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Hotline HRH May 2013

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Hotline HRH April 2013

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Hotline HRH March 2013

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Hotline HRH February 2013

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Mapping of Faith-Based Responses to Violence against Women and Girls in the Asia-Pacific Region

This report presents findings from a mapping initiative that aimed to capture how faith-based organizations respond to violence against women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region. [from summary]

Effect of Women's Groups and Volunteer Peer Counselling on Rates of Mortality, Morbidity, and Health Behaviours in Mothers and Children in Rural Malawi (MaiMwana): A Factorial, Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial

This article describes an assessment of the effects of community mobilisation through women’s groups, and health education through female volunteer peer counsellors on rates of infant care, feeding, morbidity, and mortality. [adapted from author]

Care Decision Making of Frontline Providers of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

This article explored the how and why of care decision making by frontline providers of maternal and newborn services in the Greater Accra region of Ghana and determine appropriate interventions needed to support its quality and related maternal and neonatal outcomes. [from abstract]

Assessment of Provider Adherence to TB Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines in Zambia

This study was undertaken to determine providers’ adherence with evidence based TB standards and guidelines in Zambia at national, provincial/district and facility-based levels. [adapted from summary]

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Strategies for Meeting the Human Resource Needs of Scale-Up in Southern and Eastern Africa

This study looked at previous literature and conducted a program review to identify approaches that address human resource constraints that would enable scale up of voluntary medical male circumcision for reduction of female-to-male HIV transmission for public health impact. [adapted from abstract]

Effectiveness of Nurse Case Management Compared with Usual Care in Cancer Patients at a Single Medical Center in Taiwan: A Quasi-Experimental Study

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of care quality in cancer patients using a nurse case management model. [adapted from abstract]

Tanzania Distance Learning Assessment: Assessing the Use of Distance Learning to Train Health Workers in Tanzania

This report presents the results of an assessment of the use of distance learning to alleviate the shortage of health care workers in Tanzania. Its objectives include: determine the feasibility of and demand for distance learning in Tanzania to meet the current need for skilled and qualified health care workers; create a detailed inventory of distance learning programs; describe the training that distance learning could provide, and identify the potential cadres that could benefit from new or expanded distance learning programs. [adapted from author]

Human Capacity Within Child Welfare Systems: The Social Work Workforce in Africa

The intent of this study is to inform stakeholders about the opportunities for and constraints on building the social work workforce within the child welfare sector in Africa through an analysis of Africa-specific program descriptions and evaluations; government policies, laws, and strategic plans; and statistical data on the child welfare and social welfare workforce. [from summary]

Social Work Education and the Practice Environment in Europe and Eurasia

The purpose of this study is to inform stakeholders about the current status of social work in the region, describe the practice environment, identify gaps between what is expected of social workers and the reality, provide examples of best practices, and make recommendations for furthering the development of social work in the region. [from summary]

Using Mobile Phones and Open Source Tools to Empower Social Workers in Tanzania

This paper describes a text message-based solution that harnesses the prevalence of mobile phones coupled with several open source tools to empower para-social workers who carry the primary responsibility in providing essential services to the growing population of orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania. [adapted from abstract]

Piloting Community-Based Medical Care for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Conflict-Affected Karen State of Eastern Burma

The aim of this study is to examine the safety and feasibility of community-based medical care for survivors of sexual assault to contribute to building an evidence base on alternative models of care in humanitarian settings. [from abstract]

Sector Switching among Histopathologists in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A Qualitative Study

This study aims to make the labour market visible for histopathologists and identify the reasons for sector switching of clinical doctors. [adpated from abstract]

Effectiveness of a Brief Educational Workshop Intervention among Primary Care Providers at 6 Months: Uptake of Dental Emergency Supporting Resources

This descriptive study used a validated questionnaire survey instrument to measure the effectiveness of a short multimodal educational intervention in the management of dental emergencies, including education in supporting resources, through the uptake and perceived usefulness of supporting resources at 6 months following the intervention. [adapted from abstract]

