Competency-Based Training “Helping Mothers Survive: Bleeding after Birth” for Providers from Central and Remote Facilities in Three Countries
To validate a new training module for skilled and semiskilled birth attendants authorized to provide care at birth—Helping Mothers Survive: Bleeding After Birth (HMS:BAB) [from abstract]
- 708 reads
Mobile Phones As a Health Communication Tool to Improve Skilled Attendance at Delivery in Zanzibar: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial
This article examined the association between a mobile phone intervention and skilled delivery attendance in a resource-limited setting. [from author]
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Febrile Illness Management in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Qualitative Pilot Study on Primary Health Care Workers' Practices in Zanzibar
The aim of this qualitative pilot study was to investigate primary health workers’ practices which lead to diagnostic and treatment decisions for febrile children under five years of age in Zanzibar rural health facilities and identify primary influences shaping clinical practice, including past training among health workers, types of diagnostic tools used, and educational factors. [from author]
- 684 reads
Zanzibar Health Care Worker Productivity Study: Preliminary Study Findings
This report summarizes the findings and conclusions of [a baseline study and a three-day stakeholder workshop on productivity]. Specifically, we present the baseline study findings, identify areas where current productivity falls short of desired levels, consider the root causes of identified productivity gaps and offer practical recommendations for feasible management interventions to improve productivity. We conclude with a short-term action plan for moving forward with implementation activities. [from introduction]
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Improving Health Care in Zanzibar: Strengthening the Mnazi Mmoja Hospital
As part of the United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibar maintains its own government and an independent Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. To improve the quality of health care, the Ministry created a Human Resources for Health 5-Year Development Plan. A key strategy is the development of Mnazi Mmoja Hospital (MMH) into a semi-autonomous organization. [author’s description]
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