Education and Training
Updates on the Agenda for Transforming Health Worker Education and Training for Health Equity
This presentation was given at the CapacityPlus knowledge-sharing and dissemination event, Transforming and Scaling Up Health Workforce Education and Training for Health Equity, held on March 18, 2014, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. [from publisher]
- 423 reads
Private-Sector Participation in Preservice Health Education
Private health professional schools are expanding rapidly. With health training needs increasing and developing country budgets not keeping pace, private-sector schools will soon produce more health workers than public-sector institutions. This free eLearning course explores critical success factors in private-sector health education and training that are also relevant to public institutions. This course is targeted at learners who are directly engaged in private health learning institutions as well those who are charged with making health and education public policy.
- 738 reads
iHRIS Train: An Open Source Tool for Managing Health Worker Training
An overview of iHRIS Train, open source software for managing data on the education of health professionals. iHRIS Train is part of the iHRIS software for health workforce management. [from publisher]
- 572 reads
Scholarship Ceremony at the Gao Nursing School in Mali
To help make it possible for nursing and midwifery students to continue (or begin) their training, CapacityPlus provided 204 financial scholarships to the students most in need. On December 18, 2013, the school hosted a ceremony to award scholarships to recipients—who comprise 37% of the student body—and to receive new equipment and supplies
- 551 reads
Central Malawi District Hospital Surgical Capacity Assessment
Presentation on assessment of surgical need, surgical personnel, infrastructure and supplies in Central Malawi. [adapted from author]
- 775 reads
Strategic Human Resources Solutions for Healthcare Systems in Central and Eastern Africa
This article explores the human resources problems along with the health status and services for Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Situational analysis on health status and service delivery is presented via a thorough examination of country specific National Health Sector Strategic Plans. Strategic solutions based on improving the Human Resources for Health are explained and World Health
Organization’s Millennium Development Goals are examined. [from abstract]
- 967 reads
A Synthesis and Systematic Review of Policies on Training and Deployment of Human Resources for Health in Rural Africa
The primary question guiding the review was: What is known about policies to support training and deployment of nurses, midwives and doctors for maternal-child health care in rural Africa? [from summary]
- 667 reads
Inadequate Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs among Recently Delivered Women in Southwestern Rural Uganda: A Community Survey
The aim of this study was to explore the knowledge of key newborn danger signs among mothers in southwestern Uganda. [from abstract]
- 485 reads
Household Development Agent Training Curriculum
This comprehensive curriculum for Household Development Agents (specialized polyvalent community health workers (CHWs)), trained under a World Bank funded pilot, consists of 8 training units: Human Rights, Community Mobilization & Communication, Cholera, Family Planning, Diarrheal Disease, Vaccination, Reproductive Health, and Nutrition. These units contain standard and widely accepted information and protocols that have been adapted for the Haitian context.
- 587 reads
Innovative Financing for Preservice Education of Health Professionals
In this course, students will learn to identify traditional mechanisms commonly used for financing public and private pre-service health workforce education institutions, recognize non-traditional finance options and understand the process for selecting and prioritizing new training institution financing options. [adapted from introduction.]
- 404 reads
The Future of Medical Education in Canada
Part of the vision is for all physicians, by the end of their training, to possess the clinical expertise necessary to practice medicine based on the principles of quality, safety,professionalism, and patient-centred and team-based care. [adapted from summary]
- 539 reads
Interprofessional Education for Whom? — Challenges and Lessons Learned from Its Implementation in Developed Countries and Their Application to Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
Evidence is available on the potential efficacy of interprofessional education (IPE) to foster interprofessional cooperation, improve professional satisfaction, and improve patient care. We conducted this review to examine challenges of implementing IPE to suggest possible pathways to overcome the anticipated challenges in developing countries. [adapted from abstract]
- 550 reads
MSF Rural Human Resources for Health Scholarship Programme - Toolkit
The Scholarship Toolkit has been designed to facilitate setting up a programme for actors who find themselves facing critical staff shortages and who are interested in innovative HRH approaches and long–term solutions. A step-by-step description of the process as well as templates for key documents and other supporting materials are included. [adapted from introduction]
- 524 reads
Turn-Over Rate of Academic Faculty at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University: a 20-year Analysis (1991 to 2011)
This paper calculates the faculty turnover rate at the College of Health Sciences of Addis Ababa University during the period of September 1991 to August 2011. [from abstract]
- 416 reads
Assessing Health Professional Education: Workshop Summary
While discussing larger philosophical topics on the role of assessment, participants at this two-day workshop also debated the role of assessments in so-called new disciplines and how these appraisals will lead to a ‘new professionalism’. [adapted from summary]
- 700 reads
Addressing Needs in the Public Health Workforce in Europe
Health systems in Europe face a number of increasingly complex challenges. Globalization, evolving health threats, an ageing society, financial constraints on government spending, and social and health inequalities are some of the most pressing. This policy summary aims to outline these needs and to consider measures and options towards meeting them. [adapted from summary]
- 623 reads
WHO Education Guidelines 2013: Transforming and Scaling Up Health Professionals’ Education and Training
With this publication, WHO issues its first guidelines for Transforming and Scaling up Health Professionals’ Education and Training. The guidelines are expected to give rise to regional and country based policy and technical dialogues with key stakeholders in education, health, finance and labour, on how best to finance health professional training and prepare health professionals for the 21st century.[from foreword]
- 699 reads
Community Based Education in Health Professions: Global Perspectives
“Community Based Education in Health Professions: Global Perspectives” presents a collection of case studies from Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, India, Pakistan and South Africa describing different ways of planning, implementing and sustaining community-based education for health students. The case studies provide an account of what worked and what did not, the trials and errors, and the challenges and lessons learned. [adapted from introduction]
- 3719 reads
Health Education: Theoretical Concepts, Effective Strategies and Core Competencies
This publication is intended to fill the gaps in knowledge and understanding of health education and promotion and provide knowledge of the wide range of tools available. As a health education foundation document, it provides a review of the various health education theories, identifies the components of evidence-based health education, outlines the competencies
necessary to engage in effective practice, and seeks to provide a common understanding of health education disciplines and related concepts.
