In-Service Training
Meeting the Challenge of HIV Clinical Training within 2.5 Million Square Miles of the Pacific Ocean
To improve clinician ability to recognize HIV and understand treatment, Hawai’s AIDS Education and Training Center developed innovative ways of training and building capacity. This is a report of the program and the experiences with these clinicians. [adapted from introduction]
- 1156 reads
Training and Clinical Mentorship to Support the Scale-Up of Pediatric HIV Care: Lessons Learned from Uganda
The principles and practices outlined in this document are based on the author’s experience with creating a health worker clinical mentorship program for pediatric HIV care in Uganda as part of the continuum of education required to create competent health-care providers. [adapted from author]
- 2000 reads
Hospital Management Training: New Ways to Improve Services in Indonesia: a Text Book and Guide
The quality of health services is influenced by the technical and managerial skills of the hospital team. This training curriculum aims to improve the management skills of the hospital teams by focusing on behavioral change and institutionalizing of the culture of quality improvement. [from foreword]
- 2969 reads
Building Capacity for HIV/AIDS Program Leadership and Management in Uganda through Mentored Fellowship
This article describes an innovative 2-year apprenticeship training program implemented by Makerere University School of Public Health to strengthen capacity for leadership and management of HIV/AIDS programs in Uganda. [from abstract]
- 1768 reads
Research Training Needs in Peruvian National TB/HIV Programs
This article sought to systematically assess the research training needs of health care professionals working at Peruvian governmental institutions leading HIV and tuberculosis control and among senior stakeholders in the field. [from abstract]
- 1996 reads
Burnout and Training Satisfaction of Medical Residents in Greece: Will the European Work Time Directive Make a Difference?
The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of burnout in Greek medical residents, investigate its relationship with training satisfaction during residency and survey Greek medical residents’ opinion towards the European Work Time Directive. [from abstract]
- 1408 reads
Postgraduate Training at the Ends of the Earth: a Way to Retain Physicians?
Recruitment and retention of qualified health professionals, especially physicians, is a major challenge in health service delivery in the high north, similar to other remote areas of the world. This article describes a strategy to address this problem and evaluates the effect of the strategy for Finnmark, the northernmost county of Norway. [from abstract]
- 1455 reads
Retraining Due to Illness and Its Implications in Nursing Mangement
The objective of this qualitative study was to understand how nursing professionals coped with job retraining in a public hospital after an illness. [adapted from abstract]
- 1715 reads
Planning Training Seminars in Palliative Care: a Cross-Sectional Suvey on the Preferences of General Practioners and Nurses in Austria
Against the background of the development of palliative care in Austria the authors undertook this survey to identify the preferences of the general pracitioners’ and nurses’ regarding the specific design of training seminars in palliative care. We wanted to gain a better insight into which educational topics, timeframe, location and group designs are likely to attract a majority of different professional groups. [from author]
- 1746 reads
Scaling Up Community-Based Service Delivery of Implanon: the Integrated Family Health Program's Experience Training Health Extension Workers
This report outlines a training program for health extension workers in long-acting family planning methods in Ethiopia.
- 3193 reads
Building Capacity in Health Facility Management: Guiding Principles for Skills Transfer in Liberia
This article describes a health management delivery program in which north and south institutions collaborated to integrate classroom and field-based training in health management and to transfer the capacity for sustaining management development in Liberia. [adapted from abstract]
- 2993 reads
Effectiveness of a Training Programme to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance in Primary Healthcare
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a training program on hand hygiene for the reduction of healthcare-associated infections for primary healthcare workers. [adapted from author]
- 8743 reads
Implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness in Tanzania: Success and Challenges
Tanzania is implementing the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), developed by the WHO and UNICEF to improve the management of child health at the primary care level in order to reduce child mortality in low and middle income countries. Workers in health facilities are trained in a structured IMCI case management course. IMCI also advocates the strengthening of the health system to facilitate practice of the skills acquired by health workers, as well as calling for improvement of household and community practices related to child health. [from executive summary]
- 3096 reads
Starting with the Classroom: Updating Family Planning Knowledge in East Africa
To build instructors’ capacity and address the knowledge gaps, the Capacity Project partnered with East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community and Africa’s Health in 2010 to deliver a week-long workshop on Contemporary Issues in Family Planning for midwifery tutors in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. [from author]
- 2394 reads
Service Delivery-Based Training for Long-Acting Family Planning Methods: Pathfinder International in Ethiopia
Long-Acting Family Planning (LAFP) methods, provide uninterrupted protection to women for 3 to 12 years. But they must be inserted by trained providers in a safe clinical environment. With limited facilities and few providers, widespread implementation of LAFP in Ethiopia requires training of significant numbers of rural providers and developing properly equipped facilities for implant and IUCD insertions. This document describes a training program for family planning. [from author]
- 2737 reads
Focusing on the Essentials: Learning for Performance
There is increasing consensus that training programmes should focus on know-how instead of know-all. IntraHealth International’s Learning for performance: a guide and toolkit for health worker training and education programs offers a step-by-step, customizable approach designed to develop the right skills linked to job responsibilities. Using Learning for Performance yields more efficient training that focuses on what is essential for health workers to do their jobs and on effective learning methods.
