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Challenges in Mobilising, Retaining and Supporting Health Workers During a Period of Political Upheaval: A Case Study from Timor-Leste's Experience in 2006
This case study focused on documenting and analysing factors that are relevant to mobilising and retaining health workers to deliver health services during a period of conflict and instability. [adapted from summary]
- 805 reads
Bridges to Health Worker Employment
Although retaining health workers in the health system is difficult, schools can create bridges that shorten the time from graduation to employment and contribute to making the transition a less frustrating experience for graduates and employers. This brief offers 12 suggestions that health professional schools, ministries of health, employer councils, and others can implement. [adapted from author]
- 521 reads
Decision Making among Community-Based Volunteers Working in Vulnerable Children Programs
This study was collected data from caregivers who work directly with vulnerable children to explore how care decisions are made by community-based volunteers, and the utility of the Child Status Index at the community level as a job aid. [adapted from summary]
- 770 reads
Strengthening Health Management and Leadership at the District Level: What Can We Learn from High Performing Districts in the West Java Province of Indonesia?
This study examines the performance of district health managers in high and low performing districts in an attempt to understand whether, and the extent to which, they affect the performance of their district health services. [from author]
- 797 reads
Towards Interventions in Human Resources for Health in Ghana: Evidence for Health Workforce Planning and Results
To address the lack of information to guide the development of policies and programs on HRH, this book aims to paint a comprehensive picture on HRH, consolidating new and existing evidence. The book highlights in particular new evidence on some of the underlying determinants impacting stock, distribution and performance of health workers in Ghana, including health worker production and attrition, management and accountability structures, the capacity of health training institutions, and health worker compensation. [from author]
- 1088 reads
Health Systems Strengthening Case Study: Demonstration Project to Strengthen the Community Health Systems to Improve the Performance of Health Extension Workers to Provide Quality Care at the Community Level in Ethiopia
This report outlines a project to apply a quality improvement approach to Ethiopia’s Health Extension Program, which was designed to improve access and utilization of quality preventive, promotive and curative health care services in an accessible and equitable manner to reach all segments of the population, with special attention on mothers and children. [adapted from author]
- 768 reads
Labor Market for Health Workers in Africa: A New Look at the Crisis
This book sheds light on the status of health worker need, supply, and distribution across Africa. It analyzes regional and country data to address six key issues: the specific levels of human resources for health in Africa; differences in human resources for health across countries; changing roles of the public and private sector in the healthworker market; motivation for health worker performance; health worker training; and producing health workers. [adapted from author]
- 1328 reads
Pay-for-Performance Incentives in Low- and Middle-Income Country Health Programs
This chapter surveys experience with performance pay in developing country health programs focusing on four key conceptual issues: what to reward, who to reward, how to reward, and what unintended consequences might performance incentives create. [adapted from abstract]
- 538 reads
Framework for the Development of Human Resources in the Pharmaceutical Sector
This report describes key pharmaceutical human resource issues, the proceeding of the pharmaceutical human resources consultation meeting, steps leading to the development of the human resources strategy and the pharmaceutical human resources strategy framework which sets out a strategic agenda for action to address capacity issues in the pharmaceutical sector. [adapted from introduction]
- 1312 reads
National Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan for Sudan 2012-2016
This strategic plan for HRH in Sudan is introduced with the aim of guiding the efforts and further work in developing human resource plans at different levels of the health system in a comprehensive approach that considers all dimensions of HRH. The plan defines the priorities of HR issues; and accordingly recommends strategic goals and objectives to revive and improve HRH policies, planning, production, distribution and HR management systems to improve individual performance and training services. [from summary]
- 1336 reads
Assessment of Human Resources at the Pharmaceutical Sector
The main objective of this assessment was to determine human resources availability in the pharmaceutical sector in Sudan. The assessment was done in six states and included the Ministry of Health and its agencies, pharmacy education providers, public health facilities, private retail pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers and local pharmaceutical companies. [adapted from author]
- 1050 reads
Continuing Professional Development Policy (Sudan)
This document aims to serve as a policy guide for the provision of continuing professional development (CPD) to health care professionals affiliated with Federal and State ministries of Health in Sudan. This policy framework sets regulations, standards and norms. [adapted from author]
- 1017 reads
Enhancing Nursing and Midwifery Capacity to Contribute to the Prevention, Treatment and Managment of Noncommunicable Diseases
This document includes evidence-based examples of value-added nursing interventions to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and reduce the associated risk factors. It also proposes methods for implementing changes in education and clinical practice to strengthen nurses and midwives’ capacity to help prevent, screen and detect NCDs, and then treat and rehabilitate those suffering such diseases. [adapted from summary]
- 636 reads
Analysis of Human Resources for Health in African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP)
The report provides available data on the health workforce in PALOP. Its purpose is to support the responsible staff and partners to identify the needs for intervention, in order to improve the national and regional capacity for the development of human resources for health. [from summary]
