Workforce Assessment
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
This report presents findings from Phase 1 of an assessment of the human resources implications of HIV/AIDS services scale-up in Rwanda. Services covered include voluntary counseling and testing, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, and care and treatment, including lab services and drug dispensing. It reports the number and types of staff employed at public and private healthcare sites, estimates the number providing HIV/AIDS services, and identifies employment practices that could facilitate or hinder the human resources scale-up.
- 2054 reads
Highlights from the Regulated Nursing Workforce in Canada, 2005
This publication is a companion document to the Workforce Trends of Regulated Nurses in Canada series of publications. The Workforce Trends series organizes and presents data by nursing profession, with separate publications for each of the licensed practical nurse (LPN), registered nurse (RN) and registered psychiatric nurse (RPN) workforces. This publication, in contrast, organizes and presents data by province or territory.
- 1818 reads
HR Mapping of the Health Sector in Kenya: the Foundation for Effective HR Management
Accurate, detailed and up-to-date manpower data is a prerequisite for human resource management. This technical brief describes how the Ministry of Health conducted a human resource mapping exercise of all public health staff in Kenya, and discusses the implications of the findings. The aim is to demonstrate the many practical uses of human resource data. [adapted from author]
- 5556 reads
Rwanda Human Resources Assessment for HIV/AIDS Scale-up. Phase 3 Report: Staffing Implications and Scenarios for HIV/AIDS Services Scale-up
This report presents findings from Phase 3 of an assessment of the human resources implications of HIV/AIDS services scale-up in Rwanda. It focuses on the staffing implications and associated costs of HIV/AIDS services scale-up. By documenting current staffing levels and the level of effort necessary to provide HIV/AIDS services, Phase 3 of the study analyzes how many full-time equivalent (FTE) staff will be needed, and at what costs, if the Government of Rwanda is to meet its HIV/AIDS service delivery objectives. The human resources projections are based on data gathered during Phases 1 and 2 of the study.
- 8430 reads
What Can We Learn from Country Studies?
This presentation was part of the Planning, Developing and Supporting the Health Workforce: Human Resources for Health Action Workshop. It discusses the review of 11 country HR assessments including: Malawi, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland, Mozambique, The Gambia, Ghana and Tanzania. It identifies the challenges faced, the implementation, technical inputs, and the process expertise.
- 1675 reads
From State to Market: the Nicaraguan Labour Market for Health Personnel
Few countries in Latin America have experienced in such a short period the shift from a socialist government and centrally planned economy to a liberal market economy as Nicaragua. The impact of such a change in the health field has been supported by the quest for reform of the health system and the involvement of external financial agencies aimed at leading the process. However, this change has not been reflected in the planning of human resources for health.
- 2595 reads
Egypt Service Provision Assessment Survey 2004
The 2004 Egypt Service Provision Assessment (ESPA 2004) survey was designed to collect informationon the provision of reproductive health and child health services in Egypt in order to complement the information obtained through the 2003 Egypt Interim Demographic and Health Survey. The ESPA 2004 collected information on the preparedness of health facilities in Egypt to provide high quality care to clients seeking services for family planning, maternal health, child health, and sexually transmitted infections. A representative sample of 659 clinics of all types of facilities, in both government and nongovernmental organization facilities, was assessed. The survey included, in addition to the resources of the facilities, interviews with service providers, observations of consultations between the providers and clients, and interviews with clients after they were served. The information included in this report is important for identifying areas of intervention that will help improve the quality of family planning, maternal health, and child health services provided to clients. [preface]
- 4236 reads
Estimating the Need for Family Planning/Reproductive Health Service Providers in Malawi
Using the training needs projection methods in the Spectrum Policy Modeling System software module ProTrain, this report estimates the numbers of family planning/reproductive health service providers needed to reach total fertility rate and contraceptive prevalence goals for Malawi from 2001-2007. [adapted from publisher]
- 2394 reads
Nursing Workforce in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper examines various aspects of the nursing and midwifery workforce in Africa, looking at education and supply systems; recruitment, retention and motivation and career systems. It further investigates attrition from migration and HIV/AIDS, as well as other factors and makes some recommendations on how to move forward using examples of experiences from countries. These experiences, albeit on a small scale, show promise of good results after being scaled up. [author’s description]
- 5154 reads
Rising to the Challenges of Human Resources for Health in Kenya: Developing Empirical Evidence for Policy Making
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the human resources for health (HRH) currently available and required to reach the targets set by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in both the public sector and the faith-based organizations (FBOs) in Kenya. A stratified convenience sample of health facilities at all levels of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) in each of the eight provinces was selected for the assessment. Detailed information on human resources and provision of services related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, maternal health, and child health was collected.
