
Private Rural Health Providers in Haryana, India: Profiles and Practices

Despite a widespread public health system, the private healthcare sector is the major provider of health care in rural India. This study describes the profile and medical practices of private rural health providers in rural Haryana, India. [from abstract]

Private Healthcare Sector Doctors and HIV Testing Practices in the eThekwini Metro of KwaZulu-Natal

This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among private sector doctors who manage HIV and AIDS patients in KwaZulu-Natal to collect data on private sector doctors’ HIV testing practices.

Health Workforce Governance and Leadership Capacity in the African Region: Review of Human Resources for Health Units in the Ministries of Health

This report provides an overview of an intercountry review and analysis of the present capacity, current status and functionality of HRH departments or units responsible for HRH actions in the ministries of health at the national level in the African Region of the World Health Organization. [adapted from introduction]

Physicians in Private Practice: Reasons for Being a Social Franchise Member

Evidence is emerging on the cost-effectiveness, quality and health coverage of social franchises (established networks of private sector providers for reproductive health and other primary care services). This study of providers in the Sun Quality Health network in Myanmar explores provider motivations – both financial and non-monetary – for joining and remaining in a social franchise. [adapted from author]

Health Workforce Innovation: Accelerating Private Sector Responses to the Human Resources for Health Crisis

Issued by an international group of experts in health and private sector, this report stresses the importance of the private sector in responding to the HRH crisis and the need for further health workforce innovation, that increased the supply, improved the effectiveness of health workers. [from publisher]

Engaging the Private Sector to Increase Tuberculosis Case Detection: An Impact Evaluation Study

In many countries with a high burden of tuberculosis, most patients receive treatment in the private sector. This study evaluates a multifaceted case-detection strategy in Karachi, Pakistan, targeting the private sector. [from abstract]

Regulation of Health Service Delivery in Private Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

This paper reviews and provides an understanding of the private health sector’s role in low- and middle-income countries and its relationship with the governmental capacity to regulate private providers, in particular, and to act as health system steward, in general. [from abstract]

Difficult Relationship Between Faith-Based Health Care Organisations and the Public Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Contracting Experiences in Cameroon, Tanzania, Chad and Uganda

This book presents the principal findings of a study on contractual arrangements between faith-based hospitals and public health authorities in four sub-Saharan African countries.

Why Do Health Workers in Rural Tanzania Prefer Public Sector Employment

This article discusses health workers’ preferences for workplace and their perceptions and experiences of the differences in working conditions in the public health sector versus the church-run health facilities in Tanzania. The broader aim is to generate knowledge that can add to debates on health sector management in low-income contexts. [from abstract]

Private Health Policy Toolkit

This toolkit offers health policy stakeholders and practitioners online access to a growing collection of information about policies and practices that can help enhance the contribution of the private sector to important health goals in developing countries. [from publisher]

Non-State Providers, the State, and Health in Post-Conflict Fragile States

This contribution looks at some of the roles of non-state providers (NSPs) in providing health services in fragile states that are coming out of conflict, and the relationships of NSPs with state agencies. [from author]

Private Provision in Its Institutional Context: Lessons from Health

This paper complements several recently published discussions of options for influencing the private sector in low and middle-income countries. Its aim is to contribute to the development of common understandings of the realities of public and private provision and of policies for improving performance. It argues that we need to situate strategies towards private providers in the context of local relationships between the state, market and civil society. [from introduction]

Expansion on the Private Health Sector in East and Southern Africa

This review explores the implications of expansion of the private for profit
health sector for equitable health systems in East and Southern Africa, explores whether there are signs of increasing for-profit private sector activity in the region, and identifies issues of concern on private for profit activity in the health sector. [adapted from summary]

Measuring Client Satisfaction and the Quality of Family Planning Services: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Health Facilities in Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana

This analysis seeks to quantify differences in the quality of family planning (FP) services at public and private providers in three representative sub-Saharan African countries (Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana), to assess how these quality differentials impact upon FP clients’ satisfaction, and to suggest how quality improvements can improve contraceptive continuation rates.