- 1218 reads
Evaluation of the Global Network of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programmes: A Resource for Improving Health Capacity and Increasing the Number of Public Health Professionals Worldwide
This study surveyed field epidemiology training program that are members of the a globally applied epidemiology network to determine progress toward increasing public health capacity for health professionals trained in controlling infectious epidemics globally. [adapted from author]
- 703 reads
Transforming Rural Health Systems through Clinical Academic Leadership: Lessons from South Africa
Rural health training programs for health professionals have been slow to develop in low- and middle-income countries, and the impact of clinical leadership is under-researched in such settings. This report lists recommendations focused on supporting local rural clinical academic leaders; training health professionals for leadership roles in rural settings; and advancing the clinical academic leadership agenda through advocacy and research. [adapted from abstract]
- 655 reads
Clinical Staging of HIV-Related Illness in Mozambique: Performance of Nonphysician Clinicians Based on Direct Observation of Clinical Care and Implications for Health Worker Training
In Mozambique, clinical staging may be the primary determinant of HIV/AIDS treatment decisions, and the task of staging commonly falls to non-physician clinicians. This study evaluated the quality of performance in clinical staging two years after the first Mozambican clinicians were trained in HIV/AIDS care. [adapted from abstract]
- 722 reads
Commissioning the Education of Healthcare Professionals: A Review of International Trends and Approaches
This paper reviews international approaches to commissioning health worker education and how to determine and control the number of places available with educational programs for doctors, nurses and midwives. [adapted from summary]
- 616 reads
Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Training: A Manger's Guide
This article has been written as a guide for program managers who want to recognize and support high quality cost-effetiveness analysis (CEA) of training. It focuses on the approaches and challenges associated with conducting CEA of training in the context of program implementation or rapid expansion of programs. [from author]
- 688 reads
South African University Practitioner Partnership to Strengthen Capacity in Social and Behaviour Change Communication
The following case study describes and reflects on a partnership between a southern university, the University of the Witwatersrand, and Soul City Institute to establish an academic, competency-based social and behaviour change program serving Southern Africa. [from author]
- 583 reads
Effectiveness of Strategies Incorporating Training and Support of Traditional Birth Attendants on Perinatal and Maternal Mortality: Meta-Analysis
The objective of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of strategies incorporating training and support of traditional birth attendants on the outcomes of perinatal, neonatal, and maternal death in developing countries. [from abstract]
- 1021 reads
Learning and Professional Training Opportunities
LAPTOP is an online database of available training opportunities in supply chain management designed to help the supply chain workforce improve their skills, advance their careers and find the right course for their needs. [adapated from publisher]
- 743 reads
Preparing the Next Generation of Community Health Workers: The Power of Technology for Training
This extensive report gathered evidence and research to see if technology could be harnessed in transformative ways to address critical gaps in community health worker (CHW) training in Sub-Saharan Africa. It covers: the importance of CHW, current approaches to CHW training, emerging evidence and opportunities. [adapted from author]
- 1317 reads
Effective Training Practices
This brief summarizes evidence and best practices for making the most of health worker training interventions. It is designed to help program managers: identify when training is appropriate to introduce a new job responsibility or help improve performance, and ensure that training is effective. [adapted from author]
- 834 reads
Medical Students' Characteristics as Predictors of Career Practice Location: Retrospective Cohort Study Tracking Graduates of Nepal's First Medical College
The objective of this study was to determine, in one low income country (Nepal), which characteristics of medical students are associated with graduate doctors staying to practise in the country or in its rural areas. [from abstract]
- 908 reads