Southern Africa Capacity Initiative (SACI) Framework
This presentation was part of the Planning, Developing and Supporting the Health Workforce: Human Resources for Health Action Workshop. It gives an overview of the Southern Africa Capacity Initiative (SACI) Framework, provides examples of SACI applications and discusses the Africa HRH agenda.
To view this presentation, you must have either Microsoft PowerPoint or download the free PowerPoint Viewer.
- 2207 reads
Human Resources for Health - Critical Challenges for the Region of the Americas: Roundtables
This report is the result of the meeting of the 47th Directing Council and 58th session of the Regional Committee in Washington DC. It is a summary of actions and proposals for a plan of action on human resources for health in the Americas submitted for the consideration of the Directing Council. This document summarizes the activities carried out to date in the countries and in the Governing Bodies. It provides an overview of the situation and the predominant trends in the Region, as well as a vision of the technical proposals and agreements for activities that are being developed.
- 2071 reads
Sector Policy Review Tool: a Guide for Users and Facilitators
The Sector Policy Review Tool offers a kit for involving important stakeholders more directly in reviewing health sector development, including specific programmes or areas within the health sector. It is made up of an introduction and several modules that guide different aspects of the review process. [author’s description]
Module 4 is dedicated to human resources for health.
- 2187 reads
Team Players: Building the Skills of Local Health Care Planners
Training and innovative tools were key to the success of the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project, along with small funding increases. The tools and strategies allowed the districts of Rufiji and Morogoro to target their new resources on the largest contributors to the burden of disease and on health care delivery. The most dramatic result, among many, has been an average decline in child mortality of more than 40%. [from author]
- 2118 reads
Technical Review of Health Service Delivery at District Level
The 2003 technical review report covers only one main strategy: district health services. It looks at district health service performance from the viewpoint of Council Health Management Teams (CHMT) and LG. The report presents a short general appraisal of district health services (section 1). Planning and budgeting for better health (section 2) looks at what the requirements are for a performing planning and budgeting process (section 2.1, including guidelines and process) and what information should be available at council level to develop a comprehensive council health plan (section 2.2). Issues related to implementing the council health plan (section 3) include financial resources (3.1), non-financial resources (3.2), systems development (3.3) and service delivery (3.4).
- 2549 reads
Integrating Vertical Health Programmes into Sector Wide Approaches: Experiences and Lessons
This paper is a desk study which looks at experiences of integrating vertical health programmes into national delivery systems where government and donors have adopted a sector wide approach (SWAp) to supporting health sector reform. It was commissioned to facilitate decision making in SDC regarding future possible integration of the Tanzania Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme into national delivery systems and the SWAp process.[author’s description]
- 5823 reads
Performance Improvement: Developing a Strategy for Reproductive Health Services
During the past several years there has been a global trend in business and industry to move from training to performance improvement. This paper presents a review of selected performance improvement and training literature that has been helpful to JHPIEGO in identifying issues related to this trend and in shaping our performance improvement strategy. [author’s description]
- 1993 reads
Estimating the Need for Family Planning/Reproductive Health Service Providers in Malawi
Using the training needs projection methods in the Spectrum Policy Modeling System software module ProTrain, this report estimates the numbers of family planning/reproductive health service providers needed to reach total fertility rate and contraceptive prevalence goals for Malawi from 2001-2007. [adapted from publisher]
- 2394 reads
Palliative Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: an Appraisal
Palliative care aims to maximise quality of life and relieve the suffering of patients with life-limiting incurable disease, and to support their families and carers. It is provided through specialist services such as hospices and palliative care teams and in general settings. The HIV/AIDS pandemic and rising cancer rates in Africa have increased the need for well-developed and integrated palliative care services. In sub-Saharan Africa, the concept of palliative care is not well developed and palliative care is largely confined to isolated specialist centres. Services have developed, but in very varied ways. In order to inform future developments, this review aimed to identify and appraise activities, opportunities and evidence of the status of palliative care in Africa.
