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Building the Capacity of Kenyan Nurses through eLearning: The AMREF Experience
This report details an eLearning intervention for nurses in Kenya to improve the standards of nursing care by equipping enrolled nurses with the skills to manage new and re-emerging diseases, address the shortage of qualified nurses in Kenya, improve quality of care and achieve health-related Millennium Development Goals. [adapted from author]
- 1444 reads
Retention of Clinical Officers in Southern Sudan: A Tracer Study of Maridi National Health Training Institute Graduates
The overall goal of the post-graduation tracer survey was to determine the proportion of graduates still working in Southern Sudan, where they have been deployed, their specific duties, and the perceptions of the graduates on the effectiveness of the training program in preparing them for their duties. [adapted from author]
- 2541 reads
Valuing Health Workers: VSO Health Advocacy Strategy 2009-2014
The advocacy strategy was launched to contribute to the overall achievement stronger, more inclusive and accessible health systems. It aims to raise awareness of the critical shortage of human resources for health in developing countries and bring the voices and expertise of health workers to the attention of policy makers to suggest solutions. [adapted from summary]
- 1443 reads
Brain Gain: Making Health Worker Migration Work for Rich and Poor Countries
This paper is the outcome of a series of in-depth interviews and group discussions with over 100 African health workers and others at the grassroots to understand their experiences of migration and their ideas for solutions to it. [from summary]
- 1356 reads
Health Workers in Fragile States: The Case for Investment
This document outlines the important role health workers play in areas suffering from severe crises and makes the case for investing in HRH as central to health system recovery and improved health outcomes. [adapted from author]
- 1637 reads
Valuing Health Workers: Implementing Sustainable Interventions to Improve Health Worker Motivation
The focus of this study has been to identify the most common causes for the health worker high attrition rate and poor motivation within the health sector, and look at the various solutions that are possible. It brings together the findings of many relevant studies by other authors and identifies the most common reasons for high attrition rates. [adapted from summary]
- 1357 reads
Valuing Health Workers in Cambodia
The objectives of the research are to come to a better understanding of why health workers adopt behaviours that impact negatively on patients and to look for solutions in policy and practice to improve staff motivation and morale. [from author]
- 1359 reads
Ugandan Health Workers Speak: The Rewards and the Realities
This report is based on the accounts of 90 Ugandan health workers at the front line. The research explored with them the rewards and the challenges, explanations for perceived poor practices and promising solutions. The interim findings focus on the rewards of being a health worker and how low pay affects them. [from introduction]
- 1453 reads
Educating a New Generation of Doctors to Improve the Health of Populations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
This article specifically addresses the need for a transformative approach to medical education—one that is defined by a commitment to social responsibility and insists on inter-sectoral engagement to determine how students are recruited, educated, and deployed as doctors. [from author]
- 844 reads
Community Health Workers and Health Educators: Building Understanding and Partnerships in Education
This webinar’s presentation includes: defining the community health worker (CHW), case study of a CHW, CHW core roles and competencies, core values and code of ethics, and CHW-health educator partnership opportunities. [from author]
- 1003 reads
Community Health Workers: Social Justice and Policy Advocates for Community Health and Well-Being
This article argues that community health workers can connect people to health care and collect information relevant to policy. As a result of direct interaction with the populations they serve, they can recount the realities of exclusion and propose remedies for it, contribute to best practices, and inform public policy. [adapted from abstract]
- 1569 reads
Study on Health Extension Workers: Access to Information, Continuing Education and Reference Materials
This study was undertaken to make a clear needs assessment, define priorities and identify resources to plan appropriate continuing education programs and prepare reference materials for health workers, particularly with the deployment of 30,000 health extension workers which will create additional information access needs in Ethiopia. [adapted from abstract]
- 1355 reads
Study of the Working Conditions of Health Extension Workers in Ethiopia
The study focuses on the first batch of Ethiopian Health Extension Workers (HEWs) with the overall objective of assessing the working conditions of HEWs and their job satisfaction. [from abstract]
- 1841 reads
Denying Reality No Longer an Option: Stark HR Report
The report takes a look at the haemorrhaging general pracitioner and specialist cadres and the skeletal, ageing and special skills-starved nursing sector in what it describes as South Africa’s “failing health system.” [adapted from abstract]
- 895 reads
Reproductive Health Services in Malawi: An Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Intervention
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of a quality improvement initiative for reproductive health providers on service qualtiy and related outcomes. [adapted from abstract]
- 1409 reads
Building on the Current Evidence to Strengthen Community-Based Service Delivery Strategies for Promoting Child Survival
This document highlights four community-based health delivery strategies that have demonstrated improvements in child health in high-mortality, low-resource settings and supports the growing recognition that community programs that reach beyond the walls of health care facilities and involve community members as partners have a great potential for further reducing child mortality at low cost. [adapated from author]
- 1088 reads
Postpartum Family Planning for Community Health Workers
This learning resource package contains the trainer manual with all the material to design and hold a traning course for community health workers on postpartum family planing methods and counselling skills. It also has a participant manual for use during the training.
