
Connecting People to Improve Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs

This document examines ways in which three of these communities of practice supported by MEASURE Evaluation have worked to close knowledge gaps and increase engagement among M&E practitioners. These case studies provide an opportunity to examine networks operating to improve health information systems at the national, regional, and global levels. [from introduction]

Strengthening District Health Service Management and Delivery through Internal Contracting: Lessons from Pilot Projects in Cambodia

This study assesses the internal contracting, an approach where contractors work within the ministry of health but do not hire or fire health workers, as a means for improving the management of district health services and strengthening service delivery. [adapted from author]

Potential Collaboration with the Private Sector for the Provision of Ambulatory Care in the Mekong Region, Vietnam

This study aimed to explore possibilities for public-private collaboration in the provision of ambulatory care at the primary level in the Mekong region, Vietnam. [from abstract]

South African University Practitioner Partnership to Strengthen Capacity in Social and Behaviour Change Communication

The following case study describes and reflects on a partnership between a southern university, the University of the Witwatersrand, and Soul City Institute to establish an academic, competency-based social and behaviour change program serving Southern Africa. [from author]

Successful Polio Eradication in Uttar Pradesh, India: The Pivotal Contribution of the Social Mobilization Network, an NGO/UNICEF Collaboration

This article reports on a successful partnership to improve access and reduce family and community resistance to polio vaccination in India. The partners trained thousands of mobilizers from high-risk communities to visit households, promote government-run child immunization services, track children’s immunization history and encourage vaccination of children missing scheduled vaccinations, and mobilize local opinion leaders. [adapted from author]

Implementation and Scale-Up of Psycho-Trauma Centers in a Post-Conflict Area: A Case Study of a Private–Public Partnership in Northern Uganda

This article describes a public-private partnership (PPP) between the Peter C. Alderman Foundation and Ugandan government institutions that demonstrated the feasibility of delivering low cost, evidence-based mental health care to massively traumatized populations in northern Uganda through PPPs. [adapted from author]

Networking between Community Health Programs: A Case Study Outlining the Effectiveness, Barriers and Enablers

This research explores the factors that facilitate and impede community health network activation, framing, mobilisation and synthesis.India was selected as a case study as it represents a fertile context in which to explore community health networks given the diversity and density of community health NGOs and the dependency of the health care system on such providers. [adapted from author]

Strengthening Human Resources for Adolescent Health in Sri Lanka through Health and Education Sector Collaboration

This study found that intersectoral collaboration would ensure effiecient use of current health care workforce to improve the provision of health services and information to adolescents. [adapted from author]

Clinical Pharmacy to Meet the Health Needs of Tanzanians: Education Reform through Partnerships across Continents (2008-2011)

The article describes an international collaboration that helped a Tanzanian school of pharmacy to move from preparing graduates who dispense medicines to preparing pharmacy practice leaders attuned to patient-focused, team-based care in hospitals, and education and surveillance in communities. [adpated from publisher]

Partnering on Education for Health: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and the University of California San Francisco

This article outlines and reviews a multi-university partnership to address the health workforce crisis in Tanzania by enriching health professional education. [adapted from author]

Contracting in Specialists for Emergency Obstetric Care: Does it Work in Rural India?

Contracting in private sector is promoted in developing countries facing human resources shortages as a challenge to reduce maternal mortality. This study explored provision, practice, performance, barriers to execution and views about contracting in specialists for emergency obstetric care in rural India. [from abstract]

Achieving the Twin Objectives of Efficiency and Equity: Contracting Health Services in Cambodia

The Cambodian experience of contracting out for health workers discussed in this document suggests how a move away from the traditional government-provided health services model to government-financed and monitored contracts for health services can be an effective approach to expand coverage especially for the low-income groups. [adapted from author]

Filling the Gap: Lessons for Policymakers and Donors on Contracting Out Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services

Focusing on the demand-side (governments and donors) of contracting out with the private sector, the primer describes the concept of contracting out, discusses its rationale and process, and summarizes three cases of contracting out programs. [from summary]

Addressing the Need: Lessons for Service Delivery Organizations on Delivering Contracted-Out Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services

This primer aims to provide clear lessons and recommendations to help service delivery organizations
and program managers establish, implement, and strengthen contracting arrangements. The primer draws on Marie
Stopes International’s experience of delivering government-contracted services in Bangladesh, India, and South
Africa. [from summary]

Training, Recruitment, Placement and Retention of Health Professionals with an Emphasis on Public Private Partnership (PPP)

This report analyses the current situation of HRH training, recruitment, placement and retention in the health system of Nepal with an emphasis on role of public private partnership to address the HRH related gaps with suitable policy interventions. [from summary]

African Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative

This article describes the African Health Regulatory Collaborative for Nurses and Midwives, a four-year initiative to increase the collaboration among national stakeholders and help strengthen the capacity of health professional regulatory bodies to reform national regulatory frameworks, and discusses its importance in implementing and sustaining national, regional, and global workforce initiatives. [adapted from abstract]

Factors Affecting Collaboration between General Practitioners and Community Pharmacists: A Qualitative Study

Although general practitioners and community pharmacists are encouraged to collaborate, a true collaborative relationship does not exist between them. The objective of this article was to identify and analyze factors affecting this collaboration in two regions of Spain. [adapted from abstract]

Performance Incentives in Provider Purchasing and Contracting Arrangements: Rationale and Experiences

The paper describes performance-based incentive contracting schemes that have been implemented to improve results for a range of interventions from time-limited immunizations to chronic conditions that require significant lifestyle changes, such as diabetes. It argues that performance incentives are a viable and potentially more powerful solution than typical inputoriented approaches to dealing with underutilization, poor quality, and low efficiency. [from publisher]

Provider Purchasing and Contracting Mechanisms

The paper reviews various purchasing models and the advantages each offers for purchasing from the private sector. It then identifies the key challenges to successful implementation of these models, and discusses improvements needed in the contracting mechanism itself. It determines that the purchasing mechanism can create new incentives for providers, payers, and consumers on a national scale, but it may require that changes be made in the health sector as a whole for new programs to be successful. [from publisher]

Provider Purchasing and Contracting for Health Services: The Case of Zambia

The objective of this study was to identify and characterize contracting models that have existed in the Zambian health sector and their consequences on access to health care. The study was aimed at assessing the extent to which the identified contracting models have been successful in achieving their intended goals and at determining their potential to be scaled up to the entire health sector, including the private sector. [from summary]

Difficult Relationship Between Faith-Based Health Care Organisations and the Public Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Contracting Experiences in Cameroon, Tanzania, Chad and Uganda

This book presents the principal findings of a study on contractual arrangements between faith-based hospitals and public health authorities in four sub-Saharan African countries.

Public-Private Mix for TB Care and Control: A Toolkit

Engaging all relevant health care providers in TB care and control through public-private mix approaches is an essential component of the World Health Organization’s Stop TB Strategy. This toolkit provides specific guidance to national tuberculosis programs on working with diverse care providers based on country experiences. [adapted from author]

Policy for Market Based Private Health Care Sector

The Federal Ministry of Health, recognizing the complementary role of the market based private sector in the provision of quality health services at competitive price especially in the underserved areas, developed this policy document to define the role of private v/s public sector, to institute mechanisms for the regulation of health services delivery, setting up and monitoring of the minimum standards of care, and bring into fold the private sector in reporting within the defined parameters. [from author]

Private Provision in Its Institutional Context: Lessons from Health

This paper complements several recently published discussions of options for influencing the private sector in low and middle-income countries. Its aim is to contribute to the development of common understandings of the realities of public and private provision and of policies for improving performance. It argues that we need to situate strategies towards private providers in the context of local relationships between the state, market and civil society. [from introduction]

Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups

These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that human resources for health leaders at the country level can take to successfully launch and sustain stakeholder leadership groups. [from publisher]

Institutional Public Private Partnerships for Core Health Services: Evidence from Italy

This work is a comparative analysis of the reasons for the adoption of institutional public-private partnerships and the governance and managerial features necessary to establish them as appropriate arrangements for public health services provisions. [from abstract]

Fostering Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Access to Family Planning in Rwanda

Through public-private partnerships, the government of Rwanda can make more efficient use of public resources by targeting and meeting the needs of specific populations and thus help ensure family planning services and products will be available to all Rwandans in the long term. This report aims to inform stakeholders working to strengthen family planning through multisectoral partnerships about Rwanda’s family market.

Fostering Public-Private Partnerships to Reduce Health Inequities in Peru

As demand for family planning services in Peru increases, there needs to be a shift in how the public and private sectors respond. Promoting partnerships between the public and private sectors is a strategy for ensuring that unmet needs for services and contraceptives is satisfied, particularly among vulnerable populations in rural and remote regions. [from summary]

Country Coordination and Facilitation (CCF): Principles and Process

Addressing the challenges of the health crisis requires collaboration from multiple sectors and stakeholders with complementary roles. The CCF approach to human resources for health requires establishing and supporting the necessary governance structures for intersectoral coordination and collaboration to plan, implement and monitor health workforce development and retention at the country level, while working through one national HRH plan for an integrated health workforce response. [adapted from foreword]

Strengthening Health Systems by Engaging the Private Health Sector: Promising HIV/AIDS Partnerships

While purely private sector initiatives can also help to achieve HIV/AIDS objectives, this paper focuses on how public-private engagement can more sustainably contribute to health systems strengthening. [from introduction]