Assessment of Interactions between Global Health Initiatives and Country Health Systems
Some critics have claimed that disease-specific global health initiatives (GHIs) burden health systems that are already fragile in countries with few resources, whereas others have asserted that weak health systems prevent progress in meeting disease-specific targets. We use a review and analysis of existing data, and 15 new studies to describe the complex nature of the interplay between country health systems and GHIs. There are sections that specifically address the human resources for health and health information systems impacts. [from author]
- 2212 reads
Joint External Evaluation of the Health Sector in Tanzania: Draft Report
This evaluation focused on the relevance of the health sector strategic and implementation plans to the achievement of the the MDGs in health; the extent of progress and achievements in the health sector reform process; achievements in improving acces, service quality and health outcomes; and changes in partnership activities. Section 8 examines how effectively the health sector has dealt with important issues in HRH during the evaluation period. [adapted from author]
- 2693 reads
Estimation of Physician Supply by Speciality and the Distribution Impact of Increasing Female Physcians in Japan
Japan has experienced two large changes which affect the supply and distribution of physicians. They are increases in medical school enrollment capacity and in the proportion of female physicians. The purpose of this study is to estimate the future supply of physicians by specialty and to predict the associated impact of increased female physicians, as well as to discuss the possible policy implications. [from abstract]
- 1534 reads
Annual Report (South Africa)
These yearly reports reflect the key milestones achieved by the department in its quest to improve the health status of South Africans, through the delivery of accessible, caring and good quality services. Most importantly, the report also reflects the department’s limitations and constraints encountered during the reporting period, which will have to be addressed going forward. [from foreword]
- 1889 reads
Health Sector Strategic Plan II (Uganda)
The Health Sector Strategic Plan II 2005/06 – 2009/10 represents a consolidation and extension of the achievements of HSSP I and focuses on health promotion and prevention, including the provision of basic curative services. The HSSP II emphasizes the role of communities/households and individuals ownership for health and health services and defines the planned investments for achieving an optimal balance for scaling up the priority interventions within the available resource envelope.[adapted from summary]
- 10787 reads
Guidelines on Planning Human Resources for Nursing
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist nurse leaders in strengthening the management of their professional workforce and, through this, to assist in strengthening health care delivery and strategies for improving health. [from author]
- 4087 reads
Estimating the True Shortfall of Medical Practitioners in Rural India
A researcher from the University of Surrey (UK) proposes a basic framework for estimating relative shortages of medical personnel in rural and urban areas of developing countries. The author distinguishes between qualified doctors, trained non-doctors and untrained non-doctors. Using data for Ujjain district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, the author then estimates their impact on the quality of health care available. [from author]
- 2101 reads
Working in Health: Financing and Managing the Public Sector Health Workforce
This book examines two key health workforce policy questions: the impact of government wage bill policies on the size of the health wage bill and on the health workforce staffing levels in the public sector; and if current human resource management policies and practices lead to strategic use of health wage bill resources in the public sector. [from foreword]
- 2238 reads
2009 FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce Report
This report expands on the findings of the first 2006 report to examine the workforce situation in more countries, describe significant trends which continue to face workforce development and identify pertinent challenges which must be addressed in order to ensure the equitable access and appropriate use of safe, effective and quality medicines as well as pharmaceutical services. This report also draws on the country experiences relating to workforce development in seven countries to explore the challenges and strategies employed to address these and their outcomes. [from forword]
- 3479 reads
Health Sector Strategic Plan II 2009-2012 (Rwanda)
The Health Sector Strategic Plan II is a three year strategic plan that will guide all interventions in the Rwandan health sector for July 2009 - June 2012. The plan details the direction the health sector will take in the next three years, the achievements and outcomes that will be attained and the interventions that will be undertaken to make sure these targets are met.
- 12074 reads
Continuing Professional Development Accreditation System for Uganda
This publication outlines the processes to be followed by the Uganda Health Continuing Professional Development (CDP) Accreditation Agency, providers of CPD and health professionals applying for relicensure after CPD training.
