Middle East & North Africa
An Overview of the Mental Health System in Gaza: an Assessment Using the World Health Organization's Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS)
Mental health system reform is urgently needed in Gaza to respond to increasing mental health consequences of conflict. Evidence from mental health systems research is needed to inform decision-making. We aimed to provide new knowledge on current mental health policy and legislation, and services and resource use, in Gaza to identify quality gaps and
areas for urgent intervention. [from abstract]
- 625 reads
Factors Affecting Time Management and Nurses’ Performance in Hebron Hospitals
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting time management(personal, and administration obstacles) and nurses performance in Hebron hospitals. [from abstract]
- 1657 reads
Does Curricular Change Improve Faculty Perceptions of Student Experiences with the Educational Environment? A Preliminary Study in an Institution Undergoing Curricular Change
College of Medicine, Gulf Medical University, United Arab Emirates, underwent a major curriculum change from a discipline-based to an organ system-based integrated curriculum. However, it was not known how the faculty perceived the changes in the educational environment as experienced by the students. In this context, we aimed to compare the faculty perceptions of the student experiences in the discipline-based curriculum with those in the organ system-based integrated curriculum. [from abstract]
- 628 reads
Diffusion of E-Health Innovations in ‘Post-Conflict ’ Settings: A Qualitative Study on the Personal Experiences of Health Workers
This study explores the personal experiences of health workers using e-health innovations in selected
post-conflict situations. [from abstract]
- 661 reads
Eliciting Policymakers' and Stakeholders' Opinions to Help Shape Health System Research Priorities in the Middle East and North Africa Region
This paper presents the results of a recent research priority-setting exercise that identified regional policy concerns and research priorities related to health financing, human resources and the non-state sector, based on stakeholders in nine low and middle income countries in the region. The countries included were Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. [adapated from abstract]
- 1765 reads
HIV Principles and Stigma Reduction Training Curriculum: Addressing HIV and Stigma in the Healthcare Setting in the Middle East and North Africa Region
This curriculum was developed for people living with HIV in the Middle East and North Africa region who wanted to create workshops that provide space for their supportive physicians to discuss stigma in the healthcare setting and unite in their responses to HIV. [from author]
- 2506 reads
Supply Side: Training to Work at Home
This presentation describes perspectives on the out-migration of health professionals in Africa.
- 4189 reads
Africa's Health Worker Crisis: an Interview with Dr Peter Ngatia
An interview with health development expert Dr. Peter Ngatia about 'brain drain' and its impact on health in Africa. [from introduction]
To access this presentation, you will need Adobe's Flash Player plug-in installed in your browser.
- 2459 reads
Tuberculosis Suspicion and Knowledge Among Private and Public General Practitioners: Questionnaire Based Study in Oman
Early detection of smear positive tuberculosis (TB) cases by smear microscopy requires a high level of suspicion of TB among primary care physicians. The objective of this study is to measure TB suspicion and knowledge among private and public sector general practitioners using clinical vignette-based survey and structured questionnaire. [from abstract]
- 2782 reads
Human Resources for Health Planning and Management in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Facts, Gaps and Forward Thinking for Research and Policy
The objectives of this paper are to: lay out the facts on what we know about the HRH for EMR countries; generate and interpret evidence on the relationship between HRH and health status indicators for LMICs and middle and high income countries (MHICs) in the context of EMR; identify and analyze the information gaps and provide forward thinking by identifying priorities for research and policy. [abstract]
- 5922 reads
Implications of Health Sector Reform for Human Resources Development
The authors argue that health for all is not achievable in most countries without health sector reform that incorporates a process of coordinated health and human resources development. They examine the situation in countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization.
- 6112 reads
New Database of Health Professional Emigration from Africa
The migration of doctors and nurses from Africa to rich countries has raised fears of an African medical brain drain. But empirical research on the issue has been hampered by lack of data. How many doctors and nurses have left Africa? Which countries did they leave? Where have they settled? As part of a larger study of the consequences of the international migration of African health professionals, we compiled a database of the cumulative bilateral net flows of African-born physicians and nurses to the nine most important destination countries. It is the first database of net bilateral migration flows specific to a skilled profession collected systematically for a large number of developing countries.
- 2890 reads
One Million More: Mobilising the African Diaspora Healthcare Professionals for Capacity Building in Africa
One Million More presents some of the interventions, debates, discussions and conclusions of a conference held in London.
- 3471 reads