Staff Performance Assessment
Effects of Performance Appraisal in the Norwegian Municipal Health Services: a Case Study
This research evaluates the potential effect of job motivation, learning and self-assessment through performance appraisals for health personnel. [from introduction]
- 1717 reads
Safety Culture in the Maternity Units: a Census Survey Using the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire
The explicit need to focus on quality of care underpins the aim of this study to evaluate the safety culture and teamwork climate in the public maternity units of the 5 regional hospitals in Cyprus as measured by a validated safety attitudes tool. [from abstract]
- 1355 reads
Self-Assessment of Intercultural Communication Skills: A Survey of Physicians and Medical Students in Geneva, Switzerland
In order to gain a general picture of the intercultural challenges faced by Geneva physicians and inform the development of targeted training activities, we conducted a large-scale survey of physicians’ and medical students’ knowledge, attitudes and skills related to care of immigrant patients. This paper reports on respondents’ self-assessments of their clinical and intercultural skills. [from author]
- 2050 reads
Audit and Feedback: Effects on Professional Practice and Health Care Outcomes (Review)
This review aimed to assess the effects of audit and feedback on the practice of healthcare professionals and patient outcomes. [from abstract]
- 1353 reads
Hybrid Approach to Efficiency Measurement with Empirical Illustrations from Education and Health
This paper proposes a new approach to measure inefficiency and use it in benchmarking exercises to improve provider performance. [adapted from abstract]
- 1393 reads
How Health Systems Make Available Information on Service Providers: Experience in Seven Countries
This report reviews information systems that report on the quality or performance of providers of healthcare in seven countries to inform the use and further development of quality information systems. [from preface]
- 1502 reads
Baseline Assessment of HIV Service Provider Productivity and Efficiency in Uganda
As part of the collaborative to improve the efficiency of HIV service delivery, the authors conducted a baseline assessment of HIV/AIDS provider productivity, efficiency, and engagement in Uganda. [adapted from author]
- 2237 reads
Missed Opportunities in TB Diagnosis: a TB Process-Based Performance Review Tool to Evaluate and Improve Clinical Care
This study describes a novel method to review and evaluate clinical performance in TB management and for evaluating tuberculosis (TB) control at the point of care using a process-based performance review tool to identify missed opportunities for early and accurate TB diagnosis. This tool is a teaching strategy where clinicians retrospectively review patient records to evaluate crucial clinical actions, and has been shown to improve clinical performance. [from author]
- 1907 reads
Conceptual Review of the Demands of Chronic Care and the Preparedness of Nurses Trained with the General Nursing Council of Zambia Curriculum
The study analyzes the deficiency that seem to exist between nurse curricula
and nurse practices and explore chronic care models or approaches evident among Zambian General Nursing Council (GNC) final year nursing students and GNC trained practicing nurses. The study also assesses how they formulate these chronic care models or approaches. [from author]
- 1399 reads
Monitoring Community Pharmacist's Quality of Care: a Feasibility Study Using Pharmacy Claims Data to Assess Performance
The purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of routine use of information from community pharmacy claims databases by regulatory authorities to screen the quality of care provided at community pharmacies. [from abstract]
- 2353 reads
Competencies Tools
This is a digital collection of health competency tools. The Competence Search tool enables you to search the database for specific health worker competencies. The Health Functional Map is another tool to help you find relevant competences based upon the Skills for Health, Health Functional Map, and covers all of the functions that are needed to deliver effective health care services. The Self Assessment tool enables assessment of your own abilities against competences in lists/profiles. The Team Assessment tool enables a skills mix analysis of your team.
- 2154 reads
Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Enhancing the Performance of Health Workers in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: Learning from Experiences in the Asia and Pacific Regions
This discussion paper presents a comprehensive approach to the assessment of individual health worker, team and HRH management performance in the context of health system strengthening and the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 5. It provides examples of lessons learned in the planning, implementation and evaluation of HRH interventions in maternal, neonatal and reproductive health at the community level in the Asia and Pacific regions and considerations for enhanced performance in this area. [from introduction]
- 1432 reads
Perceptions and Attitudes of Clinicians in Spain Toward Clinical Practice Guidelines and Grading Systems: a Protocol for a Qualatative Study and a National Survey
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have become a very popular tool for decision making in healthcare. While there is some evidence that CPGs improve outcomes, there are numerous factors that influence their acceptability and use by healthcare providers. This study evaluates these issues in a representative sample of clinicians in Spain. [from abstract]
- 4354 reads
Assessment of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria by Village Health Volunteers in the Lao PDR
This article assesses the effectiveness of village health volunteers in performing early diagnosis and treatment to reduce the burden of malaria in Loa PDR. [adapted from abstract]
- 2386 reads
Evaluation of Health Workforce Competence in Maternal and Neonatal Issues in Public Health Sector of Pakistan: an Assessment of Their Training Needs
The high perinatal and neonatal mortality rates in Pakistan are partially attributable to scarcity of trained skilled birth attendants and paucity of resources. Empowerment of health care providers with adequate knowledge and skills can serve as instrument of change. This training needs assessment analysis of the public health sector of Pakistan aims to recognize gaps in the processes and quality of MNCH care provided. [adapted from author]
- 2628 reads
Improving Quality of Malaria Treatment Services: Assessing Inequities in Consumers' Perceptions and Providers' Behaviour in Nigeria