- 3322 reads
Training of Front-Line Health Workers for Tuberculosis Control: Lessons from Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan
This article compares the quality, quantity and distribution of tuberculosis physicians, laboratory staff, community health workers and nurses in Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan, and highlights implications for (re)training tuberculosis workers in developing countries. [from abstract]
- 3837 reads
Empowering Primary Care Workers to Improve Health Services: Results from Mozambique's Leadership and Management Development Program
The article presents a successful application in Mozambique of a leadership development program created by Management Sciences for Health. [from abstract]
- 2322 reads
Interprofessional Education in Rural Practice: How, When and Where?
Interprofessional education (IPE) has been suggested as an answer to improving the effectiveness of health professional teamwork, which in turn is regarded as a key strategy for improving the delivery and outcomes of increasingly complex healthcare approaches. There is a strong theoretical base to support the implementation of IPE for all health professionals, and in response many training programs now do this. This article presents some theory-based but practical advice for how to develop effective IPE activities. [from abstract]
- 1886 reads
Structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Postabortion Care Expansion in Low Resource Settings: Nepal Experience
This presentation describes the benefits and challenges of structured on-the-job training with evidence from a case study of Nepal.
- 2952 reads
Training Programmes for Field Epidemiology
This article discusses the implementation of training programmes in field epidemiology as a strategy for improving the number and quality of health workers. [adapted from abstract]
- 1796 reads
Gender Sensitization among Health Providers and Communities through Transformative Learning Tools: Experiences from Karachi, Pakistan
Programs and services need to be sensitively designed to facilitate women’s access to physical and social needs. This paper narrates the experience of working with health providers from public and private sectors, community, local government representatives and community-based organizations. Through transformative learning, this endeavour focused on initiating a process of sensitization on gender related health issues for women. [from abstract]
- 3525 reads
Seeing, Thinking and Acting against Malaria: a New Approach to Health Worker Training in Rura Gambia
This article evaluates a malaria in-service training for community health nurses working at a village level. The program included a computer-based training package, the first of its kind for health professionals in Gambia. [adapted from abstract]
- 2580 reads
Effectiveness of a Training Programme for Primary Care Physicians Directed at the Enhancement of their Psychiatric Knowledge in Saudi Arabia
A substantial number of patients with psychiatric disorders consult primary care physicians for comprehensive health care; however, the diagnosis and effective treatment of psychiatric disorders are deficient in primary health care. The aim of this intervention study is to assess the pre- and post-psychiatric training knowledge of primary care physicians. [from abstract]
- 9915 reads
International Opportunities in Medical Education
The purpose of this electronic resource is to make available information about the extent and nature of international opportunities for medical students, residents, and faculty. It provides information about which schools offer programs, how these are funded, and in which geographical regions they occur. In many cases, individual schools provide further information about their programs on their own websites. [publisher’s description]
- 2073 reads
Infectious Disease Surveillance (IDS) in Tanzania
In Tanzania, the PHRplus project developed and tested a set of training materials and tools designed to strengthen the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system. All of the tools were implemented in twelve project districts in eight regions of the country. The tools can be adapted for use in other countries and include job aids for district training of trainers, facility training of trainers, district and facility level IDSR training materials and other supporting training tools. [adapted from publisher]
- 5546 reads
Competence of Maternal and Child Health Clinic Workers in Detecting Malnutrition in Somalia
The MCH clinic workers in Somalia receive formal and in-service training to perform their professional duties. Their competence in the field was never examined. This study assessed their competencies in detecting malnourished children 5 years and below in Beledweyne. [from abstract]
- 2587 reads
Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers
The practical, up-to-date guidance in this new handbook will help to improve the quality of family planning services and maximize people’s access to them. It can help family planning providers to assist clients choosing a family planning method, to support effective use, and to solve clients’ problems. [from foreword]
- 3251 reads
Lessons Learned from the Benin HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (BHAPP)
This report evaluates the BHAPP project including an analysis of its service and communication activities for outreach and capacity strengthening of personnel in 23 health centers to diagnose and treat STIs and use STI case management as a referral point for HIV testing. It also discusses the effectiveness of the project’s policy work at the central level.
- 2390 reads
Sexual and Reproductive Health for HIV-Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
The goal of this training is to enable health workers to address the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of HIV-positive women and adolescent girls by offering comprehensive SRH services within their own particular service-delivery setting. [from introduction]
- 2789 reads