
Health Human Resources Planning: an Examination of Relationships Among Nursing Service Utilization, an Estimate of Population Health and Overall Health Status Outcomes in the Province of Ontario

The goal of this study was to develop and test a way to establish, monitor, and predict the need for nursing services by using the health needs of the population. This study explored the relationship between the health needs of Ontarians, their use of community and hospital nursing services, and variations in outcomes. The findings suggest that decisions about the deployment of nursing resources are associated with differences in outcomes. [adapted from author]

How Much is Not Enough? Human Resources Requirements for Primary Health Care: a Case Study from South Africa

The objective of this study was to quantify staff requirements in primary health care facilities in South Africa through an adaptation of the WHO workload indicator of staff needs tool. The results show that the application of an adapted WHO workload tool identified important human resource planning issues. [adapted from abstract]

Tanzania Service Provision Assessment Survey 2006

The 2006 Tanzania Service Provision Assessment Survey provides detailed information on the availability and quality of facility infrastructure, resources, and management systems, and on services for child health, family planning, maternal health (antenatal and delivery care), and selected infectious diseases, namely sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis. The survey also provides information on the capacity of health facilities to provide quality HIV/AIDS services. [adapted from abstract]

Approach to Estimating Human Resource Requirements to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals

This paper proposes a methodological approach to estimating the requirements of human resources to achieve the goals set forth by the Millennium Declaration. The method builds on the service-target approach and functional job analysis. [adapted from abstract]

Human Resources Requirements for Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) Scale-up in Malawi

Twelve percent of the adult population in Malawi is estimated to be HIV infected and 15% to 20% of these are in need of life saving antiretroviral therapy. Using data on the total number of patients on highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) and estimates of the number of health professionals required to deliver HAART, researchers set out to determine the human resources requirements for HAART scale-up in Malawi. Results show that the human resources requirements are significant and that Malawi is using far fewer human resources than would be expected based on past studies. [adapted

Whole Picture: Strengthening Health Workforce Policies and Planning in Rwanda

This brief describes the Capacity Project’s work with health workforce planning using HRIS in Rwanda.

Nurse Self Sufficiency/Sustainability in the Global Context

One major challenge for all countries is to establish workforce planning mechanisms that effectively meet the demands for health care and provide workforce stability. However, few nations have developed strategic plans for meeting nursing resource requirements that effectively address supply and demand. Instead, many developed countries choose to implement short term policy levers such as increased reliance on immigration, sometimes to the detriment of developing countries.

National Policy on Human Resources Development for Health (Afghanistan)

The goal of the human resources development policy is to ensure availability of suitably qualified appropriately skilled and motivated human resource for health at appropriate geographic level of pre-defined disciplines, for provision of essential health services of acceptable quality at affordable cost to the community. [author’s description]

Teaming Up in Tanzania: Supporting the National Response to HIV

In [Tanzania’s] response to HIV, the Ministry has deemed its shortfall in human resources for health (HRH) as an emergency. To begin to address this gap, the Ministry is expanding antiretroviral therapy services through an Emergency Hiring Program that will bring 365 new health workers to 25 underserved districts in two phases. The first phase, now underway, will place 176 new hires in 19 districts. [author’s description]

Maternity Workforce Resource Pack

This pack contains workforce planning checklists, together with case studies and frequently asked questions (FAQs) that other organisations have developed to solve common issues. This pack includes examples of good practice and the contact details of teams working in maternity services to enable organisations to follow up any issues raised. [from introduction]

Summary Report: Distribution and Internal Migration of Canada's Health Care Workforce

This report summarizes studies that examined the geographical distribution or mobility of a wide variety of health care providers in Canada. [adapted from introduction]

Unavailability of Essential Obstetric Care Services in a Local Government Area of South-West Nigeria

This paper reports the findings at baseline in a multi-phase project that aimed at reducing maternal mortality in a local government area of South-West Nigeria. The objectives were to determine the availability of essential obstetric care services and to assess the quality of existing services. The first phase of this interventional study, which is the focus of this paper, consisted of a baseline health facility and needs assessment survey using instruments adapted from the United Nations guidelines. [from abstract]

Human Resources for Health Situation in Mozambique

This report reviews the literature, published and unpublished, available on HRH in Mozambique. It also carries out some secondary data analysis and presents data from interviews and focus group discussions with key informers and stakeholders. The study of the human resources situation in Mozambique followed a frame of reference that addressed key issues related to the context, professional policies, labour market, management of human resources, and performance and coping. [from executive summary]

Taking the Next Step: Options and Support for a Pan-Canadian, Multi-Professional HHR Planning Mechanism

This study proposes potential options for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning mechanism or mechanisms to better serve the process of coordinated HHR planning across jurisdictions and among multiple professions. The second goal is to assess the current level of support among both government actors at the federal, provincial and territorial levels and stakeholder organizations for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning. The study examines the current HHR planning infrastructure in the country, recent international developments in HHR planning and the attitudes of key informants in governmental and non-governmental communities.

