HRH Strategic Plans
Right-Sizing Egypt's Health Workforce
This brief outlines an initiative to address some of Egypt’s health workforce challenges through the development of a workforce planning model to assess workforce needs and build ministry capacities in its implementation. [adapted from publisher]
- 1299 reads
User's Manual for Developing a Workload-Based Staffing Model in Egypt
This manual is a how-to guide to the workload indicators of staffing need (WISN) process and its implementation in Egypt. It provides a
step-by-step review of the WISN method and the calculations used in the analysis of the workforce to determine staffing needs. This guide is largely based on the Egyptian experience with the WHO methodology and how it was tailored to meet Egypt’s specific context and needs. [from introduction]
- 1488 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2009 - 2018: Situation Analysis (Sri Lanka)
In this report, an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive
situation analysis of human resources in health in Sri Lanka together with a comprehensive assessment of the factors contributing to the present situation. [from introduction]
- 2272 reads
Exploring Ways for Countries to Address Their HRH Crisis
This report presents the outcomes and resources from a meeting of health workforce crisis countries including information on the crisis in the differenct countries; interventions, challenges and shortages; and progress on the development of strategic HRH plans for each of the crisis countries. [adapted from author]
- 993 reads
National Health Workforce Innovation and Reform Strategic Framework for Action 2011-2015
This framework has been designed to provide an overarching, national platform that will guide future health workforce policy and planning in Australia. It sets out key priority areas and five essential domains that create the foundation for an integrated, high performing workforce fit to meet Australia’s health care needs.[from foreword]
- 1784 reads
HR Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13-2016/17
This HRH Strategy provides a distillation of the ideas arising from a review of HRH in South Africa themes based on evidence, followed by recommended strategic priorities and interventions, and forecast modeling of the future requirement of the health professions. [adapted from summary]
- 3818 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2011-2016
The overall aim of the plan is to increase the number of appropriately skilled, motivated and equitably distributed health service providers for Rwanda. The main strategic objectives of the plan are: a coordinated approach to planning across the sector based on the best available data; increased number of trained and equitably distributed staff; improved productivity and performance of health workers; and strengthened human resource planning, management and development systems at all levels. [from summary]
- 2878 reads
Policies and Practices of Countries that Are Experiencing a Crisis in Human Resources for Health: Tracking Survey
In order to understand and monitor the progress in developing and implementing HRH policies in the 57 countries experiencing a critical deficit in the health workforce, this tracking survey provides an overview of the current situation in terms of HRH policies, plans, capacities and processes. [from author]
- 1478 reads
Implementing Health Workforce Plans Together
In this issue of the CapacityPlus Voices, Laurence Codjia of the Global Health Workforce Alliance shares her views on the role of stakeholder leadership groups in making progress on health workforce plans. [from publisher]
- 981 reads
Health Sector Development Programme III: Annual Performance Report (Ethiopia)
Numerous initiatives were undertaken during the third Health Sector Development Programme (HSDP III) to achieve universal access to primary health care, notably through the implementation of the health extension program and the accelerated expansion of health centers. This report highlights the major achievements and challenges of the health sector in 2002 under five major sections: leadership and governance, human resources development and management, essential medical products and technologies, service delivery and quality of care, and health financing.
- 3440 reads
Challenges in Physician Supply Planning: The Case of Belgium
This paper has two objectives: to identify the key challenges in HRH planning in Belgium and to formulate recommendations for an effective HRH planning, on the basis of the Belgian case study and lessons drawn from an international benchmarking. [from abstract]
- 1272 reads
Working Together for Our Future: Belize's Health Workforce Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014
This important document strives to address the issues and challenges facing the health workforce in Belize and further strengthens the foundation upon which Belize continues to build a vision of quality health care for all Belizeans.[from author]
- 2235 reads
Evaluation of Malawi's Emergency Human Resources Programme
This is an independent evaluation of the six-year Emergency Human Resource Programme, which was designed to address the health crisis in Malawi largely caused by an acute shortage of professional workers in the public health sector. Central to this commitment was the need to improve staffing levels and increase the production of health workers through a coherent package of financial incentives and investments in local health training institutions. [from summary]
- 2883 reads
Costing the Scaling-Up of Human Resources for Health: Lessons from Mozambique and Guinea Bissau
This paper reports on two separate experiences of human resources development plans costing in Mozambique and Guinea Bissau to provide insight into the practice of costing exercises in information-poor settings and contribute to the existing debate on HRH costing methodologies. [adapted from abstract]
- 2271 reads
Meeting Human Resources for Health Staffing Goals by 2018: a Quatitatvie Analysis of Policy Options in Zambia
