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An Intervention to Enhance Nursing Staff Teamwork and Engagement
In this study, an intervention to enhance teamwork and staff engagement was tested on a medical unit in an acute care hospital. The results showed that the intervention resulted in a significantly lower patient fall rate, staff ratings of improved teamwork on the unit, and lower staff turnover and vacancy rates. Patient satisfaction ratings approached, but did not reach, statistical significance. [from abstract]
- 1480 reads
Teamwork in Healthcare: Promoting Effective Teamwork in Healthcare in Canada. Policy Synthesis and Recommendations
To prepare this report, an interprofessional research team conducted in-depth interviews with key informants and
undertook a wide-ranging survey of peer-reviewed and grey literature on the components of teamwork; effectiveness of teams; types of interventions; healthcare team dynamics; and the impact of government infrastructure, legislation,
and policy on teamwork in the Canadian healthcare system. [from summary]
- 2076 reads
Teamwork and Patient Safety in Dynamic Domains of Healthcare: A Review of the Literature
This review examines current research on teamwork in highly dynamic domains of healthcare such as operating rooms, intensive care, emergency medicine, or trauma and resuscitation teams with a focus on aspects relevant to the quality and safety of patient care. [from abstract]
- 2514 reads
Primary Care and Public Health Services Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System
We examined associations between transdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, and primary care and public health services integration in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy. We aimed to identify practices that facilitate service integration and evidence-based practice. [from abstract]
- 1495 reads
Population, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Policy Harmonization in Bangladesh
Over the past 30 years, Bangladesh has achieved significant economic and human development progress, and demonstrated impressive policy as well as programmatic commitment to lowering the fertility level. However, its future socioeconomic prospects may be hampered by its population growth rate, depending on how quickly the fertility rates decline and at which point they stabilize. [from abstract]
- 486 reads
A Rights and Equity-Based “Platform and Action Cycle” to advance Child Health and Well Being by Fulfilling the Rights of Children
The objective of this TAT [Think and Action Tank] initiative was to synthesize existing knowledge and experience with child rights, health equity and social justice into a conceptual and operational framework and tool to translate the principles and norms of human and child rights, health equity, and social justice into child health practice. [from executive summary]
- 561 reads
Human Resources for Health in Botswana: The Results of In-Country Database and Reports Analysis
The aim of this study was to analyse the existing databases on health workforce in
Botswana in order to quantify the human resources for health.
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Training for PEPFAR OVC Survey Data Collectors
Data collectors implementing the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) survey tools must be trained to a high standard. To enable this, MEASURE Evaluation has developed a training manual and materials for data collectors. Groups wanting to implement the OVC survey tools will need to adapt this training manual and materials to reflect the aims and design of the specific study. [from introduction]
- 532 reads
Hidden in Plain Sight: A Statistical Analysis of Violence Against Children
While acknowledging these limitations, this report makes use of available evidence to describe what is currently known about global patterns of violence against children, using data compiled from a selection of sources . The analyses focus primarily on forms of interpersonal violence, defined as violent acts inflicted on children by another individual or a small group. [from introduction]
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- 307 reads
Social Service Workforce Training in the West and Central Africa Region
The focus of this study is to better understand how social workers and related professionals are
trained and educated—both formally and informally—to engage in social work practice, especially as it is related to child protection, in the West and Central Africa region. [from executive summary]
- 510 reads
A Framework To Design, Test, Spread, and Sustain Effective Practice in Child Welfare
A Framework To Design, Test, Spread, and Sustain Effective Practice in Child Welfare is a practical guide for strengthening child welfare systems. It describes a process for exploring problems in child welfare, developing interventions, building evidence about their effectiveness, integrating effective interventions into routine child welfare practice, and continually improving on their delivery. The framework is designed to promote better integration of evaluation with program and policy decision-making and to encourage stronger partnerships between child welfare stakeholders.
- 682 reads
Developing Social Care and Support Services in Uganda
Social care and support services include such areas as the protection of children from violence and exploitation, care for chronically sick or disabled children and adults, support in dealing with the social difficulties of those affected by conflicts and disasters and responses to gender based violence. The aim of this paper is to make proposals for a unified coherent strategic framework which clarifies the vision, nature, scope and rationale for social care and support services. [from introduction]
- 626 reads
Early Infant Feeding Practices in Three African Countries: The PROMISE-EBF Trial Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding By Peer Counsellors
Immediate and exclusive initiation of breastfeeding after delivery have been associated with better neonatal survival and child health and are recommended by the WHO. We report impact on early infant feeding practices from the PROMISE-EBF trial. [from abstract]
- 539 reads
Rethinking Resistance to ‘Big IT’: A Sociological Study of Why and When Healthcare Staff Do Not See Nationally Mandated Information and Communication Technologies
Our analysis focused mainly on the Choose and Book system for outpatient referrals, introduced in 2004, which remained unpopular and little used throughout the period of our research (i.e. 2007–13). We identified four foci of resistance: to the policy of choice that Choose and Book symbolised and purported to deliver; to accommodating the technology’s sociomaterial constraints; to interference with doctors’ contextual judgements; and to adjusting to the altered social relations consequent on its use.
