Americas & Caribbean
Moving Toward Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage: A Review of Comprehensive Primary Health Care in Suriname
This study’s objective is to provide an overview of comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) development and implementation in Suriname in peer-reviewed literature. [adapted from abstract]
- 819 reads
Assessment of Provider Competence and Quality of Maternal/Newborn Care in Selected Latin American and Caribbean Countries
To obtain a snapshot of the maternal and newborn care provided by different types of maternal and child health providers in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to 1) better inform advocacy and programmatic strategies and interventions to improve the quality of those services in the region, and 2) determine the need for more rigorous study of the issues. [from abstract]
- 823 reads
Soccer and Sexual Health Education: A Promising Approach for Reducing Adolescent Births in Haiti
This paper explores the effect of an innovative, integrative program in female sexual reproductive health (SRH) and soccer (or fútbol, in Haitian Creole) in rural Haiti by measuring the rate of births among program participants 15–19 years old and their nonparticipant peers. [from abstract]
- 722 reads
The Health Workforce in Latin America and the Caribbean An Analysis of Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay
This study intends to provide an update of the status of the human resources for health (HRH) subsystem in six countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)—Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay. The study’s discussion centers around five questions: how the health workforce is financed, how it is organized, how it is managed, how it is regulated, and how it performs. Further, the study strives to understand what role, if any, performance management policies and incentives play in these countries’ HRH subsystems.
- 966 reads
Assessments of Health Services Availability in Humanitarian Emergencies: A Review of Assessments in Haiti and Sudan Using a Health Systems Approach
To improve the consistency of health facilities assessments, the World Health Organization has proposed the use of the Health Resources Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS) developed in Darfur, Sudan as a standardized assessment tool for use in future acute and protracted crises.This study provides an evaluation of HeRAMS’ comprehensiveness, and investigates the methods, quality and comprehensiveness of health facilities data and tools in Haiti, where HeRAMS was not used.
- 1050 reads
Basic E-learning Course on Human Rights and Health
Disseminate the links between health and human rights and explain the international human rights instruments that protect the right to health and other related human rights. [from materials]
- 506 reads
A Systematic Review of Nursing Research Priorities on Health System and Services in the Americas
To systematically review literature on priorities in nursing research on health systems and services in the Region of the Americas as a step toward developing a nursing research agenda that will advance the Regional Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage. [from abstract]
- 705 reads
Assessment of Human Resources for Health Programme Implementation in 15 Latin American and Caribbean Countries
The health systems in the Americas region are characterized by fragmentation and segmentation, which constitute an important barrier to expanding coverage, achieving integrated primary health care, and reducing inefficiency and discontinuity of care. [from abstract]
- 631 reads
The Invisible Economy and Gender Inequalities: The Importance of Measuring and Valuing Unpaid Work
Unpaid health and child care provided in the household, along with other activities that contribute to the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of members of a household, have a major impact on individual and public well-being, as well as on the human development potential of the countries. These economic activities, performed largely by women, take place outside the market and are therefore invisible in the economic statistics and national accounts systems of most countries. [from abstract]
- 694 reads
The Consequences of Burnout Syndrome among Healthcare Professionals in Spain and Spanish Speaking Latin American Countries
The goal of this paper is to identify the frequency and intensity of the perception of adverse professional consequences and their association with burnout syndrome and occupational variables. [from abstract]
- 573 reads
The New HIV/AIDS Program in Peru: The Role of Prioritizing and Budgeting for Results
This study aims to evaluate and develop recommendations on how the HIV/AIDS program in Peru can achieve better Value for Money. [from abstract]
- 588 reads
Examining the Teaching Roles and Experiences of Non-Physician Health Care Providers in Family Medicine Education: A Qualitative Study
Primary Care reform in Canada and globally has encouraged the development of interprofessional
primary care initiatives. This has led to significant involvement of non-physician Health Care Providers (NPHCPs) in the teaching of medical trainees. The objective of this study was to understand the experiences, supports and challenges facing non-physician health care providers in Family Medicine education. [from abstract]
- 571 reads
Economic Evaluation of Complex Health System Interventions
The discussion paper provides guidance to those tasked with conducting an economic evaluation of complex health system interventions. The guidance will be an elaboration of existing National guidelines for economic evaluation and serve as a discussion paper to aid investigators conducting economic evaluations of complex health interventions. This paper is intended to be a starting point for heatlh system and policy researchers who wish to understand some of the fundamentals of economic evaluation and its application complex interventions. [from abstract]
- 572 reads
Global Medical Education Partnerships to Expand Specialty Expertise: A Case Report on Building Neurology Clinical and Research Capacity
This report describes a US National Institute of Health (NIH) funded Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) to enhance expertise in neurology, developed between Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Kampala, Uganda, and Case Western
Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, OH, USA. [from abstract]
- 538 reads
Tackling Violence Against Health-Care Workers
Globally, health-care workers experience high rates of violence and abuse in the workplace. More focus should be put on preventing such attacks, say experts. [from introduction]
- 660 reads
Información Para la Calidad del Sistema de Salud en Colombia: Una Propuesta de Revisión Basada en el Modelo Israelí
El objetivo del estudio es contribuir a mejorar la salud en Colombia mediante el desarrollo de un sistema nacional de indicadores de desempeño del sector salud. Para ello se utilizó un análisis descriptivo de datos secundarios de Colombia e Israel que, como Colombia, tiene un modelo de competencia regulada. [from abstract]
