HRH Strategic Plans
District Health Barometer 2013/14
The 2013/14 District Health Barometer (DHB) provides an overview of the delivery of primary health care (PHC) in the
public health sector across the provinces and districts in South Africa. The DHB is widely known for providing data to inform the development of District Health Plans and the National Department of Health’s Annual Performance Plan; as such, the publication has been used extensively for strategic planning and district monitoring.
- 630 reads
Investing in Health Systems for Universal Health Coverage in Africa
This study focused on the 47 Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region. The specific objectives were to prepare a synthesis on the situation of health systems’ components, to analyse the correlation between the interventions related to the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and some health systems’ components and to provide overview of four major thrusts for progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). [from abstract]
- 394 reads
The Production, Distribution, and Performance of Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives in Indonesia: An Update
Indonesia launched the national health insurance program - Jaminan Kesehatan National (JKN) - on January 1, 2014, and aims to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2019. Achieving UHC means not only increasing the number of people covered but also expanding the benefits package and ensuring financial protection. Although the JKN benefits package is comprehensive, a key challenge related to the capacity to deliver the promised services is ensuring the availability, distribution, and quality of human resources for health (HRH). [from abstract]
- 583 reads
Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure Accountability
It is in the context of Ghana’s persistently high number of maternal deaths that the Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) is simulating two policy scenarios: (1) Training and deploying Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs) at health centers in the five worst affected regions of Ghana by the year 2015 and (2) Training and deploying SBAs at district hospitals in the five worst affected regions of Ghana by the same year to find out if one or both will help Ghana achieve, or be close to achieving, the MDG 5 target of a maternal mortality rate of 185 per 100,000 live births by 2015.
- 525 reads
Sustainable Healthcare System in Nigeria: Vision, Strategies and Challenges
Unfortunately, with its current estimated population of 150 million and estimated total of 23,640 health facilities operated via a three – tiered governance structure, Nigeria is still ranked by World Health Organization at 187th position in its health system among 191 member states. This article reviewed related relevant literature which revealed that, for more than two decades ago, African countries including Nigeria have been plunged into economic crisis which seriously affected a large portion of their populations and raised social and political tensions.
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National Research for Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Moving Towards the Right Direction?
National Research for Health Systems (NRfHS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have shown growth and consolidation in the last few years. A structured, organized system will facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for research for health to grow and contribute towards people’s health and equity. [from abstract]
- 572 reads
Assessing the Quality of Primary Healthcare Services in Kenya: Evidence from the PETS-PLUS Survey 2012
Health investments in Kenya have increased in the past two decades, resulting in the expansion of service delivery and improvements in the quality of health services. Although devolution in Kenya provides better opportunities for increasing access to high-quality healthcare services, if the transition is not well managed it may erode the gains made over the last decade, especially in maternal and child health. [from introduction]
- 492 reads
Health Systems Governance in Tanzania: Impact on Service Delivery in the Public Sector
The aim of this research was to contribute to a better understanding of health system governance and apply this knowledge to the Tanzanian health system. The insights gained should aid policy makers and other stakeholders to design
interventions that are appropriate for the local context to ensure a stronger health system which is able to attain its goals of improving the level and distribution of health, while responding to the population’s needs and protecting them from large, often catastrophic financial expenditures. [from introduction]
- 789 reads
Human Resource Development for Health in Indonesia: Challenges of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
The development of Human Resources for Health (HRH) is one of the keys to achieving The Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Providing and ensuring the best health care service in every region of Indonesia has long been a major concern. Several challenges faced by HRH development are a shortage of professionals, uneven distribution of professionals between regions, a variety of settings (urban and rural), and management of the health workforce under a
decentralization system. This paper aims to assess the HRH progress made toward achieving the health-related MDGs.
