
Development of Workforce Activity Standards in Egypt

The purpose of this report is to discuss the process of developing health workforce activity standards in Egypt and its importance in estimating workforce requirements. The report describes the methodology used to develop and test these standards, as well as the challenges faced during the process and the lessons learned. [from introduction]

Ten Years of Health Workforce Planning in the Netherlands: A Tentative Evaluation of GP Planning as an Example

This paper explains a simulation model for health workforce planning developed to estimate the required and available capacity of health professionals in the Netherlands over the past ten years. [adapted from abstract]

Development of an Interactive Model for Planning the Care Workforce for Alberta: Case Study

This case study describes the development of a forecasting tool to inform its position on key workforce parameters, focused on modeling the situation for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and health care aides in Alberta. [adapted from abstract]

Predicting the Demand of Physician Workforce: An International Model Based on "Crowd Behaviors"

To calculate an appropriate number of Physician Density (PD) for a specific country, this study was designed to create a PD prediction model, based on health-related data from many countries. [from abstract]

ACS HPRI: Shaping Surgical Workforce Policy through Evidence-Based Analyses

This article describes the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Health Policy Research Institute’s (HPRI) role in collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about the surgical workforc in the United States, as suggests it as a possible model to assist in government surgical workforce planning. [adapted from author]

Approaches to Workforce Planning

This presentation was part of the University of New South Wales’ short course on managing human resources for health. The author outlines the issues of workforce planning and discusses tools and methodologies for effective planning.

Putting Away the Stethoscope for Good? Toward a New Perspective on Physician Retirement

This study is an attempt to understand how aging affects physicians’ work, including staying in or leaving clinical practice, and the impact of this on health workforce planning. [adapted from author]

Overcoming the Hurdle of Implementation: Putting Human Resources for Health Tools into Action

This paper states that it is critical for HRH leaders to take action to ensure that already available workforce strengthening tools are disseminated, adapted and used to foster effective implementation at the country level. The paper highlights four such tools as examples that can be used to build implementation capacity, and acknowledges more like them. [adapted from abstract]

Evidence-Based Health Workforce Model for Primary and Community Care

The objective of this article is to describe the development of an evidence-informed, needs-based health workforce model to support the delivery of best-practice interdisciplinary chronic disease management in the primary and community care setting using diabetes as a case exemplar. [from abstract]

Nursing Human Resource Planning Best Practice Toolkit: Creating a Best Practice Resource for Nursing Managers

A project supported the creation of a network of teaching and community hospitals to develop a . This paper provides an overview of the process used to develop a best practice toolkit in nursing human resource planning targeted at first line nursing managers, a description of the toolkit contents and a reflection on the outcomes of the project. [adapted from abstract]

Collaboration to Change the Landscape of Nursing: A Journey between Urban and Remote Practice Settings

This article describes an innovative strategy to test a health human resource (HHR) planning and employment model to foster inter-organizational collaboration, knowledge transfer and exchange of nurses between an urban academic health science centre and a remote region in northern Ontario. [from introduction]

Development of Modelling Method Selection Tool for Health Services Mangement: from Problem Structuring Methods to Modelling and Simulation Methods

The aim of this study is to provide a mechanism for decision makers in health services planning and management to compare a broad range of modelling and simulation methods so that they can better select and use them or better commission relevant modelling and simulation work that can assist in the process of designing health care policies, strategies and operations. [from abstract]

Strengthening National and Subnational Departments for Human Resources Development

The purpose of this guide is to support the strengthening of existing, or establishing new, human resources for health development departments at the central and subnational levels.

Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN)

The Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method is a human resource management tool. It provides health managers a systematic way to make staffing decisions in order to manage their valuable human resources.

Evaluating the Strengths and Weaknesses of NHS Workforce Planning Methodes

This article examines the different methods used in National Health Service (NHS) workforce planning and development. It is designed to help nurse managers select and apply methods for evaluating or estimating their staffing needs and looks at the future for workforce planning and development. [from abstract]

Country Coordination and Facilitation (CCF): Principles and Process

Addressing the challenges of the health crisis requires collaboration from multiple sectors and stakeholders with complementary roles. The CCF approach to human resources for health requires establishing and supporting the necessary governance structures for intersectoral coordination and collaboration to plan, implement and monitor health workforce development and retention at the country level, while working through one national HRH plan for an integrated health workforce response. [adapted from foreword]

Country Action for the Health Workforce: a Powerful Framework

In this edition of CapacityPlus Voices, Mary Roroi of the National Department of Health in Papua New Guinea and Dr. Zulfiqar Khan of the World Health Organization in Pakistan discuss how they’re applying the HRH Action Framework to strengthen the health workforce. [from author]

