Quality of Intrapartum Care by Skilled Birth Attendants in a Refugee Clinic on the Thai-Myanmar Border: A Survey Using WHO Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment
This manuscript describes the quality of intrapartum care provided by SBAs [Skilled Birth Attendants] in Mae La camp, a low resource, protracted refugee context on the Thai-Myanmar border. [from abstract]
- 583 reads
Comparative Study on Health Care System Between Myanmar and China According to World Health Organization (WHO)’s Basic Health Blocks
This paper is a comparative analysis between China’s and Myanmar’s health systems, viewed through the WHO’s six building blocs of health systems: service delivery, health workforce, health information, access to essential medicines, health financing, leadership or governance.
- 837 reads
Human Resources For Health: Task Shifting to Promote Basic Health Service Delivery Among Internally Displaced People in Ethnic Health Program Service Areas in Eastern Burma/Myanmar
Burma/Myanmar was controlled by a military regime for over 50 years. Many basic social and protection services have been neglected, specifically in the ethnic areas. Development in these areas was led by the ethnic non-state actors to ensure care and the availability of health services for the communities living in the border ethnic-controlled areas. Political changes in Burma/Myanmar have been ongoing since the end of 2010. Given the ethnic diversity of Burma/Myanmar, many challenges in ensuring health service coverage among all ethnic groups lie ahead. [from abstract]
- 815 reads
Improving Malaria Knowledge and Practices in Rural Myanmar Through a Village Health Worker Intervention: A Cross-Sectional Study
The purpose of this paper is to compare the malaria knowledge level and health practices of individuals in SPH intervention areas to individuals without SPH intervention [from abstract]
- 690 reads
Trauma and Mental Health of Medics in Eastern Myanmar's Conflict Zones: A Cross-Sectional and Mixed Methods Investigation
This study examines a population of community health workers in Karen State, eastern Myanmar to explore the manifestations of health providers’ psychological distress in a low-resource conflict environment.
- 705 reads
Cyclone Nargis 2008: Human Resourcing Insights from within the Myanmar Red Cross
This case study demonstrates that the success or failure of humanitarian operations in a large-scale public health emergency is significantly dependent on the quality of in-country health staff, prior training, timely deployment, availability of a standby-workforce, and the organisation’s surge capacity. [from abstract]
- 708 reads
Piloting Community-Based Medical Care for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Conflict-Affected Karen State of Eastern Burma
The aim of this study is to examine the safety and feasibility of community-based medical care for survivors of sexual assault to contribute to building an evidence base on alternative models of care in humanitarian settings. [from abstract]
- 620 reads
Physicians in Private Practice: Reasons for Being a Social Franchise Member
Evidence is emerging on the cost-effectiveness, quality and health coverage of social franchises (established networks of private sector providers for reproductive health and other primary care services). This study of providers in the Sun Quality Health network in Myanmar explores provider motivations – both financial and non-monetary – for joining and remaining in a social franchise. [adapted from author]
- 918 reads
Impact of Community-Based Maternal Health Workers on Coverage of Essential Maternal Health Interventions among Internally Displaced Communities in Eastern Burma: The MOM Project
This article evaluates a pilot project to examine the feasibility of an innovative three-tiered network of community-based providers for delivery of maternal health interventions in the complex emergency setting of eastern Burma. [adapted from author]
- 1219 reads
Essential Trauma Management Training: Addressing Service Delivery Needs in Active Conflict Zones in Eastern Myanmar
The Trauma Management Program (TMP) was developed to improve the capacity of local health workers to deliver effective trauma care. This report illustrates a method to increase the capacity of indigenous health workers to manage traumatic injuries. These health workers are able to provide trauma care for otherwise inaccessible populations in remote and conflicted regions. The principles learnt during the implementation of the TMP might be applied in similar settings. [from introduction]
- 11528 reads
Coverage and Skill Mix Balance of Human Resources for Health in Myanmar
The township health system in Myanmar is regarded as means to achieve the end of an equitable, efficient and effective health system based on the principles of primary health care approach. A township hospital caters medical care at the second referral level. Under the leadership and management of a Township Medical Officer in each township, para-professionals deployed at Rural Health Centers (RHCs) and Sub-centers under each RHC’s jurisdiction play key roles for providing primary health care services for rural population.
- 6536 reads