Côte d'Ivoire
Centre de Documentation Electronique - VIH/sida - Côte d'Ivoire
Le CDE [Centre de Documentation Electronique] se veut un centre de partage et d’échange de connaissances et d’expériences en matière de lutte contre le VIH/sida. Vous trouverez dans cet espace toute information, documents, publications, ainsi que des outils de communication utiles développés par le CCP [ Centre des Programmes de Communication de l’Université de Johns Hopkins] et ses partenaires dans le cadre de la lutte contre le VIH/sida impliquant les jeunes en Côte d’Ivoire. [from introduction]
- 564 reads
HIV in Fragile States
Case studies on the HIV response in South Sudan, Haiti and Cote d’Ivoire. [from introduction]
- 777 reads
Strengthening Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire
This 4.5 minute video talks about the HRH issues and the importance of strengthening HRH for health services in Cote d’Ivoire and a Health Systems 20/20 project that worked with in-country partners to improve production of health workers, create incentives to motivate health workers to move to the underserved north, and build health management capacity. [adapted from publisher]
- 982 reads
Decision Making among Community-Based Volunteers Working in Vulnerable Children Programs
This study was collected data from caregivers who work directly with vulnerable children to explore how care decisions are made by community-based volunteers, and the utility of the Child Status Index at the community level as a job aid. [adapted from summary]
- 769 reads
Strengthening Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire
This short (4:38 minutes) video shares information about the Health Systems 20/20 assessment of the health system in Cote d’Ivoire. Based on the findings, the project worked with in-country partners to improve production of health workers, create incentives to motivate health workers to move to the underserved north, and build health management capacity. [from publisher]
- 858 reads
Health Care Void in Western Cote d'Ivoire
This short film shows the human face of the conflict affected health care. Entire villages have been destroyed and health-care centres looted in western Cote d’Ivoire, and mobile clinics provide the only health care for many villages in the area. [adapted from publisher]
- 1288 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Cote d’Ivoire Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Cote d’Ivoire of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1270 reads
Using Facts to Improve Health Worker Allocation in Cote d'Ivoire
Before the HRH situation could be addressed, it had to be measured. While it was long apparent that HRH availability, quality, and management needed to be improved, data to determine staffing needs and guide staff training and allocation were lacking. [from author]
- 1989 reads
Assessment of Human Resources for Health Using Cross-National Comparison of Facility Surveys in Six Countries
Health facility assessments are being increasingly used to measure and monitor indicators of health workforce performance, but the global evidence base remains weak. The World Health Organization coordinated a series of facility-based surveys using a common approach in six countries: Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Jamaica, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe. The objectives were to inform the development and monitoring of human resources for health policy within the countries; and to test and validate the use of standardized facility-based human resources assessment tools across different contexts.
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Comprehensive Assessment of Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire
Partners for Health Reformplus conducted a comprehensive assessment of the public health sector in Côte d’Ivoire to quantify HR available and what is needed to maintain basic health services while scaling up HIV/AIDS services to reach targets at the national level and at the global level through initiatives such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the World Health Organization’s 3 by 5 Initiative, and the Millennium Development Goals. [from abstract]
- 2357 reads