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Treating Childhood Pneumonia in Hard-to-Reach Areas: A Model-Based Comparison on Mobile Clinics and Community-Based Care

This paper uses a decision mathematical model to estimate the relative effectiveness of two alternative strategies, mobile clinics and fixed community-based health services, for antibiotic treatment of childhood pneumonia, the world’s leading cause of child mortality. [from abstract]

Home Support Workers: Human Resource Strategies to Meet Chronic Care Needs of Canadians - Final Report

This paper is a synthesis of research on recruitment and retention challenges for home support workers in Canada. [from author]

Keeping Health Workers and Facilities Safe in War

The nature of armed conflict is changing, putting health workers increasingly in harm’s way. This article outlines the issue and a new campaign that aims to raise awareness and improve conditions on the ground for health workers and facilities in conflict zones. [adapated from author]

Prioritizing Professional Practice Models for Nurses in Low-Income Countries

This article argues that without a comprehensive model for professional nursing practice, nurses cannot reach their potential in transforming health services delivery where it is most needed. [adapted from author]

Scale-Up of Community-Based Malaria Control Can be Achieved without Degrading Community Health Workers' Service Quality: The Village Malaria Worker Project in Cambodia

Cambodia recently scaled up their Village Malaria Worker (VMW) project by substantially increasing the number of VMWs and expanding the project’s health services to include treatment of fever, diarrhoea, and acute respiratory infections in children under five. This study examined if the scale-up interfered with VMWs’ service quality, actions, and knowledge of malaria control, and analysed VMWs’ overall achievements and perceptions of the newly added health services. [from abstract]

Listening to Health Workers: Lessons from Eastern Uganda for Strengthening the Programme for the Prevention of Monther-to-Child Transmission of HIV

This article explored the lessons learned by health workers involved in the provision of prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in eastern Uganda to better understand what more needs to be done to strengthen the program. [adapted from abstract]

Global Health Workforce Crisis and the 2009 G8 Summit (La Maddalena, Italy): Recommendations from the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative

This brief advocates for measures and funding needed from G8 to ensure that the Millenium Development Goals are achieved and that countries can provide comprehensive primary health care for all. [adapted from author]

Eliciting Policymakers' and Stakeholders' Opinions to Help Shape Health System Research Priorities in the Middle East and North Africa Region

This paper presents the results of a recent research priority-setting exercise that identified regional policy concerns and research priorities related to health financing, human resources and the non-state sector, based on stakeholders in nine low and middle income countries in the region. The countries included were Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. [adapated from abstract]

Exploring Ways for Countries to Address Their HRH Crisis

This report presents the outcomes and resources from a meeting of health workforce crisis countries including information on the crisis in the differenct countries; interventions, challenges and shortages; and progress on the development of strategic HRH plans for each of the crisis countries. [adapted from author]

Midwifery in Bangladesh: In-Depth Country Analysis

This background paper for “The State of the World’s Midwifery 2011” provides detailed information on the midwife cadre in Bangladesh, its role in the health system, training and the state of the field.

Positive Spill-Over Effects of ART Scale Up on Wider Health Systems Development: Evidence from Ethiopia and Malawi

The impact of HIV-specific funds and programmes on non-HIV-related health services and health systems in genera has been debated extensively. Drawing on evidence from Malawi and Ethiopia, this article analyses the effects of ART scale-up interventions on human resources policies, service delivery and general health outcomes, and explores how synergies can be maximized. [from abstract]

Something is Wrong: Interactive Map

​This interactive map highlights the disproportionate distribution of child mortality throughout the world. It allows users to explore the map to see a real life situation in each country to see some of the difficult decisions health workers have to make in its “5 impossible decisions” feature. [adapted from publisher]

WHO Global Code of Practice: Implementation in the U.S.

This presentation discusses the United States’ implementation of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel, the challenges and next steps. [adapted from author]

Improving the Health Sector Response to Gender-Based Violence: a Resource Manual for Health Care Professionals in Developing Countries

The objective of this manual is to provide health care managers with a practical guide to improving the health care response to violence against women in developing country settings.