- 1280 reads
Increasing the Number of Rural Physicians
This article discusses the issues facing rural physicians, analyzes efforts to recruit and retain them, and outlines what it will require to increase their numbers.
- 871 reads
Using Information and Communication Technology to Revitalise Continuing Professional Development for Rural Health Professionals: Evidence from a Pilot Project
This article outlines a project and its evaluation that used ICT equipment to increase the uptake of continuing professional development training in Uganda. [adapted from abstract]
- 1183 reads
Bright Future for Rural Health: Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Rural and Remote Australian Health Care
These case studies from accross Austraila show how rural and remote health professionals are making a difference locally and give insights, approaches and solutions to similar challenges or problems faced elsewhere. Evaluated solutions for many pressing health issues are presented as well as two big policy issues: building sustainable rural primary health care services, and responding to an ageing health workforce. [adapted from foreword]
- 1063 reads
Textbook of Australian Rural Health
This text describes how rural health professionals and rural communities are currently working towards healthy communities. Significant rural issues are analysed with regard to professional practice and personal lifestyles, as well as how these issues could be addressed by innovative future practice or how they present challenges for learning or teaching. [adapted from author]
- 750 reads
Taking the Pulse of Policy: The Policy Implementation Assessment Tool
The Policy Implementation Assessment Tool, user-friendly approach and tool for assessing policy implementation, comprises two interview guides that explore the perspectives of policymakers and program implementers, including community-level health workers, local leaders, and clients. This document provides guidance to help readers adapt the tool to different policies and contexts in their own countries. [adapted from introduction]
- 2368 reads
Art of Moving from Policy to Action: Lessons Learned from the USAID Health Policy Initiative (2005-2010)
The aim of this paper is to demystify policy implementation and provide user-friendly advice on translating policies into action. To do so, the paper presents experiences and lessons learned from the Health Policy Initiative organized around the project’s Policy-to-Action Framework. [from summary]
- 984 reads
Networking for Policy Change: What Works
This paper presents case studies of networks in 11 countries assisted by the POLICY Project to demonstrate how reproductive health advocacy networks were influential actors that played a role in fostering significant policy changes over the past decade. [from summary]
- 1272 reads
Sri Lankan Scheme to Help Fight Medical Brain Drain
This video tells the story of a Sri Lankan paediatric doctor who is participating in a government scheme that places doctors in oversees placements for training with a bond that requires the doctor to return home and work at least four years for every year spent abroad in the placement. [adapted from publisher]
- 1224 reads
Access to General Practitioner Services amongst Underserved Australians: A Microsimulation Study
This paper aims to examine equity of utilisation of general practitioner services in Australia, particularly those living in remote or rural areas. [from abstract]
- 904 reads
Outreach Services as a Strategy to Increase Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas
This report presents an overview of outreach services provided by health workers to remote and rural populations in different countries and contexts. It highlights the potential for alternative health service delivery models, such as mobile clinics and telemedicine, to enhance the attraction and retention of health workers in underserved areas. [from preface]
- 1257 reads
Effectiveness of an Intervention in Increasing Community Health Clinician Provision of Preventive Care: A Study Protocol of a Non-Randomised, Multiple-Baseline Trial
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a multi-strategic practice change intervention in increasing clinician’s routine provision of preventive care across a network of community health services. [from abstract]
- 820 reads
Factors Associated with the Impact of Quality Improvement Collaboratives in Mental Health: An Exploratory Study
This study explored which characteristics of health worker quality improvement collaboratives were related to changes in healthcare for patients with anxiety disorders, dual diagnosis, or schizophrenia. [adapted from abstract]
- 1086 reads
Primary Health Care Staff's Perceptions of Childhood Tuberculosis: A Qualitative Study from Tanzania
This study explored primary health care staff’s perception, challenges and needs pertaining to the identification of children with tuberculosis in Muheza district in Tanzania. [from abstract]
- 1074 reads