- 729 reads
In the Shadowlands of Global Health: Observations from Health Workers in Kenya In The Shadowlands of Global Health: Observations From Health Workers in Kenya
During the past decade, donor funding for health interventions in Kenya and other African countries has risen sharply. Focused on high-profile diseases such as HIV/AIDS, these funds create islands of intervention in a sea of under-resourced public health services. This paper draws on ethnographic research conducted in HIV clinics and in a public hospital to examine how health workers experience and reflect upon the juxtaposition of ‘global’ medicine with ‘local’ medicine. We show that health workers face an uneven playing field.
- 464 reads
Systematic Review of Kenya’s Programmatic Progress towards Universal Coverage and Its Effect on Health Equity
The purpose of this paper was to critically review the various initiatives that the government of Kenya has over the years initiated
towards enhancement of universal coverage in terms of policy reforms including health care financing. [from abstract]
- 707 reads
The Study of the Rational Allocatio n of China’s Human Resources for Health
Through the supply and demand of China’s human resources for health status, age structure, educational level of existing health professionals and other aspects of statistical analysis to understand the current situation of China’s
health human resources, so as to put forward the healthy development of health human resource allocation optimization suggestions, and provide the basis for the formulation of relevant policies. [from abstract]
- 768 reads
Health Diplomacy: A New Approach to the Muslim World?
Here we suggest several different mechanisms through which such links could be developed or enhanced, including: provision of relevant health solutions, applied research, cultural alignment and the development of collaborative networks. The Islamic tradition promotes the practice of medicine as a service to humanity. Physical and spiritual wellbeing are intimately related in popular Muslim consciousness. Thoughtful Health Diplomacy therefore has the potential to bridge the perceived divides between Western and predominantly Muslim nations. [from abstract]
- 599 reads
Human Resources in Health Research Institutions in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Results of a Questionnaire-Based Survey
To describe human capacity and staff movement in national health research institutions in 42 sub-Saharan African countries. [from abstract]
- 700 reads
Pakistan’s Urbanization Challenges: Health
This paper provides a snapshot of health and population trends in Pakistan, with a view toward demonstrating the changing paradigm of the urban-rural dynamic. A new health systems governance assessment approach toward urbanization and health issues is subsequently discussed, and the paper outlines a new framework of principles and their pertinence. [from abstract]
- 806 reads
The Role of Law and Governance Reform in the Global Response to Non-Communicable Diseases
This paper reviews the role of law and governance reform in that process. We highlight the need for a comprehensive approach that is grounded in the right to health and addresses three aspects: preventing NCDs and their risk factors, improving access to NCD treatments, and addressing the social impacts of illness. [from abstract]
- 676 reads
Integration of Oral Health into Primary Health Care System: Views of Primary Health Care Workers in Lagos State, Nigeria
The limited access to oral health care in developing countries can be greatly improved by integrating oral health into the Primary Health Care (PHC) system. This study was designed to assess the views of PHC workers on integrating oral health care into the PHC system. [from abstract]
- 1811 reads
WHO Education Guidelines 2013: Transforming and Scaling Up Health Professionals’ Education and Training
With this publication, WHO issues its first guidelines for Transforming and Scaling up Health Professionals’ Education and Training. The guidelines are expected to give rise to regional and country based policy and technical dialogues with key stakeholders in education, health, finance and labour, on how best to finance health professional training and prepare health professionals for the 21st century.[from foreword]
- 700 reads
Universal Truth: No Health Without a Workforce Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health Report
This flagship report was commissioned by the Global Health Workforce Alliance Secretariat and the World Health Organization to consolidate the latest information available on human resources for health and provide recommendations to the global community on how to attain, sustain and accelerate progress on universal health coverage. [from summary]
- 627 reads
Global Health Workforce Alliance Strategy 2013-2016: Advancing the Health Workforce Agenda Within Universal Health Coverage
The Global Health Workforce Alliance’s strategy for 2013-2016 includes commitments to train, deploy and retain at least an additional 2.6 million health workers, develop evidence-based quality HRH plans, build a new long-term vision for HRH, increase accountability for HRH results and compel HRH stakeholders to take proactive roles in support of national HRH development strategies. [adapted from preface]
- 576 reads
Consultation on the Libyan Health Systems: Towards Patient-Centred Services
The extra demand imposed upon the Libyan health services during and after the Libyan revolution in 2011
led the ailing health systems to collapse. To start the planning process to re-engineer the health sector, a conference was held in Tripoli, Libya to facilitate a consultative process between 500 Libyan health experts in order to identify the problems within the Libyan health system and propose potential solutions. This article summarises the 500 health expert recommendations that seized the opportunity to map a modern health systems to take the Libyan health sector into the 21st century.
