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Evaluation of Pre-Service Training on Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness in Ethiopia

This survey was conducted to assess the status of pre-service training on the integrated management of newborn and childhood illness strategy and its ability to equip health workers with essential knowledge and skills to effectively manage sick children with common neonatal and childhood diseases. [adapted from abstract]

Assessment of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Use among Health Workers of Governmental Health Institutions in Jimma Zone, Oromiya Region, Southwest Ethiopia

This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, practice and factors associated to HIV post-exposure prophylaxis use among health workers of governmental health institutions in the Jimma zone. [from abstract]

Organization and Implementation of Community-Based Education Programs for Health Worker Training Institutions in Uganda

This study was undertaken to assess the scope and nature of community-based education for various health worker cadres in Uganda. [from abstract]

Othering the Health Worker: Self-Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS Care among Health Workers in Swaziland

This study explored perceived barriers to accessing HIV/AIDS care and prevention services among health workers in Swaziland by asking health workers about their views on how HIV affects Swaziland’s health workforce and what barriers and strategies health workers have for addressing HIV and using healthcare treatment facilities. [from abstract]

Peer Group Intervention for HIV Prevention among Health Workers in Chile

The authors tested the impacts of a professionally assisted peer-group intervention on Chilean health workers’ HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors using a quasi-experimental design with a pretest and 3 month post-test. [from author]

Health Workers' Attitudes Toward Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Unmarried Adolescents in Ethiopia

This study aimed to examine health care workers’ attitudes toward sexual and reproductive health services to unmarried adolescents in Ethiopia through a descriptive cross-sectional study. [adapted from abstract]

Provider Bias or Organizational Limitations? Female and Male Health Care Workers' Interaction with Men in Reproductive Health Programmes in Rural Central India

This article examines the extent, motivation, and prevalence of village level health workers’ interaction with men concerning reproductive health issues in rural central India. [from author]

Knowledge and Practices of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy among Health Workers in a Southwest Local Government Area of Nigeria

This cross-sectional study was therefore designed to assess the level of knowledge and practice of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy among health workers. [adapted from abstract]

Quality of Care for Severe Acute Malnutrition Delivered by Community Health Workers in Southern Bangladesh

This study assessed the quality of care provided by community health workers in managing cases of severe acute malnutrition according to a treatment algorithm. [from abstract]

Medical Education and Research in Pakistan

This comment reveals that despite what seem to be impressive gains in medical education and health research in Pakistan, the actual state of affairs is neither exciting nor remarkable. [from author]

Experiences of Australian Humanitarian Workers: A Report on Preparations, Field Work and Returning Home

This study is based on findings of an investigation of the experiences of Australian disaster workers from a range of health-related fields who provided humanitarian relief in disasters, complex emergencies, conflict and post-conflict situations internationally. [from abstract]

Cyclone Nargis 2008: Human Resourcing Insights from within the Myanmar Red Cross

This case study demonstrates that the success or failure of humanitarian operations in a large-scale public health emergency is significantly dependent on the quality of in-country health staff, prior training, timely deployment, availability of a standby-workforce, and the organisation’s surge capacity. [from abstract]

Integrating HIV Treatment with Primary Care Outpatient Services: Opportunities and Challenges from a Scaled-Up Model in Zambia

This paper examines the effect of the integrated model for HIV treatment with other primary care services on the organization of clinic services, and explores service providers’ perceptions of the integrated model. [adapted from abstract]

Workplace Bullying in the UK NHS: A Questionnaire and Interview Study on Prevalence, Impact and Barriers to Reporting

The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence and impact of bullying behaviours between staff in the National Health Service (NHS) workplace, and to explore the barriers to reporting bullying. [from abstract]

Regulation and Licensing of Healthcare Professionals in Pacific Island Countries

This brief discusses the need for registration and licensing and their importance to health outcomes, as well as the options and policy implications of such a system for Pacific Island Countries. [adapted from author]

Expanded and Advances Health Practitioners, and Their Role and Relevance in the Pacific

Pacific health workforce planners must consider the potential impact on existing models of care and roles of advanced practitioners from the increasing number of medical graduates from both within and outside the region; particularly, the balance of doctors’ roles with those of established advanced health practitioners. [from author]

