African Regional Health Report: the Health of the People
This report provides an overview of the public health situation across the 46 Member States of the African Region of the World Health Organization. The report charts progress made to date in fighting disease and promoting health in the African Region. It reviews the success stories and looks at areas where more efforts are needed to improve people’s health. [author’s description] Chapter 6 includes a discussion of the human resources for health crisis and approaches to filling the gap as well as health information systems.
- 5519 reads
U.S. Nurse Labor Market Dynamics Are Key to Global Nurse Sufficiency
This article reviews estimates of U.S. nurse supply and demand, documents trends in nurse immigration to the United States and their impact on nursing shortage, and considers strategies for resolving the shortage of nurses in the United States without adversely affecting health care in lower-income countries. [from abstract]
- 2597 reads
Health Systems in Transition Country Profiles
Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of each health care system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development. [publisher’s description] Each report contains a section on human resources for health including an overview of the situation and specific health workforce statistics.
- 29112 reads
Sources of Health Workforce Statistics
This database is a collection of data sources on health workforce statistics. Data sources are classified according to standard categories and provide: A comprehensive report on the availability of data on gender, age, geographical distribution, employment status, migration, wages and working hours; Information on compatibility of data with the international standard of classification; Details on the organization responsible for the implementation of the data collection; and Links to related websites for further research of the data source. [publisher’s description]
- 2573 reads
Brain Drain of Health Professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa to Canada
Significant numbers of African-trained health workers migrate every year to developed countries including Canada. They leave severely crippled health systems in a region where life expectancy is only 50 years of age, 16 per cent of children die before their fifth birthday and the HIV/AIDS crisis continues to burgeon. The population of Sub-Saharan Africa totals over 660 million, with a ratio of fewer than 13 physicians per 100,000. [from introduction]
- 3888 reads
New Data on African Health Professionals Abroad
The migration of doctors and nurses from Africa to developed countries has raised fears of an African medical brain drain. But empirical research on the causes and effects of the phenomenon has been hampered by a lack of systematic data on the extent of African health workers’ international movements. We use destination-country census data to estimate the number of African-born doctors and professional nurses working abroad in a developed country circa 2000, and compare this to the stocks of these workers in each country of origin. [from abstract]
- 1630 reads
Black and Minority Ethnic and Internationally Recruited Nurses: Results from RCN Employment/Working Well Surveys 2005 and 2002
In order to help improve Royal College of Nursing understanding of the employment experiences of internationally recruited nurses and UK trained black and minority ethnic (BME) nurses, the RCN commissioned a secondary analysis to draw together commentary and analysis from previous surveys.
- 2028 reads
Global Health Facts
This tool gives data about number of physicians, nurses, community health workers, midwives, births attended by skilled health personnel and hospital beds by country in user-friendly maps and tables. Click on “Health Workforce & Capacity” to access the data sets.
- 1652 reads
Impact of HIV/AIDS on Human Resources in the Malawi Public Sector
This report presents the finding from an study to determine the impact of HIV/AIDS on the public sector in Malawi. Section E, 3 establishes the impacts of HIV/AIDS on the Ministry of Health and Population and on health workers including statistics of attrition by occupational category in the health sector, morbidity and absenteesim, vacancy levels. It also analyzes effect on health worker workload, discusses the impact on productivity and performance, the financial implications, impact on service provision, and institutional vulnurability to HIV/AIDS.
- 4226 reads
State of Human Resources for Health in Zambia: Findings from the Public Expenditure Tracking and Quality of Service Delivery Survey, 2005/06
This paper reports the findings of the PET/QSDS pertaining to human resources for health in Zambia. The Public Expenditure Tracking and Quality of Service Delivery survey (PET/QSDS) was undertaken in mid-2006 to provide quantitative assessment of the state of health service delivery in the country. One component of the survey focused on the management of health personnel, including staff availability, vacancy, absenteeism, and tardiness; staff turnover; staff workload, use of time, and morale; and staff salary and benefits. [from introduction]
- 3926 reads
World Health Statistics 2007
World health statistics 2007 presents the most recent health statistics for WHO’s 193 Member States. This third edition includes a section with 10 highlights of global health statistics for the past year as well as an expanded set of 50 health statistics. [publisher’s description] The section on Health Workforce Statistics gives a breakdown of the total number and density by population for the 193 member countries.