Sudan's National Policy Towards Voluntary Sector in Health

This document outlines the Ministry’s policies regarding the role NGOs play in national health policy and health services, outlines strengths and weaknesses of NGO programs and outlines government standards for integrating and evaluating NGO services. [adapted from author]

Zeroing In: AIDS Donors and Africa's Health Workforce

This report focuses on AIDS donors and on how they can better use their funding to address health workforce issues. It introduces the HRH crisis, the evolving approaches of AIDS donors, how these approaches to health workforce strengthening and development have played out in practice in Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia and makes recommendations meant to inform the ongoing deliberations of AIDS donors as they work out the implementation details of their health system strengthening commitments. [adapted from author]

Private Sector Involvement in HIV Service Provision

This technical brief describes effective or promising practices that leverage the private health care sector in developing countries, taking advantage of existing infrastructure, financial resources, and expertise to better integrate HIV services and reduce the burden on public health facilities. [from introduction]

Tuberculosis Management by Private Practitioners in Mumbai, India: Has Anything Changed in Two Decades?

The objective of this research was to study prescribing practices of private practitioners in the treatment of tuberculosis, two decades after a similar study conducted in the same geographical area revealed dismal results. [from abstract]

Innovative Health Service Delivery Models in Low and Middle Income Countries: What Can We Learn from the Private Sector?

A subset of private health organizations, some called social enterprises, have developed novel approaches to increase the availability, affordability and quality of health care services to the poor through innovative health service delivery models. This study aims to characterize these models and identify areas of innovation that have led to effective provision of care for the poor. [from abstract]

State of the Private Health Sector Wall Chart

This document offers key concepts and definitions to establish a common language describing the private health sector. In addition, it integrates global demographic, economic, and policy data to provide a snapshot of the private health sector in selected developing countries. [from author]

Network Organizations of General Practitioners: Antecedents of Formation and Consequences of Participation

This article defines the effectiveness of network forms of organization for general practitioners in Italy.

Private Pharmacists: the Missing Link in TB Control

India has the highest incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in the world. The Government’s TB programme uses Directly Observed Treatment Short course to supervise patients’ treatment. However an estimated 40-50 per cent of TB treatment is accessed through private pharmacists. A challenge is to engage these pharmacists in TB control. [from author]

Utilization of HIV-Related Services from the Private Health Sector: A Multi-Country Analysis

This study uses data from the Demographic and Health Surveys and AIDS Indicators Surveys from 12 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean to explore use of HIV testing and sexually transimitted infections care from the private for-profit sector, and its association with household wealth status. [adapted from abstract]

Private Practitioners and Public Health: Weak Links in Tuberculosis Control

Information on health expenditure suggests that most poor countries have a large and growing private medical sector. Surveys indicate that the private sector is an important source of care, even for poor people and even where public services are widely available. Experts believe that private practitioners manage a large proportion of the unreported majority of tuberculosis cases. [adapted from author]

Public Stewardship of Private Providers in Mixed Health Systems

This report summarizes the findings from research examining the role of the private sector in health systems in developing countries and emphasizes the importance of effective stewardship by governments of their country’s health system, especially given the reality that the private (nonstate) part of the system is large and complex, with major challenges and significant opportunities. [adapted from author]

Engaging the Private Sector to Improve Access to Quality Care: Public Ends Private Means

This brief outlines the barriers to overcome to improve the functioning of the private health sector, the impact, the pros and cons of engaging the privat sector, myths of using provate providers and policy options. [adapted from author]

Can Developing Countries Achieve Adequate Improvements in Child Health Outcomes without Engaging the Private Sector?

This article reviews the available evidence on private sector utilization and quality of care. It provides a framework for analysing the private sector’s influence on child health outcomes. [from abstract]

Who Goes Where and Why? Examining HIV Counseling and Testing Services in the Public and Private Sectors in Zambia

The objectives of this study include documenting the role of the private for-profit sector in voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) service delivery; establishing whether there are significant differences in the quality of VCT services, particularly in counseling and referral practices, between public, private for-profit, NGO, and mission providers; measuring key VCT service statistics at facilities within each sector; and identify best practices from each sector. [adapted from introduction]

Finding Middle Ground: Making Better Use of the African Private Health Sector through More Effective Regulations

This report highlights how changes in the legal and regulatory environment can facilitate expanded access to family planning and reproductive health services through Africa’s private health sector. Using laws and regulations from three Africa countries - Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria - this report presents a road map on how to review the most important laws governing the private sector, as well as key issues to assess. [from introduction]

Partnerships with the Private Sector in Health: What the International Community Can Do to Strengthen Health Systems in Developing Countries

The report is the culmination of a work group tasked with exploring practical and feasible ways for donors and technical agencies to support improvements in public-private interaction in developing countries as a means to accelerate the achievement of widely agreed-upon social objectives: reduced mortality and expanded and more equitable access to health services and essential medicines and products. [from author]