Universal Health Coverage Assessment: People’s Republic of Bangladesh
This document provides a preliminary assessment of the Bangladeshi health system relative to the goal of universal
health coverage, with a particular focus on the financing system and related aspects of provision. [from introduction]
- 1097 reads
Información Para la Calidad del Sistema de Salud en Colombia: Una Propuesta de Revisión Basada en el Modelo Israelí
El objetivo del estudio es contribuir a mejorar la salud en Colombia mediante el desarrollo de un sistema nacional de indicadores de desempeño del sector salud. Para ello se utilizó un análisis descriptivo de datos secundarios de Colombia e Israel que, como Colombia, tiene un modelo de competencia regulada. [from abstract]
- 539 reads
Against the Odds: Mozambique's Gains in Primary Health Care
Despite numerous persistent challenges – including low quality of care, continuing inequalities and the substantial impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic – Mozambique provides important lessons to other countries aiming to scale up health provision rapidly in a post-conflict setting. These particularly include the importance of focusing on distance and education as barriers to access, using innovative and low-cost human-resource policies to scale up health personnel quickly, and of moving towards more coordinated systems of aid disbursement. [from abstract]
- 556 reads
Progress Toward Universal Health Coverage in ASEAN
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is characterized by much diversity in terms of geography, society, economic development, and health outcomes. The health systems as well as healthcare structure and provisions vary considerably. Consequently, the progress toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in these countries also varies. This paper aims to describe the progress toward UHC in the ASEAN countries and discuss how regional integration could influence UHC. [from abstract]
- 564 reads
The Drivers of Universal Health Care in South Africa: The Role of Ideas, Institutions and Actors
This paper outlines the opportunities and challenges posed by the proposed NHI [National Health Insurance] reforms in South Africa. It begins by explaining the country’s current system of health care provision including its human resource structure, functions and cost implications. It then summarizes the deficits and limitations of the current two-tiered health system and discusses what NHI is trying to achieve within this context and how it hopes to address the problems. [from summary]
- 680 reads
Policy Brief: Strengthening Vital Statistics Systems
The Policy Brief has looked into different systems that produce data on causes of death and laid out some options and potential strategies that countries might follow to rapidly and cost-effectively improve the cause of death information that these systems produce. This in turn would greatly benefit national health planning and increase critical knowledge about disease burden in the region as well as provide accurate information about how it is changing. [from introduction]
- 545 reads
Initiatives Supporting Evidence Informed Health System Policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda: A Comparative Historical Case Study
There is a scarcity of empirical data on institutions devoted to knowledge brokerage and their influence in Africa. Our objective was to describe two pioneering Knowledge Translation Platforms (KTPs) supporting evidence informed health policymaking (EIHSP) in Cameroon and Uganda.
- 598 reads
Enrolment of Older People in Social Health Protection Programs in West Africa – Does Social Exclusion Play a Part?
