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Violence Against Healthcare Workers
The objective of SICOT is “to promote the advancement of the science and art of orthopaedics and traumatology at international level in particular for the improvement of patient care; to foster and develop teaching, research and education; to facilitate and encourage exchange of professional experience and to promote good fellowship among its members.” [from introduction]
- 590 reads
Aggression and Violence Against Health Care Workers in Germany - A Cross Sectional Retrospective Survey
Although international scientific research on health issues has been dealing with the problem of aggression and violence towards those employed in health care, research activities in Germany are still at an early stage. In view of this, the aim of this study was to examine the frequency and consequences of aggressive behaviour towards nurses and health care workers in different health sectors in Germany and to assess the need for preventive measures. [from abstract]
- 613 reads
Universal Health Coverage Assessment: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
This document provides a preliminary assessment of the Bangladeshi health system relative to the goal of universal
health coverage, with a particular focus on the financing system and related aspects of provision. [from introduction]
- 1097 reads
Using Innovative Instructional Technology to Meet Training Needs in Public Health A Design Process
Technology and distance learning can potentially enhance the efficient and effective delivery of continuing education to the public health workforce. These steps are discussed within the context of design practices in the fields of education, engineering, and public health. They incorporate key strategies from across these fields, including principles of programmatic design familiar to public health professionals, such as backward design. [from abstract]
- 378 reads
Charting a Course to Competency An Approach to Mapping Public Health Core Competencies to Existing Trainings
Consistent with other professional fields, the goals of public health training have moved from a focus on knowledge transfer to the development of skills or competencies. This article describes a process for mapping competencies to the learning objectives, assignments, and assessments of existing trainings. The process presented could be used by any training center or organization that seeks to connect public health workforce competencies to previously developed instruction. [from abstract]
- 622 reads
Información Para la Calidad del Sistema de Salud en Colombia: Una Propuesta de Revisión Basada en el Modelo Israelí
El objetivo del estudio es contribuir a mejorar la salud en Colombia mediante el desarrollo de un sistema nacional de indicadores de desempeño del sector salud. Para ello se utilizó un análisis descriptivo de datos secundarios de Colombia e Israel que, como Colombia, tiene un modelo de competencia regulada. [from abstract]
- 539 reads
Violence Against Health Care Part I : The Problem and the Law
In 2013, new data collected by the ICRC7 showed that the vast majority of violent incidents against health services that took place during 2012 – more than 80 per cent of the 900 or so incidents recorded in twenty-two countries – affected local health-care professionals. A quarter of the people affected by these incidents were killed or wounded, while the remainder of the incidents consisted of beatings, threats, arrests, kidnapping, and other violent occurrences. [from introduction]
- 571 reads
Competency-Based Medical Education in Two Sub-Saharan African Medical Schools
This paper presents two medical schools, Makerere University College of Health Sciences and College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, which successfully implemented CBME [Competency-Based Medical Education]. The processes of curriculum revision are described and common themes are highlighted. Both schools used similar processes in developing their CBME curricula, with early and significant stakeholder involvement. [from abstract]
- 5815 reads
Global Fund Investments in Human Resources for Health: Innovation and Missed Opportunities for Health Systems Strengthening
Since the early 2000s, there have been large increases in donor financing of human resources for health (HRH), yet few studies have examined their effects on health systems. The objective of this paper is to determine the scope and impact of investments in HRH by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), the largest investor in HRH outside national governments. [adapted from abstract]
- 737 reads
Which Intervention Design Factors Influence Performance of Community Health Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? A Systematic Review
Community health workers (CHWs) are increasingly recognized as an integral component of the health workforce needed to achieve public health goals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Many factors influence CHW performance. A systematic review was conducted to identify intervention design related factors influencing performance of CHWs. [from abstract]
- 826 reads
Global Mental Health From A Policy Perspective
This report characterises mental health as a policy issue and outlines why it is frequently overlooked by policy-makers and donors. It draws upon the experience of different social movements across global health to provide lessons for the mental health field. [from introduction]
- 482 reads
Against the Odds: Mozambique's Gains in Primary Health Care
Despite numerous persistent challenges – including low quality of care, continuing inequalities and the substantial impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic – Mozambique provides important lessons to other countries aiming to scale up health provision rapidly in a post-conflict setting. These particularly include the importance of focusing on distance and education as barriers to access, using innovative and low-cost human-resource policies to scale up health personnel quickly, and of moving towards more coordinated systems of aid disbursement. [from abstract]
- 556 reads
Pathways to Progress: A Multi-Level Approach to Strengthening Health Systems
This report synthesises findings from five country case studies from the health dimension of this project, which focus
on maternal and child health (MCH) (Mozambique,Nepal, Rwanda) and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)(Cambodia, Sierra Leone). MCH was selected given its centrality in two of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its ability to act as a proxy for strengthened health systems.
- 706 reads
Mental Health in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities in Introducing Western Mental Health System in Uganda
This paper presents a review of the attempt to implement a western-oriented mental health system into
a different culture, specifically a developing country such as Uganda. It draws upon an extensive literature review
and the author’s work in Uganda to identify the lessons learned as well as the challenges of introducing a western-
oriented mental health system in a totally new cultural milieu. [from abstract]
- 665 reads
Cost-Effectiveness of Improving Health Care to People with HIV in Nicaragua
Nurses need to participate in CPE to update their knowledge and increase their competencies. This research was carried out to explore their current practice and the future general needs for CPE. [from abstract]
- 545 reads
Centre de Documentation Electronique - VIH/sida - Côte d'Ivoire
Le CDE [Centre de Documentation Electronique] se veut un centre de partage et d’échange de connaissances et d’expériences en matière de lutte contre le VIH/sida. Vous trouverez dans cet espace toute information, documents, publications, ainsi que des outils de communication utiles développés par le CCP [ Centre des Programmes de Communication de l’Université de Johns Hopkins] et ses partenaires dans le cadre de la lutte contre le VIH/sida impliquant les jeunes en Côte d’Ivoire. [from introduction]
- 565 reads
Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV) Toolkit
The resources in this toolkit cover a broad range of topics pertinent to the treatment, care and support of ALHIV including: Training, Treatment Literacy & Adherence, Counseling & Disclosure, Life Skills, Prevention and Reproductive Health, Psychosocial Support, etc.