Situational Analysis of the Twinning Center Para-Social Worker Training Program in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nigeria

This situational analysis of a twinning center’s para-social worker training program in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Nigeria provides a descriptive snapshot of the evolution and current status of the programs, and identifies lessons learned and promising practices across all three programs, especially those that might guide possible program scale-up or replication. [adapted from summary]

Mobile Phones As a Health Communication Tool to Improve Skilled Attendance at Delivery in Zanzibar: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial

This article examined the association between a mobile phone intervention and skilled delivery attendance in a resource-limited setting. [from author]

Why Do They Leave and Where Do They Go? Exit Interviewing of Resigning Staff

To assist in filling the information gap on the reasons for migration and mobility of health workers in six Pacific island countries, the authors designed this survey template to collect information on why health professionals leave service, what they intend doing and where they intend going after leaving. [adapted from author]

Human Resource Implications of Improving Financial Risk Protection for Mothers and Newborns in Zimbabwe

There is a growing consensus that user fees undermine equitable access to essential health care in many low and middle income countries. Changes to fees have major implications for human resources for health (HRH), though the linkages are rarely explicitly examined. This study aimed to examine the inter-linkages in Zimbabwe in order to generate lessons for HRH and fee policies, with particular respect to reproductive, maternal and newborn health. [from abstract]

Moving to Action: Evidence-Based Retention and Recruitment Policy Initatives for Nursing

This study was a program of research designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of Canadian nurse migration and mobility. The program was comprised of three interrelated studies aimed to determine the reasons why Canadian nurses migrate to the US for work, the drivers of nurse mobility across the provinces/territories in Canada, and the challenges that they have experienced with seeking employment in Canada that could be addressed through changes to policy. [adapted from summary]

Effects of Selected Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Community Health Workers on Performance of Home Visits during Pregnancy: A Cross-Sectional Study in Busia District, Kenya

This study sought to further the evidence on how socio-demographic factors influence community health worker effectiveness in conducting home visits in order to ensure the adoption of evidence based maternal, newborn, child health and nutrition best practices and to increase demand for facility based services, including skilled birth attendance. [adapted from author]

Burden Experienced by Community Health Volunteers in Taiwan: A Survey

Volunteers in Taiwan complement the delivery of health services by paid health professionals. This paper explores the burdens associated with their activities and the degree to which they are experienced. [adapted from abstract]

Migration of Sri Lankan Medical Specialists

This paper aims to describe the migration of medical specialists from Sri Lanka and to discuss the successes and failures of strategies to retain them. [from abstract]

Results from a Study Using Misoprostol for Management of Incomplete Abortion in Vietnamese Hospitals: Implications for Task Shifting

This study sought to assess whether sublingual misoprostol could effectively evacuate the uterus after incomplete abortion and to confirm its applicability for use by lower level clinicians. [adapted from abstract]

Introducing Integrated Laboratory Classes in a PBL Curriculum: Impact on Students' Learning and Satisfaction

This paper outlines the development and implementation of four integrated laboratory classes (ILCs) for problem-based learning (PBL) at King Saud University College of Medicine. It also examines whether core concepts addressed in these classes were learned and retained and how the students perceived the ILCs. [adapted from abstract]

Accreditation in a Sub Saharan Medical School: A Case Study at Makerere University

This analysis paper highlights the process of standard defining for Medical Education in a typically low resourced sub Saharan medial school environment. [from abstract]

Introducing Peer Worker Roles into UK Mental Health Service Teams: A Qualitative Analysis of the Organisational Benefits and Challenges

This paper seeks to address a gap in the empirical literature in understanding the organisational challenges and benefits of introducing peer worker roles into mental health service teams. [from abstract]

Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Lao People's Democratic Republic

A discrete choice experiment was conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses to determine how these groups vary in their respective preferences and to understand whether differing policies may be appropriate for each group. [from abstract]