Guatemala, Pro Redes Salud: Rapid Scale-Up of Primary Health Care Through NGOs
Before the project began, 300,000 remote rural inhabitants in the Mayan highlands lacked basic primary care, the NGO civil society in health lacked cohesion, and the MOH NGO granting program needed revising. From 2000 to 2004, the NGO Networks Project implemented a grants program that helped form networks of NGOs, strengthening health services and testing innovations in service delivery, and improved monitoring and evaluation.
- 3241 reads
Guideline for Outsourcing Human Resources Services to Make Antiretroviral Therapy Rapidly Available in Underserved Areas
This is a guideline to replicate and scale-up a human resources promising practice documented by the Capacity Project for outsourcing human resources services (HRS) to obtain a rapid increase and deployment of the health workforce, making HIV services available in a short period of time, especially in underserved areas.
- 19242 reads
Strategy for the Rapid Start-Up of the HIV/AIDS Program in Namibia: Outsourcing the Recruitment and Management of Human Resources for Health
In response to the HIV/AIDS crisis, Namibia’s public health sector is carrying out a comprehensive strategy to rapidly hire and deploy professional and non-professional health workers with the aim of providing comprehensive care, counseling and testing, as well as antiretroviral therapy (ART) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). [from executive summary]
- 27402 reads
Utilizing the Potential of Formal and Informal Private Practitioners in Child Survival: Situation Analysis and Summary of Promising Interventions
This review and discussion paper highlights the important role that private practitioners are already playing in providing health services to children in many countries, and the far greater contribution that they could be called upon to make.
- 2069 reads
Multisectoral Responses to HIV/AIDS: A Compendium of Promising Practices from Africa
This document brings together the promising practices identified by the PVO community. Our definition of promising is purposefully broad to include the many ideas and experiences of different organizations that seem likely to combat HIV/AIDS successfully. [from foreword]
- 2324 reads
Partnership Building: Practical Tools to Help You Create, Strengthen, Assess and Manage Your Partnership or Alliance More Productively
The complex and wide ranging challenges related to human resources for health in developing countries necessitate that stakeholders work together through inclusive alliances and networks. This kit aims to offer those wanting to create a partnership, as well as those already working in one, some easily accessible tools to support that process. [from introduction]
- 6113 reads
Global Health Partnerships: the UK Contribution to Health in Developing Countries
This report sets out many stories of individual and National Health Service partnerships working to improve health and share learning. Already the UK has an impressive record and reputation on international development, in health and in other areas. But to get the best out of all the enthusiasm and the work that is being done, the report identifies a need for better coordination and more strategic partnerships, and makes recommendations for improvement. [from foreword]
- 1899 reads
Meeting of the Africa Health Workforce Observatory
This is a summary report from the Africa Health Workforce Observatory meeting held September 26-29, 2006, at the ECSA headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The meeting focused on developing mechanisms to create up-to-date and reliable information that enables evidence-based decision making for HRH. [adapted from author’s description]
- 5238 reads
Public-Private Partnerships to Build Human Capacity in Low Income Countries: Findings from the Pfizer Program
The ability of health organizations in developing countries to expand access to quality services depends in large part on organizational and human capacity. Capacity building includes professional development of staff, as well as efforts to create working environments conducive to high levels of performance. The current study evaluated an approach to public-private partnership where corporate volunteers give technical assistance to improve organizational and staff performance. [from abstract]
- 1760 reads
Health System Innovations in Central America: Lessons and Impact of New Approaches
Ensuring high performance of health care delivery systems is a challenge facing all governments. Dealing with the incentive problems underlying public health care delivery to improve productivity, quality, and performance is a common theme of health sector reforms in many countries. However, the impact of these reforms is often hard to establish. This book presents a series of case studies of health systems innovations by the Central American republics in the 1990s. The cases have a common theme of efforts to improve specific aspects of health system performance through the introduction of innovative and alternative financial, organizational, or delivery models…The case studies in this book report on the results of these experiences, encompassing a range of issues from the expansion of primary care to the use of public-private partnerships and the establishment of a social security-financed delivery system.