The MOH has developed a human resources for health strategic plan to address the health workforce crisis through improved training, hiring, and retention. This study used a model to forecast the size of the public sector health workforce in Zambia over the next ten years to identify a combination of interventions that would expand the workforce to meet staffing targets. [adapted from abstract]
- 2204 reads
Calculating Human Resource Need
Who will you need, when will you need them, can you afford them? This toolkit, recently developed for use in Liberia, can substantially assist the process. [from author]
- 2627 reads
Evaluation of a Rapid Workforce Expansion Strategy: the Kenya Emergency Hiring Plan
This evaluation presents the results of a Kenyan emergency hiring plan (EHP) to quickly hire, train and deploy workers to high-need areas. The report presents the tracked hiring, training and deployment of all new hires compared to identified gaps. It also contains facility statistics and new hire and coworker feedback in a sample of ten facilities at baseline and every six months for period of three years. [adapted from summary]
- 3006 reads
Planning the Development of Human Resources for Health for Implementation of the Stop TB Strategy: a Handbook
This handbook provides background information on the current workforce situation in the health sector and summarizes the issues and challenges; introduces the HRH Action Framework and the Stop TB (tuberculosis) Strategy; applies the Framework to human resource development (HRD) for comprehensive TB control; describes how to prepare a strategic plan for HRD in support of comprehensive TB control; and gives a step-by-step guide on how to develop HRD plans based on the structures and processes described. [adapted from introduction]
- 2592 reads
Joint External Evaluation of the Health Sector in Tanzania: Draft Report
This evaluation focused on the relevance of the health sector strategic and implementation plans to the achievement of the the MDGs in health; the extent of progress and achievements in the health sector reform process; achievements in improving acces, service quality and health outcomes; and changes in partnership activities. Section 8 examines how effectively the health sector has dealt with important issues in HRH during the evaluation period. [adapted from author]
- 2693 reads
Health Sector Strategic Plan II (Uganda)
The Health Sector Strategic Plan II 2005/06 – 2009/10 represents a consolidation and extension of the achievements of HSSP I and focuses on health promotion and prevention, including the provision of basic curative services. The HSSP II emphasizes the role of communities/households and individuals ownership for health and health services and defines the planned investments for achieving an optimal balance for scaling up the priority interventions within the available resource envelope.[adapted from summary]
- 10786 reads
Guidelines on Planning Human Resources for Nursing
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist nurse leaders in strengthening the management of their professional workforce and, through this, to assist in strengthening health care delivery and strategies for improving health. [from author]
- 4086 reads
Health Sector Strategic Plan II 2009-2012 (Rwanda)
The Health Sector Strategic Plan II is a three year strategic plan that will guide all interventions in the Rwandan health sector for July 2009 - June 2012. The plan details the direction the health sector will take in the next three years, the achievements and outcomes that will be attained and the interventions that will be undertaken to make sure these targets are met.
- 12073 reads
Continuing Professional Development Accreditation System for Uganda
This publication outlines the processes to be followed by the Uganda Health Continuing Professional Development (CDP) Accreditation Agency, providers of CPD and health professionals applying for relicensure after CPD training.
- 2476 reads
Leading the Way: Tasmania’s Health Professionals Shaping Future Care
This guide details efforts to promote workforce sustainability by recognizing the need for a flexible healthcare workforce with skills to match patient and client needs while ensuring Tasmania keeps pace with international health workforce developments. [adapted from introduction]
- 1643 reads
Quantitative Tool for Workforce Planning in Healthcare: Example Simulations
This report summarizes a series of quantitative models developed to assist in workforce planning and using example simulation projections for the demand and supply of healthcare workers in Ireland. [adapted from executive summary]
- 10516 reads
Cross-Country Review of Strategies of the German Development Cooperation to Strengthen Human Resources
Recent years have seen growing awareness of the importance of human resources for health in health systems and with it an intensifying of the international and national policies in place to steer a response. This paper looks at how governments and donors in five countries: Cameroon, Indonesia, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania, have translated such policies into action. [from abstract]
- 2657 reads
National Framework to Support Local Workforce Strategy Development: a Guide for HR Directors in the NHS and Social Care
This document suggests a framework within which governing bodies and boards — supported by HR directors and managers across health and social care — can develop local workforce strategies. [adapted from introduction]
- 2063 reads
Health Sector in Malawi
This report summarizes elements of the primary health strategy and the health sector goals established by the Malawi Ministry of Health.
- 2754 reads
Guideline for Regional HRH Country Strategic Planning
This presentation covers the proces of developing a regional guideline for country strategic planning, results from a situational analysis, a draft regional guideline and the next steps. [adapted from author]
- 2290 reads
Five-Year Health Sector Strategy: Investing in Health and Achieving the MDGs 2007-2011
The health sector has prepared this 5 year strategy in for developing a 5 year strategic plan for all sectors in Sudan. The purpose of this policy document is to provide a framework for the health system reform and sustainable development. It stipulates as well the most important health priorities to be addressed during the coming five years (2007-2011). [from introduction]
- 2174 reads