discusses its importance in implementing and sustaining national, regional, and global workforce initiatives. [adapted from abstract]
- 943 reads
Factors Affecting Collaboration between General Practitioners and Community Pharmacists: A Qualitative Study
Although general practitioners and community pharmacists are encouraged to collaborate, a true collaborative relationship does not exist between them. The objective of this article was to identify and analyze factors affecting this collaboration in two regions of Spain. [adapted from abstract]
- 1054 reads
Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups
These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that human resources for health leaders at the country level can take to successfully launch and sustain stakeholder leadership groups. [from publisher]
- 1209 reads
Country Coordination and Facilitation (CCF): Principles and Process
Addressing the challenges of the health crisis requires collaboration from multiple sectors and stakeholders with complementary roles. The CCF approach to human resources for health requires establishing and supporting the necessary governance structures for intersectoral coordination and collaboration to plan, implement and monitor health workforce development and retention at the country level, while working through one national HRH plan for an integrated health workforce response. [adapted from foreword]
- 2145 reads
Global Partnerships: Strengthening Human Resources for Health Approaches Together
This brief provides a retrospective view of the Project’s contributions and recommendations in the area of global partnering. [from author]
- 1768 reads
Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) Promoting Synergy Between Partners: Addis Ababa, 10-11 January 2008 Meeting Notes
This report provides a short summary of the key discussion points from a meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 10th and 11th of January 2008. The meeting followed on from the launch of the WHO Guidelines on Task-Shifting and was attended by participants who are actively involved in addressing HRH. [adapted from author]
- 2117 reads
Kenya: Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health (HRH) with DFID/OGAC and Other Partners
In response to the critical HRH shortages in Africa, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Office of the US Global Aids Coordinator (OGAC) have been in discussion with a number of African countries to develop strategies and country level actions. The aim is to demonstrate the maximum flexibility of disease specific programmes to support broad based primary care in line with countries’ health plans. This report presents a summary of the main findings from the country visit to Kenya. [from introduction]
- 3713 reads
Networking Collaboratively: the Brazilian Observatorio on Human Resources for Health
This case study looks at the contribution of the Observatório and its members to the development of the public health sector in Brazil. [from introduction]
- 2557 reads
Output-Based Aid in Health: the Argentine Maternal-Child Health Insurance Program
The Argentine Maternal-Child Health Insurance Program uses an interesting approach of combining output-based contracting with an output-based funding mechanism. Particularly innovative is the combination of enrollment numbers and performance indicators as a way to address the trade off between quantity and quality.
- 2709 reads
Strategy for the Rapid Start-Up of the HIV/AIDS Program in Namibia: Outsourcing the Recruitment and Management of Human Resources for Health
In response to the HIV/AIDS crisis, Namibia’s public health sector is carrying out a comprehensive strategy to rapidly hire and deploy professional and non-professional health workers with the aim of providing comprehensive care, counseling and testing, as well as antiretroviral therapy (ART) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). [from executive summary]
- 27402 reads