Human Resources Management
Improving Retention and Performance in Civil Society in Uganda
This article describes the experience of the Family Life Education Programme, a reproductive health program that provides community-based health services through 40 clinics in five districts of Uganda, in improving retention and performance by using the Human Resource Management Rapid Assessment Tool. [adapted from abstract]
- 2817 reads
Human Resource Leadership: the Key to Improved Results in Health
Despite rising attention to the acute shortage of health care workers, solutions to the human resource crisis are difficult to achieve, especially in the poorest countries. Although we are aware of the issues and have developed HR strategies, the problem is that some old systems of leading and managing human resources for health do not work in today's context. In these cases and others, a more appropriate mode of leadership, linked to reforming management systems and committed to moving beyond planning to implementation, is essential to the solution. [from abstract]
- 3360 reads
Mapping the Human Resources Management Processes in Uganda
The purpose of this study was to identify and recommend strategies for tackling the underlying issues in the human resources for health (HRH) management process in Uganda with an eye towards addressing the HRH crisis. [from executive summary]
- 6206 reads
Supportive Supervision to Sustain Health Worker Capacity in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatera
This brief describes PATH’s project to implement supportive supervision techniques to improve health worker training in Indonesia.
- 2201 reads
Modernizing the Management of Health Human Resources in Canada: Identifying Areas for Accelerated Change
Modernizing the way health care professionals are educated and engaged in their vital work requires a collaborative and coordinated approach among many players. The Health Council convened the summit on health human resources to focus on practical, short-term solutions. This report attempts to capture the lively discussion and encouraging examples of innovation brought forward at that forum, organized into four theme areas: education and training, scopes of practice, workplace practices and planning. [adapted from author]
- 2085 reads
Salaries and Incomes of Health Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa
This article investigates pay structures for health workers in the public sector in sub-Saharan Africa; the adequacy of incomes for health workers; the management of public- and private-sector pay; and the fiscal and macroeconomic factors that impinge on pay policy for the public sector. The study finds that pay and income of health workers varies widely, whether between countries, by comparison with cost of living, or between the public and private sectors. To optimize the distribution and mix of health workers, policy interventions are needed. Fiscal constraints to increased salaries might need to be overcome in many countries, and non-financial incentives improved. [adapted from summary]
- 2711 reads
Coaching for Professional Development and Organizational Results
Management Sciences for Health has developed an approach to helping managers become more like coaches, which has proven successful in various settings. This issue of the eManager will help you examine your managerial practices and give you the tools to expand your role from manager to manager as coach.
- 33373 reads
Strengthening Health Leadership and Management: the WHO Framework
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It defines health leadership and management, why strengthening it is important, the lessons learned so far, and the main components and uses of the WHO framework. [adapted from author]
- 6138 reads
Developing Competencies for Health Sector Managers
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It gives definitions and frameworks, core competencies needed, examples of good practice, observations and future directions. [adapted from author]
- 1958 reads
Creating an Enabling Working Environment for Good Management in the District
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It outlines the internal and external environmental issues for district medical officers and describes what these officers need in terms of support.
- 3716 reads
Investing in HRM to Strengthen Health System Performance
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It discusses the impact of human resource management on health and details a work climate assessment from Kenya.
- 1560 reads
Strengthening Management in Low-Income Countries: Lessons from Uganda: a Case Study on Management of Health Services Delivery
In an initiative to collate experiences on management development in low resource settings, WHO carried out case studies to explore management development approaches and how these impacted managerial and service delivery performance. [adapted from author]
- 3046 reads
Managerial Competencies of Hospital Managers in South Africa: a Survey of Managers in the Public and Private Sectors
This study evaluated the skills and competency levels of hospital managers in South Africa to determine whether there are any significant differences between managers in the public and private sectors. The results show that managers in the private sector perceived themselves to be significantly more competent than their public sector colleagues in most of the management facets. Public sector managers were also more likely than their private sector colleagues to report that they required further development and training. [adapted from abstract]
- 4503 reads
Impact of Health-Management Training Programs in Latin America on Job Performance
A study was undertaken in Mexico, Colombia, and El Salvador to determine the impact of a management training program on health managers’ job performance. Factors associated with a successful training outcome were training techniques, strengthening of enabling factors, and reinforcement mechanisms. [adapted from abstract]
- 2398 reads
Primary Care Physician Supply and Other Key Determinants of Health Care Utilisation: the Case of Switzerland
The Swiss government decided to freeze new accreditations for physicians in private practice in Switzerland based on the assumption that demand-induced health care spending may be cut by limiting care offers. This legislation initiated an ongoing controversial public debate in Switzerland. The aim of this study is therefore the determination of socio-demographic and health system-related factors of per capita consultation rates with primary care physicians in the multicultural population of Switzerland. [from abstract]
- 2739 reads
Nurse Wages and Their Context: Database Summary (North America, Western Europe and Japan)
These yearly summary reports provide information on nurse wages and the comparitive buying power of these wages in select countries in North America, Western Europe and Japan. The data are results from a survey of 10 National Nurses’ Associations. [from introduction]
- 6523 reads
Human Resources Requirements for Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) Scale-up in Malawi
Twelve percent of the adult population in Malawi is estimated to be HIV infected and 15% to 20% of these are in need of life saving antiretroviral therapy. Using data on the total number of patients on highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) and estimates of the number of health professionals required to deliver HAART, researchers set out to determine the human resources requirements for HAART scale-up in Malawi. Results show that the human resources requirements are significant and that Malawi is using far fewer human resources than would be expected based on past studies. [adapted
