
Building Bridges to Sustainable Human Resources for Health Development: Annual Report 2012

This aim of this report is to document the goals, contributions and achievements of the Directorate General of Human Resources for Health Development (DGHRD). The report is in three sections: an introduction to HRH with reference to its importance to the health system; annual plans, achievements and drawbacks of the institutes and sub-directorates in 2012; the DGHRD vision for 2013 and statement on the way forward. [adapted from author]

Tanzania's Health System and Workforce Crisis

This introduction to Tanzania’s health system and acute workforce shortage familiarizes readers with the context in which health professions education takes place. [from abstract]

Health Manpower Development in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

This study sought to identify factors necessary for effective development of health manpower in the low-resourced Bayelsa State. [adapted from abstract]

Training Module on Development of Health Workforce Strategic Plans

This guide is to help the facilitators and trainers in
organizing training in their countries to create health workforce strategic plans. The training is based on the World Health Organization’s Regional Guidelines for the Development of the
Health Workforce Strategic Plan in countries of the South-East Asia Region. [adapted from author]

Regional Strategic Plan for Strengthening Health Service Management in the South-East Asia Region

This strategic plan is intended to provide directions for countries to develop comprehensive interventions to strengthen the management of health systems and health sector managers in a coherent and systematic manner. [adapted from author]

Strengthening Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire

This short (4:38 minutes) video shares information about the Health Systems 20/20 assessment of the health system in Cote d’Ivoire. Based on the findings, the project worked with in-country partners to improve production of health workers, create incentives to motivate health workers to move to the underserved north, and build health management capacity. [from publisher]

Hawai'i Physician Workforce Assessment 2010

The current article describes research to determine the physician supply and demand across the State of Hawai’i. [from abstract]

Right-Sizing Egypt's Health Workforce

This brief outlines an initiative to address some of Egypt’s health workforce challenges through the development of a workforce planning model to assess workforce needs and build ministry capacities in its implementation. [adapted from publisher]

Guidance on Using Needs Based Formulae and Gap Analysis in the Equitable Allocation of Health Care Resources in East and Southern Africa

This paper proposes that the needs-based formula be used to identify the provinces and districts that are furthest from their health equity targets and that they should receive priority for the allocation of additional budgetary resources. A detailed gap analysis focuses on comparing the current health human resources in each of these provinces and districts to national norms. [adapted from author]

Economic Evaluation of a Task-Shifting Intervention for Common Mental Disorders in India

The present study evaluates the cost–effectiveness and cost–utility of a trial task shifting approach to mental health services with the hope that the additional resources needed to train, pay and supervise the lay health workers used in the task-shifting approach to the primary care of common mental disorders would promote recovery and reduced disability in a more cost–effective manner than more conventional care. [adapted from author]

Health Worker Perspectives on User Fee Removal in Zambia

Health user fees were introduced in Zambia at the beginning of the 1990s with the objective of improving staff motivation. In 2006, they were removed in view of the poverty levels in the country, the high cost for accessing health services, and the desire to provide universal access. This article examines the perspectives of health workers on the change in policy. [adapted from author]

Models for Increasing the Health Workforce

This article outlines the need for and different types of models for increasing the health workforce in South Africa to create a stable human resource base in the health sector. [adapted from author]

Management and Organization of Health Professionals, and Health Human Resource Management in China

This presentation provides a background to China’s health workforce by category, the current situation of the health workforce and the challenges and latest responses. [adapted from author]

Workforce Planning Tool: User's Guide

This tool collects data related to the current size of staff by position and the facility workload for each department. It then uses worker activity standards developed by Egyptian expert panels to calculate the precise workforce required to meet the workload of each facility. The tool’s output capabilities display the size of the gaps between current and required staff, examined across facilities, specialty areas, and types of worker, as well as among specialties within a facility. [from author]

User's Manual for Developing a Workload-Based Staffing Model in Egypt

This manual is a how-to guide to the workload indicators of staffing need (WISN) process and its implementation in Egypt. It provides a
step-by-step review of the WISN method and the calculations used in the analysis of the workforce to determine staffing needs. This guide is largely based on the Egyptian experience with the WHO methodology and how it was tailored to meet Egypt’s specific context and needs. [from introduction]

