Western Europe
Addressing Needs in the Public Health Workforce in Europe
Health systems in Europe face a number of increasingly complex challenges. Globalization, evolving health threats, an ageing society, financial constraints on government spending, and social and health inequalities are some of the most pressing. This policy summary aims to outline these needs and to consider measures and options towards meeting them. [adapted from summary]
- 623 reads
Developing European Guidelines for Training Care Professionals in Mental Health
Although mental health promotion is a priority mental health action area for all European countries, high level training resources and high quality skills acquisition in mental health promotion are still relatively rare. The aim of the current paper is to present the results of a project to develop guidelines for training social and health care professionals in mental health promotion. [adapted from abstract]
- 799 reads
Developing Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe: The CompHP Project Handbooks
Within this document is a set of competencies for Europe, a set of professional standards and a proposal for an accreditation system that will work to ensure greater quality, consistency and effectiveness of the health promotion workforce on this continent. The document contains three handbooks: core competencies framework, professional standards and accreditation framework. [adapted from author]
- 1116 reads
Health Professional Mobility and Health Systems: Evidence from 17 European Countries
This volume presents an analysis of health professional mobility in Europe from a health system perspective. The central policy issue of this analysis is that health professional mobility impacts on the performance of health systems and that these impacts are increasing in line with increasing mobility in Europe. [from introduction]
- 1183 reads
Nurse Prescribing of Medicines in Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon Countries: a Systematic Review of the Literature
The aim of this review was to gain insight into the scientific and professional literature describing the extent to and the ways in which nurse prescribing has been realised or is being introduced in Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries; and to identify possible mechanisms underlying the introduction and organisation of nurse prescribing. [adapted from abstract]
- 1832 reads
Addressing the Global Health Workforce Crisis: Challenges for France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK
This report compares the foreign and domestic policies regarding health workers in five European Union countries, which have some of the highest densities of doctors and nurses in the world. It looks at the reasons for health shortages in both source and destination countries, exploring what needs to change or to be put into practice in order to fulfil the requirements of the WHO Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and to strengthen health systems in the developing world. [from summary]
- 5626 reads
Life Long Learning and Physician Revalidation in Europe
Few countries require that physicians demonstrate explicitly that they remain fit to practice. The term revalidation is defined as an evaluation of a medical practitioner’s fitness to practise. Although this definition focuses on assessment, it is recognized that the process leading up to it should be formative, encouraging professional development as well as identifying those unfit to practice. [adapted from author]
- 37850 reads
Ten Best Public and Private Sector Practices in Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Europe and Eurasia Region
This brief synthesizes best practices in achieving reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) goals for the Europe and Eurasia region, and highlights the role of the private sector in meeting these goals. [from author]
- 14851 reads
Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health
This paper aims to increase the visibility of the issues facing the EU health workforce, to generate a clearer picture of the extent to which local and/or national health managers face the same challenges and to provide a better basis for considering what could be done at EU level to address these problems effectively, and in a manner which does not have a negative impact on health systems outside the EU. [from author]
- 1969 reads
Nurse Wages and Their Context: Database Summary (North America, Western Europe and Japan)
These yearly summary reports provide information on nurse wages and the comparitive buying power of these wages in select countries in North America, Western Europe and Japan. The data are results from a survey of 10 National Nurses’ Associations. [from introduction]
- 6523 reads
Physicians' Migration in Europe: an Overview of the Current Situation
The migration of medical professionals as a result of the expansion of the European Union is cause for concern. But there is a significant lack of information available about this phenomenon. This study did a search of secondary databases about the presence of european doctors working abroad and a survey of professional organisations and regulators in countries of the European Union. [from abstract]
- 2324 reads
Health Worker Migration in the European Region: Country Case Studies and Policy Implications
This report presents an overview of the policy implications of the international migration of health workers in Europe, based on case studies conducted in five countries – Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom – and draws on information from other WHO European Region countries, such as Israel and Latvia. [from introduction]
- 6040 reads
Health Systems in Transition Country Profiles
Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of each health care system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development. [publisher’s description] Each report contains a section on human resources for health including an overview of the situation and specific health workforce statistics.
- 29110 reads
Health Care Managers as a Critical Component of the Health Care Workforce
The main purpose of this chapter of “Human Resources for Health in Europe” is to develop a dynamic and unified framework for describing and analysing the role of the health care manager in a changing Europe. The chapter also attempts to combine the construction of this theoretical model with its application, drawing on empirical work in different European countries to illustrate the challenges and opportunities arising from the various elements of health care reform. [from introduction]
- 3080 reads
Health Care Workforce in Europe: Learning from Experience
The case studies contained in this volume provide a means of exchanging information on the challenges that countries face and the solutions that they are exploring. A companion volume by the European Observatory, Human resources for health in Europe, looked in detail at the key issues affecting the health workforce in Europe. It drew on a series of detailed case studies undertaken to assess the situation in a range of European countries. This volume brings those case studies together. [from foreword]
- 3304 reads