Why Would I Go There? Motivating Workers to Take and Keep Jobs in Rural Areas
Given the complexity of the social, professional and economic factors that influence motivation, this article addresses how institutions make rural job postings more attractive and how they can identify what kinds of incentive packages can attract and motivate young, bright graduates to serve the areas of their country that are most in need. [adapted from author]
- 796 reads
Factors that Influence Midwifery Students in Ghana When Deciding Where to Practice: A Discrete Choice Experiment
This quantitative research study used a computerized structured survey containing a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to quantify the importance of different incentives and policies to encourage service to deprived, rural and remote areas by upper-year midwifery students following graduation. [from abstract]
- 700 reads
Recruitment and Retention of Mental Health Workers in Ghana
Using qualitative interviews, the authors aimed to explore factors motivating mental health workers in order to inform interventions to increase recruitment and retention. [from abstract]
- 899 reads
Career Choices and What Influences Nepali Medical Students and Young Doctors: A Cross-Sectional Study
The aim of this study was to understand medical career choices and the factors that influence medical students’ and young doctors’ career choices in Nepal and to understand what would encourage them to work in rural areas as generalists. [from abstract]
- 666 reads
Recruitment and Retention of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists in Rural Regions: A Meta-Synthesis
is study aims to broaden the understanding of factors associated with recruitment and retention of occupational therapists and physiotherapists in rural regions, through a synthesis of evidence from qualitative studies found in the literature. [from abstract]
- 605 reads
Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers
This toolkit is intended to allow human resources managers to determine health professionals’ motivational preferences for accepting and remaining in posts. The toolkit builds on the WHO global policy recommendations for rural retention and is based on the discrete choice experiment, a powerful research method that identifies the trade-offs health professionals (or other types of workers) are willing to make between specific job characteristics and determines their preferences for various incentive packages, including the probability of accepting a post in a rural health facility.
- 922 reads
Designing Evidence-Based Incentives to Attract and Retain Health Workers Using the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit
This free online course, developed by the HRH Global Resource Center and CapacityPlus, is based on the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit. This course will orient participants on how to use a rapid discrete choice experiment methodology to design evidence-based incentives to attract and retain health workers in rural and remote areas. [from publisher]
- 841 reads
Preferences for Working in Rural Clinics among Trainee Health Professionals in Uganda: A Discrete Choice Experiment
This study investigated preferences for job characteristics among final year medical, nursing, pharmacy, and laboratory students at select universities in Uganda to elicit preferences for attributes of potential job postings they were likely to pursue after graduation. [adapted from abstract]
- 1119 reads
Retention of Allied Health Professionals in Rural New South Wales: A Thematic Analysis of Focus Group Discussions
This study aims to identify aspects of recruitment and retention of rural allied health professionals using qualitative methodology to establish the motives and conditions that encourage allied health professionals to practice rurally. [from abstract]
- 1179 reads
Honourable Calling? Findings From the First Wave of a Cohort Study with Final Year Nursing and Medical Students in Ethiopia
This report contains results from descriptive analysis of a cohort study with final year health students in Ethiopia to build a base line for a cohort survey with future health workers and to provide insights on the supply side aspect of human resources in the health sector. [adapted from summary]
- 1227 reads
Institutions for Health Care Delivery: A Formal Exploration of What Matters to Health Workers
Using qualitative data from Rwanda, this study focuses on four institutional factors that affect health worker performance and career choice: incentives, monitoring arrangements, professional norms and health workers’ intrinsic motivation. It also provides illustrations of three institutional innovations that work, at least in the context of Rwanda: performance pay, the establishment of community health workers and increased attention to the training of health workers. [adapted from introduction]
- 1473 reads
Where, Why and for How Much: Diversity In Career Preferences Of Future Health Workers In Rwanda
The government of Rwanda has identified human resources for health as one of its policy priorities. This study aims to contribute to building a better understanding of health worker choice and behaviour, and to improve evidence based polcies. [from summary]
- 1291 reads
Health Worker Preferences for Job Attributes in Ethiopia: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment
This paper estimates the effectiveness of a range of policy interventions aimed at improving the supply of health workers to rural areas in Ethiopia. Using data from a survey of 861 health workers, it employs stated preference techniques to predict labor market responses of doctors and nurses to changes in rural wages, working conditions, housing bene ts, and training opportunities. [from abstract]
- 1229 reads
Any Body is Better than Nobody? Ethical Questions around Recruiting and/or Retaining Health Professionals in Rural Areas
The objective of this article is to argue that it is important for all stakeholders involved in rural recruitment and/or retention processes to consider their decisions and actions from an ethics perspective. [from abstract]
- 1322 reads
Managers' Perspectives on Recruitment and Human Resource Development Practices in Primary Health Care
The aim of this study is to describe primary health care manager’ attitudes and views on recruitment and human resource development in general and to ascertain whether there are any differences in the views of managers in the southern and northern regions of Finland. [from abstract]
- 2066 reads
Maximizing Successful Pursuit of Health Careers in Micronesia: What to do?