- 8178 reads
Contracting for Health: Evidence from Cambodia
In 1999, Cambodia contracted out management of government health services to NGOs in five districts that had been randomly made eligible for contracting. The contracts specified targets for maternal and child health service improvement. The program increased the availability of 24-hour service, reduced provider absence, and increased supervisory visits. There is some evidence it improved health. The program involved increased public health funding, but led to roughly offsetting reductions in private expenditure as residents in treated districts switched from unlicensed drug sellers and traditional healers to government clinics.
- 2335 reads
Quality of Care Management Center in Nepal: Improving Services with Limited Resources
This working paper evaluates th success of the Quality of Care Management Center in Nepal and highlights the fact that even in resource-poor settings, quality of care in health service delivery can be achieved. This model for a quality of care center that provides timely, appropriate, and ongoing support to clinical facilities may be especially useful in countries where centralized systems are in place for allocation of resources or where maintenance and supply capacity is limited to central locations.
- 2661 reads
Faith-Based Response to HIV in Southern Africa: the Choose to Care Initiative
This study describes the work of the Choose to Care initiative of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa which began in 2000. It shows that effective scaling-up of programmes in the response to HIV does not necessarily have to be the expansion of a single central service. Working through the diocesan and parish system,…the Catholic Church scaled up service provision by the replication of smaller scale programmes rooted in and responsive to the needs expressed by local communities in this five-country area.
- 2715 reads
Survey of Private Health Facilities in Uganda
The Public Private Partnership in Health (PPPH) is an element of Uganda’s Health Sector Strategic Plan II. The private sector includes not-for-profit providers, for-profit providers called private health practitioners (PHPs), and traditional and complementary medicine providers. A representative sample of facilities was selected and surveyed to provide in-depth information on PHP facilities, which could be extrapolated to the national database. The survey collected information from 359 facilities on facility ownership, human resources, staff employment in other facilities, infrastructure and equipment, health services provided including in-depth information on HIV/AIDS services, drug availability, health management information systems, financial management procedures, and registration and organizational affiliation.
- 3916 reads
Can Public-Private Collaboration Promote Tuberculosis Case Detection Among the Poor and Vulnerable?
Private health care plays a central role in health-care provision in many developing countries hat have a high burden of TB. It is therefore encouraging that public-private partnerships (PPM) are being set up in various countries around the world to explore possible interaction between the national TB programs and other partners in the fight against TB. The objective of this review was to use the published literature to asses the range of providers included in PPMs for their ability to provide case-detection services for the vulnerable. [abstract]
- 3033 reads
Business as a Partner in Strengthening Public Health Systems in Developing Countries: an Agenda for Action
This publication is part of a series that highlights some of the key challenges, opportunities and practical examples that were identified in dialogues among over 400 leaders in business, government, development agencies, civil society, and academia to share good practices and identify practical and feasible models of collective business action and public-private partnership aimed at achieving more systemic and scalable solutions to global challenges. It makes recommendations for ways that companies can get directly engaged in specific initiatives on-the-ground. [adapted from author]
- 2316 reads
HIV/AIDS Crisis: How Are Businesses Responding?
As part of the African Growth and Opportunitues Forum, this paper addresses how African businesses are responding to the HIV/AIDS crisis. It is imperative that businesses take immediate action to lessen the economic and social consequences of HIV/AIDS. If they take action, businesses can ensure that economic initiatives, such as the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) will succeed in stimulating economic growth in Africa. While both the public and private sector should have HIV/AIDS policies and programs, this paper addresses only the private business sector response to the epidemic. However, many of the actions, best practices, and conclusions discussed in this paper are also applicable to public sector policies and programs.
- 2875 reads
Mainstreaming Natural Family Planning: the IRH Experience in the Philippines
This report documents the efforts of the Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) to integrate natural family planning methods into the health delivery system in the Phillipines. It discusses the venues used for implementation such as government and NGO partnerships as well as IRH’s training resources and activities for nurses and midwives on family planning. Finally, the report details best practices and lessons learned from the multi-year project.
- 3313 reads
Community-Based Care
This issue of the HST Update covers topics such as: care from within the community; the Khayelihle example; and the role of organizations outside the government in community-based care.
