Americas & Caribbean
Making the Post-MDG Global Health Goals Relevant for Highly Inequitable Societies: Findings From A Consultation with Marginalized Populations in Guatemala
Achieving health goals in a context of deep-rooted inequality and marginalization requires going beyond the simple expansion of health services and working with developing trusting relationships between health service providers and community members. Involving community members in decision-making processes that shape policies will contribute to a
larger process of community empowerment and democratization. [from abstract]
- 547 reads
Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of 11 Country Case Studies
The goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) are to ensure that all people can access quality health services, to safeguard all people from public health risks, and to protect all people from impoverishment due to illness, whether from out-of-pocket payments for health care or loss of income when a household member falls sick. [from resource]
- 571 reads
Health Navigation: A Review of the Evidence
Health navigation is an approach to improving healthcare delivery that helps individuals access the care they need.People called navigators work with each client to identify and reduce any barriers they may face that make it difficult for them to get quality, timely care. Services are tailored to each individual and may include appointment scheduling, transportation, accompaniment, referrals, health education, and counselling. [from introduction]
- 385 reads
National Research for Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Moving Towards the Right Direction?
National Research for Health Systems (NRfHS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have shown growth and consolidation in the last few years. A structured, organized system will facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for research for health to grow and contribute towards people’s health and equity. [from abstract]
- 572 reads
Comparative Assessment of Health Care Delivery Systems of Developing Countries: Pakistan versus Cuba
The healthcare system of developing countries are immersed in the complex issues of governance and financing of health care, human resource inequity and lack of access to quality health services, which are significantly impacting on the delivery of health services to the consumers. This paper will highlight on of health care system of Pakistan and Cuba under the spheres of their health care delivery system, organizational structure, authority and power structure, decision making process, future challenges and their resolutions. [from abstract]
- 730 reads
The Ottawa Hospital and Ottawa Inner City Health: The Population Health Approach in Action
What does the population health approach in action look like in the health care context? This study looks at applying a population health approach in a health care setting. The study articulates the merits of applying a population health approach and brings to light associated barriers and opportunities. It also features patient- and program-level perspectives and population health insights from senior health care leaders at The Ottawa Hospital who were instrumental in establishing OICH.[from introduction]
- 567 reads
Exploring Accountable Care in Canada: Integrating Financial and Quality Incentives for Physicians and Hospitals
[Accountable Care Organ] ACOs are promising vehicles for aligning physician and hospital interests in improving quality and reducing cost. However, successful implementation and realization of the ACO mission requires that attention be paid to supporting capacity building within the ACOs, development of a culture of learning and improvement, as well as rigorous monitoring and evaluation. [from executive summary]
- 512 reads
Innovations to Reduce Hospital Readmissions and Avoidable Hospitalizations from Nursing Homes: Implications for the Health Workforce
The study was conducted to better understand the roles and functions of the health workforce responsible for managing patient transitions to and from hospitals and nursing homes in New York’s downstate region to reduce the number of readmissions and to improve care transitions. [adapted from introduction]
- 544 reads
Community Health Workers and Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children from traditionally underserved and marginalized communities have more health problems and less accessible, effective health care delivery than children generally. When children from underserved communities also have special health care needs, the problems they face are further compounded. The engagement of community health workers (CHWs) has emerged as a very promising strategy for addressing the persistent disparities in the delivery of health care and related service to Children with Special Health Care Needs. [from introduction]
- 499 reads
Impact of a Program to Improve Quality of Diabetes Care in the Caribbean
The aim of this research was to evaluate if the training on the use of the “Protocol for the Nutritional Management of Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension in the Caribbean” improves the quality of care delivered to patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Jamaica, Guyana, Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Suriname. [from abstract]
- 643 reads
Field Guide for Implementation of the Strategy and Plan of Action for Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis in the Americas
This field guide aims to: Summarize the lessons learned during the first three years of
implementation of the Strategy and Plan of Action for the Elimination of
Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis. And provide health authorities, program managers, and other health personnel with practical guidance on updating or developing plans for accelerated implementation of the Regional Strategy and Plan of Action. [adapted from introduction]
- 620 reads
Empirical impact evaluation of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in Australia, Canada, UK and USA.
The active recruitment of health workers from developing countries to developed countries has become a major threat to global health. In an effort to manage this migration, the 63rd World Health Assembly adopted the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in May 2010. While the Code has been lauded as the first globally-applicable regulatory framework for health worker recruitment, its impact has yet to be evaluated.
