Health Human Resources Planning: an Examination of Relationships Among Nursing Service Utilization, an Estimate of Population Health and Overall Health Status Outcomes in the Province of Ontario
The goal of this study was to develop and test a way to establish, monitor, and predict the need for nursing services by using the health needs of the population. This study explored the relationship between the health needs of Ontarians, their use of community and hospital nursing services, and variations in outcomes. The findings suggest that decisions about the deployment of nursing resources are associated with differences in outcomes. [adapted from author]
- 2755 reads
Approach to Estimating Human Resource Requirements to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals
This paper proposes a methodological approach to estimating the requirements of human resources to achieve the goals set forth by the Millennium Declaration. The method builds on the service-target approach and functional job analysis. [adapted from abstract]
- 2779 reads
Whole Picture: Strengthening Health Workforce Policies and Planning in Rwanda
This brief describes the Capacity Project’s work with health workforce planning using HRIS in Rwanda.
- 6187 reads
Nurse Self Sufficiency/Sustainability in the Global Context
One major challenge for all countries is to establish workforce planning mechanisms that effectively meet the demands for health care and provide workforce stability. However, few nations have developed strategic plans for meeting nursing resource requirements that effectively address supply and demand. Instead, many developed countries choose to implement short term policy levers such as increased reliance on immigration, sometimes to the detriment of developing countries.
- 4315 reads
Teaming Up in Tanzania: Supporting the National Response to HIV
In [Tanzania’s] response to HIV, the Ministry has deemed its shortfall in human resources for health (HRH) as an emergency. To begin to address this gap, the Ministry is expanding antiretroviral therapy services through an Emergency Hiring Program that will bring 365 new health workers to 25 underserved districts in two phases. The first phase, now underway, will place 176 new hires in 19 districts. [author’s description]
- 1516 reads
Maternity Workforce Resource Pack
This pack contains workforce planning checklists, together with case studies and frequently asked questions (FAQs) that other organisations have developed to solve common issues. This pack includes examples of good practice and the contact details of teams working in maternity services to enable organisations to follow up any issues raised. [from introduction]
- 5340 reads
Taking the Next Step: Options and Support for a Pan-Canadian, Multi-Professional HHR Planning Mechanism
This study proposes potential options for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning mechanism or mechanisms to better serve the process of coordinated HHR planning across jurisdictions and among multiple professions. The second goal is to assess the current level of support among both government actors at the federal, provincial and territorial levels and stakeholder organizations for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning. The study examines the current HHR planning infrastructure in the country, recent international developments in HHR planning and the attitudes of key informants in governmental and non-governmental communities.
- 10406 reads
Getting Evidence into Practice: What Works in Developing Countries?
This article summarizes and comments on the available literature on the effectiveness of intrventions designed to change [health worker] professional behaviour in order to bring evidence into practice in developing countries. [from abstract]
- 16741 reads
Policies and Plans for Human Resources for Health: Guidelines for Countries in the WHO African Region
Experience has shown that governments have different kinds of HRH policies, strategies and plans even when they are within the overall context of national health policies and strategies. This document provides guidance on the process with proposals of content for three basic HRH documents: situation analysis, policy, and strategic plan. [from foreword]
- 2013 reads
Human Resource Planning and the Production of Health: a Needs-Based Analytical Framework
Traditional approaches to health human resource planning emphasize the effects of demographic change on the needs for health human resources. Planning requirements are largely based on the size and demographic mix of the population applied to simple population-provider or population-utilization ratios. We develop an extended analytical framework based on the production of heal care services and the multiple determinants of health human resource requirements. [from abstract]
- 4310 reads
UK Wide Workforce Planning Competence Framework
This framework encompasses the healthcare workforce planning skills and competences required at both strategic and operational level, for all types of staff, including chief executives, directors, clinicians, service development managers, ward managers, workforce planners, and contributes to the building of capability in human resource management identified in the HR in the NHS Plan. [publisher’s description]
- 2373 reads
Using HMIS for Monitoring and Planning: the Experience of Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau
Uganda has been successful in implementing the national “Health Management Information System” (HMIS). Disease surveillance reports and monitoring of key output indicators within the health sector seem to be the areas with the most remarkable advance. But little mention has been made on the importance of the use of information for monitoring performance indicators and for management/decision making purposes. The existing HMIS makes this possible.
- 6376 reads
Strategic Health Workforce Projections
This report covers the work done to complete another phase of the Initiatives Inc. program of work in human resource development (HRD) in the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Jordan. The essence and purpose of this assignment was to conduct a workshop and produce as a result the first strategic projection of staff requirements and supply in the health sector as a whole, with particular emphasis on the public sector, over the period 2004 to 2014. [from introduction]
- 2139 reads
Software Tool for Policy Diagnosis and Dialogue (SoftPoDD)
This tool seeks to assist HRH workers and policy makers in a country think through, diagnose, and stimulate dialogue about their HRH challenges by responding to questions and reflecting on the policy implications of their answers.
- 2136 reads
Mapping Capacity in the Health Sector: a Conceptual Framework
This paper aims to review current knowledge and experiences from ongoing efforts to monitor and evaluate capacity building interventions in the health sector in developing countries.