Toward Development of a Rural Retention Strategy in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Understanding Health Worker Preferences

This technical report presents the results of a discrete choice experiment (DCE) conducted by the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Ministry of Health, in partnership with the World Health Organization and CapacityPlus, using CapacityPlus’s rural retention survey toolkit. The DCE surveyed health professional students and health workers practicing in rural provinces to investigate their motivational preferences for potential strategies to increase attraction and retention in the country’s rural and remote settings. [from publisher]

Exploring the Human Resources for Health Landscape for Adult Male Circumcision Rollout in Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya

To help support the introduction of adult maled circumcision (MC) for HIV prevention in Kenya, this study was conducted to gather information about the current MC policy and program environment regarding HRH planning to support adult MC scale-up in four districts in Kenya. [from author]

An Introductory Guide to International Migration in the Health Sector for Workers and Trade Unionists

This guide provides information for health sector workers and trade unionists interested in finding ways to ensure that international migration has positive, rather than negative outcomes for workers and health care systems. Information about the recruitment and migration process is designed to assist health workers who are considering migrating.

Quality Healthcare and Workers on the Move

This report on South Africa is part of a global research project on the origin and destination countries for migration of health workers around the world. It contends that the health and social worker migration must be considered in the broader context of the human right to health and decent work, ethical migration and recruitment processes, global human resources for health and the health related Millennium Development Goals.

Addressing Educational Needs of Health Workers in Ghana Using Distance Education

This paper seeks to analyze the import of distance education for promotion of proficiency skills in the health sector and review ongoing professional development programmes for health workers in Ghana, and come out with strategies to offer training avenues leading to the professional growth of the individuals and economic growth of the country. [from abstract]

Top 12 Issues for Ministries of Health to Consider in Addressing HRH in Public Health Emergencies (PHEs)

Health workers along with other community members and service providers are central to preparing for, and responding to, public health emergencies (PHEs). This policy note presents key considerations for dealing with HRH and PHEs. [from author]

HRH in Public Health Emergencies in Developing Countries: An Overview

This policy note outlines the importance of the health workforce in public health emergencies (PHEs), highlights the causes of PHEs and the subsequent impacts on the health worker and health system, and raises questions around health workforce performance in PHEs. The focus is on developing country contexts. [from introduction]

mhGAP Intervention Guide

The Mental Health Gap Action Program (mhGAP) aims at scaling up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for countries especially with low- and middle-income. This guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for non-specialist health settings, is a technical tool developed to assist in implementation of mhGAP. [from publisher]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of Timor-Leste

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Timor-Leste: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Comprehensive Framework for Human Resources for Health System Development in Fragile and Post-Conflict States

The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive, engaging, and visible framework of HRH system development. This has been further developed from the lessons distilled from Japanese experiences of supporting HRH system development in three fragile and post-conflict health systems: Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Cambodia. [from author]

Hotline HRH December 2011

This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.

Private Provision in Its Institutional Context: Lessons from Health

This paper complements several recently published discussions of options for influencing the private sector in low and middle-income countries. Its aim is to contribute to the development of common understandings of the realities of public and private provision and of policies for improving performance. It argues that we need to situate strategies towards private providers in the context of local relationships between the state, market and civil society. [from introduction]

Evaluation of Knowledge Levels Amongst Village AIDS Committees After Undergoing HIV Educational Sessions: Results from a Pilot Study in Rural Tanzania

This paper describes the evaluation of a tailored HIV curriculum for village AIDS committees (VACs) within a rural area to determine if the curriculum increased levels of HIV knowledge among the VAC members through conducting baseline and post-training surveys. [adapted from author]

Antenatal Care in Practice: An Exploratory Study in Antenatal Care Clinics in the Kilombero Valley, South-Eastern Tanzania

This paper uses ethnographic methods to document health workers’ antenatal care practices with reference to the national Focused Antenatal Care guidelines and identifies factors influencing health workers’ performance. Potential implications for improving antenatal care provision in Tanzania are discussed. [from abstract]

Gaps in the Supply of Physicians, Advance Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants

Based on the goals of health care reform, growth in the demand for health care will continue to increase the demand for physicians and, as physician shortages widen, advanced practice nurses and physician assistants will play larger roles. The objective of this study was to assess the capacity of this combined workforce to meet the future demand for clinical services. [from author]

Distance Learning for Health: What Works - A Global Review of Accredited Post-Qualification Training Programmes for Health Workers in Low and Middle Income Countries

This document summarises findings of a global review whose aim was to identify patterns of success and impact, and outline likely trends in the nature and provision of distance learning for health in low and middle income countries, hence informing future policy, research and investment in distance learning for health workers. [from introduction]