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Effect of Nurse Home Visits vs. Usual Care on Reducing Intimate Partner Violence in Young High-Risk Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Expectant mothers and mothers of young children are especially vulnerable to intimate partner violence. The nurse-family partnership is a home visitation program in the United States effective for the prevention of adverse child health outcomes, and this study evaluates the effectiveness of this health worker approach on reducing intimate partner violence in The Netherlands. [adapted from author]

Individual Skills Based Volunteerism and Life Satisfaction among Healthcare Volunteers in Malaysia: Role of Employer Encouragement, Self-Esteem and Job Performance, A Cross-Sectional Study

The purpose of this paper is to analyze two important outcomes of individual skills-based volunteerism, job performance and life satisfaction, among healthcare volunteers in Malaysia. [adapted from abstract]

Effect of Ethiopia’s Health Extension Program on Maternal and Newborn Health Care Practices in 101 Rural Districts: A Dose-Response Study

The national Health Extension Program aims to provide universal access to primary health care services through more than 34,000 government-salaried female health extension workers. This article reports the effect of the project’s community-based newborn survival interventions on changes in maternal and newborn health care practices. [adapted from introduction]

Ugandan Medical and Health Sciences Interns' Infection Control Knowledge and Practices

This study aimed to highlight the shortcomings in knowledge, attitudes, and practices about infection control of recent graduates of clinical health sciences who started their one-year internship in Uganda so as to recommend areas in which infection control training could be improved. [adapted from author]

Tuberculosis in Healthcare Workers and Infection Control Measures at Primary Healthcare Facilities in South Africa

This study’s objectives were to investigate the implementation of tuberculosis (TB) infection control measures at primary healthcare facilities, the smear positive TB incidence rate amongst primary healthcare workers and the association between TB infection control measures and all types of TB in healthcare workers. [from abstract]

Hand Hygiene Practices among Community Health Officers in Rivers State, Nigeria

Health care associated infections are most commonly transmitted by the hands of Health care workers and other hospital personnel. Therefore, this study investigated compliance with hand hygiene guidelines and methods of hand hygiene practice among community health officers in Rivers State Nigeria. [adapted from abstract]

Cost-Effectiveness of Facility and Home Based HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Strategies in Rural Uganda

This article evaluates the cost effectiveness of facility-and home-based voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) utilizing community health workers with the primary outcome measure of extra cost per HIV sero-positive case identified to help for health service managers at primary care level in making decisions on suitable alternatives for VCT provision in rural communities in Uganda based on operational efficiency. [adapted from author]

Analysis of Human Resources for Health Strategies and Policies in 5 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in Response to GFATM and PEPFAR-Funded HIV Activities

Since the need for additional human resources for health (HRH) was not initially considered by Global Health Initiatives, countries implemented short-term HRH strategies to allow antiretroviral scale-up. Such strategies differed from one country to another and slowly evolved to long-term HRH policies. This study examines the processes and content of the resulting HRH policy shifts in 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. [adapted from abstract]

Effectiveness of an Aged Care Specific Leadership and Management Program on Workforce, Work Environment, and Care Quality Outcomes: Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

This paper describes the study design of the cluster randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of an aged care clinical leadership program developed to improve managers’ leadership capacities to support the delivery of quality care in Australia. [adapted from abstract]

Review of Generalist and Specialist Community Health Workers for Delivering Adolescent Health Services in Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reviews the literature on generalist and specialist community health workers to assess their potential for strengthening the delivery of adolescent health services. [from abstract]

Beyond Antimalarial Stock-Outs: Implications of Health Provider Compliance on Out-of-Pocket

This article evaluated how stock-outs of the first line antimalarial, medication and non-compliant health worker behavior influence household expenditures during care-seeking for fever in the Ulanga District in Tanzania.

Factors Associated to Referral of Tuberculosis Suspects by Private Practitioners to Community Health Centers in Bali Province, Indonesia

The contrast between the low proportion of tuberculosis (TB) suspects referred from private practitioners in Bali province and the high volume of TB suspects seeking care at private practices suggests problems with TB suspect referral from private practitioners to the public health sector. This study aimed to identify key factors associated with the referral of TB suspects by private practitioners. [from abstract]

Program Evaluation of a Model to Integrate Internationally Educated Health Professionals into Clinical Practice

This study evaluates a program comprised of the educational tools and infrastructure to support internationally educated physiotherapists in their preparation for entry to practice in Canada and to improve their pass rate on the national competency examination. [adapted from abstract]

Involving Traditional Birth Attendants in Emergency Obstetric Care in Tanzania: Policy Implications of a Study of Their Knowledge and Practices in Kigoma Rural District

This paper reports about knowledge and practices of traditional birth attendants on emergency obstetric care in a rural district of Tanzania and discusses policy implications on involving traditional birth attendants in maternal health services. [adapted from abstract]

