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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Experiences of Women in the Health Sector
The objective of this paper is to explore the context of sexual harassment of women in the health sector in Kolkata, West Bengal. Specifically, it explores women’s perceptions of the occurrence of sexual harassment in hospital settings, and probes women’s own experiences of sexual harassment and incidents of sexual harassment in the hospital environment about which women are aware. The study also investigates the nature of action taken to seek redress, and the extent to which working women are aware of the complaint mechanism outlined by the Supreme Court. [from introduction]
- 3828 reads
Malaria Treatement and Policy in Three Regions in Nigeria: the Role of Patent Medicine Vendors
Malaria is a major cause of illness and death in Nigeria, and a significant drain on its economy and the poor. Yet most Nigerians do not obtain appropriate treatment for malaria, and depend on informal private providers for anti-malarial drugs (AMDs), largely through patent medicine vendors (PMVs). This study seeks to better understand the role played by PMVs in the provision of AMDs in Nigeria, and to explore ways to improve the regulation and delivery of AMDs. [from summary]
- 4029 reads
Uganda Health Workforce Study: Satisfaction and Intent to Stay Among Current Health Workers: Executive Summary
This report summarises the results of a study of health worker satisfaction, working conditions and intent to continue working in the health sector in Uganda. The findings point to the importance of a number of factors that contribute to satisfaction and intent to stay, including differences by cadre, gender, age, sector (public or non-profit) and location. The results suggest several policy strategies to strengthen human resources for health in Uganda. [from abstract]
- 2251 reads
Challenges and Successes in Family Planning in Afghanistan
Although misconceptions about family planning and cultural factors such as son preference presented some obstacles to progress, [two MSH] projects found that religion in Afghanistan is not a barrier to expanding family planning services. It was critical to engage clinicians and communities in culturally sensitive ways. Emphasizing the use of birth spacing to protect the health of mothers and children was especially effective. Activities to empower women
- 2379 reads
Expanding the Role of Community Based Workers and Advocates in Safe Motherhood
Under the ENABLE Safe Motherhood Core Initiative, CEDPA/India collaborated with the Community Aid and Sponsorship Program on the Safe Motherhood Initiative to reduce maternal death by showing women, their families and their communities how to prepare for a safe delivery, to identify pregnancy-related complications at their onset, and to seek medical help immediately. [publisher’s description]
- 2519 reads
Collaboration Between Open Universities in the Commonwealth: Successful Production of the First Ever Sri Lankan Nursing Graduates at the Open University of Sri Lanka by Distance Education
This paper discusses a collaborative effort between two universities in Sri Lanka and Canada to create a distance education program to train nurses in Sri Lanka.
- 5100 reads
Human Resources for Health Policy in Sierra Leone for the Ministry of Health and Sanitation
This HRH policy document addresses the production and utilization of Human Resources within the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone. It also responds to the contemporary challenges and developments including the exodus of human resources and advancement in technology. This policy intends to regulate and direct planning, production, management, utilization and monitoring of HR within the health sector. [from foreword]
- 10755 reads
Sierra Leone Human Resource for Health Development Plan 2006-2010
The shortfall of health personnel continues to represent one of the major constraints to the development of health services and access to basic health care in Sierra Leone. The plan contains an analysis of the current situation with a focus on the distribution of Health Personnel, the current stock, wastage, outputs from training schools, dropout rates and human resources policies currently obtained in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. It also projects future requirements based on the recommended establishment. [from preface]
- 4098 reads
African Regional Health Report: the Health of the People
This report provides an overview of the public health situation across the 46 Member States of the African Region of the World Health Organization. The report charts progress made to date in fighting disease and promoting health in the African Region. It reviews the success stories and looks at areas where more efforts are needed to improve people’s health. [author’s description] Chapter 6 includes a discussion of the human resources for health crisis and approaches to filling the gap as well as health information systems.
- 5519 reads
Practice to Policy: Global Perspectives in Nursing: Report of the 5th International Conference
This report summarizes the speeches and discussions from the Practice to Policy: Global Perspectives in Nursing conference in 2006. Both healthcare professionals and th system are faced with a number of ongoing challenges, which may require a shift in organizational policy and can affect the way nurses practice. Nurses are and integral part of the healthcare system and play a key role in influencing these changes. Nurses’ voices need to be heard, and they must be able to articulate what they do.
- 4419 reads
Distance Education in Health and Environmental Health: an Option - Now Let's Strengthen Its Viability
The experience of the Training in Health and Environmental Health in the Caribbean Community project has demonstrated that distance education techniques is an effective medium through which participants in more than eleven countries can be brought together to be educated on topics that are significant to both the region and to individual countries. This paper examines the means through which individuals are educated and meaningful communication among them facilitated.
- 2032 reads
Barriers to Training Family Physicians in the Caribbean: Distance Education as a Promising Prescription
The peculiarities of the scattered small states of the Caribbean region call for a model of training practitioners that is effective, relevant and sustainable. Distance education (DE) as an approach offers advantages that meet some of the challenges inherent in training family physicians for the region. This paper examines some of these challenges and shows where DE is being used to structure delivery of the programme. In particular, the need for context-specific training, managing time strictures and the cost issues of training are discussed. [from abstract]
- 2129 reads
Migration of Health Workers: Country Case Study Philippines
This study aims to provide in-depth information on the migration of Filipino health workers and the repercussions this has on individual migrants, their families, their professions and the nation as a whole.
