Education and Training
Medical Education: A Review of International Trends and Current Approaches in Pacific Island Countries
This review describes international trends and approaches to the planning and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, including the assessment of trainees’ performance. [from summary]
- 671 reads
Commissioning the Education of Healthcare Professionals: A Review of International Trends and Approaches
This paper reviews international approaches to commissioning health worker education and how to determine and control the number of places available with educational programs for doctors, nurses and midwives. [adapted from summary]
- 616 reads
Accreditation of Healthcare Professional Education Programs: A Review of International Trends and Current Approaches in Pacific Island Countries
This review of accreditation for healthcare professionals training and education describes international trends and approaches to the
accreditation of education programs or pathways that prepare graduates for entry to a professional register or to extend scopes of practice. [from author]
- 669 reads
Medical Internship Programs in the Pacific: Current Situation and Future Challenges
This review describes international trends and approaches to the planning and delivery of medical internship programs relevant to the future development and strengthening of medical education in Pacific Island countries. [from introduction]
- 531 reads
Trends in Health Worker Performance after Implementing the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Strategy in Benin
Training health workers to use integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines can improve care for ill children in outpatient settings in developing countries. This article aimed to determine if the performance of IMCI-trained health workers deteriorated over 3 years. [from abstract]
- 780 reads
Novel Method of Assessing Quality of Postgraduate Psychiatry Training: Experiences from a Large Training Programme
This article reports on a comprehensive assessment of the quality of training at a large postgraduate psychiatry training institute using non-anonymised face-to-face interviews with trainees and their trainers, which successfully elicited strengths and weakness of the program and may well provide important information to allow for targeted improvement of health training in general. [adapted from abstract]
- 700 reads
Building Leadership For Data Demand and Use: A Facilitator's Guide
This program is designed as an organizational process that brings together teams to focus on and develop leadership and management practices, identify and face challenges that inhibit data use, and achieve measurable results in applying data demand and use technical skills in order to make well-informed, evidence-based policy and program decisions. This curriculum has been developed as a complete program that will allow facilitators and the faculty of institutions of higher education to deliver the course. [from author]
- 760 reads
Supervising Healthcare Services Learning Resource Package
This learning resource package for supervisors in medium-to-large facilities and for district-level supervisors is developed around aspects of performance improvement and quality of healthcare services, focusing on essential skills required to work with staff and members of the community in establishing standards and problem solving. [from publisher]
- 875 reads
Training Skills for Health Care Providers
This learning resource package is intended for use in a course to prepare proficient service providers to be competent clinical trainers who are qualified to conduct competency-based clinical skills courses. [from publisher]
- 1137 reads
Simulation Training for Educators of Health Care Workers
This learning resource package is a competency-based learning tool that addresses management and implementation of simulated environments for students in health-related training institutions that prepare health care providers. [adapted from author]
- 793 reads
Effective Teaching Skills: A Blended Learning Approach Learning Resource Package
This learning resource package is intended to help educators of healthcare providers become more effective teachers. The course combines completion of ModCAL for Training Skills, plus group-based practice and feedback. Additionally, programs not using ModCAL may provide a 10-day group-based course that includes knowledge transfer, small group work, practice and feedback. [from publisher]
- 816 reads
Health Impacts of Pre-Service Education: An Integrative Review and Evidence-Based Conceptual Model
This integrative review of the literature was undertaken to examine what is presently known about the various factors that influence the quality of pre-service education (PSE) programs. The purpose of the model is to describe the logical links between inputs (e.g., activities, resources) that can strengthen health occupation or profession PSE systems, and the ultimate public health impact. [adapted from summary]
- 677 reads
Tanzania Distance Learning Assessment: Assessing the Use of Distance Learning to Train Health Workers in Tanzania
This report presents the results of an assessment of the use of distance learning to alleviate the shortage of health care workers in Tanzania. Its objectives include: determine the feasibility of and demand for distance learning in Tanzania to meet the current need for skilled and qualified health care workers; create a detailed inventory of distance learning programs; describe the training that distance learning could provide, and identify the potential cadres that could benefit from new or expanded distance learning programs. [adapted from author]
- 848 reads
Effective In-Service Training Techniques, Frequency, Setting and Media: Evidence from an Integrative Review of the Literature
This integrative review of the literature provides an in-depth analysis of the effect that educational techniques, frequency, setting and mode of delivery have on health worker learning outcomes and subsequent practice behaviors. [adapted from introduction]
- 807 reads
K4Health Blended Learning Guide
This guide gives recommendations about how the global health eLearning courses can be used to enhance face-to-face, online, and blended training and performance support approaches by helping participants acquire and apply new knowledge and comprehension. Practical examples of how to do so are included for trainers and individual learners. [adapted from author]
