Human Resources Crisis in Southern Countries: A Major Obstacle to the Fight Against HIV
Conseil national du sida wished to delve further into the human resources crisis in Southern countries. It therefore sought to identify the main causes and determining factors behind the said crisis and to put forth various strategies in an attempt to turn that trend around. [from author]
- 1000 reads
De Plus en Plus de Malades et de Moins en Moins de Soignants: La Crise des Ressources Humaines du Secteur de la Santé en Afrique
The lack of human resources in the health sector in developing countries is not new. The shortage became a crisis few years after the Millenium Declaration as countries found it difficult to meet the Millennium Development Goals owing to the shortage of health workers. The causes of the shortage are multiple and complex, involving management, training and staff distribution issues, as well as migration of workers from the public sector to the private sector, from rural areas to the cities and from one country to another. [from abstract]
- 1379 reads
Management and Organization of Health Professionals, and Health Human Resource Management in China
This presentation provides a background to China’s health workforce by category, the current situation of the health workforce and the challenges and latest responses. [adapted from author]
- 1099 reads
Synthesis of Focus Group Discussions with Health Workers in Rwanda
This report summarizes the findings of a qualitative study on health workers’ performance and career in Rwanda to identify bottlenecks, strengths and shortcomings for human resources in the health sector, as perceived by both health workers and users of health services. [adapted from summary]
- 1702 reads
Discovering the Real World: How Health Workers' Early Work Experience affects their Career Preferences - Findings from the Second Wave of a Cohort Study of Young Ethiopian Doctors and Nurses
This paper summarises the findings from the second wave of a cohort study with health workers in Ethiopia including data on: where they end up and how health workers are distributed; career preferences and how they have changed; what is important in the choice between rural and urban areas; and what drives the likelihood to migrate abroad. [from summary]
- 1179 reads
Economic Valuations of Community Health Workers' Recompense in Zambia
The objectives of this study were to estimate the economic value of community health workers (CHW), current CHW’s workload and responsibilities, and to obtain a preliminary understanding of CHWs’ opinions of the role they serve in their communities (job satisfaction) and how these services are viewed by members of their communities. [adapted from summary]
- 1198 reads
Struggling and Coping to Serve: The Zambian Health Workforce as Depicted in the Public Expenditure Tracking and Quality of Service Delivery Survey
This paper reports the findings of the Zambian study pertaining to human resources for health, including issues with high staff vacancies, high rates of absenteeism and tardiness, impact on patients and the coping mechanisms health workers are employing to augment their incomes. [adapted from summary]
- 1247 reads
Honourable Calling? Findings From the First Wave of a Cohort Study with Final Year Nursing and Medical Students in Ethiopia
This report contains results from descriptive analysis of a cohort study with final year health students in Ethiopia to build a base line for a cohort survey with future health workers and to provide insights on the supply side aspect of human resources in the health sector. [adapted from summary]
- 1227 reads
Institutions for Health Care Delivery: A Formal Exploration of What Matters to Health Workers
Using qualitative data from Rwanda, this study focuses on four institutional factors that affect health worker performance and career choice: incentives, monitoring arrangements, professional norms and health workers’ intrinsic motivation. It also provides illustrations of three institutional innovations that work, at least in the context of Rwanda: performance pay, the establishment of community health workers and increased attention to the training of health workers. [adapted from introduction]
- 1473 reads
Where, Why and for How Much: Diversity In Career Preferences Of Future Health Workers In Rwanda
The government of Rwanda has identified human resources for health as one of its policy priorities. This study aims to contribute to building a better understanding of health worker choice and behaviour, and to improve evidence based polcies. [from summary]
- 1291 reads
Health Worker Preferences for Job Attributes in Ethiopia: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment
This paper estimates the effectiveness of a range of policy interventions aimed at improving the supply of health workers to rural areas in Ethiopia. Using data from a survey of 861 health workers, it employs stated preference techniques to predict labor market responses of doctors and nurses to changes in rural wages, working conditions, housing bene ts, and training opportunities. [from abstract]
- 1229 reads
Harmonisation and Alignment of the eHealth Architecture for Human Resources for Health Administration, Development and Management
To assist in generating further discussion and actions to improve the interoperability of eHealth solutions, the World Bank commissioned this concept paper outlining relevant issues and options on the harmonization and alignment of the eHealth architecture for human resources for health management and development. [adapted from author]
- 1116 reads
Are You Moonlighting? Using an Item Count Technique to Measure the Prevalence of Dual Job Practice in the Health Sector: A Case Study from Benin
This presentation on moonlighting in the health sector in Benin presents the results of a study which measured the extent of dual job practice in the health sector. [adapted from author]
- 1754 reads
Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia: An Outcome of Health Worker Entry, Exit and Performance within the National Labor Health Market
This paper compiles recent evidence on the Zambian health labor market and provides baseline information on HRH to support the government address its HRH challenges. In addition, the paper analyzes the available evidence on the national health labor market to better understand the number, distribution, and performance of HRH in Zambia and explains HRH outcomes by mapping, assessing, and analyzing pre-service education and labor market dynamics and well as the core factors influencing these dynamics. [from author]
- 1356 reads
Health Workforce in Ethiopia: Addressing the Remaining Challenges
This document reviews the current human resources for health situation in Ethiopia, summarizes the evidence on population use of select health services, and offers relevant policy options to assist the government finalize its new human resources strategy and address remaining health challenges. [from summary]
- 2560 reads
Creating Incentives to Work in Ghana: Results from a Qualitative Health Worker Study
This study carries out a microeconomic labor analysis of health worker career choice and of job behavior. It shows how common problems related to distribution or performance of HRH are driven by the behavior of health workers themselves and are determined largely by select monetary and nonmonetary compensation. [from abstract]
- 1473 reads
Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources for Health with Special Applications for Low and Middle Income Countries
This handbook offers health managers, researchers and policy makers a comprehensive, standardized and user-friendly reference for monitoring and evaluating human resources for health. It brings together an analytical framework with strategy options for improving the health workforce information and evidence base, as well as country experiences to highlight approaches that have worked. [from preface]
- 4413 reads
For Public Service or Money: Understanding Geographical Imbalances in the Health Workforce
Geographical imbalances in the health workforce have been a consistent feature of nearly all health systems, especially in developing countries. The authors investigate the willingness to work in a rural area among final year nursing and medical students in Ethiopia. Analyzing data obtained from contingent valuation questions, they find that household consumption and the student’s motivation to help the poor, which is their proxy for intrinsic motivation, are the main determinants of willingness to work in a rural area.
- 2304 reads