- 763 reads
Technical Report on Electronic Health Management Information System (eHMIS)
This document outlines the development and scale up of a health management information system in Ethiopia as a core information component of effective health care delivery whose aim is to improve management and optimum use of resources for making timely decisions. [adapted from author]
- 961 reads
Migration and Mobility of Skilled Health Workers from Selected Pacific Island Countries
This report examines international and internal migration of skilled health workers (SHW) from six Pacific Island countries (Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) to review recent data and research concerned with migration of SHWs and to present estimates of the numbers of SHWs from the selected countries who were working within the health sector of an overseas country around the year 2000. [adapted from summary]
- 717 reads
Addressing Barriers to Inter-Sectoral Collaboration between Health, Education and Welfare Sectors in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Delivery in the Solomon Islands
This study gathered information on adolescent sexual and reproductive services and educati on provision in the Solomon Islands and explored ways in which collaboration between the health, education and youth sectors could be feasibly enhanced. [from summary]
- 811 reads
Because Health Workers Matter: They Need Our Support
This advocacy document details the contributions of African Christian Health Associations in addressing health worker shortage including: developing and implementing sound HRH management policies, investing in human resources information systems, addressing health worker attraction and retention, and monitoring & evaluating progress and results of faith based-organizations’ HRH intiatives. [adapted from author]
- 832 reads
Scaling up Health Worker Production: The Bottlenecks and Best Buys Approach
This technical brief presents an overview of an approach to help identify critical bottlenecks to providing quality preservice education and prioritize affordable actions for increasing the quantity of graduates while maintaining or improving the quality of education. [from publisher]
- 741 reads
Human Resources for Health Professional Development at the District Level: Recommendations Based on the Ugandan Experience
This report shares lessons learned from Uganda and, using this experience as a foundation, offers selected suggestions for how other countries might develop and implement HRH professional development programs at subnational levels. [from publisher]
- 719 reads
Innovative Financing Options for the Preservice Education of Health Professionals
This technical brief presents a summary of the forms of financing proposed or documented through an exploration of innovative solutions for the financing of health worker education. [from publisher]
- 724 reads
Unregulated and Unaccountable: How the Private Health Care Sector in India is Putting Women's Lives at Risk
This document argues that the gap left by the public health system combined with a government policy of proactively promoting the private sector has led to the proliferation of private health providers which are unregulated, unaccountable and untrained, causing a serious threat to women’s health. [adapted from author]
- 809 reads
How to Conduct a Discrete Choice Experiment for Health Workforce Recruitment and Retention in Remote and Rural Areas: A User Guide with Case Studies
This guide aims to provide easy-to-read information and step-by-step advice on a quantitative research method that can help identify appropriate policy responses to health workforce shortages in remote and rural areas. It uses two case studies to illustrate the challenges and the ways to overcome them in conducting the work. [from author]
- 963 reads
Retaining Doctors in Rural Zambia: A Policy Issue
This paper creates awareness of the current human resource crisis that Zambia is facing, taking into account the few doctors serving rural communities in the country; and argues that the main driver of doctors’ exodus out of the country is the search for better conditions of service. The paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of various policy options geared toward stemming the tide of doctors leaving the country, primarily through creating greater incentives for doctors to stay. [from author]
- 793 reads
Strengthening Human Resources for Adolescent Health in Sri Lanka through Health and Education Sector Collaboration
This study found that intersectoral collaboration would ensure effiecient use of current health care workforce to improve the provision of health services and information to adolescents. [adapted from author]
- 673 reads
Strengthening Human Resources Information Systems: Experiences from Bihar and Jharkhand, India
This technical brief outlines a human resources information system pilot project in India and presents the key results from this effort. [adapted from author]
- 883 reads
Building Bridges to Sustainable Human Resources for Health Development: Annual Report 2012
This aim of this report is to document the goals, contributions and achievements of the Directorate General of Human Resources for Health Development (DGHRD). The report is in three sections: an introduction to HRH with reference to its importance to the health system; annual plans, achievements and drawbacks of the institutes and sub-directorates in 2012; the DGHRD vision for 2013 and statement on the way forward. [adapted from author]
- 1870 reads
Hotline HRH January 2013
This edition of Hotline, an HRH newletter focused on the needs of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Africa, highlights resources, trainings and workshops, articles of interest and other information for FBO HRH pracitioners.
- 722 reads
Health Care in Danger: The Responsibilities of Health-Care Personnel Working in Armed Conflicts and Other Emergencies
This guide is intended to help health-care personnel adapt their working methods to the exigencies of armed conflicts and other emergencies. [from author]
- 740 reads
Innovating to Save Lives: Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Afghanistan
This report outlines the outcomes on maternal and child health of a program focused on building a competent, skilled health workforce in Afghanistan, strengthening delivery of quality health care services, increasing demand for health services, integrating gender awareness and practices into health care services and sustaining systemwide progress. [adapted from author]
- 624 reads