HRH Overview Documents
Addressing the HRH Crisis in Countries: How Far Have We Gone? What Can We Expect to Achieve by 2015
This article reviews the progress countries have made in addressing their health workforce crisis. It also features the experiences of Malawi, Peru, Ethiopia, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Zambia and Mali. [from abstract]
- 1519 reads
No Child Out of Reach: Time to End the Health Worker Crisis
This report makes the case for immediate and concrete action, both at the highest
international political level and at the national level in every country with a health worker shortage. [from preface]
- 1497 reads
Emerging Issues in HRH in Resource Poor Settings
Topics covered by this presentation include: the global backdrop; HRH in context; key HRH policy issues; interpreting the evidence base; HRH in the Pacific; and key priniciples for addressing HRH. [adapted from author]]
- 1418 reads
Health Worker Shortages and Global Justice
This document outlines the multifaceted and complex causes of the health worker shortage and makes the case for the United States and other developed countries to seriously address the problem of the global human resource shortage, particularly in the most disadvantaged countries. [adapted from summary]
- 1697 reads
Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia: Synthesis and Measures of Success
This paper discusses the background of HRH shortages in the listed countries, as well as plans for steps to resolve the issue. [from publisher]
- 1316 reads
Population Growth and the Global Health Workforce Crisis
This technical brief discusses the potential impact of population growth on countries’ efforts to improve their populations’ access to skilled health workers. [from author]
- 1449 reads
Support the Workforce
This overview brief outlines the basic issues of HRH and the importance of boosting the capacity of the health workforce as part of health systems strengthening and as a priority need for achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5.
- 1370 reads
Overcoming Human Resources for Health Challenges at the Service Delivery Level
This document outlines the primary causes of the human resources for health crisis and the need to address both institutional and individual factors to cope with these challenges. [adapted from author]
- 2134 reads
Human Resources in Health
This special edition of the journal is dedicated to human resources for health.
- 1588 reads
Health Workforce: the Critical Pathway to Universal Health Coverage
This paper explors the intersections between the universal health coverage paradigm and the current health workforce challenges and opportunities through an analysis of all the interconnected aspects of the planning, production and management of human resources for health, across the working lifespan of health workers. [adapted from summary]
- 2361 reads
Development of Human Resources for Health in the WHO African Region: Current Situation and Way Forward
This paper provides information about the efforts and commitments by WHO member states and the various opportunities created by regional and global partners, including the progress made. It also explores issues and challenges
related to the underlying factors of the HRH crisis. [from author]
- 1998 reads
How to Bridge the Gap in Human Resources for Health
This article defines the present HRH situation, factors causing the present problems, available strategies to address human resource difficulties, staff retention and support, and which strategies offer the most promise. [adapted from author]
- 2543 reads
Workforce Resources for Health in Developing Countries
With increased globalization and interdependence among countries, sustained health worker migration and the complex threats of rapidly spreading infectious diseases a strong health workforce is essential. This article outlines the issues surrounding and the approaches to address the HRH crisis. [adapted from abstract]
- 2597 reads
Imagine a Health Worker
This highly acclaimed 3:22 minute video from the Global Health Workforce Alliance emphasizes the importance of health workers and calls for a health workers for everyone, everywhere. [adapted from publisher]
- 1812 reads
Kill or Cure: The Global Health Worker Crisis
This 7:50 minute documentary video is part of the BBC World News documentary series, “Kill or Cure.” In many countries around the globe, people live and die without ever seeing a health worker. It is a problem that is exacerbated by trained workers seeking better pay and conditions abroad, leaving already weakened health services in crisis. [from publisher]
- 1660 reads
Securing Human Resources for Health: a Challenge and Opportunity
This presentation defines health workers, their importance, the shortage, geographical distribution, the HRH situation, health workforce policies and planning aspects (financing, education, management systems, leadership, policy, partnership, critical success factors), and projection approaches. [adapted from author]
- 1956 reads
Reviewing Progress, Renewing Commitment: Progress Report on the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global Action