Tracking the Workforce: The American Society of Clinical Oncology Workforce Information System

This article reports on a workforce information system designed to assemble the latest available data on oncologist supply and cancer incidence and prevalence, which was developed in anticipation of projected oncologist workforce shortages. [adapted from abstract]

Impact on Patient Health and Service Outcomes of Introducing Nurse Consultants: A Historically Matched Controlled Study

The position of nurse consultant (NC) was introduced in Hong Kong in five clinical specialties: diabetes, renal, wound and stoma care, psychiatry, and continence. This pilot explored the impact of the introduction of NCs on patient health and service outcomes. [adapted from abstract]

Exploring the Effects of Task Shifting for HIV through a Systems Thinking Lens: The Case of Burkina Faso

This study aims to conceptualize the wider range of effects of task shifting through a systems thinking lens and to explore these effects using task shifting for HIV in Burkina Faso as a case study. [adapted from abstract]

Attitudes toward Working in Rural Areas of Thai Medical, Dental and Pharmacy New Graduates in 2012: A Cross-Sectional Survey

This study aimed to explore the current attitudes of new medical, dental and pharmacy graduates as well as determine the linkage between their characteristics and the preference for working in rural areas. [from abstract]

Evaluating Traditional Healers Knowledge and Practices Related to HIV Testing and Treatment in South Africa

In a context of inadequate human resources for health, this study investigated whether traditional healers have the knowledge and skill base which could be utilized to assist in the scaling up of HIV prevention and treatment services in South Africa. [from abstract]

How Well Can Physicians Manage Tuberculosis? A Public-Private Sector Comparison from Karachi, Pakistan

This study endeavored to identify the gap in knowledge regarding the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis between public and private doctors and the factors affecting these knowledge scores in urban Pakistan. [adapted from abstract]

Client-Provider Interactions in Provider-Initiated and Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Uganda

This study attempts to evaluate if the provider-client experiences, perceptions and client satisfaction with the information provided differs between provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling, which is based on information-giving - and voluntary counselling and testing, which includes individualized client-centered counseling. [adapted from abstract]

Human Resources for Health in Uganda: Dispatches from the Field

This 54 minute video shares a presentation from Uganda’s Dr. Edward Mukooza. Drawing on his first-hand experience of serving as principal of the International Christian Medical Institute and of training and mentoring hundreds of health workers currently working at all levels of Uganda’s health system, Dr. Mukooza addresses the current status of human resources for health in Uganda. [adapted from publisher

National Strategic Plan for Nurse Education, Training and Practice (South Africa)

This strategy is the result of a task team on nursing education appointed to refine national concerns and recommendations and to develop a plan of action to address both education and practice issues related to the profession. [adapted from author]

Community Caregivers: The Backbone for Accessible Care and Support

This report is the result of research undertaken in South Africa to review community and home-based care, especially in regards to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The research highlights the important roles played by caregivers in health promotion programs, counselling and testing, client advocacy, stigma mitigation and community mobilization. [adapted from author]

Applying Stakeholder Leadership Group Guidelines in Ghana: A Case Study

This case study discusses the steps taken to revitalize the Ghana Health Workforce Observatory through the application of fuidelines for forming and sustaining human resources for health (HRH) stakeholder leadership groups. The guidelines are aimed at HRH leaders or practitioners at the country level who see a pressing need for a stakeholder leadership group to address a key HRH problem or set of problems. [adapted from summary]

Task-Sharing of HIV Care and ART Initiation: Evaluation of a Mixed-Care Non-Physician Provider Model for ART Delivery in Rural Malawi

This article argues that expanding access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa requires implementation of alternative care delivery models to traditional physician-centered approaches. This longitudinal analysis compares outcomes of patients initiated on ART by non-physician and physician providers. [adapted from author]

Health Sector Response to Gender-based Violence: An assessment of the Asia Pacific Region

This document reports the outcome of an assessment and review of existing approaches to and models of health sector responses to gender-based violence in the Asia Pacific region. [adapted from author]

Support Matters: A Mixed Methods Scoping Study on the Use of Assistant Staff in the Delivery of Community Nursing Services in England

This study evaluated the roles, contribution and impacts of community nursing assistants to the delivery of care and services for patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs. [adapted from author]

Negotiating Markets for Health: An Exploration of Physicians' Engagement in Dual Practice in Three African Capital Cities

This study considered dual practice patterns in three African cities and the respective markets for physician services, with the objective of understanding the influence of local determinants on the practice. [from abstract]

House Calls by Community Health Workers and Public Health Nurses to Improve Adherence to Isoniazid Montotherapy for Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Retrospective Study

The goal of this study was to assess whether house calls by community health workers and public health nurses affected isoniazid adherence for latent tuberculosis infection or frequency of adverse effects. [adapted from author]