More Doctors and Dentists Are Needed in South Africa
This article outlines a project to research the number and needs of specialists and subspecialists within South Africa. [adapted from author]
- 1089 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2011-2016
The overall aim of the plan is to increase the number of appropriately skilled, motivated and equitably distributed health service providers for Rwanda. The main strategic objectives of the plan are: a coordinated approach to planning across the sector based on the best available data; increased number of trained and equitably distributed staff; improved productivity and performance of health workers; and strengthened human resource planning, management and development systems at all levels. [from summary]
- 2877 reads
Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health: a Profile of Indonesia
This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Indonesia; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]
- 1197 reads
Ghana Human Resource for Health Country Profile
This HRH profile: provides a comprehensive picture of the health workforce situation in Ghana; presents the HRH policies and management situation to help in monitoring the HRH stock and trends; provides basis for communication with and between policy-makers and stakeholders; strengthens the HRH information system by establishing evidence for baselines and trends; and facilitates information sharing and cross-country comparisons. [from author]
- 3284 reads
How Many Doctors Do We Need in Sudan?
The aim of this paper is to propose a scientific estimation of Sudan’s need for doctors in strategic terms by: projecting estimated figures to reach the average standards of doctor-population ratios in the region; projecting annual graduation and postgraduate training rates; proposing estimates of the number of doctors the state economy can support; suggesting meastures to optimize distribution in different speacialties and geographic zones and to manage migration. [adapted from author]
- 1689 reads
Overcoming the Hurdle of Implementation: Putting Human Resources for Health Tools into Action
This paper states that it is critical for HRH leaders to take action to ensure that already available workforce strengthening tools are disseminated, adapted and used to foster effective implementation at the country level. The paper highlights four such tools as examples that can be used to build implementation capacity, and acknowledges more like them. [adapted from abstract]
- 1247 reads
Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of the Solomon Islands
This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in the Solomon Islands: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]
- 1225 reads
GAVI, the Global Fund and the World Bank Support for Human Resources for Health in Developing Countries
This report reviews the type of HRH-related activities that are eligible for financing within GAVI, the Global Fund, and the World Bank; the HRH-related activities that each agency is actually financing; and the literature to understand the impact that each agency’s investments in HRH have had on HRH in developing countries. [adapted from abstract]
- 1483 reads
Evidence-Based Health Workforce Model for Primary and Community Care
The objective of this article is to describe the development of an evidence-informed, needs-based health workforce model to support the delivery of best-practice interdisciplinary chronic disease management in the primary and community care setting using diabetes as a case exemplar. [from abstract]
- 1183 reads
Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: a Profile of Fiji
This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Fiji – their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]
- 1160 reads
State of the World's Midwifery 2011: Delivering Health, Saving Lives
The report presents a body of knowledge to inform and accelerate the availability of quality midwifery services for women and newborns. It aims to make a valuable contribution both to strengthening the midwifery workforce around the world and to the critical planning that is needed to achieve the health Millennium Development Goals. [from summary]
- 1331 reads
Nursing Human Resource Planning Best Practice Toolkit: Creating a Best Practice Resource for Nursing Managers
A project supported the creation of a network of teaching and community hospitals to develop a . This paper provides an overview of the process used to develop a best practice toolkit in nursing human resource planning targeted at first line nursing managers, a description of the toolkit contents and a reflection on the outcomes of the project. [adapted from abstract]
- 4504 reads
Collaboration to Change the Landscape of Nursing: A Journey between Urban and Remote Practice Settings
This article describes an innovative strategy to test a health human resource (HHR) planning and employment model to foster inter-organizational collaboration, knowledge transfer and exchange of nurses between an urban academic health science centre and a remote region in northern Ontario. [from introduction]
- 1159 reads
Current Shortage and Future Surplus of Doctors: a Projection of the Future Growth of the Japanese Medical Workforce
The purpose of this research is to project the future growth of the Japanese medical doctor workforce from 2008 to 2050 and to forecast whether the proposed additional increase in the student quota will cause a doctor surplus. [from abstract]
- 1727 reads
Development of Modelling Method Selection Tool for Health Services Mangement: from Problem Structuring Methods to Modelling and Simulation Methods