- 3876 reads
Human Resources for Health Planning and Management in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Facts, Gaps and Forward Thinking for Research and Policy
The objectives of this paper are to: lay out the facts on what we know about the HRH for EMR countries; generate and interpret evidence on the relationship between HRH and health status indicators for LMICs and middle and high income countries (MHICs) in the context of EMR; identify and analyze the information gaps and provide forward thinking by identifying priorities for research and policy. [abstract]
- 5922 reads
Partnership Building: Practical Tools to Help You Create, Strengthen, Assess and Manage Your Partnership or Alliance More Productively
The complex and wide ranging challenges related to human resources for health in developing countries necessitate that stakeholders work together through inclusive alliances and networks. This kit aims to offer those wanting to create a partnership, as well as those already working in one, some easily accessible tools to support that process. [from introduction]
- 6113 reads
Africa's Health in 2010: Capacity Strengthening of African Institutions and Networks: a Strategy
The purpose of this document is to provide Africa 2010’s strategy for strengthening regional and local capacity for adopting effective policies and innovations to improve the health status of Africans. [from introduction]
- 3156 reads
HRH Action Framework
The HRH Action Framework presented here is designed to assist governments and health managers to develop and implement strategies to achieve an effective and sustainable health workforce. By using a comprehensive approach, the Framework will help you address staff shortages, uneven distribution of staff, gaps in skills and competencies, low retention and poor motivation, among other challenges. [publisher’s description] This website guides users through the HRH development process using indicators, resources, tools and guidelines.
- 4846 reads
Review of the Human Resource Content of PRSP and HIPC Documentation in 6 Selected African Countries
The HIPC/PRSP process is intended to be a major instrument for achieving improved service delivery for poor people Crucially, improved service delivery depends on having the right professional, technical and other human resources in the right place at the right time. This review examined for 6 African countries, the country based poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) documentation and the associated World Bank/IMF HIPC documentation for human resources for health content. These documents were supplemented with other relevant country documents such as health strategies.
- 2220 reads
District Health Management Team Training Modules
This publication is an effort to respond to the different needs for capacity building in management and implementation of health programmes and delivery of essential services. It reflects the thinking acquired from experience working with health sector reforms being implemented in the African Region. The District Health Management Training modules cover the principles that are applicable across the Region and are meant to guide and strengthen the management capacity of district health management teams. [author’s description]
- 18951 reads
University Teaching Hospital in Zambia: the Strategic Plan Environment
The purpose of this technical effort by the Partnerships for Health Reform was to assess various issues, problems, and opportunities facing the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Zambia. This review serves to catalyze and provide input for the development of an effective strategic plan for the UTH and Zambia’s health services in general. Findings from this review provide a basis for recommendations on how to effectively address these issues in order to improve management and, ultimately, positively affect efficiency, quality, equity, and sustainability of services. [from abstract]
- 7304 reads
Workshop on Human Resource Development for Mental Health in Pacific Island Countries
This report is from a workshop on HRD for mental health in Pacific island countries. The objectives of the workshop were to evaluate the mental health training needs and resources in the Pacific island countries; to achieve consensus on guiding principles in the developmenet of national mental health education and training programs in the local context; and to identify mechanisms to support countries in developing and strengthening mental health training programs. [from summary]
- 2340 reads
Human Resources and Training in Mental Health
The purpose of the guidance package is to assist policy-makers and planners to: develop a policy and comprehensive strategy for improving the mental health of populations; use existing resources to achieve the greatest possible benefits; provide effective services to persons in need; and assist the reintegration of people with mental disorders into all aspects of community life, thus improving their overall quality of life.
- 1771 reads
Family Planning Manager's Handbook
The Family Planning Manager’s Handbook is a standard text in management training courses around the world and has received wide recognition as a practical guide for managers of health and family planning programs. [publisher’s description]
- 4870 reads
Beyond the Clinic Walls
This book contains a series of case studies which depict the management issues a family planning organization faces in designing and implementing a new community-based distribution (CBD) program for contraceptives. The cases, which take place in a fictional country Momonboro, are based on an actual program initiated in an African country, and reflect the problems and successes which that program experienced.
- 2596 reads
Harnessing the Power of Human Resources for MDGs: High Level Forum on the Health MDGs
This presentation was part of a High-Level Forum on the Health Millennium Development Goals. Its core messages are: In the poorest countries, human resources are in crisis, yet absolutely critical for achieving the MDGs. Urgently needed is rapid mobilization of an effective workforce for priority national programs, triggering the longer-term building of sustainable capacity and systems. These country-based strategies must be multi-sectoral and engage key stakeholders. Actions should be started immediately to harness the power of human resources for the MDGs.
- 2878 reads
Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme (ZHWRS) 2003-2004
To tackle problems of staff shortage and maldistribution, in 2003 the Government of the Republic of Zambia in partnership with the Royal Netherlands Government embarked on a Pilot Zambian Health Workers Retention Scheme (ZHWRS) for health professionals. The scheme had as first objective to replace the Dutch doctors, working under the bilateral agreement between Zambia and the Netherlands. A regular review process was included as part of the scheme. This report is from the Midterm review that took place in January 2005. [from introduction]
- 11136 reads
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Scale-up. Phase 3 Report: Staffing Implications and Scenarios for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
This report presents findings from Phase 3 of an assessment of the human resources implications of HIV/AIDS services scale-up in Rwanda. It focuses on the staffing implications and associated costs of HIV/AIDS services scale-up. By documenting current staffing levels and the level of effort necessary to provide HIV/AIDS services, Phase 3 of the study analyzes how many full-time equivalent (FTE) staff will be needed, and at what costs, if the Government of Rwanda is to meet its HIV/AIDS service delivery objectives. The human resources projections are based on data gathered during Phases 1 and 2 of the study.
- 8430 reads
Stepping Up Health Worker Capacity to Scale Up Services in Kenya
This Kenya assessment is part of a multicountry initiative to provide data and options to policymakers and donors amidst for building the capacity of health care systems in low resource countries through recruitment, training, and deployment of public and private health workers. The assessments look at how human resource (HR) policy and workload planning can address personnel shortages, specifically, gross imbalances across urban and rural areas and among personnel categories, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and lab technicians. [adapted from author]
- 2621 reads