- 2477 reads
Methods for Evaluating Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of a Skilled Care Initiative in Rural Burkina Faso
This paper aims to describe the design, methods and approaches used to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the skilled care initiative in reducing pregnancy-related and perinatal mortality in Ouargaye district, Burkina Faso. [from summary]
- 14373 reads
Staffing Needs for Quality Perinatal Care in Tanzania
In Tanzania maternal and perinatal mortalities and morbidities are problems of public health importance, and have been linked to the shortage of skilled staff. We quantified the available workforce and the required nursing staff for perinatal care in 16 health institutions in Dar es Salaam. [from abstract]
- 1629 reads
Connecting Regions, Leading the Way: Sharing Health Worker Information in Namibia
Information on a country’s health workers is essential for planning and decision-making. The Capacity Project met with key decision-makers in Namibia to assess their information needs. This document describes the outcome and its impact on the Namibian health workforce. [adapted from author]
- 1713 reads
Leading the Way: Tasmania’s Health Professionals Shaping Future Care
This guide details efforts to promote workforce sustainability by recognizing the need for a flexible healthcare workforce with skills to match patient and client needs while ensuring Tasmania keeps pace with international health workforce developments. [adapted from introduction]
- 1643 reads
Human Resources for Health: Requirements and Availability in the Context of Scaling-Up Priority Interventions in Low-Income Countries - Case studies from Tanzania and Chad
The purpose of this study was to explore the role and importance of human resources for the scaling up of health services in low income countries. In two case studies [of Chad and Tanzania], we investigated the size, composition and structure of the current health work force; produced estimates of future human resource availability; estimated the quantity of human resources required significantly to scale up priority interventions towards 2015; and compared human resource availability and human resource requirements. [from introduction]
- 4767 reads
Quantitative Tool for Workforce Planning in Healthcare: Example Simulations
This report summarizes a series of quantitative models developed to assist in workforce planning and using example simulation projections for the demand and supply of healthcare workers in Ireland. [adapted from executive summary]
- 10517 reads
Human Resource Requirements for Introducing Cervical Screening — Who Do We Need Where?
This article discusses the estimated requirements and imbalances of province-specific health personnel required for introducing cervical screening in South Africa. [adapted from introduction]
- 2433 reads
Global Pharmacy Workforce: a Systematic Review of the Literature
Maintenance and expansion of the future pharmacy workforce is essential for addressing the worldwide shortage of pharmacists. [adapted from abstract]
- 2510 reads
Snapshot of the Australian Public Hospital Pharmacy Workforce in 2005
The first study of the Australian hospital pharmacy workforce (public and private hospitals) was undertaken in 2001. Data from this study provided a baseline and were used to estimate the future demand for hospital pharmacists. This article summarizes an update of this survey done in 2005. [adapted from author]
- 1687 reads
Snapshot of the Australian Public Hospital Pharmacy Workforce in 2007
The first study of the Australian hospital pharmacy workforce (public and private hospitals) was undertaken in 2001. Data from this study provided a baseline and were used to estimate the future demand for hospital pharmacists. This article summarizes an update of this survey done in 2007. [adapted from author]
- 1964 reads
Health Workforce Development Planning in the Sultanate of Oman: a Case Study
This case outlines how Oman is continuing to turn around its excessive dependence on expatriate workforce through strategic workforce development planning. [from abstract]
- 1953 reads
Health Service Planning and Policy-Making: a Toolkit for Nurses and Midwives
The purpose of this toolkit, consisting of 7 booklets, is to provide nurses and midwives with tools to effectively participate in and influence health care planning and policy-making. This tool-kit has been designed for use by any nurse or midwife who has an interest in advocating for change in their work environment. [from publisher]
- 39056 reads
Cross-Country Review of Strategies of the German Development Cooperation to Strengthen Human Resources
Recent years have seen growing awareness of the importance of human resources for health in health systems and with it an intensifying of the international and national policies in place to steer a response. This paper looks at how governments and donors in five countries: Cameroon, Indonesia, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania, have translated such policies into action. [from abstract]
- 2658 reads
World Health Statistics 2009
World Health Statistics 2009 contains WHO’s annual compilation of data from its 193 Member States, and includes a summary of progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals and targets. This edition also contains a new section on reported cases of selected infectious diseases. [from publisher]
- 2746 reads
Impact of Rich Countries Policies on Poverty in LDCs: the Case of Migrant Nurses from Ghana
This presentation offers the findings of a study assessing how policies in richer countries impact least-developed countries, specifically regarding skilled labour migration.
- 2047 reads
Migrant Care Workers in the UK Labor market
This presentation explores the primary characteristics of the migrant labor force in the UK healthcare sector, including the implications for policies regulating migration and the care sector.
- 1760 reads
National Framework to Support Local Workforce Strategy Development: a Guide for HR Directors in the NHS and Social Care
This document suggests a framework within which governing bodies and boards — supported by HR directors and managers across health and social care — can develop local workforce strategies. [adapted from introduction]
- 2064 reads
Kenya: Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health (HRH) with DFID/OGAC and Other Partners
In response to the critical HRH shortages in Africa, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Office of the US Global Aids Coordinator (OGAC) have been in discussion with a number of African countries to develop strategies and country level actions. The aim is to demonstrate the maximum flexibility of disease specific programmes to support broad based primary care in line with countries’ health plans. This report presents a summary of the main findings from the country visit to Kenya. [from introduction]
- 3713 reads
Atlas: Country Profiles on Mental Health Resources
This document provides individual country profiles detailing basic mental health resources around the world. Section I describes the methodology used, as well as the global and regional analyses, while Section II provides short descriptive profiles for each country. [adapted from introduction]
- 2929 reads