- 4519 reads
Advancing Reproductive Health and Family Planning through Religious Leaders and Faith-Based Organizations
Pathfinder has provided community-based family planning and reproductive health services to women and men throughout the developing world for over 50 years. Partnerships with local governments and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) allow Pathfinder access into communities to provide information and services. These local organizations provide a solid, established network through which Pathfinder reaches people. Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) are a vital extension of this network. [author’s description]
- 3247 reads
Mapping of HIV and AIDS Services and Resources in South Africa
The primary objective of the study was to identify organisations/institutions that provide HIV and AIDS services at the sub-district level, the range of services they provide and their funding sources. This in turn will inform sub-district and district management teams of the progress and impact of services provided and furnish them with tools to monitor the performance and activities on NGOs in their sub-districts and districts. It is hoped that the report will serve as a baseline for ongoing monitoring of the country’s response to the epidemic. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, staff interviews and record reviews.
- 13684 reads
Southern Africa Capacity Initiative (SACI) Framework
This presentation was part of the Planning, Developing and Supporting the Health Workforce: Human Resources for Health Action Workshop. It gives an overview of the Southern Africa Capacity Initiative (SACI) Framework, provides examples of SACI applications and discusses the Africa HRH agenda.
To view this presentation, you must have either Microsoft PowerPoint or download the free PowerPoint Viewer.
- 2207 reads
Vendor-to-Vendor Education to Improve Malaria Treatment in the Private Sector: a "How To" Manual for District Managers
This manual was developed to assist district health management teams in countries where malaria is endemic to improve the quality of malaria treatment given by private clinics, pharmacies, shops and kiosks. It gives step-by-step instructions for how to implement a public health activity that will involve wholesalers in communicating malaria guidelines to retailers and private clinics. [author’s description]
- 5468 reads
Control of Tuberculosis in an Urban Setting in Nepal: Public-Private Partnership
The objective of this document is to implement and evaluate a public–private partnership to deliver the internationally recommended strategy DOTS for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in Lalitpur municipality, Nepal, where it is estimated that 50% of patients with TB are managed in the private sector. [author’s description]
- 2593 reads
Involvement of Private General Practitioners in Visiting Primary Healthcare Clinics
The primary healthcare system was adopted as the vehicle of healthcare delivery and a means of reaching the larger part of the population in South Africa in 1994. One of the strategies employed in providing a comprehensive service is the incorporation of visits to clinics by doctors in support of other members of the primary healthcare team, particularly nurses. A successful collaboration at this level brings benefit to everyone involved, particularly patients. Clear expectations and a confusion of roles leads to lack of teamwork, thus it is important to have clearly established models for such involvement. [abstract]
- 1965 reads
Establishing Integrated Family Planning/Reproductive Health Preservice and Inservice National Clinical Training Systems in Turkey
JHPIEGO has been working since 1991 to support the development of a national integrated clinical training system used for both family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) preservice education and inservice training in Turkey.
- 2483 reads
Meeting the Need: Strengthening Family Planning Programs
This report is designed as a general resource to help family planning program managers strengthen their programs and meet growing family planning needs…It offers a broad overview of key programmatic considerations. Each subsection includes a list of practical specialized resources and hands-on tools that can support program managers desiring to bring about programmatic change…
- 15438 reads
Addressing the Human Resource in Health Crisis: Empowering the Private Not for Profit Health Training Institutions to Play Their Role
This presentation was part of the International Conference on Global Health session, “Answering the Call: Innovations in Human Resources by African Faith-Based Organizations.” From the perspective of the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau experience, the presentation discusses why the private not-for-profit sector is important in service provision and training; why nurses are in the midst of the human resource crisis; obastacles to increasing the training capacity; and what the PNFP health training institutions are doing to address their weaknesses. [adapted from author]
- 10964 reads
Working with the Private Sector for Child Health
In the majority of low and middle-income countries, the private sector presents significant opportunities for expanding the reach of essential child health services and products. Through better coordination with the private sector, governments and donors can improve the availability, quality, and effectiveness of child health services…This document assesses the current importance, and potential, of the private sector in contributing to child health. [author’s description]
- 2016 reads
Framework for Purchasing Health Care Labor
Health care labor is central to managing and delivering health services. Because recruitment and retention policies are key issues for purchasers, gaining insights into labor-purchasing mechanisms may permit them to be addressed more effectively. This paper is intended to provide a brief introduction to health care labor purchasing and the mechanisms through which it can have an impact on the delivery of health services and on health system performance. A framework is developed to foster understanding of health labor purchasing mechanisms. [abstract]
- 1998 reads