We explore whether social exclusion determines enrolment of older people in Senegal’s Plan Sesame and Ghana’s NHIS. Social exclusion affects older people’s uptake of social health protection (SHP) programs in both Senegal and Ghana. Reducing financial barriers is not enough to achieve universal coverage.Efforts to cover older people at risk of social exclusion should be increased. Sociocultural, political and economic dimensions should be considered while designing SHP schemes. [from abstract]
- 551 reads
Back to Basics: Designing an Appropriate Health Financing System
In striving for Universal Health Coverage, Jo Kemp advocates for a well-rounded assessment of health financing options. [from resource]
- 416 reads
Teamwork in Healthcare: Promoting Effective Teamwork in Healthcare in Canada. Policy Synthesis and Recommendations
To prepare this report, an interprofessional research team conducted in-depth interviews with key informants and
undertook a wide-ranging survey of peer-reviewed and grey literature on the components of teamwork; effectiveness of teams; types of interventions; healthcare team dynamics; and the impact of government infrastructure, legislation,
and policy on teamwork in the Canadian healthcare system. [from summary]
- 2076 reads
Checkpoints for Choice: An Orientation and Resource Package
Checkpoints for Choice: An Orientation and Resource Package offers practical guidance on how to enable stakeholders involved in FP programs to examine issues of full, free, and informed choice and to keep the needs and preferences of clients central to their operations. The package consists of a detailed plan with all support materials for a one-day workshop to enable FP program planners and managers to strengthen the focus of FP programs on clients’ human rights and contraceptive choices in the context of a rights-based program. [from resource]
- 571 reads
Population and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Agenda
The Outcome Report of the Global Consultation on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 Development Agenda not only explains the linkages between today’s most pressing development challenges, population dynamics and sexual and reproductive health and rights, but also provides concrete recommendations on how to address these linkages in the post-2015 development agenda. To date, this report makes the clearest and strongest case for why population matters for the post-2015 development agenda and for why the ICPD Programme of Action must be firmly integrated into this new agenda. [from abstract]
- 440 reads
Connecting Health Information Systems for Better Health: Leveraging Interoperability Standards to Link Patient, Provider, Payor, and Policymaker Data
This e-book is a reference guide for countries wanting to link their universal health coverage and eHealth information systems using a standards-based approach. It provides a set of actionable steps and links to resources to develop a national eHealth standards framework. [adapted from resource]
- 530 reads
District Health Barometer 2013/14
The 2013/14 District Health Barometer (DHB) provides an overview of the delivery of primary health care (PHC) in the
public health sector across the provinces and districts in South Africa. The DHB is widely known for providing data to inform the development of District Health Plans and the National Department of Health’s Annual Performance Plan; as such, the publication has been used extensively for strategic planning and district monitoring.
- 629 reads
National Health Insurance and South Africa’s Private Sector
As limited information has emanated from government as to the role of the private health sector in the National Health Insurance (NHI), this chapter directs the enquiry towards the private health sector in order to establish what it perceives as its role in a post-reform healthcare industry. [from abstract]
- 603 reads
Systems thinking for health systems strengthening
Systems thinking provides a deliberate and comprehensive suite of tools and approaches to map, measure and understand
these dynamics. In this Report, we propose “Ten Steps to Systems Thinking” for real-world guidance in applying such
an approach in the health system. [from summary]
- 584 reads
Universal Health Coverage in Emerging Economies: Findings on Health Care Utilization by Older Adults in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and South Africa
The achievement of universal health coverage (UHC) in emerging economies is a high priority within the global community. This timely study uses standardized national population data collected from adults aged 50 and older in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and South Africa. The objective is to describe health care utilization and measure association between inpatient and outpatient service use and patient characteristics in these six low- and middle-income countries. [from abstract]
- 413 reads
Picking Up the Bill - Improving Health-Care Utilisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo Through User Fee Subsidisation: A Before and After Study
Our research brings mixed findings on the effectiveness of user fee subsidisation as a strategy to increase the utilisation of services. Future work should focus on feasibility issues associated with the removal or reduction of user fees and how to sustain its effects on utilisation in the longer term. [from abstract]
- 424 reads
Investing in Health Systems for Universal Health Coverage in Africa
This study focused on the 47 Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region. The specific objectives were to prepare a synthesis on the situation of health systems’ components, to analyse the correlation between the interventions related to the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and some health systems’ components and to provide overview of four major thrusts for progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). [from abstract]
- 393 reads
Strengthening the Pharmaceutical Sector in Afghanistan: A Study Tour of the Afghan National Medicines Services Organization to Turkey
Staff from the Afghan government’s General Director of Pharmaceutical Affairs undertook a five-day study tour to engage with peers in Turkey. They they learned how to design and create relevant strategies, services and partnerships, with a focus on the private sector. Many ways forward emerged that can realistically support a financially sustainable national supply of key pharmaceuticals—many manufactured in Afghanistan. [adapted from resource]
- 566 reads
How Much Will Health Coverage Cost? Future Health Spending Scenarios in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico
As Latin American countries seek to expand the coverage and benefits provided by their health systems under a global drive for universal health coverage (UHC), decisions taken today – whether by government or individuals – will have an impact tomorrow on public spending requirements. To understand the implications of these decisions and define needed policy reforms, this paper calculates long-term projections for public spending on health in three countries, analyzing different scenarios related to population, risk factors, labor market participation, and technological growth.