Development of Workforce Activity Standards in Egypt

The purpose of this report is to discuss the process of developing health workforce activity standards in Egypt and its importance in estimating workforce requirements. The report describes the methodology used to develop and test these standards, as well as the challenges faced during the process and the lessons learned. [from introduction]

India's Health Workforce: Current Status and the Way Forward

This article compiles the information available on the health workforce of India from different sources and suggests a plan to address the shortages in different cadres. [from introduction]

Effect of UK Policy on Medical Migration: A Time Series Analysis of Physician Registration Data

This study compared the trends in new professional registrations in the UK from doctors qualifying overseas before and after the national ethical guidance on international recruitment to determine what, if any, effect these policies have had on ethical recruitment. [adapted from author]

Ten Years of Health Workforce Planning in the Netherlands: A Tentative Evaluation of GP Planning as an Example

This paper explains a simulation model for health workforce planning developed to estimate the required and available capacity of health professionals in the Netherlands over the past ten years. [adapted from abstract]

Impact of Dropout of Female Volunteer Community Health Workers: An Exploration in Dhaka Urban Slums

The study estimates the cost of recruiting and training of community health workers (CHWs), the cost of replacement of CHWs, and forgone services in the community due to CHW dropout. [adapted from abstract]

Development of an Interactive Model for Planning the Care Workforce for Alberta: Case Study

This case study describes the development of a forecasting tool to inform its position on key workforce parameters, focused on modeling the situation for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and health care aides in Alberta. [adapted from abstract]

Narrative Review on the Effect of Economic Downturns on the Nursing Labour Market: Implecations for Policy and Planning

The objectives of this manuscript are to provide an overview of the potential short- and long-run impact of economic downturns on the supply and demand of nurses, and present healthcare decision makers with a framework to enhance their ability to strategically manage their human resources through economic cycles. [from abstract]

So Many, Yet Few: Human Resources for Health in India

This paper aims to address provide a more complete picture of India’s health workforce.

Boosting Laboratory Workers' Contribution to Providing Quality Patient Care in Low Income Countries

This paper provides an overview of the issues related to the improvement of the functioning of the laboratory workforce, of the position of the laboratory worker in the health services and the implications of this position for optimal use of the laboratory services by clinicians in low income countries. [from author]

Value for Money, Sustainability and Accountability in Health: A New Governance Framework for Africa Towards and Beyond the MDGs: Financing Human Resources for Health

The health sector in Sub-Saharan Africa is most often unfunded, including the health workforce, but many countries do not meet the minimum health staffing levels to provide essential care. This brief outlines the the need for ministries of finance and health to allocate additional financial resources for HRH to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of current capital and recurrent expenditures. [adapted from author]

Using Scenarios to Assess the Future Supply of NHS Nursing Staff in England

This paper examines issues related to the future supply of registered nursing staff, midwives and health visitors in the National Health Service (NHS) in England at a time when there are major public sector funding constraints and as more of these staff are reaching retirement age. [from abstract]

Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2009 - 2018: Situation Analysis (Sri Lanka)

In this report, an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive
situation analysis of human resources in health in Sri Lanka together with a comprehensive assessment of the factors contributing to the present situation. [from introduction]

HRH Is the Critical Factor for Health Care Accessibility, Equity, Quality

This presentation outlines the status of all level of human resources for health in India and the importance of HRH to service delivery.

Medical Students on Long-Term Regional and Rural Placements: What is the Financial Cost to Supervisors?

Medical student education is perceived as utilising significant amounts of preceptors’ time, negatively impacting on clinical productivity. This study triangulated practice financial data with the perspectives of clinical supervisors before and after regional/rural longitudinal integrated community-based placements of medical students to determine at what point students become financially beneficial to a practice. [adapted from abstract]

Training Needs Assessment of Lesotho Health Workers

This report contains the results of an in-depth training needs assessment of Lesotho health workers foces on workers at the central and district level. [adapted from summary]