Human Resources for Health Policy in Sierra Leone for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

This HRH policy document addresses the production and utilization of Human Resources within the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. It also responds to the contemporary challenges and developments including the exodus of human resources and advancement in technology. This policy intends to regulate and direct planning, production, management, utilization and monitoring of HR within the health sector. [from foreword]

Sierra Leone Human Resource for Health Development Plan 2006-2010

The shortfall of health personnel continues to represent one of the major constraints to the development of health services and access to basic health care in Sierra Leone. The plan contains an analysis of the current situation with a focus on the distribution of Health Personnel, the current stock, wastage, outputs from training schools, dropout rates and human resources policies currently obtained in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. It also projects future requirements based on the recommended establishment. [from preface]

Getting Evidence into Practice: What Works in Developing Countries?

This article summarizes and comments on the available literature on the effectiveness of intrventions designed to change [health worker] professional behaviour in order to bring evidence into practice in developing countries. [from abstract]

National Workforce Plan 2006

The purpose of this document is primarily to articulate and describe workforce supply. The aim of this is two-fold. First, it will help NHS Boards and other employers to understand where their future workforce is likely to come from and second, it provides a vehicle for setting medical, dental and nursing training numbers and helps inform education providers about future workforce needs and likely supply pathways. This is turn will impact the workforce itself, thus workforce planning and development is a continual cyclical process. [from introduction]

Policies and Plans for Human Resources for Health: Guidelines for Countries in the WHO African Region

Experience has shown that governments have different kinds of HRH policies, strategies and plans even when they are within the overall context of national health policies and strategies. This document provides guidance on the process with proposals of content for three basic HRH documents: situation analysis, policy, and strategic plan. [from foreword]

Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2006 - 2010

The purpose of this human resource for health (HRH) plan is to provide guidance for the staffing of the health services and the training of health service personnel to the year 2020. It analyzes main issues and dimensions in HRH and proposes strategies to meet the targets for the wellbeing of the population as defined in the vision 2020 for Rwanda The plan provides staffing targets for each of the major categories of health personnel.

Human Resource Planning and the Production of Health: a Needs-Based Analytical Framework

Traditional approaches to health human resource planning emphasize the effects of demographic change on the needs for health human resources. Planning requirements are largely based on the size and demographic mix of the population applied to simple population-provider or population-utilization ratios. We develop an extended analytical framework based on the production of heal care services and the multiple determinants of health human resource requirements. [from abstract]

UK Wide Workforce Planning Competence Framework

This framework encompasses the healthcare workforce planning skills and competences required at both strategic and operational level, for all types of staff, including chief executives, directors, clinicians, service development managers, ward managers, workforce planners, and contributes to the building of capability in human resource management identified in the HR in the NHS Plan. [publisher’s description]

Health Systems in Transition Country Profiles

Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of each health care system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development. [publisher’s description] Each report contains a section on human resources for health including an overview of the situation and specific health workforce statistics.

Sources of Health Workforce Statistics

This database is a collection of data sources on health workforce statistics. Data sources are classified according to standard categories and provide: A comprehensive report on the availability of data on gender, age, geographical distribution, employment status, migration, wages and working hours; Information on compatibility of data with the international standard of classification; Details on the organization responsible for the implementation of the data collection; and Links to related websites for further research of the data source. [publisher’s description]

Using HMIS for Monitoring and Planning: the Experience of Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau

Uganda has been successful in implementing the national “Health Management Information System” (HMIS). Disease surveillance reports and monitoring of key output indicators within the health sector seem to be the areas with the most remarkable advance. But little mention has been made on the importance of the use of information for monitoring performance indicators and for management/decision making purposes. The existing HMIS makes this possible.

Funding Mechanisms for the Private Not-For-Profit Health Training Institutions in Uganda

The Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) aims to ensure access to basic health care by the Ugandan population. This requires availability of well-trained health professionals. This study demonstrates that the Private-Not-For-Profit Health Training Institutions - the majority in Uganda - have remained grossly under-funded, which poses a threat to achievement of the HSSP. It is recommended that government increases and guarantees its support to these Health Training Institutions as a way of maintaining quality of health worker training. [from abstract]

Swaziland's Traditional Birth Attendants Survey

The Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) Survey in Swaziland was undertaken between March 27th 1996 and April 8th 1996. The objective of the survey was to generate reliable information regarding activities of TBAs in Swaziland. The survey was conducted in 25 Chiefdoms sampled out of a total of 206 Chiefdoms registered in Swaziland. [from abstract]

Strategic Health Workforce Projections

This report covers the work done to complete another phase of the Initiatives Inc. program of work in human resource development (HRD) in the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Jordan. The essence and purpose of this assignment was to conduct a workshop and produce as a result the first strategic projection of staff requirements and supply in the health sector as a whole, with particular emphasis on the public sector, over the period 2004 to 2014. [from introduction]

Brain Drain of Health Professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa to Canada

Significant numbers of African-trained health workers migrate every year to developed countries including Canada. They leave severely crippled health systems in a region where life expectancy is only 50 years of age, 16 per cent of children die before their fifth birthday and the HIV/AIDS crisis continues to burgeon. The population of Sub-Saharan Africa totals over 660 million, with a ratio of fewer than 13 physicians per 100,000. [from introduction]

Capacity Assessment of the Health Facilities and Community Based Associations

The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the capacity as well as the performance of the health facilities (HF) and community associations (community health workers associations (CHW), traditional birth attendant associations (TBA) and associations of people living with HIV (PLWHA), operating in the Gisagara (formerly Kibilizi) District. [from summary]