
What’s the World Health Organization For? Final Report from the Centre on Global Health Security Working Group on Health Governance

The Chatham House Working Group on Health Governance was formed to consider, in the first instance, the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the international system that supports global health. This was done in the knowledge that the WHO had recently embarked on a programme of reform, which had its roots in the acute funding pressures that it was experiencing. It was therefore
envisaged as a complementary exercise to the internal reform process. [from preface]

The Engagement of East and Southern African Countries on the WHO Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and its Implementation

This synthesis report is part of the Regional Network for Equity in Health (EQUINET) programme of work on
Contributions of global health diplomacy to health systems in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence and information to support capabilities for health diplomacy in east and southern Africa. The programme aims to identify factors that support the effectiveness of global health diplomacy (GHD) in addressing selected key challenges to health strengthening systems in eastern and southern Africa (ESA). [from summary]

Private Sector, For-Profit Health Providers in Low and Middle Income Countries: Can They Reach the Poor at Scale?

The bottom of the pyramid concept suggests that profit can be made in providing goods and services to poor people, when high volume is combined with low margins. To-date there has been very limited empirical evidence from the health sector concerning the scope and potential for such bottom of the pyramid models. This paper analyzes private for-profit (PFP) providers currently offering services to the poor on a large scale, and assesses the future prospects of bottom of the pyramid models in health. [from abstract]

Health Diplomacy: A New Approach to the Muslim World?

Here we suggest several different mechanisms through which such links could be developed or enhanced, including: provision of relevant health solutions, applied research, cultural alignment and the development of collaborative networks. The Islamic tradition promotes the practice of medicine as a service to humanity. Physical and spiritual wellbeing are intimately related in popular Muslim consciousness. Thoughtful Health Diplomacy therefore has the potential to bridge the perceived divides between Western and predominantly Muslim nations. [from abstract]

Roundtable discussion: What is the Future Role of the Private Sector in Health?

This roundtable discussion offers diverse perspectives from a range of stakeholders - a health funder, a representative from an implementing organization, a national-level policy-maker, and an expert working in a large multi-national company - on what the future may hold for the private sector in health. [from introduction]

Fulfilling the Health Agenda for Women and Children: The 2014 Report

This report includes an updated, detailed profile for each of the 75 Countdown countries, which together account for more than 95% of the global burden of maternal, newborn and child death. The report shows that progress has been impressive in some areas, but it also highlights the vast areas of unfinished business that must be prioritized in the post-2015 framework. [adapted from introduction]

Monitoring Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage at Country and Global Levels: Framework, Measures and Targets

This paper proposes a framework for tracking country and global progress towards UHC [Universal Health Coverage]; its aim is to inform and guide these discussions and assessment of both aggregate and equitable coverage of essential health services as well as financial protection. Monitoring progress towards these two components of UHC will be complementary and critical to achieving desirable health outcome goals, such as ending preventable deaths and promoting healthy life expectancy and also reducing poverty and protecting household incomes. [from abstract]

Rewarding Provider Performance to Enable a Healthy Start to Life: Evidence from Argentina's Plan Nacer

Argentina’s Plan Nacer provides insurance for maternal and child health care to uninsured families. This paper analyzes the impact of Plan Nacer on birth outcomes. The analysis uses data from the universe of birth records in seven Argentine provinces for 2004 to 2008 and exploits the geographic phasing in of Plan Nacer over time. [adapted from abstract]

What a Difference a State Makes: Health Reform in Andhra Pradesh

This paper describes and analyzes Andhra Pradesh’s Aarogyasri scheme [in India], which covers against the costs of around 900 high-cost procedures delivered in secondary and tertiary hospitals. Using a new household survey, the authors find that 80 percent of families are eligible, equal to about 68 million people, and 85 percent of these families know they are covered; only one-quarter, however, know that the benefit package is limited. [adapted from abstract]

Encouraging Health Insurance for the Informal Sector : A Cluster Randomized Trial

This paper reports the results of a cluster randomized control trial in which 3,000 households in 20 communes in Vietnam were randomly assigned at baseline to a control group or one of three treatments: an information leaflet about Vietnam’s government-run scheme and the benefits of health insurance; a voucher entitling eligible household members to 25 percent off their annual premium; and both. [from abstract]

Annual Performance Plan: 2014/15-2016/17

This strategic plan therefore, contributes to South Africa’s efforts to reduce child and maternal mortality and to control communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as, in its efforts to encourage South Africans to embrace healthy lifestyle. [from introduction]

Supply-Side Barriers to Maternit y-Care Provision in India: A Facility-Based Analysis

Our study highlights the importance of supply-side barriers to health services utilization. To meet the Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal mortality, policymakers should make additional investment in improving the availability of infrastructure. [from abstract]

Challenges to Implementing a National Health Information System in Cameroon: Perspectives of Stakeholders

The purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the NHIS by documenting experiences of individual stakeholders, and to suggest recommendations for improvement. We reviewed relevant documents and conducted face-to-face interviews (N=4) with individuals directly involved with data gathering, reporting and storage. [from abstract]

Human Resources in Health Research Institutions in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Results of a Questionnaire-Based Survey

To describe human capacity and staff movement in national health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries. [from abstract]

Brazilian association of nursing: 85 years of Social Responsibility, Participation and Struggles

To analyze the documents published by the Brazilian Association of Nursing that study the entity and 85 years of social responsibility, participation and struggles. [adapted from abstract]

Health in the Post-2015 Development Framework

In order to ensure continued strong political and financial support for the global AIDS response in the post-2015 era, it is crucial to advocate for the inclusion of strong targets and indicators related to AIDS, sexual and reproductive health and rights and human rights under the new post-2015 health goal and other relevant goals. This paper is a helpful tool to influence your governments as they start developing their positions on the new post-2015 Framework. [from introduction]

HIV in Fragile States

Case studies on the HIV response in South Sudan, Haiti and Cote d’Ivoire. [from introduction]

Advocacy Toolkit for Key Populations: The EMPAD Policy Framework for National Advocacy by and with Key Populations

This tool is intended to support national-level advocacy as an element of HIV programmes designed with and for key populations. It highlights how to design new advocacy and campaign programmes, creating advocacy-related funding proposals and communicating with key populations. [adapted from introduction]

Regulatory Board Governance Toolkit and Powerpoint

This new toolkit provides information, and promotes discussion and self-assessment for regulatory structures in all stages of development. It identifies and describes effective models of regulation and regulatory board governance, and also explores the core functions of a regulatory authority. The purpose of the accompanying PowerPoint presentation is to support exploration of content with local groups and Boards. [from introduction]

A National Framework for Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services: Guide for Practitioners and Providers

This document is a guide for mental health practitioners and services to Australia’s national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services. It provides definitions for the concepts of recovery and lived experience. It describes the practice domains and key capabilities necessary for the mental health workforce to function in accordance with recovery-oriented principles.

A National Framework for Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services: Policy and Theory

This background paper is a summary of the research and policy that underpins Australia’s national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services.It provides an overview and definition of the concepts of recovery and lived experience. It outlines the policy context for a move to recovery-oriented approaches and cites relevant research. It briefly describes the practice domains and key capabilities necessary for recovery-oriented practice and service delivery. [from introduction]

The WHO Global Code of Practice: A Useful Guide for Recruiting Health Care Professionals? Lessons from Germany and Beyond

As an alternative to categorical bans on recruitment from entire countries, we propose alternative frameworks for approaching recruitment regulation. We offer examples of these global lessons from the German context.

Pakistan’s Urbanization Challenges: Health

This paper provides a snapshot of health and population trends in Pakistan, with a view toward demonstrating the changing paradigm of the urban-rural dynamic. A new health systems governance assessment approach toward urbanization and health issues is subsequently discussed, and the paper outlines a new framework of principles and their pertinence. [from abstract]

Advocating for Malaria Elimination - Learning from the Successes of Other Infectious Disease Elimination Programmes

The global malaria community needs to work together, to ensure that the early steps towards the end goal of malaria elimination are taken.

The Role of Law and Governance Reform in the Global Response to Non-Communicable Diseases

This paper reviews the role of law and governance reform in that process. We highlight the need for a comprehensive approach that is grounded in the right to health and addresses three aspects: preventing NCDs and their risk factors, improving access to NCD treatments, and addressing the social impacts of illness. [from abstract]

BRICS’ Contributions to the Global Health Agenda

The positions that the BRICS — Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa — five countries will take in future global health issues remain unclear. How closely will they align their health and foreign policies? What alliances will they seek? Will they set agendas that are different from present global health priorities?
They may well want to approach global health challenges in new ways. [adapted from author]

BRICS’ Role in Global Health and the Promotion of Universal Health Coverage: the Debate Continues

We examine the debate around this issue and focus on the potential role of BRICS in the promotion of universal health coverage – an “umbrella” goal for health in the post-2015 development framework.

National Rural Health Mission in India: An Analytical Study

In this paper emphasis has been laid down to understand the rural healthcare system and the impact of NRHM in developing a positive and well-nourished country has been discussed. Various charts and tables were duly analyzed before arriving at a result. [from abstract]

On the Buses: a Mixed-Method Evaluation of the Impact of Free Bus Travel for Young People on the Public Health

To evaluate the impact of free bus travel for young people in London on the public health. Specifically, to provide empirical evidence for the impact of this ‘natural experiment’ on health outcomes and behaviours (e.g. injuries, active travel) for young people; explore the effects on the determinants of health; identify the effects on older citizens of increased access to bus travel for young people and to identify whether or not the intervention represented value for money. [from abstract]

The Right to Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Health Care

This paper contributes to the development of the concept and practice of the right to health in all its forms, exploring the right to traditional, complementary, and alternative health (R2TCAH) across different contexts. [from abstract]