- 452 reads
Learning to Leisure? When Social Media Becomes Educational Media
Social media sites – like Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, FourSquare and Twitter – summon a tapestry of friendship, humour and community between digitally literate citizens around the world. But the role and value of these platforms and portals for education, teaching and learning is neither self-evident nor obvious. Therefore, this article returns to a key early text in the sociology of education: Paul Willis’s Learning to Labour. Willis addressed the injustices within and beyond school. [from abstract]
- 339 reads
Reaching Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ghana through Social Media: A Pilot Intervention
The use of social media is a very important avenue for reaching MSM who are not reached by peer educators in Ghana. The method should be adopted as an integral outreach approach for HIV-prevention interventions in the future.[from abstract]
- 716 reads
“Hidden on the Social Media”: HIV Education on MSM through Cyber-Educators in Central America
The Pan-American Social Marketing Organization (PASMO) developed a combination prevention intervention in Central America that delivers HIV prevention behavior change communication (BCC) messages, products, services, and referrals to promote improved condom and condom-compatible lubricant use, HIV testing, violence reporting and the use of complementary services. [from abstract]
- 540 reads
Perceived Barriers to Accessing Specialized Medical Care in Rural Communities of Ontario: A Pilot Study
Rural residents seeking health care face barriers due to a shortage of healthcare professionals and the travel distance required to obtain medical services. A pilot study was conducted to examine rural residents’ ability to access specialized care. This quantitative pen and paper survey was implemented in two communities with similar health care infrastructure(Tweed, Ontario and Hensall, Ontario). [adapted from abstract]
- 575 reads
Progress Toward Universal Health Coverage in ASEAN
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is characterized by much diversity in terms of geography, society, economic development, and health outcomes. The health systems as well as healthcare structure and provisions vary considerably. Consequently, the progress toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in these countries also varies. This paper aims to describe the progress toward UHC in the ASEAN countries and discuss how regional integration could influence UHC. [from abstract]
- 564 reads
Getting Healthier Around the World: Information and Communication Technologies for Child Health and Development
To celebrate Universal Children’s Day 2013, this report was commissioned by Sesame Workshop to achieve two objectives: (1) to explore current and future opportunities in the use of mobile phones and other relevant information and communications technologies (ICTs) for improving the health and development of young children as investments for a better future, and (2) to provide guidance and recommendations for partnerships, institutions or organizations interested in contributing to this field. [from executive summary]
- 517 reads
Needs-Based Human Resources for Health Planning in Jamaica: Using Simulation Modelling to Inform Policy Options for Pharmacists in the Public Sector
The purpose of the work described in this paper is to describe the development and application of a needs-based HRH simulation model for pharmacists in Jamaica’s largest health region. [from abstract]
- 653 reads
Financing Medical Education through the Private Sector
From 2010 through 2013, the SHOPS project implemented a series of pilot activities to explore the feasibility of introducing private sector health education financing mechanisms. SHOPS explored private sector solutions to help meet ambitious targets from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief for training new health care workers. This report shares the project’s work with private pre-service education financing in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.
- 619 reads
The Composition of the Social Service Workforce in HIV/AIDS-Affected Contexts
This technical report is intended to help the field move toward a common understanding of functions associated with different cadres within the social service workforce, titles associated with workers who perform these functions, and education or training that is typically associated with these cadres. [from resource]
- 598 reads
The Drivers of Universal Health Care in South Africa: The Role of Ideas, Institutions and Actors
This paper outlines the opportunities and challenges posed by the proposed NHI [National Health Insurance] reforms in South Africa. It begins by explaining the country’s current system of health care provision including its human resource structure, functions and cost implications. It then summarizes the deficits and limitations of the current two-tiered health system and discusses what NHI is trying to achieve within this context and how it hopes to address the problems. [from summary]
- 680 reads
Family Planning (Planin)
A 16-hour training providing information to Community Health Workers regarding defining family planning and describing various methods of family planning, explaining advantages of family planning at the individual, family, and community levels, identify cultural and social barriers to practicing family planning and counseling individuals and couples about the benefits of family planning and how to choose an appropriate method of family planning. [adapted from resource]
- 558 reads
Community Health Workers Programme in Luanda, Angola: an Evaluation of the Implementation Process
The Community Health Workers (CHWs) Programme was launched in Luanda, Angola, in 2007 as an initiative of the provincial government. The aim of this study was to assess its implementation process. This is a case study with documental analysis, CHWs reports data, individual interviews and focal groups. [from abstract]
- 723 reads
Policy Brief: Strengthening Vital Statistics Systems
The Policy Brief has looked into different systems that produce data on causes of death and laid out some options and potential strategies that countries might follow to rapidly and cost-effectively improve the cause of death information that these systems produce. This in turn would greatly benefit national health planning and increase critical knowledge about disease burden in the region as well as provide accurate information about how it is changing. [from introduction]
- 545 reads