This research examines the factors that current health professionals from the U.S. Pacific Islands region describe as helping and hindering them in their pursuit of health careers, as well as the barriers seen by students, educators and health professionals. [from abstract]
- 1298 reads
World Health Organization Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel: Background Paper
This paper describes the history of development of a WHO code of practice as well as the legal nature and significance of this proposed international instrument. The paper then highlights some key substantive issues to consider when elaborating the text of a WHO code of practice, and presents the process for moving forward the development of a WHO code of practice. [adapted from introduction]
- 1684 reads
Pacific Code of Practice for Recruitment of Health Workers and Compendium
This code provides guidelines for an ethical approach to the international recruitment of health workers in a manner that takes into account the potential impact of such recruitment on health services in the source country and it seeks to safeguard the rights of recruits, and the conditions relating to their profession in the recruiting countries. [from author]
- 2134 reads
Employment of Foreign Health Professionals in the South African Health Sector
The aim of this policy is to promote high standards of practice in the recruitment and employment of health professionals who are not South African Citizens or permanent residents in the health sector in South Africa. It attempts to preclude the active recruitment of health professionals from developing countries without specific government agreements. [adapted from author]
- 4632 reads
Attracting and Retaining Doctors in Rural Nepal
This article analysed the rural doctor shortage in Nepal and reviewed the international literature for strategies that may be suitable for use in Nepal. [from abstract]
- 1966 reads
Evaluation of Malawi's Emergency Human Resources Programme
This is an independent evaluation of the six-year Emergency Human Resource Programme, which was designed to address the health crisis in Malawi largely caused by an acute shortage of professional workers in the public health sector. Central to this commitment was the need to improve staffing levels and increase the production of health workers through a coherent package of financial incentives and investments in local health training institutions. [from summary]
- 2883 reads
How to Recruit and Retain Health Workers in Underserved Areas: the Senegalese Experience
This article outlines the introduction of a special contracting system to recruit health workers to improve the posting, recruitment and retention of health workers in rural and remote areas. [adapted from abstract]
- 2689 reads
Evaluated Strategies to Increase Attraction and Retention of Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas
This paper builds on earlier work assessing the evidence on effectiveness of interventions to increase access to health workers in rural and remote areas - focusing mainly on studies that evaluated interventions and their impact on the health workforce and health systems performance. [adapted from introduction]
- 2864 reads
Kenya, South Africa and Thailand: a Study to Improve Human Resource Policies
A study across three countries to identify policies which would help recruit and retain health workers in rural areas revealed that there is a danger in one size fits all recommendations when it comes to designing human resource policies. Results also show that there is room for both financial and non-financial incentives in human resource interventions in developing countries. [from author]
- 5047 reads
Improving Health Workforce Recruitment and Retention in Rural and Remote Regions of Nigeria
This article posits that out-migration of health workers is not a critical contributor to health workforce shortages in Nigeria’s rural and remote areas and that more important factors include: contraction of government health spending as a percentage of GDP despite deteriorating health conditions, public health management systems that operate by default rather than by design, spartan living conditions outside urban areas, inadequate training of appropriate cadres of health staff, limited facilities and medications for effective delivery of clinical services, and burnout of overworked and unde
- 3095 reads
Employment Integration of Nursing Graduates: Evaluation of a Provincial Policy Strategy Nursing Graduate Guarantee 2008-2009
This report presents the results of an evaluation of the Ontario provincial strategy for hiring new graduates, the Nursing Graduate Guarantee, for the year 2008-2009. [from summary]
- 5967 reads
Human Resources for the Delivery of Health Services in Zambia: External Influences and Domestic Policies and Practices: a Case Study of Four Districts in Zambia
The objective of this study was to analyse in what way HRH recruitment, deployment and retention at the district level are influenced by external funding; and to what extent this is in line with national and district policies and strategies. [from abstract]
- 3038 reads
Influence of Externally Funded Programs on Human Resource for Health in Health Service Delivery: a Case Study of Two Districts in Kenya
Anecdotal evidence suggests that there is severe competition for personnel and staff time between various health programmes and between public and private providers. Such competition is reinforced by the vertical nature of various funding mechanisms supported by bilateral donors, international NGOs and global initiatives. The objective of this study was to analyse in what way HRH recruitment, deployment and retention at the district level are influenced by externally funded programmes. [from summary]
- 2021 reads
Improving Recruitment of Surgical Trainees and Training of Surgeons in Uganda
This paper reports on how to improve recruitment of surgical trainees and training of surgeons in Uganda, focusing on perceptions of potential trainees, trainers, and medical administrators. [from introduction]
- 2118 reads
Making an Impact: Transforming Service at a Remote Hospital in Kenya
This issue of Voices discusses the impact of the Emergency Hiring Plan developed in combination with the Capacity Project and the Kenyan Ministry of Health to increase the number of qualified professionals working in Kenya’s public health facilities. [adapted from author]
- 2086 reads