Accreditation of Healthcare Professional Education Programs: A Review of International Trends and Current Approaches in Pacific Island Countries

This review of accreditation for healthcare professionals training and education describes international trends and approaches to the
accreditation of education programs or pathways that prepare graduates for entry to a professional register or to extend scopes of practice. [from author]

Medical Internship Programs in the Pacific: Current Situation and Future Challenges

This review describes international trends and approaches to the planning and delivery of medical internship programs relevant to the future development and strengthening of medical education in Pacific Island countries. [from introduction]

Hotline HRH June 2013

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Regulation and Licensing of Healthcare Professionals: A Review of International Trends and Current Approaches in Pacific Island Countries

This review describes international trends and approaches to regulatory and licensing systems and the integration of overseas trained healthcare professionals, including international medical graduates. [from summary]

Stemming the Impact of Health Professional Brain Drain from Africa: A Systemic Review of Policy Options

Several studies have suggested policy options to reduce brain drain from Africa. The purpose of this paper is to review possible policies which can stem the impact of health professional brain drain from Africa. [from abstract]

Trends in Health Worker Performance after Implementing the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Strategy in Benin

Training health workers to use integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines can improve care for ill children in outpatient settings in developing countries. This article aimed to determine if the performance of IMCI-trained health workers deteriorated over 3 years. [from abstract]

Compliance with Focused Antenatal Care Services: Do Health Workers in Rural Burkina Faso, Uganda and Tanzania Perform All ANC Procedures?

This study aimed to assess health workers’ compliance with the procedures set in the focused antenatal care guidelines in rural Uganda, Tanzania and Burkina Faso; to compare the compliance within and among the three study sites; and to appraise the logistic and supply of the respective health facilities. [from abstract]

Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Reform in East, Central and Southern Africa: A Survey of Key Stakeholders

Enacting appropriate changes in both regulation and education of nurses requires engagement of national regulatory bodies, and key stakeholders such as government chief nursing officers, professional associations, and educators. The purpose of this research is to describe the perspectives and engagement of these stakeholders in advancing critical regulatory and educational reform in east, central, and southern Africa. [adapted from abstract]

Effect of the Newhints Home-Visits Intervention on Neonatal Mortality Rate and Care Practices in Ghana: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

This study tested a home-visits strategy to improve neonatal mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa by assessing the effect on all-cause neonatal mortality rate and essential newborn-care practices after community-based surveillance volunteers were trained to identify pregnant women in their community and to make two home visits during pregnancy and three in the first week of life to promote essential newborn-care practices. [adapted from summary]

Integration of HIV Care into Primary Care in South Africa: Effect on Survival of Patients Needing Antiretroviral Treatment

This study measured the impact of integration of HIV care into primary care during a randomized controlled trial of task shifting and decentralization of HIV care in South Africa. [adapted from abstract]

Gender-based Distributional Skewness of the United Republic of Tanzania's Health Workforce Cadres: A Cross-Sectional Health Facility Survey

This paper assesses the gender-based distribution of the United Republic of Tanzania’s health workforce cadres. [from abstract]

Stories and Strategies - Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Pilot Phase of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings in the Asia Pacific Region

The following paper is a synthesis of the findings of researchers on training transfer and efficacy of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings in the Asia Pacific Region, which was designed to address sexual and reproductive health in all phases of the disaster cycle, with a particular focus on preparedness and coordinated response and the importance of human resources for an effective response. [adapted from abstract]

Exploring Contraceptive Use Differentials in Sub-Saharan Africa through a Health Workforce Lens

This technical brief presents findings from a study that explored if and how health workforce measures differ between eastern and western Africa, in an effort to identify factors that may have helped some countries to achieve important gains in contraceptive prevalence while other countries have not.

From Housewife to Health Worker: Touching Other Lives and Changing My Own

This interview with Shaheen Hussain of Pakistan tells the story of how she became a field-based health educator with a social franchise of private reproductive health care providers and is a testimony of how this program not only touches the lives of the women who receive the reproductive health services but also of the health educators themselves.