- 3770 reads
Human Resources for Health Retention Strategies: CHAZ Response to the Human Resource Crisis in Zambia
This presentation was given as part of the Christian Health Association’s Conference: CHAs at a Crossroad Towards Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals. It discusses church health institutions and the HR crisis, including staffing levels and attrition; the national response, and details the many efforts of the CHAZ response such as the CHAZ Health Workers’ Retention Scheme.
- 7363 reads
Nurse Wages and Their Context: Database Summary (Asia)
These yearly summary reports provide information on nurse wages and the comparitive buying power of these wages in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. The data are results from a survey of 11 National Nurses’ Associations. [from introduction]
- 4196 reads
Nursing Workforce Profile
This yearly profile is a summary of statistics about the nursing workforce in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA.
- 7621 reads
Survey of Private Health Facilities in Uganda
The Public Private Partnership in Health (PPPH) is an element of Uganda’s Health Sector Strategic Plan II. The private sector includes not-for-profit providers, for-profit providers called private health practitioners (PHPs), and traditional and complementary medicine providers. A representative sample of facilities was selected and surveyed to provide in-depth information on PHP facilities, which could be extrapolated to the national database. The survey collected information from 359 facilities on facility ownership, human resources, staff employment in other facilities, infrastructure and equipment, health services provided including in-depth information on HIV/AIDS services, drug availability, health management information systems, financial management procedures, and registration and organizational affiliation.
- 3917 reads
Situation Assessment of Human Resources in the Public Health Sector in Nigeria
Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for health (HRH) in Africa. However, great disparities in health status and access to health care exist among the six geo-political zones, and between rural and urban areas. This assessment measures the size, skills mix, distribution, and growth rate of HRH in the public health sector in Nigeria. The assessment also quantifies the increase in HRH requirements in the public health sector necessary for reaching key PEPFAR targets and the health Millennium Development Goals. The findings are based on a survey conducted in April-May 2006 in 290 public health facilities representing all levels of care (primary, secondary, and tertiary).
- 6538 reads
Safe Motherhood Studies: Timeliness of In-Hospital Care for Treating Obstetric Emergencies: Results from Benin, Ecuador, Jamaica, and Rwanda
This report presents data on in-hospital care for childbirth and obstetrical emergencies in 14 hospitals. This report examines intervals between critical events
- 5311 reads
Safe Motherhood Studies: Results from Rwanda: Competency of Skilled Birth Attendants; The Enabling Environment for Skilled Attendance at Delivery; In-Hospital Delays in Obstetric Care (Documenting the Third Delay)
This report presents the results from Rwanda for the of the Quality Assurance Project’s three Safe Motherhood Studies: competence of skilled birth attendants, the enabling environment for skilled attendance at birth, and the causes of the delay in receiving medical attention after a woman arrives at a healthcare facility. The Rwanda study focused on an urban referral (tertiary care) hospital with an active maternity department, two mid-sized referral (secondary care) hospitals, and four health centers. [publisher’s description]
- 3498 reads
Assessment of the Health System in Nepal with a Special Focus on Immunization
In an effort to improve the health gain that might be achieved from allocated resources, a sector wide framework has been developed for planning, choosing priorities, and committing funds in accordance with agreed priorities. [from summary]
- 4006 reads
Western Pacific Country Health Information Profiles
The 2009 edition of CHIPS comprises the country profiles and the health databanks for each country and area of the WHO Western Pacific Region. It contains crude data that are supplied either by the health ministries/departments or compiled from national databases and reference libraries. Estimates and adjusted data from various published sources are also used. Every effort is made to update the figures and analyses in CHIPS annually in response to ever-growing demands for current data and information. Clearance by the respective governments is also sought prior to publication.
- 3077 reads
Safe Motherhood Studies: Results from Benin: Competency of Skilled Birth Attendants; the Enabling Environment for Skilled Attendance at Delivery; In-Hospital Delays in Obstetric Care (Documenting the Third Delay)
Through its Safe Motherhood Research Program, the Quality Assurance Project carried out three studies to explore issues regarding competence of skilled birth attendants, the elements that contribute to an enabling environment and the causes of the delay in receiving medical attention after a woman arrives at a healthcare facility in countries with high maternal mortality ratios.