- 504 reads
Effective Coverage: A Metric for Monitoring Universal Health Coverage
A major challenge in monitoring universal health coverage (UHC) is identifying an indicator that can adequately capture the multiple components underlying the UHC initiative. Effective coverage, which unites individual and intervention characteristics into a single metric, offers a direct and flexible means to measure health system performance at different levels. We view effective coverage as a relevant and actionable metric for tracking progress towards achieving UHC.
- 596 reads
Global Governance for Health
The authors address the issue of governance in health from a critical standpoint, taking globalization as the core focus. They discuss the issue of governance in health based on the trend of stimulating world production/consumption in accordance with the interests of developed countries. [from abstract]
- 402 reads
The Production, Distribution, and Performance of Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives in Indonesia: An Update
Indonesia launched the national health insurance program - Jaminan Kesehatan National (JKN) - on January 1, 2014, and aims to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2019. Achieving UHC means not only increasing the number of people covered but also expanding the benefits package and ensuring financial protection. Although the JKN benefits package is comprehensive, a key challenge related to the capacity to deliver the promised services is ensuring the availability, distribution, and quality of human resources for health (HRH). [from abstract]
- 582 reads
Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Lessons from Japan
This report brings together 10 in-depth studies on different aspects of Japan’s UHC [Universal Healthcare Coverage] experience, using a common framework for analysis focused on the political economy of UHC reform, and the policies and strategies for addressing challenges in health financing and human resources for health. Japan’s commitment to UHC played a key role in the country’s economic recovery after World War second, and helped ensure that the benefits of economic growth were shared equitably across the population. [from abstract]
- 527 reads
Community Participation in Formulating the Post-2015 Health and Development Goal Agenda: Reflections of a Multi-Country Research Collaboration
While the Millennium Development Goals focused on redressing extreme poverty and its antecedents for people living in developing countries, the post-2015 agenda seeks to redress inequity worldwide, regardless of a country’s development status. Furthermore, to rectify the UN’s top-down approach toward the Millennium Development Goals’ formulation, widespread negotiations are underway that seek to include the voices of people and communities from around the globe to ground each post-2015 development goal.
- 575 reads
Making the Post-MDG Global Health Goals Relevant for Highly Inequitable Societies: Findings From A Consultation with Marginalized Populations in Guatemala
Achieving health goals in a context of deep-rooted inequality and marginalization requires going beyond the simple expansion of health services and working with developing trusting relationships between health service providers and community members. Involving community members in decision-making processes that shape policies will contribute to a
larger process of community empowerment and democratization. [from abstract]
- 547 reads
Health Financing in the Republic of Gabon
This is a review of the health financing situation in the Republic of Gabon. The book reviews the situation in the country under the lens of the principles of health financing: revenue mobilization for health, risk pooling, and purchasing services. [from abstract]
- 606 reads
Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of 11 Country Case Studies
The goals of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) are to ensure that all people can access quality health services, to safeguard all people from public health risks, and to protect all people from impoverishment due to illness, whether from out-of-pocket payments for health care or loss of income when a household member falls sick. [from resource]
- 571 reads
Health Workforce Productivity: An Approach for Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
Given the global health worker crisis, now more than ever there is a critical need to improve the productivity of the existing health workforce and maximize service delivery efficiencies to ensure quality family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), HIV and AIDS, maternal and child health, and other health services as well as further progress towards universal health coverage. This course explores some basic concepts of health workforce productivity. [from resource]
- 673 reads