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Starting with the Classroom: Updating Family Planning Knowledge in East Africa

To build instructors’ capacity and address the knowledge gaps, the Capacity Project partnered with East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community and Africa’s Health in 2010 to deliver a week-long workshop on Contemporary Issues in Family Planning for midwifery tutors in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. [from author]

Traditional Healers and Nurses: a Qualitative Study on Their Role on Sexually Transmitted Infections Including HIV and AIDS in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

This study investigated the role of traditional healers in sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS as well as a collaboration between the traditional and biomedical health care systems as seen by nurses and traditional healers. Qualitative analyses are presented on themes including attitude and respect; collaboration between traditional healers and nurses; control and regulation of traditional health practices; and the training needs of healers and nurses. [adapted from abstract]

Participation of Traditional Birth Attendants in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Services in Two Rural Districts in Zimbabwe: a Feasibility Study

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV is among the key HIV prevention strategies in Zimbabwe. The main objective of this study was to evaluate acceptability and feasibility of reinforcing the role of traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in family and child health services through their participation in PMTCT programmes in Zimbabwe. [from abstract]

Taking Critical Services to the Home: Scaling-Up Home-based Maternal and Postnatal Care, Including Family Planning, through Community Midwifery in Kenya

Increasing access to safe delivery and family planning services within rural communities increases the opportunities for women to have positive outcomes for their pregnancies as well as to plan and achieve their desired family size. This paper examines the scaling up of a community-based model in Kenya that enabled women to give birth safely at home or to be referred to a hospital when attended by a self-employed skilled midwife living in the community. [adapted from summary]

Healthcare Workers' Attitudes to Working During Pandemic Influenza: a Qualitative Study

The UK healthcare system's ability to cope during an influenza pandemic will largely depend on the number of healthcare workers (HCWs) who are able and willing to work through the crisis. This paper includes the results of a qualitative study exploring the views of UK HCWs on working during an influenza pandemic in order to identify factors that might influence their willingness and ability to work. [from abstract]

Use of Our Existing Eye Care Human Resources: Assessment of the Productivity of Cataract Surgeons Trained in Eastern Africa

This article measured the productivity of cataract surgeons in Africa and assesses the factors that predict high productivity among surgeons in general. [adapted from abstract]

Measuring and Managing the Work Environment of the Mid-Level Provider: the Neglected Human Resource

Our study aimed to explore a neglected but crucial aspect of human resources for health in Africa: the provision of a work environment that will promote motivation and performance of mid-level providers. This paper explores the work environment of mid-level providers in Malawi, and contributes to the validation of an instrument to measure the work environment of mid-level providers in low income countries. [from abstract]

Work Satisfaction of Professional Nurses in South Africa: a Comparative Analysis of the Public and Private Sectors

Work satisfaction of nurses is important, as there is sufficient empirical evidence to show that it tends to affect individual, organizational and greater health and social outcomes. This paper presents a national study that compares and contrasts satisfaction levels of nurses in both public and private sectors. [from abstract]

Evaluating and Designing Policy Options for Rural Retention: Some Insights from Niger

This presentation discusses an ineffective incentives effort to retain rural health workers and suggestions for more useful interventions.

Health Workforce Challenges in Romania

This presentation outlines the main issues surrounding the health workforce in Romania and describes the effects of primary health care reforms.

Restructuring the Additional Duty Hours Allowance: Job Descriptions for Allied Health Staff - Part I

This document details the specific hiring criteria for allied health staff as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health. Primary areas of interest to HRH facilitators include positions in the fields of optometry, dentistry, oral health and laboratory staff.

Restructuring the Additional Duty Hours Allowance: Job Descriptions for Allied Health Staff - Part II

This document details the specific hiring criteria for allied health staff as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health. Primary areas of interest to HRH facilitators include positions in the fields of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and disease control.

Restructuring the Additional Duty Hours Allowance: Job Descriptions for Administrative and Support Staff

This document details the specific hiring criteria for administrative and support staff as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health.

Challenges of Managing Government-Seconded Health Workers in Private Not-for-Profit Health Facilities of Kibaale District, Uganda

This article describes issues raised by the deployment of civil servants through the public-private partnership for health to work in private-not-for-profit health facilities in Kibaale region of Uganda. [adapted from abstract]

Is it (Not) High Time to Introduce Performance-Based Pay in Uganda's Health System?

This article describes the issues facing Uganda’s health system and presents arguments for and against instituting a performance-based pay system.

Restructuring the Additional Duty Hours Allowance: Job Descriptions for Directors

This document details the specific hiring criteria for directors as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health.

