New Zealand
New Zealand: Primary Health Organization (PHO) Performance Program
This report outlines and evaluates a pay-for-performance program designed to strengthen the role of primary health organizations to focus on population health and health inequality programs, and to address problems of service access and lack of coordination between providers. [adapted from introduction]
- 1002 reads
Method for Developing Standardised Interactive Education for Complex Clinical Guidelines
The aim of this study was to transform the Clinical Practice Guideline for Perinatal Mortality into an education workshop to develop quality standardised interactive education acceptable to participants for learning skills in collaborative interprofessional care. [adapted from abstract]
- 637 reads
Destination of Pacific Island Health Professional Graduates from a New Zealand University
The authors undertook a survey of both resident and non-resident graduates of Pacific ethnicity from health professional undergraduate courses at the University of Otago in New Zealand to examine the retention of these graduates in Pacific communities and factors influencing their choices of destination. [from author]
- 712 reads
Does the Positive Influence of an Undergraduate Rural Placement Persist into Postgraduate Years?
The purpose of this study was to test whether or not the effects of a seven week rural undergraduate placement for medical students (which showed positive influence on student attitudes to rural health and their intention to practise in a rural settings) persisted into postgraduate years. [adapted from abstract]
- 705 reads
Clinical Capabilities of Graduates of an Outcomes Based Integrated Medical Program
This study aimed to evaluate perceived and assessed clinical capabilities of recent graduates of an outcomes-based integrated medical program and compare to benchmarks from traditional content-based or process-based programs. [from abstract]
- 870 reads
Is Health Workforce Sustainability in Australia and New Zealand a Realistic Goal?
This paper assesses what health workforce sustainability might mean for Australia and New Zealand, given the policy direction set out in the World Health Organization draft code on international recruitment of health workers. [from abstract]
- 1289 reads
Feeling Connected: Technology and the Support of Clinical Teachers in Distant Locations
This paper discusses a key finding arising from a qualitative research project which explored the provision of educational support to clinical teachers who were at least 100 kilometres distant from a university medical school. [from abstract]
- 1107 reads
Sharing After Hours Care in Rural New Zealand Community: a Service Utilization Survey
This article reports on an initiative in a rural New Zealand community to meet the need for after hours care. First contact for patients is with a community nursing team operating from the local health centre, complemented by on-call advice from GPs and GP clinics twice daily at weekends. The article reports on the demand for after hours services generated by a geographically defined community in New Zealand. [from introduction]
- 1818 reads
Desired Attributes of New Graduate Nurses as Identified by the Rural Community
Preparing nurse graduates for practice is challenging because of the diversity of skills expected of them. The objective of this study is to identify the attributes a rural community expect in new graduate nurses in order for them to provide quality care. [from abstract]
- 3523 reads
Health Workforce and International Migration: Can New Zealand Compete?
This paper examines health workforce and migration policies in New Zealand, with a special focus on the international recruitment of doctors and nurses. [from abstract]
- 2500 reads
Nursing Workforce Profile
This yearly profile is a summary of statistics about the nursing workforce in Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA.
- 7621 reads
Health Workforce Development: An Overview
There have been reported shortages in both the regulated and unregulated workforce in New Zealand, in particular of medical practitioners, nurses in primary care, mental health professionals, allied and primary health professionals, Māori and Pacific practitioners, and support workers. There is also an ongoing issue of a maldistribution of workers between rural and urban locations. In the future, the constraints on labour supply in New Zealand will necessitate a much greater focus on growing the health workforce and improving the performance and productivity of the available workforce.
- 2596 reads