This report provides a snapshot of the HRH policy and governance situation in the priority countries affected by severe HRH challenges. A one-page country brief has been prepared for each of the priority countries to give an update on their HRH status and progress. The briefs contain background demographic, health, health system and HRH statistics, as well as scores for responses to a tracking survey. [from author]
- 2204 reads
Human Resources for Health and Burden of Disease: an Econometric Approach
The aim of this paper is to assess the relationship between health workers and disability-adjusted life years, which represents a much broader concept of health outcome, including not only mortality but also morbidity. [from abstract]
- 1501 reads
Addressing the Global Health Workforce Crisis: Challenges for France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK
This report compares the foreign and domestic policies regarding health workers in five European Union countries, which have some of the highest densities of doctors and nurses in the world. It looks at the reasons for health shortages in both source and destination countries, exploring what needs to change or to be put into practice in order to fulfil the requirements of the WHO Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and to strengthen health systems in the developing world. [from summary]
- 5626 reads
Access for All to Skilled, Motivated and Supported Health Workers
This background paper to the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health discusses the critical role of human resources in meeting the MDGs. Human resources are the backbone of health systems, but if crucial HRH bottlenecks are not addressed it will not be possible to achieve the health MDGs. [adapted from author]
- 1687 reads
Achieving the MDGs by Investing in Human Resources for Health
This paper examines the role of health workers in achieving MDGs 1, 4, 5, and 6. It calls for greater domestic and global attention – and the funding required – to comprehensively and effectively address health workforce issues in the context of the MDGs and developing equitable and accountable health systems. [from introduction]
- 1924 reads
Human Resources Development for Health: Accelerating Implementation of the Regional Strategy
This framework on how to accelerate the implementation of the regional strategy for the development of human resources for health has been prepared to provide guidance and focus on priority actions that could lead to real and positive changes in countries in the WHO African region. [adapted from summary]
- 1817 reads
Report of the First Meeting of the Health Workforce Information Reference Group
A technical meeting on strengthening health workforce information systems was held on 10–12 March 2010 in Montreux, Switzerland. The aim of this meeting was to initiate discussion on how to promote a coordinated, harmonized and standardized approach to strengthening country health workforce information and monitoring systems to support policy, planning and research. [from summary]
- 1484 reads
Mapping Human Resources for Health Profiles from 15 Pacific Island Countries
This report summarizes a a rapid mapping of HRH resources in Pacific Island countries to generate baseline data on the current HRH situation in the region, information on in-country and external education institutions involved in HRH development, and data on external partners providing HRH-related assistance. [adapted from summary]
- 5481 reads
HRH Country Monitoring
The data presented here in 46 country fact sheets for all countries in the African Region was collected in a comprehensive HRH data collection exercise in 2005. The HRH country fact sheets presented here are intended to give a brief summary of the HRH situation in each country. [publisher’s description]
- 2188 reads
HRH Country Profiles
The HRH country profiles serve as a tool for systematically presenting the HRH situation, policies and management. They are expected to help to monitor trends, generate regional HRH overviews, provide comparable data between countries and identify points for focused action in countries. They will also serve for a comparison of countries’ responses to similar HRH challenges.
- 3713 reads
Human Resources in Health Care
This short course provides an overview of the primary issues facing human resources in the global health sector.
- 1623 reads
Addressing the Health Workforce Challenges of the 21st Century
This article outlines the primary issues and underlying caused of the current health workforce crisis.
- 1739 reads
Worldwide Shortage of Healthcare Workers Increasing
The Global Health Workforce Alliance says there is an acute shortage of health workers around the world which is affecting the quality of care, especially in developing countries and warns that without prompt action the shortage will worsen. This video reviews the issue. [adapted from author]
- 5400 reads
Mbagathi Hospital Health Workers
The critical shortage of qualified health professionals, especially in the developing world, leaves patients without access to care for even the most basic health issues. In this video, created by the Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF) and PHR, health workers at Mbagathi District Hospital in Kenya talk about how they rise to the challenges they face every day. [from author]
- 8075 reads