- 910 reads
Fact Sheet: Las conductas de riesgo para hombres indígenas que residen en las zonas de alto y bajo reporte de casos de VIH
This fact sheet was developed by teams of Guatemalan public health professionals who participated long-term capacity building process to promote secondary analysis of the National Maternal and Child Health Survey 2008-2009 (Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil – ENSMI 2008-2009) [from abstract]
- 616 reads
Hardy Personality and Burnout Syndrome Among Nursing Students in Three Brazilian Universities—An Analytic Study
Nursing students may exhibit the characteristics of resistance to stress, such as hardiness, which can reduce the risk of burnout. However, we found only one published study about these phenomena among nursing students. Thus, we investigated the association between hardiness and burnout in such students. [from abstract]
- 882 reads
Rewarding Provider Performance to Enable a Healthy Start to Life: Evidence from Argentina's Plan Nacer
Argentina’s Plan Nacer provides insurance for maternal and child health care to uninsured families. This paper analyzes the impact of Plan Nacer on birth outcomes. The analysis uses data from the universe of birth records in seven Argentine provinces for 2004 to 2008 and exploits the geographic phasing in of Plan Nacer over time. [adapted from abstract]
- 538 reads
Strengthening the Capacity of Managers in Pharmaceutical Services Based on Primary Health Care (PHC) at Different Levels of the Health System
This is a case study which consists of describing the process of restructuring, developing and implementing the second version of the Virtual Course on Primary Health Care-based Pharmaceutical Services for managers (CVSERVFAPS-12). The ma
in objective is to strengthen the capacity of managers in pharmaceutical services, based on PHC at different levels of the health system, in order to support the restructuring and empowering of these services and, consequently, the health systems in the American region. [from abstract]
- 732 reads
Creating a Charter of Collaboration for International University Partnerships: The Elmina Declaration for Human Resources for Health
The project had four objectives: to create a “charter for collaboration” (CFC), to improve data-driven policy making, to enhance health care provider education, and to increase research capacity. [from abstract]
- 885 reads
Brazilian association of nursing: 85 years of Social Responsibility, Participation and Struggles
To analyze the documents published by the Brazilian Association of Nursing that study the entity and 85 years of social responsibility, participation and struggles. [adapted from abstract]
- 677 reads
HIV in Fragile States
Case studies on the HIV response in South Sudan, Haiti and Cote d’Ivoire. [from introduction]
- 778 reads
Perceptions and Acceptability of Short Message Services Technology to Improve Treatment Adherence amongst Tuberculosis Patients in Peru: A Focus Group Study
In this study, we sought to investigate perceptions related to feasibility and acceptability of using text messaging to improve treatment adherence among adults who were receiving treatment for TB in Callao, Peru. [from abstract]
- 715 reads
Household Development Agent Training Curriculum
This comprehensive curriculum for Household Development Agents (specialized polyvalent community health workers (CHWs)), trained under a World Bank funded pilot, consists of 8 training units: Human Rights, Community Mobilization & Communication, Cholera, Family Planning, Diarrheal Disease, Vaccination, Reproductive Health, and Nutrition. These units contain standard and widely accepted information and protocols that have been adapted for the Haitian context.
- 587 reads
The Future of Medical Education in Canada
Part of the vision is for all physicians, by the end of their training, to possess the clinical expertise necessary to practice medicine based on the principles of quality, safety,professionalism, and patient-centred and team-based care. [adapted from summary]
- 539 reads
The Last Word: Collaborating for Healthcare Improvement
Reflecting on service delivery in northern, rural or remote Canada, Dr. Roger Strasser (Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine) and Erin Leith (Director, Collaboration for Innovation and Improvement, Canadian Foundation of Healthcare Improvement) discuss the significant momentum generated by the Canadian Recruit and Retain Conference and the influence and impact this will have on healthcare in these often under-served regions. [from introduction]
- 679 reads
Human Resources for Health and Universal Health Coverage: Fostering Equity and Effective Coverage
The paper reports on country experiences using an analytical framework that examines effective coverage in relation to the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality (AAAQ) of HRH. [from abstract]
- 923 reads
Twenty Years of Health System Reform in Brazil An Assessment of the Sistema Único de Saúde
It has been more than 20 years since the 1988 Constitution formally established the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS), which established health as a fundamental right and duty of the state and started a process of fundamentally transforming Brazil’s health system. The report assesses whether the SUS reforms have transformed the health system as envisaged more than 20 years ago and whether the reforms have led to improved outcomes with regard to access to services, financial protection, and health status. [adapted from introduction]
- 640 reads
Community Based Education in Health Professions: Global Perspectives
“Community Based Education in Health Professions: Global Perspectives” presents a collection of case studies from Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, India, Pakistan and South Africa describing different ways of planning, implementing and sustaining community-based education for health students. The case studies provide an account of what worked and what did not, the trials and errors, and the challenges and lessons learned. [adapted from introduction]
- 3720 reads
Recruitment and Retention of Rural Nursing Students: a Retrospective Study
The purpose of this study was to compare rural and urban nursing students in relation to application, admission, and retention/graduation trends at a metropolitan state university in the Pacific Northwest area of the USA. [from abstract]
- 748 reads
Road Map for Strengthening the Caribbean Health Workforce, 2012-2017
This road map proposes a five-year framework to guide policies for planning and managing the Caribbean workforce and education for enhancing the skills of that workforce. The thrust of the road map focuses on broadening primary health care access in the region and enhancing public health competencies, as well as strengthening the HRH planning and management capacity of the countries and the region. [from author]
- 1095 reads
Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Tuberculosis among Front-Line Tuberculosis Personnel in High Burden Areas of Lima, Peru
This study analyzed mean knowledge scores among health workers in 66 health centers in Peru to identify overall gaps in key areas of tuberculosis (TB) treatment and control knowledge, and attitudes towards the disease and the national TB control program. [adapted from abstract]
- 900 reads
Program Evaluation of a Model to Integrate Internationally Educated Health Professionals into Clinical Practice
This study evaluates a program comprised of the educational tools and infrastructure to support internationally educated physiotherapists in their preparation for entry to practice in Canada and to improve their pass rate on the national competency examination. [adapted from abstract]
- 690 reads