HRH Strategic Plans
25 Year Strategic Plan for Health Sector
This strategy was prepared in response to the national government initiative of developing a 25-year strategic plan for all sectors in Sudan. The purpose of this policy document is to give a framework for health systems and services development from 2003-2027. It provides a road map for identifying key priority areas and defining the context within which the health system will perform. The strategy will provide a guide for policy makers and service providers to achieve the future vision. [from introduction]
- 2643 reads
HRH Strategic Work Plan for Sudan 2008-2012 (Draft)
This strategic work plan for HRH in Sudan is introduced with the aim of guiding the efforts and further work in developing human resource plans at different levels of the health system in a comprehensive approach that considers all dimensions of HRH. The plan also defines the issues and priorities and suggests strategic actions to revive and improve HR policies, planning, production and management systems. [from executive summary]
- 2619 reads
Ethiopia’s Human Resources for Health Program
Ethiopia suffers from an acute shortage of health workers at every level, and rural areas in which 85% of the population live have been particularly chronically under-served. The Ministry of Health chose to focus on community level provision, initiating the Health Extension Programme in 2004. This is outlined in the current Health Sector Development Plan, which focuses on both human resource development and the construction and rehabilitation of facilities. [adapted from introduction]
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Mozambique: Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health (HRH) with DFID/OGAC and Other Partners
In response to the critical HRH shortages in Africa, DFID and Office of the US Global Aids Coordinator (OGAC) have been in discussion with a number of African countries to develop strategies and country level actions. The aim is to demonstrate the maximum flexibility of disease specific programmes to support broad based primary care in line with countries’ health plans.
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Malawi’s Emergency Human Resources Program: an Overview
This presentation on the emergency HR program in Malawi was offered during a dialogue hosted by the WHO and OECD.
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Malawi's Emergency Human Resources Program
Malawi’s health human resources initiatives since the late 1990s provide a good example of a comprehensive national scale-up plan for the health workforce. Its Emergency Human Resources Plan has shown modest but promising results. Health worker attrition remains high and tutor supply low, but training capacity has been substantially expanded and Malawi is expected to begin meeting training output targets in 2008. [from introduction]
- 4864 reads
Ghana: Implementing a National Human Resources for Health Plan
Ghana addresses its serious health workforce shortage and consequent issues with health service delivery through a new human resources strategic plan developed to guide scale-up from 2007 to 2011. [from abstract]
- 7369 reads
Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis: a Toolkit for Health Professional Advocates
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist health professionals, health professional associations, and civil society organizations to develop advocacy strategies to address human resource and health financing issues in their countries. [from introduction]
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Guiding Principles for National Health Workforce Strategies
These guidelines help answer what national health workforce plans should contain and how they should be developed to give them the best chance of significantly improving health outcomes and moving countries as rapidly as possible towards universal access to essential health interventions. The guidelines should serve as overarching principles that will promote the success of health workforce plans, while ensuring that they are consistent with human rights. [adapted from author]
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Philippine HRH Master Plan (2005-2030)
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It outlines the Philippine’s HRH Master Plan to develop and install HHRMD systems that will support Philippine health sector reforms to improve health outcomes. [adapted from author]
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Human Resource for Health (HRH) Strategic Planning
Strategic planning helps an organization make fundamental decisions about its human resources by taking a long-range view of what it hopes to achieve and, in broad terms, how. [author’s description]
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National Policy on Human Resources Development for Health (Afghanistan)
The goal of the human resources development policy is to ensure availability of suitably qualified appropriately skilled and motivated human resource for health at appropriate geographic level of pre-defined disciplines, for provision of essential health services of acceptable quality at affordable cost to the community. [author’s description]
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Taking the Next Step: Options and Support for a Pan-Canadian, Multi-Professional HHR Planning Mechanism
This study proposes potential options for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning mechanism or mechanisms to better serve the process of coordinated HHR planning across jurisdictions and among multiple professions. The second goal is to assess the current level of support among both government actors at the federal, provincial and territorial levels and stakeholder organizations for creating a pan-Canadian HHR planning. The study examines the current HHR planning infrastructure in the country, recent international developments in HHR planning and the attitudes of key informants in governmental and non-governmental communities.
- 10406 reads
Human Resources for Health Policy in Sierra Leone for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation
This HRH policy document addresses the production and utilization of Human Resources within the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. It also responds to the contemporary challenges and developments including the exodus of human resources and advancement in technology. This policy intends to regulate and direct planning, production, management, utilization and monitoring of HR within the health sector. [from foreword]
- 10755 reads
Sierra Leone Human Resource for Health Development Plan 2006-2010
The shortfall of health personnel continues to represent one of the major constraints to the development of health services and access to basic health care in Sierra Leone. The plan contains an analysis of the current situation with a focus on the distribution of Health Personnel, the current stock, wastage, outputs from training schools, dropout rates and human resources policies currently obtained in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. It also projects future requirements based on the recommended establishment. [from preface]
- 4098 reads
National Workforce Plan 2006
The purpose of this document is primarily to articulate and describe workforce supply. The aim of this is two-fold. First, it will help NHS Boards and other employers to understand where their future workforce is likely to come from and second, it provides a vehicle for setting medical, dental and nursing training numbers and helps inform education providers about future workforce needs and likely supply pathways. This is turn will impact the workforce itself, thus workforce planning and development is a continual cyclical process. [from introduction]
- 1572 reads
Policies and Plans for Human Resources for Health: Guidelines for Countries in the WHO African Region
Experience has shown that governments have different kinds of HRH policies, strategies and plans even when they are within the overall context of national health policies and strategies. This document provides guidance on the process with proposals of content for three basic HRH documents: situation analysis, policy, and strategic plan. [from foreword]
- 2013 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2006 - 2010
The purpose of this human resource for health (HRH) plan is to provide guidance for the staffing of the health services and the training of health service personnel to the year 2020. It analyzes main issues and dimensions in HRH and proposes strategies to meet the targets for the wellbeing of the population as defined in the vision 2020 for Rwanda The plan provides staffing targets for each of the major categories of health personnel.