Information about quality of malaria treatment services of different healthcare providers is needed to know how to improve the treatment of malaria since inappropriate service provision leads to increased burden of malaria. This study determined the technical and perceived quality of malaria treatment services of different types of providers in three urban and three rural areas in southeast Nigeria. [from abstract]
- 1690 reads
Data for Improvement and Clinical Excellence: Protocol for an Audit with Feedback Intervention in Long-Term Care
The primary purpose of the Data for Improvement and Clinical Excellence Long-Term Care (LTC) project is to assess the effects of a quality improvement audit with feedback intervention delivered monthly over 13 months to healthcare workers in four LTC facilities. [adapted from abstract]
- 7201 reads
Sleep and Recovery in Physicians on Night Call: a Longitudinal Field Study
The aim of the present study was to examine whether a 16-hour night-call schedule allowed for sufficient recovery in anaesthesiologists compared with other physician specialists handling less life-threatening conditions, when on call. [from abstract]
- 1261 reads
Characterizing Hospital Workers' Willingness to Report to Duty in an Influenza Pandemic through Threat and Efficacy Based Assessment
Hospital-based providers’ willingness to report to work during an influenza pandemic is a critical yet under-studied phenomenon. Witte’s Extended Parallel Process Model has been shown to be useful for understanding adaptive behavior of public health workers to an unknown risk, and thus offers a framework for examining scenario-specific willingness to respond among hospital staff. [from abstract]
- 1394 reads
Competencies Assessment Tool 2010
This tool is an instrument for healthcare executives to use in assessing their expertise in critical areas of healthcare management. [adapted from author]
- 2828 reads
Competency-to-Curriculum Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to facilitate the development of a public health workforce competent to meet its assigned mission. One part of that process is the use of competency-based curricula in public health training or education and how to determine the right activities for moving from a competency set to developing a curriculum. [adapted from author]
- 2412 reads
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals
The core competencies are a set of skills desirable for the broad practice of public health. They reflect the characteristics that staff of public health organizations may want to possess as they work to protect and promote health in the community. The competencies are designed to serve as a starting point for academic and practice organizations to understand, assess, and meet education, training and workforce needs. [adapted from introduction]
- 3280 reads
Validation of the Modified Fresno Test: Assessing Physical Therapists' Evidence Based Practice Knowledge and Skills
Health care educators need valid and reliable tools to assess evidence based practice (EBP) knowledge and skills. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a modified Fresno Test to assess EBP knowledge and skills relevant to physical therapist practice. [adapted from abstract]
- 2441 reads
National Interprofessional Competency Framework
This document describes an approach to developing competencies that can guide interprofessional education and collaborative practice for all professions in a variety of contexts and is the first attempt to develop a Canadian model of interprofessional competencies that is applicable to all health professions. [from author]
- 3772 reads
Can Interprofessional Collaboration Provide Health Human Resources Solutions? A Knowledge Synthesis
Evidence indicates that lack of communication and collaboration between health providers can seriously harm patients. To solve these issues, we need to change how health services are delivered and how providers interact with each other. This project examined interprofessional interventions and how they impact the health workforce and workplace quality. [adapted from summary]
- 3078 reads
Determinants of Satisfaction with Health Care Provider Interactions at Health Centres in Central Ethiopia: a Cross Sectional Study
This study aimed to assess patient satisfaction with health care provider interactions and its influencing factors among out-patients at health centers in West Shoa, Central Ethiopia. [from abstract]
- 2314 reads
Using Standardized Patients to Assess Communication Skills in Medical and Nursing Students
A number of recent developments in medical and nursing education have highlighted the importance of communication and consultation skills (CCS). Although such skills are taught in all medical and nursing undergraduate curriculums, there is no comprehensive screening or assessment programme of CCS. This study was designed to test the content, process and acceptability of a screening programme in CCS with Irish medical and nursing students. [adapted from abstract]
- 7411 reads
Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer Knowledge and Practices among Healthcare and Public Health Professionals in China: a Cross-Sectional Study
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the leading cause of liver disease and liver cancer and a major source of health-related discrimination in China. To better target HBV detection and prevention programs, it is necessary to assess existing HBV knowledge, educational resources, reporting, and preventive practices, particularly among those health professionals who would be responsible for implementing such programs. [from abstract]
- 2063 reads
Effects of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems on Practitioner Performance and Patient Outcomes: Methods of a Decision-Maker-Researcher Partnership Systematic Review
The objective of this research was to form a partnership of healthcare providers, managers, and researchers to review randomized controlled trials assessing the effects of computerized decision support for six clinical application areas: primary preventive care, therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing, drug prescribing, chronic disease management, diagnostic test ordering and interpretation, and acute care management; and to identify study characteristics that predict benefit. [from abstract]
- 1778 reads
Implementation of Performance Support Approaches in Central America and Uganda
The Capacity Project worked with governments and partners in Central America and Uganda to test approaches for strengthening supervision systems in the health sector, as one component of the Project’s workforce performance support strengthening. [from summary]
- 15766 reads