- 3260 reads
Integrating Gender in Human Resources for Health (HRH) Projects
These training modules and handouts provide the materials to conduct a two day workshop designed to help participants define gender and related concepts; understand the continuum of gender as it relates to integration in projects; understand the six domains of gender and related questions; apply a process for gender analysis to HRH contexts; understand where and how gender can be integrated in HRH country strategies. [adapted from author]
- 14616 reads
Overview of the Nursing Workforce in Latin America
Human resources become increasingly relevant in this context. Health human resource (HHR) is currently experiencing a three-fold problem, which encompasses old issues, together with the effects of reform, and the consequences of globalisation. This includes the workforce crisis in nursing which, facing all kinds of difficulties, requires complex in-depth analysis, synergies and alliances in order to ensure quality nursing services.
- 5901 reads
Gender Sensitivity Assessment Tools for RH Service Providers and Managers
Tools to assist primary providers and their managers in assessing, monitoring and improving the gender sensitivity of family planning and reproductive health services on an ongoing basis. [publisher’s description]
- 3975 reads
Global Shortage of Registered Nurses: An Overview of Issues and Actions
Against the backdrop of growing concern about shortages of health personnel, the report focuses on one of the most critical components of the workforce
- 9846 reads
Workload Indicators of Staffing Need: a Manual for Implementation
The Workload Indicators for Staffing Levels was created to provide a rational method of setting the correct staffing levels in health facilities, taking into account the the wide local variations which are found within every country, such as the different levels and patterns of morbidity in different locations, the ease of access to different facilities, the patient attitudes in different parts of the country to the services provided, and the local economic circumstances. This Manual sets out all the activities which are necessary in order to design and implement the WISN Method in a country.
- 12499 reads
Likely Benefit of Using Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) for Human Resources Management in the Health Sector of Bangladesh
This study demonstrates how Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) can be used as a human resources planning and management tool for improving decisions at all levels of health services about the provision, allocation and deployment of staff. [from abstract]
- 7337 reads
Rising to the Challenges of Human Resources for Health in Kenya: Developing Empirical Evidence for Policy Making
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the human resources for health (HRH) currently available and required to reach the targets set by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in both the public sector and the faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Kenya. A stratified convenience sample of health facilities at all levels of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) in each of the eight provinces was selected for the assessment. Detailed information on human resources and provision of services related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, maternal health, and child health was collected.
- 3521 reads
Working Together for Health: The World Health Report 2006 Policy Briefs
Intended to complement Working Together for Health: The World Health Report 2006, these policy briefs are intended to assist those who make and carry out health policy worldwide. The briefs address the following, Strengthening information and research on the health workforce: strategies for action; Investing in education for expanded capacity and lifelong learning; Making the most of the existing health workforce; Addressing the complex challenges of health worker migration; Bridging between health workers in separate public health programs; and Financing health workforce development. After describing an issue, the briefs propose ways to address it, many of which have been drawn from experience in countries. [author’s description]
- 2185 reads
Importance of Human Resources Management in Health Care: a Global Context
This paper addresses the health care system from a global perspective and the importance of human resources management (HRM) in improving overall patient health outcomes and delivery of health care services.