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UK Wide Workforce Planning Competence Framework
This framework encompasses the healthcare workforce planning skills and competences required at both strategic and operational level, for all types of staff, including chief executives, directors, clinicians, service development managers, ward managers, workforce planners, and contributes to the building of capability in human resource management identified in the HR in the NHS Plan. [publisher’s description]
- 2373 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan (Draft): 2006 - 2010
In order to resolve the crisis and address the key issues the Ministry of Health has developed a Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan, in consultation with key stakeholders. The strategies and activities outlined in the Plan attempt to address the concerns of all the stakeholders consulted and to provide a framework to guide and direct interventions, investments and decision making in the planning, management and development of human resources for health. [from foreword]
- 4387 reads
Health Human Resources Planning and the Production of Health: Development of an Extended Analytical Framework for Needs-Based Health Human Resources Planning
In this paper an analytical framework is developed based on the production of health care services and the multiple determinants of health human resource requirements. Attention is focused on estimating the flow of services required to meet the needs of the population that is then translated into the required stock of providers to deliver this flow of services. [from abstract]
- 2096 reads
Capacity Building in an AIDS-Affected Health Care Institution: Mulanje Mission Hospital, Malawi
This Praxis Note provides an overview of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Malawi health care system and on the organisational capacity of Mulanje Mission Hospital. It describes the experiences and lessons learnt from a capacity building program designed to address capacity deficits and erosion caused by HIV/AIDS attrition. Less emphasis was placed on external training courses and increasing attention given to short-course inputs and distance learning. [from introduction]
- 3456 reads
Critical Challenges for Human Resources for Health: a Regional View
This text presents the context and background, the methodology and some of the main results of the regional consultation on the critical challenges for human resources in health in the Americas. This consultation hopefully documents how the countries in the Americas are facing the main challenges to the development of the health workforce. The main results and suggestions by the actors consulted with regard to the role of international cooperation in the countries of the Region are presented, so that the countries and international agencies can better formulate common strategies of development and strengthening of the work force in health.
- 2433 reads
Treat, Train Retain: the AIDS and Health Workforce Plan
This report on the Consultation on AIDS and Human Resources for Health, WHO, Geneva, 11-12 May, 2006 outlines the Treat, Train Retain plan to address AIDS and HRH. The plan comprises three sets of elements: a package of HIV treatment, prevention, care and support services for health workers in countries affected by HIV (Treat); measures to empower health workers to deliver universal access to HIV/AIDS services (Train); and strategies to retain health workers in the public health system, including financial and other incentives and strategies to improve pay and working conditions and manage the migration of health care workers (Retain).
- 2779 reads
Building the Future: an Integrated Strategy for Nursing Human Resources in Canada: Phase II Final Report
This report marks the culmination of the Nursing Sector Study. The five year study consisted of two phases, and examined the nursing workforce for all three regulated nursing professions in Canada. Phase I, which concluded in December 2004, examined the state of nursing human resources in Canada. The objective of Phase II was to develop a pan-Canadian nursing human resource (HR) strategy in consultation with government and non-government stakeholders that built on the findings and recommendations presented at the completion of Phase I. [from executive summary]
- 6462 reads
Addressing the Human Resource Crisis: a Case Study of the Namibian Health Service
This paper addresses an important practical challenge to staff management. We use a case study based on semi-structured interview data to explore the steps that Namibia, a country facing severe health problems that include an alarmingly high AIDS infection rate, has taken to manage its health workers. [from abstract]
- 4018 reads
Collection and Analysis of Human Resources for Health (HRH) Strategic Plans
This resource paper uses a simple framework to provide an analytical review of human resources for health (HRH) strategic plans that have been generated over the last few years by countries in sub-Saharan Africa that are faced with an HRH crisis. The author collected and analyzed HRH strategic plans for the following countries: Eritrea, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. The paper explores some of the key dynamics and steps in the evolution of these plans, including the plan development process and content, implementation bottlenecks and the frequency with which the plans are reviewed or evaluated.
- 4548 reads
Implications of Health Sector Reform for Human Resources Development
The authors argue that health for all is not achievable in most countries without health sector reform that incorporates a process of coordinated health and human resources development. They examine the situation in countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization.
- 6113 reads
Health Sector in Sudan: a Strategic Framework for Recovery
The document aims to analyse the health system in Sudan, to identify the new challenges brought about by the new context, and on this basis to present a post-conflict strategic framework for the health sector. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the health sector. Available data on infrastructures and human resources indicate wide inequality across states in resource availability.
- 6647 reads
Grow Your Own: Creating the Conditions for Sustainable Workforce Development
Since 2000, [National Health Service] NHS workforce policy has focused on increasing the size of the health care workforce. However, as financial investment in the NHS slows down, expanding capacity by simply increasing workforce numbers is no longer viable. Instead, alternative approaches are needed to develop a sustainable workforce that is flexible enough in its work practices to manage the complex changes facing the NHS. ‘Grow-your-own’ workforce approaches have the potential to address some of these challenges.
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