- 3037 reads
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
These reports review Rwanda’s healthcare staffing, documents practices and levels of effort in providing HIV/AIDS services, and calculates staffing needs for scale-up. It also discusses such issues as training, management, supervision, job satisfaction, and staff motivation and incentives. [publisher’s description]
- 15927 reads
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
This report presents findings from Phase 1 of an assessment of the human resources implications of HIV/AIDS services scale-up in Rwanda. Services covered include voluntary counseling and testing, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, and care and treatment, including lab services and drug dispensing. It reports the number and types of staff employed at public and private healthcare sites, estimates the number providing HIV/AIDS services, and identifies employment practices that could facilitate or hinder the human resources scale-up.
- 2055 reads
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Scale-up. Phase 3 Report: Staffing Implications and Scenarios for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
This report presents findings from Phase 3 of an assessment of the human resources implications of HIV/AIDS services scale-up in Rwanda. It focuses on the staffing implications and associated costs of HIV/AIDS services scale-up. By documenting current staffing levels and the level of effort necessary to provide HIV/AIDS services, Phase 3 of the study analyzes how many full-time equivalent (FTE) staff will be needed, and at what costs, if the Government of Rwanda is to meet its HIV/AIDS service delivery objectives. The human resources projections are based on data gathered during Phases 1 and 2 of the study.
- 8431 reads
Mapping of HIV and AIDS Services and Resources in South Africa
The primary objective of the study was to identify organisations/institutions that provide HIV and AIDS services at the sub-district level, the range of services they provide and their funding sources. This in turn will inform sub-district and district management teams of the progress and impact of services provided and furnish them with tools to monitor the performance and activities on NGOs in their sub-districts and districts. It is hoped that the report will serve as a baseline for ongoing monitoring of the country’s response to the epidemic. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, staff interviews and record reviews.
- 13685 reads
Reproductive Health and Services in Azerbaijan, 2005: Results of a Baseline Survey in Five Districts
To identify problems and barriers to [family planning] services specific to each district, to provide data that could assist with project implementation, and to allow determination of benchmarks and targets to measure success, the project started with a baseline assessment of facilities, providers, and community members in the five core districts. The objectives of the assessment were to evaluate factors contributing to the current use of FP services, including: the supply of FP in the public and private sectors: the availability and quality of facilities providing FP services, including the availability of contraceptive methods, IEC materials, and trained providers; and the demand for FP: the population’s knowledge of, attitudes toward, and practice of pregnancy prevention.
- 1804 reads
New Database of Health Professional Emigration from Africa
The migration of doctors and nurses from Africa to rich countries has raised fears of an African medical brain drain. But empirical research on the issue has been hampered by lack of data. How many doctors and nurses have left Africa? Which countries did they leave? Where have they settled? As part of a larger study of the consequences of the international migration of African health professionals, we compiled a database of the cumulative bilateral net flows of African-born physicians and nurses to the nine most important destination countries. It is the first database of net bilateral migration flows specific to a skilled profession collected systematically for a large number of developing countries.
- 2891 reads
Nursing Workforce in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper examines various aspects of the nursing and midwifery workforce in Africa, looking at education and supply systems; recruitment, retention and motivation and career systems. It further investigates attrition from migration and HIV/AIDS, as well as other factors and makes some recommendations on how to move forward using examples of experiences from countries. These experiences, albeit on a small scale, show promise of good results after being scaled up. [author’s description]
- 5155 reads
Rising to the Challenges of Human Resources for Health in Kenya: Developing Empirical Evidence for Policy Making
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the human resources for health (HRH) currently available and required to reach the targets set by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in both the public sector and the faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Kenya. A stratified convenience sample of health facilities at all levels of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) in each of the eight provinces was selected for the assessment. Detailed information on human resources and provision of services related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, maternal health, and child health was collected.
- 3522 reads
WHO Global Health Atlas
In a single electronic platform, the WHO’s Communicable Disease Global Atlas is bringing together for analysis and comparison standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional, and global levels. The analysis and interpretation of data are further supported through information on demography, socioeconomic conditions, and environmental factors. The database includes a category for human resources for health information. Users can download information in reports, charts and maps as well as use the mapping interface to select geographic areas of interest and creat maps of diseases, the location of health facilities and the density of health personnel by category.
- 2880 reads