Comprehensive Assessment of Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire
Partners for Health Reformplus conducted a comprehensive assessment of the public health sector in Côte d’Ivoire to quantify HR available and what is needed to maintain basic health services while scaling up HIV/AIDS services to reach targets at the national level and at the global level through initiatives such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the World Health Organization’s 3 by 5 Initiative, and the Millennium Development Goals. [from abstract]
- 2358 reads
Coverage and Skill Mix Balance of Human Resources for Health in Myanmar
The township health system in Myanmar is regarded as means to achieve the end of an equitable, efficient and effective health system based on the principles of primary health care approach. A township hospital caters medical care at the second referral level. Under the leadership and management of a Township Medical Officer in each township, para-professionals deployed at Rural Health Centers (RHCs) and Sub-centers under each RHC’s jurisdiction play key roles for providing primary health care services for rural population.
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Forecasting the Human Resource for Health Requirement in China by the Year 2015
This document report on the trends of HRH during past fifty years including the issues of unqualified doctors in rural areas, geographical differences in HRH, and the increase in medical school graduates. It also forecasts HRH needs for fifteen years from 2000 to 2015.
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World Health Statistics 2006
World Health Statistics 2006 presents the most recent statistics since 1997 of 50 health indicators for WHO’s 192 Member States. This second edition of World Health Statistics includes an expanded set of statistics, with a particular focus on equity between and within countries. It also introduces a section with 10 highlights in global health statistics for the past year. [publisher’s description]
The report includes a chapter on Health Systems which provides key HRH statistical data.
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Skilled Attendant at Birth: 2006 Updates
This docuemnt presents nationally representative data of births attended by skilled health workers available up to 2005 together with global, regional and subregional estimates. [author’s description]
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Department of Health Annual Report 2003/2004 (South Africa)
An annual review done against the priorities set in the South Africa Health Sector Strategic Framework, 1999 to 2004, and in the Strategic Plan of the National Department for 2003/04 to 2005/06. Section 2 is devoted to Human Resource Management Data.
- 1850 reads
State of the Health Workforce in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence of Crisis and Analysis of Contributing Factors
This report is an attempt to systematically document and evaluate the state of the health workforce in Africa. It draws on academic published literature (which is limited), the WHO statistical database (which is incomplete and only sporadically updated), studies of bilateral donors, national documents, and newspaper articles. The report shows clearly that for more than a decade HR issues have received very little attention. [from foreword]
- 2131 reads
Human Resources and Health Outcomes: Cross-Country Econometric Study
Only a few studies have investigated the link between human resources for health and health outcomes, and they arrive at different conclusions. The authors tested the strength and significance of density of human resources for health with improved methods and a new WHO dataset on maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and under-five mortality rate. [from summary]
- 3264 reads
Zambia HIV/AIDS Workforce Study: Preparing for Scale-up
This report presents the findings of a study conducted at 16 healthcare sites in Zambia offering voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (P-MTCT), and antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. The study period, including design, implementation, and data analysis, was April to June 2003. The purpose of the study was to assist the Government of Zambia in determining whether it will have sufficient staff to be able to scale up VCT, P-MTCT, and ARV treatment to reach its targeted numbers of clients.
- 2589 reads
Health Care on the Frontlines: Survey Evidence on Public and Private Providers in Uganda
The report presents findings from a baseline survey of 155 primary health care facilities (dispensaries, with and without maternity units) that was carried out in Uganda in the latter part of 2000. The analysis compares service delivery performance in three ownership categories: government, private for-profit, and private nonprofit. Among the topics it explores at the facility level are staffing, availability of drugs and other inputs, remuneration, outputs, and financing. The findings are highly relevant for public policy in Uganda and in other countries in Africa that are undertaking civil service reform and promoting private-public partnerships in health care.
- 2929 reads