The New HIV/AIDS Program in Peru: The Role of Prioritizing and Budgeting for Results
This study aims to evaluate and develop recommendations on how the HIV/AIDS program in Peru can achieve better Value for Money. [from abstract]
- 588 reads
Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of 11 Country Case Studies
The goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) are to ensure that all people can access quality health services, to safeguard all people from public health risks, and to protect all people from impoverishment due to illness, whether from out-of-pocket payments for health care or loss of income when a household member falls sick. [from resource]
- 571 reads
Perceptions and Acceptability of Short Message Services Technology to Improve Treatment Adherence amongst Tuberculosis Patients in Peru: A Focus Group Study
In this study, we sought to investigate perceptions related to feasibility and acceptability of using text messaging to improve treatment adherence among adults who were receiving treatment for TB in Callao, Peru. [from abstract]
- 714 reads
Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Tuberculosis among Front-Line Tuberculosis Personnel in High Burden Areas of Lima, Peru
This study analyzed mean knowledge scores among health workers in 66 health centers in Peru to identify overall gaps in key areas of tuberculosis (TB) treatment and control knowledge, and attitudes towards the disease and the national TB control program. [adapted from abstract]
- 899 reads
Job Preferences of Nurses and Midwives for Taking Up a Rural Job in Peru: A Discrete Choice Experiment
A discrete choice experiment was conducted to evaluate the job preferences of nurses and midwives currently working on a short-term contract in the public sector in Ayacucho, Peru to assess factors that would attract short-term contract nurses and midwives to work in a rural area of Peru. [adapted from abstract]
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Mobile Learning for HIV/AIDS Health Care Workers' Training in Resource-Limited Settings
This paper gives an overview of the approaches, methods and materials used in a mobile-based educational platform designed to enable health care workers involved in HIV/AIDS care in urban peripheral stations in Peru to access the state-of-the-art in HIV treatment and care. [adapted from introduction]
- 1414 reads
Performance Improvement Recognition: Private Providers of Reproductive Health Services in Peru
While pay-for-performance incentives are frequently used in human resource management programs, there is less knowledge of alternative incentives for recognizing provider achievements in improving quality—especially in the private health sector. This report identifies which types of recognition mechanisms private providers prefer and provides recommendations for Peru and other countries on implementing a quality improvement program with a recognition component. [from abstract]
- 947 reads
Human Resource Development in Health: System for the Development of Competencies
The Peruvian Ministry of Health approved the Policy Guidelines on Human Resources in Health to address important aspects such as training tailored to the needs of the country, development of competencies, decentralized management of human resources, motivation, and commitment. This summary outlines the process of implementing this political and strategic framework for carrying out programs to develop human potential with a competency-based approach. [adapted from author]
- 17688 reads
Comprehensive Education of Health Professionals: Curriculum Plan and Syllabus Based on Competencies
It is necessary to establish cooperation mechanisms between universities and health services in order to be able to adapt education of the health professionals to a universal and equitable model of service delivery and quality care. This report outlines the design of a competencies-based curriculum plan and syllabus for five universities in Peru. [adapted from author]
- 1723 reads
Fostering Public-Private Partnerships to Reduce Health Inequities in Peru
As demand for family planning services in Peru increases, there needs to be a shift in how the public and private sectors respond. Promoting partnerships between the public and private sectors is a strategy for ensuring that unmet needs for services and contraceptives is satisfied, particularly among vulnerable populations in rural and remote regions. [from summary]
- 1655 reads
Research Training Needs in Peruvian National TB/HIV Programs
This article sought to systematically assess the research training needs of health care professionals working at Peruvian governmental institutions leading HIV and tuberculosis control and among senior stakeholders in the field. [from abstract]
- 1996 reads
Mobile Learning for Health Care Workers in Peru
This article summarizes a project that tested whether mobile learning in combination with social media might provide a solution for the lack of training for health care workers scattered across the country. [adapted from author]
- 1948 reads
Mobile Learning for HIV/AIDS Healthcare Worker Training in Resource-Limited Settings
This article presents an innovative approach to healthcare worker (HCW) training using mobile phones as a personal learning environment. Twenty physicians used individual Smartphones in urban and peri-urban HIV/AIDS clinics in Peru, where almost 70% of the nations HIV patients in need of treatment. [adapted from abstract]
- 2526 reads
Human Resource Development in Health: System for the Development of Competencies in Peru
To confront the common problems in the management and development of human resources for health, the ministry has created policy guidelines for HRH and is defining the competency profiles of health personnel at different levels. This document outlines the process and lessons learned. [adapted from author]
- 1966 reads
Developing Capacity in Health Informatics in a Resource Poor Setting: Lessons from Peru
In resource poor settings, informatics represents an important and emerging focus in healthcare settings. However, in developing countries, the need for training and retention of health professionals in informatics remains one of the greatest public health challenges. This article outlines a training program in informatics in Peru. [adapted from introduction]
- 1928 reads
Health Worker Salaries and Benefits: Lessons from Bolivia, Peru and Chile
The most common problems related to Health Workers Salaries and Benefits (HWSB) in Bolivia, Peru and Chile are shortage of health workers, disparity of skills, poor distribution of health workers, inadequate working environments and low knowledge about the characteristic of HWSB. This report collects data about these countries, showing that the wages of doctors during the last fifteen years have generally had to increase more than the wages of other workers. [adapted from executive summary]
- 4659 reads
Provider Selection of Evidence-Based Contraception Guidelines in Service Provision: a Study in India, Peru, and Rwanda
This study evaluated biases in guideline untilization of evidence-based practice concerning contraception perscription. It was found that in India, Peru, and Rwanda, health care providers underutilize evidence-based practice guidelines as they prescribe contraceptives. This article ends with recommendations for providers to most effectively utilize evidence-based practice. [adapted from abstract]
- 2909 reads
Role of Regulation in Influencing Income-Generating Activities Among Public Sector Doctors in Peru
The objective of this article is to examine in Peru the nature of dual practice (doctors holding two jobs at once - usually public sector doctors with private practices), the factors that influence individuals decisions to undertake dual practice, the conditions faced when doing so and the potential role of regulatory intervention in this area. [from abstract]
- 2920 reads
Application of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in a Peruvian NGO Healthcare System
This paper describes the application of activity-based costing (ABC) to calculate unit costs for a healthcare organization in a developing country. It also describes the ways in which these calcualtions can provide information for improving the efficiency and quality of healthcare services. [from abstract]
- 5854 reads
On the Front Line of Primary Health Care: The Profile of Community Health Workers in Rural Quechua Communities in Peru
The objective of this study was to describe the profile of community health workers - health promoters, traditional birth attendants and traditional healers - in rural Quechua communities from Ayacucho, Peru.
- 3170 reads
Dual Practice of Public Sector Health Care Providers in Peru
To explore the extent, characteristics, incentives, effects and possible regulation of private medical practice in public facilities this study undertook a cross sectional quantitative
- 4022 reads