- 3521 reads
Workforce Planning for the Health Sector
One of the current recommendations for tackling the health sector staffing crisis faced by many countries is that they should have comprehensive and coherent human resources for health (HRH) strategic plans. Such plans normally include strategies for strengthening performance of staff, improving staff retention and adapting to any major structural changes that may be occurring. A key component of the wider HRH strategic plan is a workforce plan. This plan enables senior managers to scan and analyze human resources (HR) data routinely, determine relevant policy questions and institute policies to ensure that adequate numbers of staff with appropriate skills are available where and when they are needed. [author’s description]
- 2674 reads
Medical Leave: the Exodus of Health Professionals from Zimbabwe
The study aimed to establish the magnitude of migration of health professionals, its causes and to document the associated impacts on service delivery. [author’s description]
- 3194 reads
Comprehensive Assessment of Human Resources for Health in Cote d'Ivoire
Partners for Health Reformplus conducted a comprehensive assessment of the public health sector in Côte d’Ivoire to quantify HR available and what is needed to maintain basic health services while scaling up HIV/AIDS services to reach targets at the national level and at the global level through initiatives such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the World Health Organization’s 3 by 5 Initiative, and the Millennium Development Goals. [from abstract]
- 2357 reads
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Report on Work Force Capacity and HIV/AIDS
This report identifies innovative approaches countries are using to address the shortages of health care workers and describes efforts to achieve long-term sustainability. [author’s description]
- 13386 reads
Survival and Retention Strategies for Malawian Health Professionals
The broad objective of this paper is to contribute to the retention of health workers in Malawi by providing an enhanced understanding of health workers’ coping strategies, together with the identification of possible strategies that could impact on their retention. [from author]
- 4166 reads
Strengthening the Quality of Human Resources for Health Oriented Toward the District and Village Levels in Lao People's Democratic Republic
This document contains a country analysis on HRH covering situations, trends, and priority problems including issues in undifferentiated strategies of health sector development for remote areas and the shortage and maldistribution of well trained nurses and community nurses. It also includes a discussion on HRH development, strategies and policies in Lao PDR. [adapted from author]
- 2696 reads
Forecasting the Human Resource for Health Requirement in China by the Year 2015
This document report on the trends of HRH during past fifty years including the issues of unqualified doctors in rural areas, geographical differences in HRH, and the increase in medical school graduates. It also forecasts HRH needs for fifteen years from 2000 to 2015.
- 4183 reads
Demographic Implications for Health Human Resources for Bangladesh
This paper is mainly intended to show the demographic implications for Bangladesh’s Health-human resources production in the next two decades as absolute increase in Population is still too high that the economy can cope with. [author’s description]
- 4038 reads
Investing in Tanzanian Human Resources for Health
Using Tanzania as a case study, this report advocates that the only effective means of really addressing the HRH challenge inpoor countries is to begin to immediately scale up training capacity, and that approach is relatively inexpensive when compared to its long-term benefits. [adapted from author]
- 4043 reads
Human and Financial Resource Requirements for Scaling Up HIV/AIDS Services in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is currently one of the countries most seriously affected by HIV/AIDS, with the sixth highest number of infections in the world. This paper discusses how to combat this epidemic. As the country scales up HIV/AIDS services, increased attention is focused on identifying constraints to program expansion. One of the most important constraints is that of human resources. [from publisher’s abstract]
- 3382 reads
Tools for Planning and Developing Human Resources for HIV/AIDS and Other Health Services
The tools and guidelines collected in this book will assist health program managers, policymakers, and leaders to assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on the health workforce and its capacity to deliver and scale up HIV/AIDS services. The book provides materials to help decision-makers develop a strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS, for both a short-term emergency response and a longer-term plan to strengthen HRM systems. This compilation also includes a tool developed by the World Health Organization to help HIV/AIDS programs to achieve a more sustainable workforce appropriately trained to provide ART.