- 450 reads
Health Workforce 2030: A Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health
A global strategy on human resources for health that addresses, in an integrated way, all aspects ranging from planning, education, management, retention, incentives, linkages with the social service workforce, can inform more incisive, multi-sectoral action, based on new evidence and best practices. This brochure sheds light on why a global strategy on HRH is necessary and outlines the process of developing WHOs strategy. [from abstract]
- 1248 reads
Road Map for Scaling Up the Human Resources for Health in the African Region 2012–2025
The Road map, which was developed with the appreciable contribution of critical stakeholders such as ministries of health, education, public services and finance as well as universities and training institutions regulators, professional bodies, civil society and nongovernmental organizations, defines strategic directions and priority interventions to be implemented in the period 2012–2025. [from introduction]
- 664 reads
Checkpoints for Choice: An Orientation and Resource Package
Checkpoints for Choice: An Orientation and Resource Package offers practical guidance on how to enable stakeholders involved in FP programs to examine issues of full, free, and informed choice and to keep the needs and preferences of clients central to their operations. The package consists of a detailed plan with all support materials for a one-day workshop to enable FP program planners and managers to strengthen the focus of FP programs on clients’ human rights and contraceptive choices in the context of a rights-based program. [from resource]
- 571 reads
Principles for Digital Development
The Greentree Consensus represents a concerted effort by donors to capture the most important lessons learned by the development community in the implementation of information and communications technology for development (ICT4D) projects. [from resource]
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Population and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Agenda
The Outcome Report of the Global Consultation on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 Development Agenda not only explains the linkages between today’s most pressing development challenges, population dynamics and sexual and reproductive health and rights, but also provides concrete recommendations on how to address these linkages in the post-2015 development agenda. To date, this report makes the clearest and strongest case for why population matters for the post-2015 development agenda and for why the ICPD Programme of Action must be firmly integrated into this new agenda. [from abstract]
- 440 reads
Connecting Health Information Systems for Better Health: Leveraging Interoperability Standards to Link Patient, Provider, Payor, and Policymaker Data
This e-book is a reference guide for countries wanting to link their universal health coverage and eHealth information systems using a standards-based approach. It provides a set of actionable steps and links to resources to develop a national eHealth standards framework. [adapted from resource]
- 530 reads
mHealth Mobile Messaging Toolkit: Considerations When Selecting a Mobile Messaging Platform Vendor
This toolkit provides information about currently available mobile messaging technology solutions, as well as things to consider when selecting a vendor and deploying an mHealth campaign. It was designed for project implementers using mobile messaging campaigns to encourage healthy behaviors in low- and middle-income countries. [adapted from resource]
- 606 reads
Bridging the Policy-Implementation Gap in Federal Health Systems: Lessons From The Nigerian Experience
The Partnership for Reviving Routine Immunization in Northern Nigeria - Maternal, Newborn and Child Health initiative supports efforts by the government of Nigeria to bridge primary health care (PHC) policies and services at three levels of government: federal, state and local. The paper suggests that understandings informed by complexity theory and complex adaptive systems have been helpful in shaping policy and programme design across these levels. [from abstract]
- 5896 reads
Human Resources for Health in India: Challenges and Way Forward
India faces enormous challenge in human resources for health care delivery system. Geographical misdistribution and urban-rural health worker deficit impedes the progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals. Many rural Indians receive health care from unqualified providers. Rational distribution and retention of qualified providers in rural and remote areas is a daunting task for the government. Little attention is paid in public medical institutions for the real health needs of the community. [from abstract]
- 1387 reads
AIDS Today: 2014 edition
AIDS Today: Tell no lies and claim no easy victories is the first edition of our new biennial publication that presents the global state of the civil society response to AIDS. The report aims to spark a timely debate about the global AIDS response: what it has achieved, what it can teach others fighting for health and justice, and what remains to be done to bring about a sustainable end to AIDS. [from resource]
- 319 reads
District Health Barometer 2013/14
The 2013/14 District Health Barometer (DHB) provides an overview of the delivery of primary health care (PHC) in the
public health sector across the provinces and districts in South Africa. The DHB is widely known for providing data to inform the development of District Health Plans and the National Department of Health’s Annual Performance Plan; as such, the publication has been used extensively for strategic planning and district monitoring.
- 629 reads
Lean Management in the South African Public Health Sector: A Case Study
This chapter gives an account of one relatively modest but effective intervention in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic at the New Somerset Hospital (NSH) in Cape Town in 2013. This project aimed to reduce patient waiting times in the clinic, and improve patient satisfaction. [from introduction]
- 807 reads
National Health Insurance and South Africa’s Private Sector
As limited information has emanated from government as to the role of the private health sector in the National Health Insurance (NHI), this chapter directs the enquiry towards the private health sector in order to establish what it perceives as its role in a post-reform healthcare industry. [from abstract]
- 603 reads
The eHealth Strategy for South Africa 2012-2016: How Far Are We?
This chapter reviews progress made by the health sector in implementing the eHealth Strategy 2012–2016, which was approved by the Ministry of Health and published in July 2012. The finalisation of this Strategy following
several attempts, and its placement in the public domain, created optimism that a clear vision for improving health information systems in South Africa had been successfully articulated. [from introduction]
- 641 reads
Development of a Smartphone-Enabled Hypertension and Diabetes Management Package to Facilitate Evidence-Based Care Delivery in Primary Healthcare Facilities in India: A Formative Research to Inform Intervention Design
Hypertension and diabetes have become a major public health challenge in India. This research work aims to develop a feasible and scalable intervention for hypertension and diabetes, tailored to primary care settings in India. [from abstract]
- 651 reads
Dominican Republic Improves Access to Health Services by Strengthening Human Resources Management
In the Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Health is improving to access to high-quality health services by focusing on the health workforce and, in particular, the systems used to manage these valuable human resources. One important outcome has been the discovery of a large number of people on the payroll who were no longer working. The money saved by cleaning the payroll is being reinvested into the health sector. [from resource]
- 611 reads