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Analysis of Human Resources for Health Strategies and Policies in 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Response to GFATM and PEPFAR-funded HIV-activities
A multi-country study was conducted from 2007 to 2011 in 5 countries (Angola, Burundi, Lesotho, Mozambique and South Africa), to assess the impact of GHIs on the health system, using a mixed methods design. This paper focuses on the impact of GFATM and PEPFAR on HRH policies. [from abstract]
- 525 reads
Road Map for Strengthening the Caribbean Health Workforce, 2012-2017
This road map proposes a five-year framework to guide policies for planning and managing the Caribbean workforce and education for enhancing the skills of that workforce. The thrust of the road map focuses on broadening primary health care access in the region and enhancing public health competencies, as well as strengthening the HRH planning and management capacity of the countries and the region. [from author]
- 1095 reads
Road Map for Scaling Up the Human Resources for Health for Improved Health Service Delivery in the African Region 2012-2015
The purpose of this document is to introduce the road map and highlight the key issues and challenges hindering the achievement of universal coverage of health care and relating to the human resources component of the health system. The document then sets forth a series of actions to be taken to overcome these challenges. [from author]
- 1036 reads
Analysis of Human Resources for Health Strategies and Policies in 5 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in Response to GFATM and PEPFAR-Funded HIV Activities
Since the need for additional human resources for health (HRH) was not initially considered by Global Health Initiatives, countries implemented short-term HRH strategies to allow antiretroviral scale-up. Such strategies differed from one country to another and slowly evolved to long-term HRH policies. This study examines the processes and content of the resulting HRH policy shifts in 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. [adapted from abstract]
- 769 reads
Addressing the Human Resources Crisis: A Case Study of Cambodia's Efforts to Reduce Maternal Mortality (1980-2012)
The objective of this article was to identify factors that have contributed to the systematic development of the Cambodian human resources for health system with a focus on midwifery services in response to high maternal mortality in fragile resource-constrained countries. [from abstract]
- 854 reads
National Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan for Sudan 2012-2016
This strategic plan for HRH in Sudan is introduced with the aim of guiding the efforts and further work in developing human resource plans at different levels of the health system in a comprehensive approach that considers all dimensions of HRH. The plan defines the priorities of HR issues; and accordingly recommends strategic goals and objectives to revive and improve HRH policies, planning, production, distribution and HR management systems to improve individual performance and training services. [from summary]
- 1336 reads
Building Bridges to Sustainable Human Resources for Health Development: Annual Report 2012
This aim of this report is to document the goals, contributions and achievements of the Directorate General of Human Resources for Health Development (DGHRD). The report is in three sections: an introduction to HRH with reference to its importance to the health system; annual plans, achievements and drawbacks of the institutes and sub-directorates in 2012; the DGHRD vision for 2013 and statement on the way forward. [adapted from author]
- 1870 reads
Training Module on Development of Health Workforce Strategic Plans
This guide is to help the facilitators and trainers in
organizing training in their countries to create health workforce strategic plans. The training is based on the World Health Organization’s Regional Guidelines for the Development of the
Health Workforce Strategic Plan in countries of the South-East Asia Region. [adapted from author]
- 1168 reads
Regional Strategic Plan for Strengthening Health Service Management in the South-East Asia Region
This strategic plan is intended to provide directions for countries to develop comprehensive interventions to strengthen the management of health systems and health sector managers in a coherent and systematic manner. [adapted from author]
- 945 reads