- 612 reads
Effectiveness of a Brief Educational Workshop Intervention among Primary Care Providers at 6 Months: Uptake of Dental Emergency Supporting Resources
This descriptive study used a validated questionnaire survey instrument to measure the effectiveness of a short multimodal educational intervention in the management of dental emergencies, including education in supporting resources, through the uptake and perceived usefulness of supporting resources at 6 months following the intervention. [adapted from abstract]
- 482 reads
Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Training: A Manger's Guide
This article has been written as a guide for program managers who want to recognize and support high quality cost-effetiveness analysis (CEA) of training. It focuses on the approaches and challenges associated with conducting CEA of training in the context of program implementation or rapid expansion of programs. [from author]
- 688 reads
Introducing Integrated Laboratory Classes in a PBL Curriculum: Impact on Students' Learning and Satisfaction
This paper outlines the development and implementation of four integrated laboratory classes (ILCs) for problem-based learning (PBL) at King Saud University College of Medicine. It also examines whether core concepts addressed in these classes were learned and retained and how the students perceived the ILCs. [adapted from abstract]
- 593 reads
Accreditation in a Sub Saharan Medical School: A Case Study at Makerere University
This analysis paper highlights the process of standard defining for Medical Education in a typically low resourced sub Saharan medial school environment. [from abstract]
- 683 reads
Effect of Implementing Undergraduate Competency-Based Medical Education on Students' Knowledge Acquisition, Clinical Performance and Perceived Preparedness for Practice: a Comparative Study
This study compared knowledge acquisition, clinical performance and perceived preparedness for practice of students from a competency-based active learning curriculum and a prior active learning curriculum. [from abstract]
- 728 reads
Effective or Just Practical? An Evaluation of an Online Postgraduate Module on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)
The aim of this study was to formatively evaluate a 12-week, completely online module from a South African university for medical specialists in their first year of training; assessing both the mode of delivery as well as the perceived effectiveness and usefulness. [adapted from abstract]
- 561 reads
South African University Practitioner Partnership to Strengthen Capacity in Social and Behaviour Change Communication
The following case study describes and reflects on a partnership between a southern university, the University of the Witwatersrand, and Soul City Institute to establish an academic, competency-based social and behaviour change program serving Southern Africa. [from author]
- 584 reads
International Collaboration: A Concept Model to Engage Nursing Leaders and Promote Global Nursing Education Partnerships
This article describes a newly developed, internationally focused concept model, “Engaging tomorrow’s international nursing leaders” which illustrates the ways alliances between international schools of nursing build nursing leaders who can facilitate global health outcomes. [adapted from summary]
- 820 reads
Assessment of Graduate Public Health Education in Nepal and Perceived Needs of Faculty and Students
The objective of this assessment was to identify challenges in graduate public health education in Nepal, and explore ways to address these challenges. [from abstract]
- 533 reads
Continuing Professional Development Framework (CPD) for Nurses in Kenya
This CPD framework provides guidelines that create an environment for nurses to keep abreast with, and improve competencies in service delivery in an effort to satisfy the needs and expectations of patients and clients in Kenya. [adapted from author]
- 1428 reads
Building Nurse Education Capacity in India: Insights from a Faculty Development Programme in Andhra Pradesh
Improving educational capacity through nursing faculty development has been proposed as one of several strategies to address a complex health human resource situation. This paper describes and critically reflects upon the experience of one such faculty development programme in the state of Andhra Pradesh. [from abstract]
- 732 reads
Continuing Professional Development Policy (Sudan)
This document aims to serve as a policy guide for the provision of continuing professional development (CPD) to health care professionals affiliated with Federal and State ministries of Health in Sudan. This policy framework sets regulations, standards and norms. [adapted from author]
- 1017 reads
Measuring the Effectiveness of an Intensive IPV Training Program Offered to Greek General Practitioners and Residents of General Practice
The need for effective training of primary care physicians in the prevention, detection and handling of intimate partner violence (IPV) has been widely acknowledged, given its frequency in daily practice. The current intervention study aimed to measure changes in the actual IPV knowledge, perceived knowledge, perceived preparedness and detection ability of practicing general practitioners and general practice residents, following an intensive IPV training program. [from abstract]
- 776 reads
Engaging Primary Care Practitioners in Quality Improvement: Making Explicit the Program Theory of an Interprofessional Education Intervention
This paper describes the theory underlying an interprofessional educational intervention developed in Canada for the purpose of improving chronic disease management in primary care in order to explain explicitly the theory underlying this intervention, to describe its components in detail and to assess the intervention’s feasibility and acceptability. [adapted from abstract]
- 658 reads
Primary Health Care and General Practice Attachment: Establishing an Undergraduate Teaching Network in Rural Greek Health Centers
This report describes the steps taken by a Greek medical school to establish and maintain a rural primary health care teaching network in order to implement community oriented primary health care and general practice for undergraduate medical education. [adapted from abstract]
- 648 reads