The aim of this study is to provide a mechanism for decision makers in health services planning and management to compare a broad range of modelling and simulation methods so that they can better select and use them or better commission relevant modelling and simulation work that can assist in the process of designing health care policies, strategies and operations. [from abstract]
- 1816 reads
New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Workforce Study
This study seeks to contribute to the government of Indonesia’s broader health system assessment by answering key health workforce questions. It examines changes in the supply and quality of health service providers and practitioners and links those changes with past and ongoing reforms. [from author]
- 1460 reads
Thailand’s Health Workforce: a Review of Challenges and Experiences
This paper provides an overview of the Thai health workforce situation and challenges, policy initiatives and programs aimed at addressing health workforce challenges, and a discussion of future challenges and key information and evidence gaps. [adapted from preface]
- 3239 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Cote d’Ivoire Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Cote d’Ivoire of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1270 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Ethiopia Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Ethiopia of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1214 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Mozambique Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Mozambique of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1310 reads
Human Resources for Mental Health: Workforce Shortages in Low and Middle Income Countries
This report estimates the number of mental health workers required to treat mental, neurological and substance use disorders, which account for an estimated 14% of the global burden of disease. The workforce shortage is estimated based on comparing this needed number of mental health workers with the supply. [from summary]
- 1740 reads
Technical Framework for Costing Health Workforce Retention Schemes in Remote and Rural Areas
This paper reviews the evidence on costing interventions to improve health workforce recruitment and retention in remote and rural areas, provides guidance to undertake a costing evaluation of such interventions and investigates the role and importance of costing to inform the broader assessment of how to improve health workforce planning and management. [from abstract]
- 1575 reads
Estimates Of Health Care Professional Shortages In Sub-Saharan Africa By 2015
This paper uses a forecasting model to estimate the need for, supply of, and shortage of doctors, nurses, and midwives in thirty-nine African countries for 2015, the target date of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. [from abstract]
- 1654 reads
Desa Siaga Cost Analysis
The term “Desa Siaga” describes the concept of community members owning their own resources and capacities for preventing and overcoming their own health problems, health emergencies and disasters based on mutual support and in a spirit of togetherness. This cost analysis provides additional information for all stakeholders contributing to informed decision making regarding DS implementation and this from an economic perspective. [from executive summary]
- 2389 reads
Efficiency and Effectiveness of Aid Flows Towards Health Workforce Development: Exploratory Study Based on Four Case Studies from Ethiopia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia and Mozambique
This paper reflects an initial review of aid effectiveness in relation to human resources for health. It asks whether the recent aid effectiveness agenda, as expressed in commitments made to the Paris Declaration, is responding appropriately to the specific needs of HRH and countries’ efforts to strengthen and scale up human resources. [from author]
- 1656 reads
Policies and Practices of Countries that Are Experiencing a Crisis in Human Resources for Health: Tracking Survey
In order to understand and monitor the progress in developing and implementing HRH policies in the 57 countries experiencing a critical deficit in the health workforce, this tracking survey provides an overview of the current situation in terms of HRH policies, plans, capacities and processes. [from author]
- 1478 reads
Strengthening National and Subnational Departments for Human Resources Development
The purpose of this guide is to support the strengthening of existing, or establishing new, human resources for health development departments at the central and subnational levels.
- 2036 reads
Health Service Providers in Somalia: Their Readiness to Provide Malaria Case-Management
This study investigated the readiness of the public health sector to provide malaria casemanagement in Somalia, a country where there has been no functioning central government for almost two decades. [from abstract]
- 1668 reads
Human Resources for Health: an International Comparison of Health Occupations From Labour Force Survey Data
The objective of this paper was to present an international comparison of the health workforce in terms of skill mix, sociodemographics and other labour force characteristics, in order to establish an evidence base for monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health. [from abstract]
- 1389 reads
Health Workforce Crisis in Bangladesh: Shortage, Inappropriate Skill-Mix and Inequitable Distribution
This paper attempts to fill a knowledge gap in comprehensive data on human resources for health in the formal and informal sectors in Bangladesh through a nationally representative sample survey conducted in 2007. [from abstract]
- 2216 reads