- 11530 reads
National Workforce Plan 2006
The purpose of this document is primarily to articulate and describe workforce supply. The aim of this is two-fold. First, it will help NHS Boards and other employers to understand where their future workforce is likely to come from and second, it provides a vehicle for setting medical, dental and nursing training numbers and helps inform education providers about future workforce needs and likely supply pathways. This is turn will impact the workforce itself, thus workforce planning and development is a continual cyclical process. [from introduction]
- 1573 reads
Distribution of Public Sector Health Workers in Zimbabwe: a Challenge for Equity in Health
This study explored the distribution of public sector health workers [in Zimbabwe] to show how its pattern impacts on equity objectives in health care delivery. [from executive summary]
- 3064 reads
Health Worker Migration in the European Region: Country Case Studies and Policy Implications
This report presents an overview of the policy implications of the international migration of health workers in Europe, based on case studies conducted in five countries – Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom – and draws on information from other WHO European Region countries, such as Israel and Latvia. [from introduction]
- 6041 reads
Lone Working Survey
The National Health Service published guidance to help protect staff who work alone and who do not have access to immediate support from colleagues or others. This guidance provides a template from which local employers can develop procedures and systems to protect lone workers. It contains information on how technology can be used to help provide a safer environment and to help nurses feel more confident about their personal safety. The RCN wanted to find out if the situation for nurses working in the community has improved since 2005, their perception of risk, their experiences of assault and abuse, whether technology has been provided, and how incidents are handled.
- 2798 reads
Creating High-Quality Health Care Workplaces
The question guiding the paper is: “What are the key ingredients of a high-quality work environment in Canada’s health care sector and how can this goal be achieved?” Synthesizing insights from a variety of research streams, the paper identifies many ingredients needed to create a high-quality workplace. We take a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, which complements other research initiatives on health human resources. [from abstract]
- 4878 reads
Challenge for Nursing and Midwifery
In this discussion document, the Department of Health and Children identifies key development issues facing nursing and midwifery in the future. This is in order to establish a strong platform for the formulation of a strategic response to these issues. The document contains an insightful analysis of the challenges ahead and identifies a range of possible responses. [from preface]
- 22675 reads
Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care
This report summarizes the findings of AHRQ-funded and other research on the relationship of nurse staffing levels to adverse patient outcomes. This valuable information can be used by decisionmakers to make more informed choices in terms of adjusting nurse staffing levels and increasing nurse recruitment while optimizing quality of care and improving nurse satisfaction. [author’s description]
- 6023 reads
Health Workforce: Current Challenges
This document briefly describes HRH-related issues common to many countries and proposes ways to address them. It gives examples of strategies applied successfully in specific local contexts, as well as constraints and challenges often encountered. [from introduction]
- 7720 reads
Impact of the Manager’s Span of Control on Leadership and Performance
The purpose and objectives of this study are to examine the extent to which the manager’s span of control influences nurse, patient, and unit outcomes; and investigate which particular leadership style contributes to optimum nurse, patient, and unit outcomes under differing spans of control. [author’s description]
- 12412 reads
Health Human Resources Policy Initiatives for Physicians, Nurses and Pharmacists
This document is an environmental policy scan of activity in three areas related to physicians, nurses and pharmacists: education and training initiatives; recruitment and retention and work place initiatives; and capacity to do national health human resource planning. [adapted from introduction]
- 2440 reads
Report on the Continuing Professional Development of Staff Nurses and Staff Midwives
Nurses and midwives face the challenge of embracing new methods of care delivery which will provide a quality service that is truly people-centred. There is growing evidence of the need to link continuing professional development with organisational goals. The construction of career pathways in a healthcare system which is subject to radical and far-reaching change is an issue of growing importance to nurses and midwives. [from executive summary]
- 2997 reads
Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2006 - 2010
The purpose of this human resource for health (HRH) plan is to provide guidance for the staffing of the health services and the training of health service personnel to the year 2020. It analyzes main issues and dimensions in HRH and proposes strategies to meet the targets for the wellbeing of the population as defined in the vision 2020 for Rwanda The plan provides staffing targets for each of the major categories of health personnel.
- 5956 reads
Getting Clinicians to Do Their Best: Ability, Altruism and Incentives
By measuring the ability and actual practice of a sample of clinicians in Tanzania and examining the terms of employment for these clinicians, we show that both ability and motivation are important to quality.
- 7954 reads
Skilled Health Professionals' Migration and Its Impact on Health Delivery in Zimbabwe
The paper investigates the magnitude of migration of health professionals from Zimbabwe, the causes of such movements and the associated impacts on health care delivery. International migration of health professionals has led to staff shortages and the situation is worse in public compared to private health institutions. The quality of care given to patients has also declined. The research calls for the adoption of an integrated approach in solving the concerns of health professions. [abstract]
- 3320 reads
Health Systems in Transition Country Profiles
Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of each health care system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development. [publisher’s description] Each report contains a section on human resources for health including an overview of the situation and specific health workforce statistics.
- 29112 reads
Developing the Health Workforce: Training Future Nurses and Midwives in Rwanda
This document introduces a competency-based curriculum for nurses and midwives in Rwanda developed by the Capacity Project.
- 24293 reads
Health Care Managers as a Critical Component of the Health Care Workforce
The main purpose of this chapter of “Human Resources for Health in Europe” is to develop a dynamic and unified framework for describing and analysing the role of the health care manager in a changing Europe. The chapter also attempts to combine the construction of this theoretical model with its application, drawing on empirical work in different European countries to illustrate the challenges and opportunities arising from the various elements of health care reform. [from introduction]
- 3081 reads