- 539 reads
“Hidden on the Social Media”: HIV Education on MSM through Cyber-Educators in Central America
The Pan-American Social Marketing Organization (PASMO) developed a combination prevention intervention in Central America that delivers HIV prevention behavior change communication (BCC) messages, products, services, and referrals to promote improved condom and condom-compatible lubricant use, HIV testing, violence reporting and the use of complementary services. [from abstract]
- 540 reads
Perceived Barriers to Accessing Specialized Medical Care in Rural Communities of Ontario: A Pilot Study
Rural residents seeking health care face barriers due to a shortage of healthcare professionals and the travel distance required to obtain medical services. A pilot study was conducted to examine rural residents’ ability to access specialized care. This quantitative pen and paper survey was implemented in two communities with similar health care infrastructure(Tweed, Ontario and Hensall, Ontario). [adapted from abstract]
- 575 reads
Needs-Based Human Resources for Health Planning in Jamaica: Using Simulation Modelling to Inform Policy Options for Pharmacists in the Public Sector
The purpose of the work described in this paper is to describe the development and application of a needs-based HRH simulation model for pharmacists in Jamaica’s largest health region. [from abstract]
- 653 reads
Family Planning (Planin)
A 16-hour training providing information to Community Health Workers regarding defining family planning and describing various methods of family planning, explaining advantages of family planning at the individual, family, and community levels, identify cultural and social barriers to practicing family planning and counseling individuals and couples about the benefits of family planning and how to choose an appropriate method of family planning. [adapted from resource]
- 558 reads
Small Group Effectiveness in a Caribbean Medical School’s Problem-Based Learning Sessions
The Tutorial Group Effectiveness Instrument was developed to provide objective information on the effectiveness of small groups. Student perception of small group effectiveness during the problem base learning (PBL) process has not been previously studied in Xavier University School of Medicine (Aruba, Kingdom of the Netherlands); hence, the present study was carried out. [from abstract]
- 435 reads
Community Health Nurses’ Learning Needs in Relation to the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice: Results From a Canadian Survey
This paper examines Canadian CHNs learning needs in relation to the 2008 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice (CCHN Standards). It answers: What are the learning needs of CHNs in Canada in relation to the CCHN Standards? What are differences in CHNs’ learning needs by: province and territory in Canada, work setting (home health, public health and other community health settings) and years of nursing practice? [from abstract]
- 808 reads
The Organizational Culture of a Brazilian Public Hospital
The objective of this research was to analyze the organizational culture of a Brazilian public hospital. It is a descriptive study with quantitative approach of data, developed in a public hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. [from abstract]
- 946 reads
Interprofessional Collaborative Teams
This paper aims to explore and explain the use of models of care delivery that optimally utilize the role of nurses in primary healthcare, community-based care and other non-acute care contexts such as chronic disease management, long-term care, continuing care, health promotion and disease prevention. Additionally, exemplar models of care, as case studies, are identified to highlight essential elements of effective service delivery models and strategies for successful application. [from introduction]
- 2003 reads
Teamwork in Healthcare: Promoting Effective Teamwork in Healthcare in Canada. Policy Synthesis and Recommendations
To prepare this report, an interprofessional research team conducted in-depth interviews with key informants and
undertook a wide-ranging survey of peer-reviewed and grey literature on the components of teamwork; effectiveness of teams; types of interventions; healthcare team dynamics; and the impact of government infrastructure, legislation,
and policy on teamwork in the Canadian healthcare system. [from summary]
- 2076 reads
Primary Care and Public Health Services Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System
We examined associations between transdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, and primary care and public health services integration in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy. We aimed to identify practices that facilitate service integration and evidence-based practice. [from abstract]
- 1495 reads
Dominican Republic Improves Access to Health Services by Strengthening Human Resources Management
In the Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Health is improving to access to high-quality health services by focusing on the health workforce and, in particular, the systems used to manage these valuable human resources. One important outcome has been the discovery of a large number of people on the payroll who were no longer working. The money saved by cleaning the payroll is being reinvested into the health sector. [from resource]
- 611 reads
How Much Will Health Coverage Cost? Future Health Spending Scenarios in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico
As Latin American countries seek to expand the coverage and benefits provided by their health systems under a global drive for universal health coverage (UHC), decisions taken today – whether by government or individuals – will have an impact tomorrow on public spending requirements. To understand the implications of these decisions and define needed policy reforms, this paper calculates long-term projections for public spending on health in three countries, analyzing different scenarios related to population, risk factors, labor market participation, and technological growth.
- 504 reads
Impact and Sustainability of an Accredited Paediatric Nursing Training Programme in Ghana
In this qualitative descriptive study, we explored the perceived impact and sustainability of the first accredited
Paediatric Nursing Training Programme (PNTP) in Ghana, established in 2010 by a north-south Ghanaian-Canadian
partnership to address child health care access and quality issues in the country. [from abstract]
- 696 reads
Nursing Education: The Past, Present and Future
The purpose of the paper is provide a brief review of the evolution of nursing education in the United States and globally, describe the current and projected state of nursing education, and discuss some pressing challenges educators face as they strive to meet the charge to prepare nurses to care for more complex patients situated in ever-changing health-care systems. [from abstract]
- 1052 reads