- 4135 reads
Modified Population-to-Physician Ratio Method to Project Future Physician Requirement in Thailand
Imbalance in the cadre mix, number, distribution, and quality of health personnel are major concerns for health planners and policy makers. Many methods were developed and used to project future supply and requirement for health personnel. This paper modified the population-to-physician ratio method, by taking into account the specific characteristics of the Thai health care system, and of the future economic scenarios to project requirements of Thai physicians over the next twenty-five years. [from abstract]
- 5231 reads
Survey of the Existing Health Workforce of Ministry of Health, Bangladesh
The objective of this study is to present and analyze different issues relating to the existing workforce in the health services of Bangladesh under the Ministry of Health. [from abstract]
- 5670 reads
WPRO/RTC Health Workforce Planning Workbook
This workbook has been designed to help you produce a workforce plan. The workbook is set out as the draft of workforce plan for Department of Health of a mythical small island country, Planania. Your task is to make changes in the content of this draft so as to produce a draft plan for your health authority. Although the workbook was designed for use at national level in small countries, it has been used in preparing workforce plans for health systems serving populations of several million people. It can be used for planning at district, regional or national level.
- 3355 reads
Guide to Rapid Assessment of Human Resources for Health
This rapid-assessment guide is designed to help users arrive at a global overview of a country’s HRH situation. The guide is designed to help users assess current HRH constraints and challenges to “scaling up” health interventions. HRH main issues include: Policy, regulation and planning; Management and performance improvement; Labour market; Education, training and research; HRH and priority health programmes; and Monitoring and evaluation. [author’s description]
- 3117 reads
Providers of Health Services in Lebanon: A Survey of Physicians
The objective of this study was to assess the supply of physicians in Lebanon in 1998, with an assessment of their practice patterns and capacity building. [from abstract]
- 1835 reads
Internship Workplace Preferences of Final-Year Medical Students at Zagreb University Medical School, Croatia: All Roads Lead to Zagreb
Human resources management in health often encounters problems related to workforce geographical distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate the internship workplace preferences of final-year medical students and the reasons associated with their choices. [from abstract]
- 2247 reads
Health Workforce Development: An Overview
There have been reported shortages in both the regulated and unregulated workforce in New Zealand, in particular of medical practitioners, nurses in primary care, mental health professionals, allied and primary health professionals, Māori and Pacific practitioners, and support workers. There is also an ongoing issue of a maldistribution of workers between rural and urban locations. In the future, the constraints on labour supply in New Zealand will necessitate a much greater focus on growing the health workforce and improving the performance and productivity of the available workforce.
- 2596 reads
Australia's Health Workforce: Research Report
Australia is experiencing workforce shortages across a number of health professions despite a significant and growing reliance on overseas trained health workers. The shortages are even more acute in rural and remote areas. It is critical to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the available health workforce, and to improve its distribution. This report describes the Australian government’s objectives of developing a more sustainable and responsive health workforce while maintaining a commitment to high quality and safe health outcomes. A set of national workforce objectives are also proposed.
- 3638 reads
Health Workforce Crisis in TB Control: A Report From High-Burden Countries
Human resources (HR) constraints have been reported as one of the main barriers to achieving the 2005 global tuberculosis (TB) control targets in 18 of the 22 TB high-burden countries (HBCs); consequently we try to assess the current HR available for TB control in HBCs. A standard questionnaire designed to collect information on staff numbers, skills, training activities and current staff shortages at different health service levels was sent to national TB control programme managers in all HBCs. [From abstract]
- 1790 reads