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Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis: Towards a Common Approach
The challenges in the health workforce are well known and clearly documented. What is not so clearly understood is how to address these issues in a comprehensive and integrated manner that will lead to solutions. This editorial presents - and invites comments on - a technical framework intended to raise awareness among donors and multisector organizations outside ministries of health and to guide planning and strategy development at the country level. [abstract]
- 2779 reads
Role of Community Involvement in Improving Youth Reproductive Health and Preventing HIV Among Young People: Report of a Technical Consultation
This report of a two-day technical consultation summarizes challenges, lessons learned from promising projects, knowledge and practice gaps, and recommendations for future practice. It suggests guidelines for community involvement in youth reproductive health and HIV prevention at all stages of a project cycle. [publisher’s description]
- 2761 reads
Abundant for the Few, Shortage for the Majority: the Inequitable Distribution of Doctors in Thailand
This paper reviews the situation and trend in human resources for health and its priority problems in Thailand. It also highlights the issue of the inequitable distribution of doctors. Through several brainstorming sessions among stakeholders, it summarizes a package of recommendations for the future continuous and sustainable knowledge-based human resources for health development. [from abstract]
- 6028 reads
Migration of Human Resources for Health within and out of Sri Lanka: Report and Analysis 2005
This article addresses some human resource problems amongst which migration of human capital to resourceful settings is detailed as a priority problem. Several factors have contributed to dissatisfaction and human resources, especially those with higher skills and qualifications, migrating towards more resourceful settings, both overseas and within the country. [from abstract]
- 5060 reads
Forecasting the Human Resource for Health Requirement in China by the Year 2015
This document report on the trends of HRH during past fifty years including the issues of unqualified doctors in rural areas, geographical differences in HRH, and the increase in medical school graduates. It also forecasts HRH needs for fifteen years from 2000 to 2015.
- 4183 reads
Demographic Implications for Health Human Resources for Bangladesh
This paper is mainly intended to show the demographic implications for Bangladesh’s Health-human resources production in the next two decades as absolute increase in Population is still too high that the economy can cope with. [author’s description]
- 4038 reads
Global Religious Health Assets Mapping
GRHAM is a CCIH initiative, in collaboration with numerous partners, to increase the awareness of Faith-based Organizations (FBOs) in providing essential health services around the world. GRHAM strives to put FBOs and Christian Health Associations (CHAs) “on the map” to improve networking, including collaboration with and between christian health associations, medical missions, ministries of health and multilateral donors. [from website description]
- 3894 reads
Planning, Developing and Supporting the Faith-Based Health Workforce: African Church Health Associations' Human Resources for Health Mini-Forum
The African Church Health Associations’ Human Resources for Health Mini-Forum was held to re-energize the CHA’s human resources working group. The objectives of the forum were to: expand the HRH knowledge base; help develop a critical mass of faith-based HRH advocates; clarify the “Terms of Reference” for an HRH working group and plan for sustainability and next steps; and to generate action plans for HRH practices and identify technical assistance needs. [adapted from author]
- 6752 reads
Investing in Tanzanian Human Resources for Health
Using Tanzania as a case study, this report advocates that the only effective means of really addressing the HRH challenge inpoor countries is to begin to immediately scale up training capacity, and that approach is relatively inexpensive when compared to its long-term benefits. [adapted from author]
- 4043 reads
Tools for Planning and Developing Human Resources for HIV/AIDS and Other Health Services
The tools and guidelines collected in this book will assist health program managers, policymakers, and leaders to assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on the health workforce and its capacity to deliver and scale up HIV/AIDS services. The book provides materials to help decision-makers develop a strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS, for both a short-term emergency response and a longer-term plan to strengthen HRM systems. This compilation also includes a tool developed by the World Health Organization to help HIV/AIDS programs to achieve a more sustainable workforce appropriately trained to provide ART.
- 4135 reads
World Health Statistics 2006
World Health Statistics 2006 presents the most recent statistics since 1997 of 50 health indicators for WHO’s 192 Member States. This second edition of World Health Statistics includes an expanded set of statistics, with a particular focus on equity between and within countries. It also introduces a section with 10 highlights in global health statistics for the past year. [publisher’s description]
The report includes a chapter on Health Systems which provides key HRH statistical data.
- 1791 reads
Future Policy Options for HRH Production in the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Most human resources for health in developing countries are produced by highly subsidized public institutes. Due to inequity in basic education most health science students are from wealthier urban families. They tend to remain in urban areas after graduation, creating inequitable distribution of health personnel. At the same time the public education institutes are subject to strong bureaucratic inefficiency and usually no systematic quality control system. This paper analyses this situation in Thailand. [adapted from abstract]
- 5605 reads