Restructuring the Additional Duty Hours Allowance: Job Descriptions for Clinical, Nursing & Midwifery and Pharmacy Staff

This document details the specific hiring criteria for clinical, nursing & midwifery and pharmacy staff as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health.

Job Descriptions for Blood Donor Organizers

This document details the specific hiring criteria for blood donor organizers as established by the Health Services division of the Ghana Ministry of Health.

Regulated Nurses: Trends, 2003 to 2007

This report presents five-year workforce trends across Canada, across regulated nursing professions and across a variety of demographic, education, mobility and employment characteristics, in order to inform health human resource planning. [from executive summary]

Workforce Trends of Pharmacists for Selected Provinces and Territories in Canada

The Pharmacist Database is a primary source of data on the size of the pharmacist workforce in Canada and contains information that is key to effective human resource planning in the health care sector. This report contains information on the supply, demographics, geographic distribution, education and employment of pharmacists in Canada. [adapted from introduction]

Assessment of the Training of the First Intake of Health Extension Workers

Ethiopia’s poor health status is due primarily to communicable diseases, poor nutrition, and lack of access to health services in general and for most of the rural, nomadic pastoralist and fringe areas in particular. In response, the government has launched a Health Extension Program for which training of Health Extension Workers has been started. This study assesses the first year’s training program in terms of its inputs, processes and output. [from abstract]

Human Resource Development for Health in Ethiopia: Challenges of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Review of different documents on human resource for health in Ethiopia was undertaken. Generally there is shortage in number of different groups of professionals, maldistribution of professionals between regions, urban and rural setting, and governmental and non governmental/private organizations. A number of measures are being taken to alleviate these problems. The implications of these for human resource development by 2015 are explored briefly. [adapted from abstract]

Accuracy of the Jamaican National Physician Register: a Study of the Status of Physicians Registered and Their Countries of Training

Clinical research activities have suggested that the current records of physicians registered to practice in Jamaica may not be accurate. Our objective was to determine whether the Medical Council of Jamaica (MCJ) accurately records and reports the identities, number and specialty designation of physicians in Jamaica. An additional aim was to determine the countries in which these physicians were trained. [from abstract]

Service Delivery-Based Training for Long-Acting Family Planning Methods: Pathfinder International in Ethiopia

Long-Acting Family Planning (LAFP) methods, provide uninterrupted protection to women for 3 to 12 years. But they must be inserted by trained providers in a safe clinical environment. With limited facilities and few providers, widespread implementation of LAFP in Ethiopia requires training of significant numbers of rural providers and developing properly equipped facilities for implant and IUCD insertions. This document describes a training program for family planning. [from author]

Healthcare Delivery Outside the Public Sector

Non-state providers (NSP) of healthcare, whether philanthropic or commercial, exist outside the public sector. Research by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found evidence that NSPs provide the majority of primary contacts with the health system in all six countries, except possibly South Africa. [from author]

HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma, Fear, and Discriminitatory Practices among Healthcare Providers in Rwanda

The purposes of this study were to quantify stigma among Rwandan healthcare providers toward patients with HIV/AIDS; to assess healthcare provider fears and perceived risks for HIV while providing services to patients with HIV/AIDS; to quantify practices in hospitals and health centers and among health providers that discriminate against HIV-positive patients; and to evaluate the relationship between provider stigma, provider fears, and perceived risks with discrimination against HIV-positive patients in health facilities and among healthcare providers. [from summary]

Stigmatization and Discrimination of HIV-Positve People by Providers of General Medical Services in Ukraine

HPI conducted a survey in Ukraine to test indicators and questions regarding HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination at the facility/provider level. This research examined HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination by providers of general medical services in three regions in Ukraine. [from summary]

Analytical Report on Female Community Health Volunteers of Selected Districts of Nepal

Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) act as a bridge between the government and the community and serve as a frontline for local health resources. The objectives of this study of FCHV in Twenty Districts of Nepal was to see the existing condition of the FCHVs working in the communities of Nepal. The survey collected information on basic health services provided by FCHVs to the community in terms of the provision of specific commodities and the provision of information, communication, counseling, and other support to the rural community. [adapted from summary]

Ten Best Public and Private Sector Practices in Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Europe and Eurasia Region

This brief synthesizes best practices in achieving reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) goals for the Europe and Eurasia region, and highlights the role of the private sector in meeting these goals. [from author]

Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health

This paper aims to increase the visibility of the issues facing the EU health workforce, to generate a clearer picture of the extent to which local and/or national health managers face the same challenges and to provide a better basis for considering what could be done at EU level to address these problems effectively, and in a manner which does not have a negative impact on health systems outside the EU. [from author]