- 19374 reads
Capacity Management of Nursing Staff as a Vehicle for Organizational Improvement
Capacity management systems create insight into required resources like staff and equipment. For inpatient hospital care, capacity management requires information on beds and nursing staff capacity, on a daily as well as annual basis. This paper presents a comprehensive capacity model that gives insight into required nursing staff capacity and opportunities to improve capacity utilization on a ward level. [from abstract]
- 5630 reads
Teamwork in Healthcare: Promoting Effective Teamwork in Healthcare in Canada
A healthcare system that supports effective teamwork can improve the quality of patient care, enhance patient safety, and reduce workload issues that cause burnout among healthcare professionals. To support the movement to make teamwork a reality, this report was commissioned to outline the characteristics of an effective team, how to measure its effectiveness, what interventions have been successful in implementing and sustaining teamwork in healthcare, lessons from other settings and countries, and the barriers to implementation in Canada. [adapted from executive summary]
- 61705 reads
Improving Quality of Reproductive Health Care in Senegal Through Formative Supervision: Results from Four Districts
In Senegal, traditional supervision often focuses more on collection of service statistics than on evaluation of service quality. This approach yields limited information on quality of care and does little to improve providers’ competence. In response to this challenge, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) has implemented a program of formative supervision. This multifaceted, problem-solving approach collects data on quality of care, improves technical competence, and engages the community in improving reproductive health care. [abstract]
- 8281 reads
Human Resources for Health Policy in Sierra Leone for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation
This HRH policy document addresses the production and utilization of Human Resources within the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. It also responds to the contemporary challenges and developments including the exodus of human resources and advancement in technology. This policy intends to regulate and direct planning, production, management, utilization and monitoring of HR within the health sector. [from foreword]
- 10754 reads
Supervisor Competency Self-Assessment Inventory
This Self-Assessment Inventory outlines the major areas of competence an effective supervisor must have. The competency areas are sub-divided into categories which correspond to the major functions supervisors perform. Its primary use is as a self-assessment tool. Individuals are encouraged to use it to assess their competence and performance as supervisors and use the results to develop a plan for improvement. This Inventory can also be used as a guide to curriculum development for Supervisory Training, using the components as the basis for a needs assessment exercise. [purpose]
- 7779 reads
Positive Practice Environments: Quality Workplaces, Quality Patient Care: Information and Action Tool Kit
This toolkit explores the nurse/workplace interface, overlapping factors that shape nurses’ work environments, the cost of unhealthy workplaces, and the characteristics and benefits of positive practice environments. A list of recommended actions and tools to help nurses negotiate for improved environments is also included. [from introduction]
- 4804 reads
What Are the Effects of Distance Management on the Retention of Remote Area Nurses in Australia?
Australian remote area nurses (RANs) are specialist advanced practice nurses. They work in unique, challenging and sometimes dangerous environments to provide a diverse range of healthcare services to remote and predominantly Aboriginal communities. There is an emerging skills gap in the remote nursing workforce as experienced and qualified RANs leave this demanding practice. There is a shortage of new nurses interested in working in these areas, and many of those who enter remote practice leave after a short time. Distance management was examined in order to gain a better understanding of its effects on the retention of RANs. Distance management in this context occurs when the health service’s line management team is located geographically distant from the workplace they are managing. [introduction]
- 5731 reads
Good Practice in Managing the Use of Temporary Nursing Staff
This good practice guide is intended as a practical guide for trust boards and managers to help them to use temporary nursing staff effectively. The guide comprises a narrative of the salient points in the use and management of temporary nursing staff and includes a number of good practice checklists. It also provides case studies drawn from study visits and the work of the Department of Health’s National Agency Staffing Project. [from preface]
- 2533 reads
Creating High-Quality Health Care Workplaces
The question guiding the paper is: “What are the key ingredients of a high-quality work environment in Canada’s health care sector and how can this goal be achieved?” Synthesizing insights from a variety of research streams, the paper identifies many ingredients needed to create a high-quality workplace. We take a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, which complements other research initiatives on health human resources. [from abstract]
- 4877 reads
Challenge for Nursing and Midwifery
In this discussion document, the Department of Health and Children identifies key development issues facing nursing and midwifery in the future. This is in order to establish a strong platform for the formulation of a strategic response to these issues. The document contains an insightful analysis of the challenges ahead and identifies a range of possible responses. [from preface]
- 22674 reads
Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care
This report summarizes the findings of AHRQ-funded and other research on the relationship of nurse staffing levels to adverse patient outcomes. This valuable information can be used by decisionmakers to make more informed choices in terms of adjusting nurse staffing levels and increasing nurse recruitment while optimizing quality of care and improving nurse satisfaction. [author’s description]
- 6022 reads
Impact of the Manager’s Span of Control on Leadership and Performance
The purpose and objectives of this study are to examine the extent to which the manager’s span of control influences nurse, patient, and unit outcomes; and investigate which particular leadership style contributes to optimum nurse, patient, and unit outcomes under differing spans of control. [author’s description]
- 12410 reads
Report on the Continuing Professional Development of Staff Nurses and Staff Midwives
Nurses and midwives face the challenge of embracing new methods of care delivery which will provide a quality service that is truly people-centred. There is growing evidence of the need to link continuing professional development with organisational goals. The construction of career pathways in a healthcare system which is subject to radical and far-reaching change is an issue of growing importance to nurses and midwives. [from executive summary]
- 2997 reads