NHS Workforce Planning: Limitations and Possibilities

This report considers the degree to which National Health Service workforce planning in England is likely to support the delivery of a workforce that is fit for the future. To inform this assessment, the authors examine current developments at national and regional level, highlight relevant international experience, and propose ways in which planning could be made more effective. [from summary]

Challenges in Physician Supply Planning: The Case of Belgium

This paper has two objectives: to identify the key challenges in HRH planning in Belgium and to formulate recommendations for an effective HRH planning, on the basis of the Belgian case study and lessons drawn from an international benchmarking. [from abstract]

Human Resources for Health Action Framework (HAF): Guide to Develop and Implement Strategies to Achieve an Effective and Sustainable Health Workforce

The purpose of this guide is to increase awareness of the HRH Action Framework (HAF), which is designed to assist governments and health managers to develop and implement a comprehensive HRH strategy that will result in an effective and sustainable health workforce. [adapted from author]

Forecasting Future Workforce Demand: a Process Evaluation

This study focuses on the implementation and evaluation of the Forecasting Future Workforce Demand Tool. It was hypothesized that implementation of the tool would enable hospitals to enter historical workforce data to create one to five-year forecasts for proactive HHR planning and strategy development. [from summary]

Zeroing In: AIDS Donors and Africa's Health Workforce

This report focuses on AIDS donors and on how they can better use their funding to address health workforce issues. It introduces the HRH crisis, the evolving approaches of AIDS donors, how these approaches to health workforce strengthening and development have played out in practice in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia and makes recommendations meant to inform the ongoing deliberations of AIDS donors as they work out the implementation details of their health system strengthening commitments. [adapted from author]

Models and Tools for Health Workforce Planning and Projections

The objective of this paper is to take stock of the available methods and tools for health workforce planning and projections, and to describe the processes and resources needed to undertake such an exercise. [from introduction]

Finding Affordable Health Workforce Targets in Low-Income Nations

The World Health Organization has suggested a minimum target for all countries: 2.3 health professionals per 1,000 people. Many countries cannot afford to meet the target; in fact, funding the proposed number of health workers would require some countries to devote 50 percent of their gross domestic product to health. We offer an alternative solution that would allow governments to set targets that are realistic and achievable within their financial constraints. [from abstract]

Assessing Financing, Education, Management and Policy Context for Strategic Planning of Human Resources for Health

This document contains a method for assessing the financial, educational and management systems and policy context, essential for strategic planning and policy development for human resources for health. This tool has been developed as an evidence-based comprehensive diagnostic aid to inform policy-making in low and middle income countries in regard to human resources for health. [from introduction]

Model Linking Clinical Workforce Skill Mix Planning to Health and Health Care Dynamics

This paper presents a structural map of a health system based on a synthesis of a needs-based analytic framework and a supply side framework, showing the interactive connections between its major components, which could be expanded at a later date to show the linkages between the tasks performed by a health workforce and the cadres of personnel that could supply those tasks. [adapted from author]

General Practitioner Workforce Planning: Assessment of Four Policy Directions

This study uses Ireland as a case study to determine the future demand and supply of general practitioners and to assess the potential impact of several possible interventions to address future shortages. [from abstract]

WISN: a Workforce Planning Tool with Unexpected Motivational Benefits

In Indonesia, a bottom-up workforce planning tool used with health workers directly has changed practice, realigned health workers’ roles, and increased motivation among staff. It shows how effective empowerment can be in the workplace. Workload Indicators of Staffing Need, or WISN, is straightforward and easily applied. [from author]

Planejamento de recursos humanos de enfermagem: desafio para as lideranças

Propõe-se um ensaio das questões que envolvem o planejamento de recursos humanos de enfermagem na área hospitalar em nossa realidade, abordando possíveis temas para futuras pesquisas. Traça-se uma retrospectiva da evolução das pesquisas sobre dimensionamento de pessoal no país e a incorporação de novos instrumentos para avaliação da carga de trabalho com base no grau de dependência dos pacientes e nas ações de cuidado.

WISN Toolkit: Toolkit for Implementing Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) to Improve Health Workforce Planning and Management in Decentralized Health Systems

The Toolkit is adapted from the WHO WISN Manual. WISN has traditionally been in a top down approach with limited success, particularly when applying it within the context of a decentralized government system. It was recognized that a more innovative approach was required to implement the methodology successfully at decentralized levels. [from author]